Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 974: Listen to the sound of everything

Above this Noah, Lin Tian could hear the conversation between the sea kings and the murlocs, which can be said to be startled by many sea kings.

Looking up at the many sea kings above, Lin Tian said: "Although I don't know what kind of ethnic group you mentioned in the sea kings, I can be sure that I am just a very ordinary human."

"Then how did you hear our conversation? Are you a human being with some special abilities, just like the human being in your hands."

"No!" Shaking his head, Lin Tian explained: "I am different from Luffy. He is a natural king. I just can hear the sound of everything because I have seen that the color is too powerful."

As I said before, I said two years ago that the souls of everyone returning from Huangquan have undergone unknown changes. The most obvious is the increase in color domineering, and Lin Tian saw that the color domineering was originally because the thunder fruit is so powerful that it can cover a country. , Plus the exercise two years ago, after the battle with the Red Earl, Lin Tian saw that the domineering color entered a wonderful stage, able to listen to the sounds of all things, whether it was plants or creatures, he could hear clearly.

Listening to the sound of all things, Lin Tian heard this word for the first time from Lei Li’s mouth. At the beginning, Lin Tian was shocked when he saw how domineering had progressed to this point, but after some realization, Lin Tian also Accepted this.

The ability to listen to the colors of all things allowed Lin Tian to experience the same feelings as Roger had 20 years ago. In the past, Lin Tian saw the world through his eyes, but what he saw was more of the surface of the world.

But now Lin Tian sees the world through sound. Unlike his eyes, the world under the sound is more real and more touching.

"Domineering? I know this kind of power belongs to the special power of human beings, but I didn't expect this kind of power to have this kind of effect, and it can actually listen to the sound of everything"

"Hey, guys, do you remember that twenty years ago, there was also a human who seemed to hear our voice"

"It seems to be, he was still shouting in the sea at the time, who was talking, I didn't expect that today we suddenly saw two of them"

In addition to Lin Tian, ​​the two people in the Neptune's mouth also had a Luffy. Luffy also heard the Neptune's voice just before, and this was naturally noticed by the Neptune's.

"Humanity, although I don't know why you became Bai Xing's brother, but it is undeniable that you are a very powerful human being, stronger than us."

These sea kings can feel the amount of violent violence contained in Lin Tian’s thin body, and just now, they came to stop Noah, and clearly sensed a death-like crisis. If Lin Tian stopped in time, they would not dare to approach. Noah.

"We can't stay on the edge of the fisherman island to protect Lord White Star. Now Lord White Star is too young to control the power that can summon us. This time you can protect Lord White Star. We thank you on behalf of many Neptunes. ".

With that said, several Neptunes around him nodded to Lin Tian to express their gratitude. Bai Xing was the king of their Neptunes, and Lin Tian was the great benefactor of the Neptunes who protected Bai Xing.

Facing the sight of seven or eight giant sea kings nodding their heads, even Lin Tian was severely shocked. Each of these sea kings has a length of more than 5,000 meters, which is the dominant level of the sea kings. Classes generally do not go to the surface of the sea, and only appear accidentally in the deep sea at a depth of 10,000 meters.

And now these sea kings are thanking themselves, Lin Tian's tough heart is also a little unholdable, this kind of thing probably has not been there in the past.

"Well, now that Noah stopped and the fisherman island crisis has been resolved, let's go and put Noah back to the original place."

With that, several sea king mouths bit the huge chains on Noah's bow, pulling Noah to leave.

"Wait a minute, sea kings!" Seeing that the sea kings were about to leave, Lin Tian hurriedly reached out and shouted, he also hoped that these sea kings could solve some problems with him.

Hearing Lin Tian yelling, the sea kings who were about to act stopped, turned back to Lin Tian and asked in confusion, "Humans, what are you doing to stop us?"

"I want to know something"


"I want to know what is going on with Noah, and the question that White Star can summon you. The last one is that since White Star is the king of your Neptune, why is it recorded as an ancient weapon in the mouth of mankind."

Lin Tian asked three questions in a series, and Lin Tian eagerly wanted to know these three questions. The historical text records are really limited, and many things are intermittent and cannot be connected in series.

These questions may be answered by the Neptunes, and none of them knows how many years they have existed.

Since in that one-hundred-year history, Bai Xing's appointment as the king of the sea kings will be recorded as the three ancient weapons of mankind, Poseidon, it is also said that the previous king of the seas has led the sea kings to participate in the world change. The war that caused the current world pattern.

