Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 976: Murloc Island and the Revolutionary Army are allied!

It stands to reason that Lin Tian’s conditions are already very good. With such a powerful force guarding the fisherman island, plus the location of 10,000 meters deep in the sea, who can threaten the safety of the fisherman island, and unconditional materials and personnel to support the fish Human Island developed, but Neptune's expression changed and changed.

As a king and a ruler, King Neptune understands better than ordinary people that there is no free lunch in this world, and the revolutionary army must have something to ask for if the revolutionary army comes up with such difficult conditions.

So this is where the King Neptune worries. If the conditions of the revolutionary army are too much, what should he do as the king of Fishman Island.

After a pause, King Neptune said straight to the point: "Lin Tian, ​​let's say it together, if I join your revolutionary army, what will your revolutionary army want from the fisherman island".

Regarding King Neptune’s question, Lin Tian was already prepared to extend three thumbs and said: "Our revolutionary army requires three. The first point is that Fishman Island must assist the revolutionary army in its operations. The revolutionary army must recruit a part of the murlocs to form a special army, and the last thing on the murloc island is to conceal information about the revolutionary army as much as possible.

After listening to Lin Tian, ​​King Neptune was taken aback. It was not that Lin Tian's conditions were too difficult, but the revolutionary army's conditions were too low.

First of all, let me talk about the first and third points. Since they joined the revolutionary army, they are also members of the revolutionary army. It is inevitable to assist the revolutionary army in its operations. As for the second point, let alone the second point, Fishman Island has become a secretive member of the revolutionary army. Lin Tian said, Fishman Island will definitely not let a secret leak out. Could it be that the world government gathers troops to destroy Fishman Island?

As for the second point, King Neptune felt a little strange. What did the Revolutionary Army want the Murloc Army? Although strange, King Neptune was not unacceptable. As a member of the Revolutionary Army, it was inevitable to contribute to the Revolutionary Army.

In fact, King Neptune didn't know that as a murloc, the whole world has entered the age of navigation, and mainly slightly ambitious people have joined the era of navigation, and the sea gathers the most elite humans of this era.

And if you want to overthrow the rule of the world government, the revolutionary army not only needs to have a strong force on land, but also on the sea, but the revolutionary army that has only been established within a short period of time is still not enough to control the powerful force in this sea of ​​strong people. less.

Therefore, Lin Tian set his sights on the murlocs. The murlocs have ten times the strength of a human being. They do not need to exercise to be a soldier who is comparable to the elite navy.

And the murlocs can exert stronger power in the sea. The murlocs in the sea are enough to defeat the strong humans who are far more powerful than their own. For example, if Jinping is in the sea, the entire world will not find a few humans who are opponents. .

Besides, Luffy, a demon fruit capable person, completely abused Hoodi on land, but in the sea, he was indeed abused by Hoodi and was almost killed.

If thousands of murlocs have received high-intensity training and form an army to wander in the sea, it will be an invincible army, just like a pack of ferocious wolves in the sea. No human army can defeat the murlocs in the sea. The army, if such an army is in the hands, all maritime transportation lines in the world will be under the blade of the revolutionary army.

And this happens to be very important to the revolutionary army. If the maritime transportation line is lost, the war potential of the world government will be greatly reduced.

Even if the conditions of the Revolutionary Army were too favorable, King Neptune had to go through some careful consideration, because if he agreed, then Fishman Island would be completely tied to the Revolutionary Army chariot. Once the Revolutionary Army finally overthrew the world government, it would be fine. If it is extinguished by the world government, then Murloc Island will also be destroyed.

Compared with King Neptune’s careful consideration, Lin Tian was very confident. As a king, King Neptune first considered the safety of Murloc Island, and Lin Tian’s conditions happened to perfectly solve the problem of the safety of Murloc Island.

The second and third squadrons of Shadows plus a revolutionary army leader, unless the navy headquarters come together, otherwise it is not to attack the fisherman island 10,000 meters deep in the sea.

Compared with the current corruption of the world government from the inside out, in the face of many national crises, the revolutionary army, as the embodiment of the will of the world's bottom residents, has become stronger and stronger. At any time, it is better to give charcoal in the snow than to icing on the cake.

After a few minutes of deliberation, King Neptune finally made the decision and took a deep breath. It is about the future of Fishman Island. King Neptune is more serious than ever: "As King Neptune, King of Dragon Palace, I am here. Announced that Murloc Island will join the revolutionary army array".

When he finally heard these words, Lin Tian showed a happy smile on his face, and said with a smile, "Welcome Fishman Island to become a member of the revolutionary army and contribute a powerful force to the revolutionary cause of the world."

After more than half a year saw the end of the saw, then, the revolutionary army strategy finally fully unfolded, and they are one step closer to the overthrow of the world government.

