With the end of the war, the fisherman island that was trapped in the war immediately entered the recovery phase after the war. The dead were buried, new buildings began to be built on the ruins, and the fisherman island resumed its former peaceful life.

The rebellion caused by Hoddy has made the hatred between humans and murlocs that have finally faded in the course of time become clear again, but the action of the Straw Hats to save the murlocs with their lives has won the entire murlocs’ thanks and friendship. At the same time, it also carried a star bud in the hearts of many residents of Murloc Island.

Although it is still very weak, but over time, this young sprout will always grow, and then humans and murlocs can truly live in peace.

The kidnapped murloc was found in Dragon Palace. The last misunderstanding of Luffy and others kidnapping the murloc was also resolved. Now Luffy and others are being regarded as the great benefactors of the entire Murloc Island. King Neptune hosted a very big event. Thanks to Lu Fei and others for the banquet.

On the other hand, Lin Tian and Robin thoroughly told King Neptune about the identity of the White Star. As the father of the White Star, King Neptune had to know this.

With his hands on his chest, King Neptune sat halfway on the steps. After listening to Lin Tian’s words, King Neptune had been silent for a long time. He thought that the death of Fandi Deyken had already allowed Bai Xing to summon Neptunes. Things come to an end.

But what Lin Tian told King Neptune made King Neptune have to accept. Not only did it not end, it was just a beginning.

King Neptune was a little unbelievable: "Why did there exist such powers that could destroy the world in ancient times? Three ancient weapons named after gods, Pluto, Uranus, and the last white star, Neptune Poseidon, the white star is just a simple , A kind child, why should she bear the name of ancient weapons on her body".

Nodding his head, Robin said: "Just so, once the identity of the White Star is announced, various forces in the world will definitely try to get the power of the White Star, no matter the government or the pirate."

"So I have to find ways to prevent the news that the White Star is an ancient weapon in the rumor from leaking out," said King Neptune with a flash of worry on his face.

Regarding the seriousness of the White Star’s identity, King Neptune naturally knows. Just like Robin said, if it is really leaked out, I am afraid that the overlords of the world will gather on Murloc Island, and then it will be Murloc Island. The disaster of extinction.

"I'm afraid I don't have to wait for you to prevent it, King Neptune, I'm afraid that the information about the ancient weapons of Bai Xing has been leaked out," the silent Lin Tian suddenly said.


Hearing that, Robin and King Neptune's face suddenly changed, and the White Star news had leaked out.

King Neptune asked quickly: "Lin Tian, ​​what the **** is going on? How did the news of Bai Xing leak out?"

Next, Lin Tian told King Neptune about the black hand behind Hodi, pushing the Murloc Island rebellion, and killing Fandi Deken in the end.

Since the other party has already approached the two guys Hoddy and Fandi Deaken, and supported them from behind, it is very likely that they knew of the existence of the White Star. Apart from the White Star, there is nothing worthy of human forces in this place on Fishman Island. Of course, the revolutionary army is different. They need to use the fisherman island as a link to open up the revolutionary army on the entire great route.

Robin dragged his chin and speculated: "It is not possible, but affirmation. Hordy is afraid of Princess White Star. He will definitely tell the other party about this matter and use the other party to solve the threat of White Star."

"But why did they not take action in this rebellion!" King Neptune asked strangely.

It was just a Hordy. If it weren't for Lin Tian and others' help, he would almost overthrow the rule of Murloc Island. If the black hand behind him also blocked Lin Tian and others, maybe the Murloc would have been destroyed by Noah's impact.

Lin Tian replied: "It should be because of our arrival that they were not sure of success, so these guys finally chose to push Hodie outside, but they secretly pushed everything, including using Noah to destroy Murloc Island, I am afraid it is also The idea of ​​those guys".

When he said this, Lin Tian was not unsure. When he caught Fandi Deaken, Lin Tian was certain that the other party was also on the Noah. Unfortunately, the other party was able to isolate his domineering exploration. Big, if it took time to find them one by one, the Murloc Island would have been destroyed by Noah's impact.

After listening, King Neptune looked worried, "That is to say, everything is not over yet. Although the opponent has left, due to the power in the white star, the opponent will definitely not give up, and wait for the next time they come again. , That's when they are fully prepared."

The next time the other party makes a move, he must be fully prepared. Then what should the fisherman island do? Not every time there will be such a lucky thing as Lin Tian and others just appear on the fisherman island.

Moreover, the fact that the White Star is an ancient weapon has been leaked out, and it may not be a human force that will be greeted at that time, and even the government may not be able to help it.