And based on what is recorded in the historical text in the submarine forest, it can be determined that it was because of the human Joey Boy relationship that the sea king king would join the war.

It was also because of that war that the Murloc clan became what it is now, that is why Joey Boye wrote the confession in the historical text, and forged Noah to reach an agreement with the past King of Murloc Island , The purpose is to wait for a certain day in the future to realize that agreement.

Probably, Lin Tian knew a little about the development of the matter, but it involved the causes and consequences of the matter. Only by gathering all the historical texts could he explain clearly.

But these sea kings are different. They may have participated in the battle that year, so they must know what happened in those 100 years.

"No? Humans, I can't tell you. If you can ask these questions, it means that you probably know that period of history, and you should also understand that the time has not yet reached that period of history to unravel!"

"So when is the time for history to unravel?" Lin Tian asked aloud.

Lin Tian had seen this ‘time’ in the historical text. It was the epilogue of the historical text, and such a sentence was written on it.

"When time comes, everything hidden will surely reappear in the world!"

Lin Tian couldn't understand what this time was. It would be wrong if Rafdev was discovered in the place where the rumors were said. If it was true, Roger could tell it twenty years ago.

The reappearance of the historical text is wrong. Roger and the others know the historical text, and Roger was in control of two ancient weapons except Poseidon.

Just as the Golden Lion once invited Roger, relying on the two people to join forces with ancient weapons, there is no problem against the world government.

Roger was in control of ancient weapons, and at that time, the strong man in the sea was like a cloud, and he was already Roger's Pirate King. At that time, even the world government was shocked when Roger controlled the power.

But why did Roger, who possessed such a powerful force, didn’t act at all, instead disbanding all the crew? What he got in Loveford back then must be more than just the historical text. Roger is likely to know the end of the time. What is it.

Not only Roger, but Baibeard also knew that, but the two of the world's strongest men did not say this when they were dying, they just told the world a key to unlock the secret.

"When the promise comes!"

Only the last voice reverberated in the sea water. After speaking, many sea kings ignored Lin Tian's inquiry and directly pulled Noah away.

A wry smile appeared on his face, Lin Tian immediately shook his head helplessly, what on earth was restricting them, and when did the time come.


"Dear citizens, due to the sudden incident, it is impossible to say a word, but this is undoubtedly a fact. Noah stopped. Noah was not completely destroyed. The straw hat boy succeeded!"

Quiet! The entire Murloc Island was silent for a moment, and everyone was stunned by the news. The next second, deafening cheers resounded over the entire island, and the joy of escaping from death exploded in an instant.

The missing mermaid on the other side was found in Dragon Palace. The rumor that the Straw Hat boys kidnapped the Murloc Island is self-defeating.

At the same time, with the defeat of Hoddy and the rest of the cadres, the remaining murloc army in the square broke up and surrendered to the Neptune Army.

Neptune took Noah and left, and Luffy, who had lost a lot of blood, was taken to the square by Bai Xing and Lin Although Luffy’s wound had been stopped by Lin Tian, ​​a lot of blood was lost and the amount of bleeding was too great. Luffy fell into a coma for a while.

And if you can't give Luffy a blood transfusion as soon as possible, Luffy will be in danger of life, but Luffy's blood type is extremely rare F type, and no one in the Straw Hat Pirates can have it.

There are hundreds of thousands of murlocs in the square. Of course, some of these murlocs have the same blood type as Luffy, but none of the murlocs dared to stand up because of the rules of this country. Human blood transfusion.

"If there is no one, I can only grab one at random. As for any **** law, just throw it away." Looking at the many murlocs on the side, Lin Tian didn't want to wait any longer. The longer the time. , Luffy is more dangerous.

"Wait a minute, Lin Tian"

At this moment, Jinping stood up, stopped Lin Tian from moving, and said, "No need to do it, my blood type is F, just use my blood."

With that, Jin Ping rolled up his sleeves and lay directly on the edge of Lu Fei, quietly waiting for Chopper on the side to prepare for the blood transfusion.

Under the nervous eyes of hundreds of thousands of fish people, the blood donated by Jinping slowly flowed through the catheter, and finally flowed into Luffy's body.

At this moment, the square was calm. The moment when the blood of Shenping entered Luffy's body, it not only saved Luffy's life, but also broke the curse that murlocs could not give blood to humans for hundreds of years.

As Jinping's blood flowed into Lu Fei's body, Lu Fei, whose eyes were closed, finally woke up. He glanced at Jin Ping who was lying beside him. Lu Fei looked at the sun scattered above his head with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Jinping!"


"Be my companion!!!"

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