The room was shocked. Everyone was stunned by the news of Brooke. What Brooke said was amazing.

Even Usopp, who was eating brace, screamed and sat up from the ground, and asked, "What's the matter? Brook, why did you fight with the green pheasant?"

"The green pheasant is a general of the navy headquarters, one of the highest combat power of the world government, how can he fight with you"

"Yeah, Brook, what is going on?"

A series of inquiries came, everyone was shocked at the same time a little hard to accept the news, how could the justice admiral the blue pheasant be with the pirates, and it is impossible for Brook to fight with the blue pheasant.

Putting down the coffee in his hand, Brooke calmly explained: "After the navy battle, although the green pheasant was defeated, for the comrades who have fought together for many years, even the red dog was moved with compassion. In the end, he did not attack the green pheasant. I couldn't stand the red dog becoming the admiral of the navy, so the blue pheasant left the navy headquarters and joined us as one of us."

"You guys, Brooke, what are you talking about, why am I getting more and more incomprehensible", covering his head, Usopp looked confused when he listened. A green pheasant hasn't explained why there are others.

In the curious eyes of everyone, Brooke then gathered Lin Tian to save Firefist Ace and gathered a group of top powerhouses such as Eagle Eye, Lei Li, Qing Pheasant, Shi Zhihao, etc. to form the Blazing Pirates and break into Huangquan. In the township, tell everyone the story of saving Ace.

Suddenly, the room fell into a terrible silence, and it was not an exaggeration to describe it as a needle drop. Everyone was stunned by what Brooke said.

It’s not that everyone’s ability to accept is too weak. It’s that what Brooke said completely subverted everyone’s conception of the world, especially the concept of Huangquan. Things like Huangquan exist in mythology, but they are sitting in front of them. A person who has been to Huangquan twice.

What shocked everyone the most was that the Firefist Ace's resurrection event that shocked the world back then actually concealed such a thing.

Brooke, who had finished speaking, was sitting quietly on the side, tasting the coffee in his hand, and giving everyone a reaction time. When Brooke heard what Lin Tian said, he was shocked and showed everyone the same.

The fastest reaction was Luffy, who froze for a second. Luffy was so shocked that he flew upside down and hit the stone pillar behind him. The powerful force directly knocked the stone pillar out of a humanoid mark.

The next second, Luffy flew up from the stone pillar and approached Brooke, shaking Brooke with both hands, and asked with excitement, "Brook, are you true? Ace was really rescued by you from Huangquan. , He is still alive".

"'s true," Brooke replied incoherently with his head dizzy under the shaking of Luffy.

Hearing Brooke's affirmative answer, Luffy's joy burst out like a tide, and he let go of Brooke with both hands, jumped up from the ground with a scream, and exclaimed with great joy.

"Great, great, Ace is still alive!"

Luffy’s inner joy can no longer be described in words. Two years ago, after hearing the news of Ace’s death, Luffy was in a coma for a week. That kind of deep-rooted pain was the first time Luffy’s whole life felt. So, this kind of pain is more terrifying than death.

It took a full two years to exercise every day in the isolated island and put all his energy into the exercise, and Luffy finally forgot the death of Ace from his heart.

But this time Luffy was so excited to hear that Ace had been living in the world.

Brook, who fell to the ground, clutched his dizzy head and sat up from the ground, looking at Luffy who was extremely excited, and asked curiously: "Why, did Lin Tian tell you this? At that time, Ace was still in his daughter. Island stayed for a while to recover his body"

"Yes, Luffy! It stands to reason that Ace should visit you after his resurrection." Sanji also felt very strange.

The incident of Firefist Ace's death and resurrection shocked the world. It stands to reason that everyone in the world has heard of this incident, let alone Luffy as his younger brother.

Shaking his head, Luffy touched the back of his head, feeling very confused, "Why do you all know, I don't know, and Lin Tian has never told me these things, and Ace has never seen me."

"Since Lin Tian didn't tell Luffy about Ace, maybe he has his own thoughts," Nami said on the side. With Nami's understanding of Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian probably did it for Luffy.

In fact, Luffy didn't know that Ace visited Luffy at the time, but kept hiding in the dark without meeting Luffy, because neither Lin Tian nor Ace wanted to disturb Luffy's practice.

At that time, Luffy put all his pains into practice, and practiced crazy devil practice every day under the guidance of Raleigh. Regarding the death of Ace, Luffy always thought that he was too weak to save Ace. Therefore, Luffy eagerly hoped that he could become stronger and possess stronger power to protect everything.

Ace was afraid of interrupting Luffy's growth because of his appearance. Regarding this, Raleigh also agreed with Ace's approach, and Ace's death could continuously turn into Luffy's forward momentum.