"But..." Seeing the worry on King Neptune's face, Lin Tian persuaded: "You don't need to worry so much, King Neptune, the other side of Bai Xing's life experience will definitely not tell other forces, and no one wants to be for nothing. A competitor, in any case, in this sea is the world of your murlocs."

Murlocs in the deep sea can exert their due strength, but for humans, the deep sea has many limitations and it is difficult to exert its own combat power, and the sea is also the nemesis of the devil fruit ability. After all, the ability like Lin Tian may be the world only one.

Suddenly, Robin reached out and put his arm around Lin Tian's arm and asked Xiang Lin Tian expectantly, "By the way, Lin Tian, ​​do you have any way to help Fishman Island?"

Murloc Island has a history of thousands of years. This is a long-standing Chinese New Year. Robin really does not want to see Murloc Island disappear into history.

After thinking about it carefully, in the end Lin Tian just shook his head. He didn't have a good solution to this problem, and they couldn't stay on the fisherman island all the time.

Suddenly, the silent King Neptune raised his head, as if he had made some major decision. His eyes were fixed on Lin Tian. King Neptune asked in a deep voice: "Lin Tian, ​​as the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, I want to ask you. If we agree to that decision, what kind of bargaining chip will your revolutionary army offer?"

Upon hearing King Neptune's words, Lin Tian and Robin were stunned. Then Lin Tian and Robin looked at each other with a touch of joy. Robin naturally knew what that decision meant.

Since half a year ago, the Revolutionary Army has proposed a strategy of wooing Merman Island. As the center of the world, the Great Route is divided into two halves by the Red Earth Continent. One side is the New World and the other is the first half of the Great Route. Outside of these routes, there is only the Murloc Island, which is 10,000 meters under the sea.

If Fishman Island can join the Revolutionary Army, it is equivalent to the Revolutionary Army’s control of one of the two routes along with the great route. With this route, the forces of the Revolutionary Army at both ends of the great route can be connected. Revolutionary drama strategy plays a vital role.

But for half a year, King Neptune did not have any definite news about the revolutionary army’s wooing, but now King Neptune actually proposed this, indicating that King Neptune had agreed to join the revolutionary army camp in his heart. The decision is what bargaining chip the revolutionary army will put forward and whether it meets the conditions in King Neptune's heart.

Depressing the joy in his heart, Lin Tian paused, and then said to King Neptune: "King Neptune, if the fisherman island joins the revolutionary army camp, your fisherman island will become a member of the revolutionary army and will be our companion. ."

After finishing his polite words, Lin Tian immediately stated the conditions that King Neptune was most concerned about. "First, we will build a submarine fortress next to it, and send a large number of revolutionary soldiers to garrison secretly to provide protection to the fisherman island. The second and third teams of Shadows will be stationed on Murloc Island, including a military owner, and we will provide any assistance to Murloc Island whether it is materials or personnel."

"What, Lin Tian, ​​are you sure what you are saying is true!" King Neptune exclaimed suddenly, breathing quickly, I have to say that these conditions of Lin Tian completely moved King Nepton.

After listening to Lin Tian's condition~www.wuxiaspot.com~ King Neptune was indeed shocked, not only King Neptune, even Robin was shocked.

After the top of the war, after two years, the name of the shadow has become famous in the world. The second team and the third team of the shadow can be said to be at least one-third of the combat power of the entire shadow. There is also a commander who is comparable to a navy admiral. Soldiers are permanently stationed, even if this kind of power is sufficient to surpass most of the current maritime hegemons, this kind of power is no worse than the headquarters of the Shanghai Navy.

Although the navy headquarters are strong, most of the strong also often go out to perform tasks, and the number of troops stationed throughout the year is about the same.

It is precisely because of this that Robin and King Neptune were surprised that the revolutionary army had placed such a powerful force on the fisherman island.

Nodded, Lin Tian confirmed: "I am already the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, and I can be sure that these are the promises of the revolutionary army to the fisherman island."

Regarding the issue of Fishman Island, Lin Tian had discussed with Long a long time ago. Fishman Island is very important to the revolutionary army's strategy. It is not only connected to the great shipping route, but also directly under the center of the world government, Marigioa.

In the opinion given by the Revolutionary Army Staff, a submarine fortress is to be built here, not only to guard the route of the Murloc Island, but also to put a powerful force here to support the two parts of the great route at any time. There is also an ambush soldier who can quickly launch a sneak attack at Mariagio from the bottom of the sea, swinging his sword directly at the center of the world government.

In Lin Tian's view, these forces are necessary, because the fisherman island will become a center of materials and personnel connecting the great route in the future.

Long also gave Lin Tian full authority to handle the order, so what Lin Tian said now represents the opinions of the highest level of the revolutionary army.

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