In the waters of Mobexiumir, the former elite navy soldier Shuzo led the intrusion of the NEO Navy. Whether it is the current Lieutenant Admiral Mole or the former Lieutenant Admiral Lin Tian, ​​they all have to face one as a navy soldier. The problem.

Glancing at Lin Tian and Mole, Xiuzuo laughed, "Oh, now Lieutenant Admiral Mole of the Navy Headquarters, former Lieutenant Admiral Lin Tian, ​​and my new navy, I didn’t expect that the naval soldiers of the year would still be able to Meet in this scene, haha..."

Looking at Xiu Zuo, Lin Tian spoke in silence and then said: "You who admired that man so much back then are also normal to betray the navy with him, Xiu Zuo."

Hearing this, Xiu Zuo’s laughter stopped abruptly, and then he snorted and mocked Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​although we all betrayed from the navy, we are not the same. We are not used to the present. The decay of the navy is separated from the new navy soldiers of the original navy headquarters. Although we are now wanted by the world government, we still adhere to the navy's faith in justice and fight the pirates in the sea."

"And you, Lin Tian? You don't deserve to use the word "Shanghai Navy" at all. After leaving the Navy, you joined the pirates in a blink of an eye, and finally became the deputy leader of the Revolutionary Army."

Although he rebelled against the navy for their own reasons, Xiu Zuo never wanted to be called a rebel with Lin Tian. In Xiu Zuo’s opinion, he rebelled against the navy for the sake of justice in his heart, and Lin Tian was only out of personal affection That's it.

Shrugging, Lin Tian was not angry at Xiuzuo's ridicule, and faintly replied: "I am different from you. You only saw the decay of the navy, but I saw the decay of the justice navy because there is a decayed world government. ".

"Well, Xiuzuo, I didn't expect that it was you who attacked the Navy recently. What do you want to do?" Mole interrupted the two suddenly.

As a lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters who is still in the navy, he listened to Lin Tian and Xiuzuo, two naval traitors, and talked about their beliefs here. The navy and the world government were decayed one by one. Naturally, Mole couldn’t listen. Going down, so he vocally shifted the topic from here.

Turning around and seeing the giant pirate Panz Frye lying behind, Xiuzuo replied: "Come here, we are naturally not specifically attacking your navy, our purpose is this giant pirate Panz Frye".

As he said, Xiuzuo turned around and mocked the Mole: "You navies have clearly caught these cruel pirates, but you send them to Qiangcheng to live forever. It is precisely because of this stupid act that Red Earl is so dangerous. People are still alive, I have to say that the navy at this moment is completely decayed."

"I swear in the name of Lord Z that our newly born NEO Navy will kill all the pirates in the new world and end this era of great pirates."

Raising his fist, Xiu Zuo's tone was full of determination, which was not only his wish but also the adult's wish.

"This can't be said, Brother Xiuzuo!" A new navy soldier on the side suddenly reminded him.

Xiuzuo was taken aback for a moment. It is true that if such a thing is said, it will disturb the execution of the whole plan, but then Xiuzuo waved his hand and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, it's not just this pirate today, even these The Navy will also be buried here."

After that, Xiu Zuo raised his fist and turned to blast towards Panz Frye's head, killing him with a punch, but at this moment, Lin Tian's figure flashed and moved to the front of Xiu Zuo and reached out to block Xiu Zuo's fist. .

Looking up at Lin Tian who was stopping him, Xiuzuo took his fist and withdrew, and asked in doubt: "Lin Tian, ​​what are you guys doing, why are you trying to rescue this pirate? Didn't you also show mercy to the pirate back then? ?"

Xiuzuo could not understand that Lin Tian killed the pirate captives in the navy, but the entire navy knew about it. Even if the headquarters ordered it to be banned, Lin Tian would often not abide by it. It is precisely because of this, even with Lin Tian. Xiuzuo did not worry about the failure of the purpose of this trip.

But who would have thought that Lin Tian would actually stop his actions and save this brutal giant pirate.

Retracting his palms, squinting at the pirate Panz Frye behind him, Lin Tian faintly replied: "Indeed, I am merciless to the pirates, but the object of my mercilessness varies from person to person. The sea behind me The thief didn't do anything to hurt the world, he just snatched the garbage from the world government, and it was my promise to rescue him."

Clenching his fist, Xiu Zuoqiang suppressed his anger and said, "That is to say, today you will not let go anyway."

Lin Tian did not speak to answer Xiu Zuo's question, but the lack of movement in his footsteps represented Lin Tian's answer.

As long as Lin Tian stopped him, Xiu Zuo understood that it was impossible to kill the pirate Panz Frye today, and the field suddenly became calm.

On the side, Nami, who was watching the scene in the field, looked surprised and doubtful at the same time. She turned around and asked Robin, "Robin, what is going on, these three people are actually in the navy!"