Luffy raised his head to look at Jinping, and asked excitedly, "By the way, Jinping, how is Ace now?"

After thinking about it, Jinping said very seriously: "You people should listen carefully. Next, I will explain the four major things that have happened in the world in the past two years."

"The first one is the son of the original Pirate King Roger, the captain of the White Beard Pirates Second Division, Huoquan Ace, died and resurrected, and he fought for power with the original White Beard Pirates in the Black Beard Pirates that shocked the world. In the Dadao battle, he has inherited the ability of the white beard father to prevent the battle, and finally became the captain of the white beard pirate group."

Hearing this, Luffy was shocked. Before he could finish speaking, Luffy interrupted: "Ace actually inherited the strength of Uncle Whitebeard, so he lost the power to burn fruits, but Uncle Whitebeard power It's really too strong."

With that said, Luffy couldn't help recalling the extremely shocking scene when White Beard broke out and the entire sea surrendered under White Beard during the war.

Nami was listening well, but was interrupted by the guy Luffy. Suddenly, angry Nami blasted out a punch, knocking Luffy into the air and hitting the wall.

He cursed: "Idiot, don't interrupt me, listen honestly."

Looking at this scene, Jinping couldn’t help feeling cold sweat in secret, lamenting Nami’s ferocity, and continuing to tell, “The second major incident was the appearance of Ace and led the White Beard Pirates to maintain the supremacy, plus Black Beard. The strength of the Pirate Group has increased dramatically. Now the sea has one more overlord than the four emperors in the past. Therefore, the power of the overlord of the sea is now called the three emperors, two emperors and one red.

"The three emperors are the original four emperors red-haired Shanks, the beast Kaido, and BIGMOM-Charlotte Lingling. As for the original Whitebeard Pirates group died because of the white beard brother, now Ace is the white beard Pirate The captain of the regiment, plus the hatred between the White Beard Pirates and the Black Beard Pirates, so they are divided into two emperors, Black Emperor, Black Beard Marshall D. Titch, and White Emperor Gor D. Ace".

Chopper sat on the bed, blinking his big eyes and asked, "Hey, what is that red?"

"Yihong is Barloric Lederfield, Earl of Red" when he said the name, Jinping paused for some reason, with a solemn expression on his face.

He took a deep breath and said calmly: "That day, Lord Luffy and I had a fuss into the city and released many powerful criminals. Among them, the most threatening and terrifying one was the Red Earl Barloric Lederfield." .

"He was the person who named Dahai Yang twenty years ago. He hates to make alliances with others and takes loneliness as his creed. He is on par with Roger Pirates, White Beard Pirates, and Golden Lion Pirates with just one person. , He became the first man to defeat the Admiral of the Navy, and was finally imprisoned by the naval hero Kapu into Propulsion City"

"Grandpa?" Luffy couldn't help muttering to himself.

"He defeated Lin Tian in ten days and ten nights, followed by the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon Fight for five days and five nights, and finally left without a difference. Now the sea is known as the strongest man in the world!"

"Sin..." A sound of inhaling air-conditioning sounded from everyone's mouth, and their faces were full of horror.

They knew how Lin Tian was, but he was defeated by Red Earl, and after defeating Lin Red Earl fought with dragons for five days and five nights. Although they are not very familiar with dragons, they can become a revolution. The army leader must be one of the world's top powerhouses.

Sanji slowly breathed out the smoke in his mouth, and sighed: "Three emperors and two emperors, like emperors, rule the new world, which means that the current overlords of the sea have changed from four to five now, but fortunately one of them The relationship with us is pretty good."

Speaking, everyone gathered their eyes on Luffy. The dead Ace inherited the power of the white beard and is now known as one of the five hegemons of the Pirate World, and Baidi Ace is Luffy's brother.

After everyone was surprised, Jinping went on to say, “The third thing is that the navy suffered huge losses in the war, and the green pheasant left. In order to make up for the gap in combat power, the government launched a world-wide conscription campaign. The navy headquarters under Kaski has become a stronger justice division and has a stronger force."

"The next thing is the last one. The revolutionary army that has been hiding in the dark has finally taken action. The three commanders of the revolutionary army, led by the revolutionary army, have now confronted the world government in the new world. Both sides have shown terrible strength. At this time, several countries in the New World turned into battlefields, and even one country became a ruin, with no people."

"These are the four major changes that have occurred in the past two years that have affected the world. For you, these are things that must be known and are related to your future voyages." Shenping's tone is particularly solemn. This is not only a reminder or a warning.

Especially Luffy, with a terrifying life experience, has entered the eyes of countless overlords, especially the world government. Luffy, as the son of the dragon, is an extremely important bargaining chip.

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