After a pause, Lin Tian said: "I will pass back to the Revolutionary Army headquarters about the fisherman island joining the Revolutionary Army. At that time, the headquarters will have specialized personnel to discuss specific matters."

After all, what Lin Tian and King Neptune said was just a verbal agreement. How could it be possible not to sign the agreement for this kind of alliance.

A few seconds after he finished speaking, Lin Tian's words suddenly turned, "But before that, we need to solve a small bug."

The faces of King Neptune and Robin changed at the same time, and someone was listening to their conversation, but they didn't even realize it.

When the voice fell, Lin Tian's figure flashed, and when Lin Tian appeared in front of him again, he held a very disgusting guy in his hand.

He was tall and thin, with a beard, and his face had a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek. It didn't look like a good person, and the stone licked his chin, half of his body was still gray mud, even if Robin saw him for the first time , His face couldn't help showing a disgusting look.

Although disgusting, Robin immediately recognized the person caught by Lin Tian, ​​and said in surprise: "Isn't this the newest supernova with a bounty of 220 million wet hair calibres?"

Holding the disgusting guy in his hand, Lin Tian also had some impressions of this Pirate Supernova, that was when he was in the fake straw hat Pirates group.

Raising Carrib in his hand, Lin Tiandao said: "Yes, this guy, who has a bounty of up to two hundred and twenty million, is considered a certain skill. He is a natural ability person. It's no wonder that he can get from Lindena and Xinhuannahan. People escaped from the hands, as for the previous kidnapping of mermaid and the stealing of treasures from Dragon Palace, it should be him."

King Neptune said angrily: "What, this guy kidnapped the mermaids!".

If he hadn't kidnapped the mermaid, they would not frame the straw hat gang, nor would they have a series of misunderstandings.

"No, don't kill me", Caribu struggled desperately: "I let all the murlocs go. As for the stolen treasures, I will return them to you. Please don't kill me."

Originally, after Carrib had stolen the treasure and handed it to his younger brother, he wanted to leave after some searching, but who knew that the murloc army rushed back and sealed the exit. In desperation, Carrib had to hide, thinking I took the opportunity to escape, but who knew it happened to hear Lin Tian and others talking.

Whether it’s the secret of ancient weapons or the fact that Fishman Island joined the Revolutionary Army, I’ve heard it clearly. I am delighted to hear this shocking secret inadvertently. Caribou is thinking about how to use this secret to gain more benefits for himself, including kidnapping. The mermaid princess with the ability to summon the sea king.

However, Lin Tian's last words shocked him, and he was about to run away, but just a punch Lin Tian made him weak and became what he is now.

Hearing Kalibu’s begging for mercy, Lin Tian sneered, "Karib? Do you think you can leave here alive after hearing everything. You are too naive. As a brutal newcomer, don’t you know the world? The dead are the ones who can keep secrets best."



On the other side, after the banquet was over, everyone was staying in a hall of a palace.

"En? The green pheasant and the red dog are fighting!" Lu Fei was surprised with two pieces of barbecue in his hand.

At the time of the war, the green pheasant and the red dog were not both admirals of the navy. It stands to reason that they should be companions. How could they fight, Luffy couldn't figure out.

"Hey..." It was their turn to be very surprised. "You don't know this kind of thing. Haven't Lin Tian and Leili told you?"

" Lei Li and Lin Tian have never told me anything other than cultivation, for fear of disturbing my cultivation", Lu Fei explained on the side.

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said: "That's right, after all, that matter is really not suitable for you to know, otherwise it will definitely disrupt your practice."

Thinking about the resurrection of Old Brother Ace, Jinping also somewhat understood the thoughts of Lin Tian and Lei Li. At that time, Luffy was indeed not suitable for contact with major events outside.

After a pause, Jinping said, "Just after the war was over two years ago, the Marshal of the Warring States Period resigned. The Warring States Period wanted to recommend the Aoi pheasant trusted by his subordinates as the Marshal of the Navy. Advantages, it is difficult for both parties to decide."

"But at this time, the green pheasant, who is usually not willing to do things, is very opposed to the red dog being a marshal. He feels that his method of doing things is not suitable for the navy. The two confronted each other and evolved into a battle on a small island. No one died. In other words, the loser shuts up, and the naval command is given to the winner."

"The ten-day battle has now become the talk of the world. Although the two are almost equal in strength, they still have the winner. The winner is the red dog, the new Navy Marshal Sakaski."

Nami sat aside and asked curiously, "So the blue pheasant is dead?"

Before he waited, Brooke, who was drinking coffee quietly, interrupted.

"Yo ha ha ha... how is it possible, the green pheasant is still alive and well, we have also fought side by side together! But he deserves to be the highest combat power of the world government"

"What!!" An exclamation sounded

These short sentences shocked everyone, including Jinping, who looked at the calm Brook in amazement.

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