"No, I don't know either", shook his head, Robin was also puzzled. Although he was with Lin Tian, ​​Robin knew very little about his affairs in the navy.

On the other side, the silence in the court was interrupted by Lin Tian waved his hand, "Xiu Zuo, as long as I am here today, your goal cannot be achieved, but you were my subordinate, and I will not attack you. You leave here. Well, as for the teacher...I will visit in person when I have the opportunity these days."

This is the best way for Lin Tian to deal with it at this stage. Whether it is the navy led by Lieutenant Mole or the new navy led by Xiu Zuo, after all, they were all companions who fought side by side back then, and Lin Tian didn't want to take action as a last resort.

He disobeyed the order and came here to solve the pirate Panz Frye, now being stopped by Lin Tian, ​​Xiu Zuo was naturally very unwilling, but there was no way.

Although Xiu Zuo was rampant, he still understood the power gap between himself and Lin Tian. Lin Tian blocked them. They couldn't kill Panz Frye, the giant pirate.


With a cold snort, Xiu Zuo said with disdain: "Lin Tian, ​​you still want to see the teacher for what you are doing now, let alone the teacher, I am afraid Ai Yin will be extremely disappointed in you."


Hearing this name, Lin Tian's body was shocked. At this moment, there was no previous indifference on his face. Various expressions such as heartache, sadness, helplessness, and bewilderment appeared on Lin Tian's face.

At this moment, in his mind, Lin Tian couldn't help thinking of the person who was deeply imprinted in his heart. For her, Lin Tian was full of guilt.

From the moment when he rebelled against the navy three years ago, Lin Tian has been the only person who is most sorry for the past three years.

Looking at Lin Tian who was staying there, Xiuzuo snorted, waved up the cloak behind him, and led the soldiers on the bamboo raft to board the submarine and leave.

The departure of Xiuzuo finally brought the battle to an end. With Sanji rescued Luffy from the bottom of the sea, Lin Tian and Mole talked about it before leaving the sea.

With the emergence of the new navy such as Xiuzuo, both Lin Tian and the navy headquarters have to face important issues, especially Lin Tian. Although he is no longer the navy headquarters, it stands to reason that General Zefa’s betrayal of the navy has nothing to do with him. .

But whether Zefa was his own teacher or because of Ai Yin's relationship, Lin Tian had already been involved in this matter.

A huge volcano was erupting beside a reef in an unknown sea area, but on this volcano, there was a scene that scared ordinary people to death. I saw that beside the volcano, a giant tens of meters high was holding a The pan is full of all kinds of seafood.

The giant has used the erupting volcano as a heat source to cook delicious seafood with a pan in his hand. The scent that exudes floats in the entire sea area, and there are countless sea beasts attracted by the scent and washed out of the sea.

"Hey, it's so fragrant, I can't wait." Luffy's saliva flowed all over the floor just after smelling the scent. If it wasn't for Panz Frye, it would take some time. Luffy would have rushed into the pot long ago. Up.

Suddenly, excited Luffy swept away his and found Lin Tian and three people next to him. They quickly reached out and shouted: "Hey, Lin Tian, ​​Nami, Robin, what are you doing there? Come here. Uncle Pan’s seafood feast is about to be ready."

Sauron, who was drinking, slapped Sanji, who was also drinking, and said, "Hey, Chef Erotic, have you noticed that Lin Tian has been very wrong after encountering that group of new navy."

"En", Sanji nodded lightly, and replied, "Indeed, Lin Tian has a heavy heart."

"Lin Tian, ​​have you decided?" Robin stared at Lin Tian, ​​his beautiful pretty face with rare seriousness.

After some meditation, Lin Tianshen exhaled and nodded: "I have decided. There are some things that cannot be waited for her to decide."

Upon hearing this, Nami showed a smile, walked a few steps forward and hugged Robin's arm, and smiled slightly: "Lin Tian, ​​since you have decided, then go. Sister Robin and I will be waiting for you."

Lin Tian had already told Robin and Nami about Ayin. Robin and Nami also have a certain understanding of Ayin, the fiancée who grew up with Lin Tian, ​​who was a childhood sweetheart. If they can accept each other, why He couldn't hold another Ai Yin, saying that Ai Yin was Lin Tian's earliest woman.

Since Lin Tian decided to look for Ai Yin, even though Robin and Nami were in a low mood, this matter was originally Lin Tian's responsibility, and they had any reason to stop it.

Looking at the two beautiful people in front of him who understood him, Lin Tian was so moved that he took a step forward and held Robin and Nami tightly in his arms.

"Hey, Luffy, I have something to leave for a while."

"What! Lin Tian, ​​what are you going to do?"

"I want to find someone back!"

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