Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 983: Former General Zefa of the Navy Headquarters!

Dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and heavy rain falling from the dark clouds in the sky, but these words are not enough to describe one percent of the severe weather in the New World.

And just in this rough sea, there is a huge fleet of dozens of warships sailing, and in the center of that fleet, the flagship filled with the banner of the new navy is heading in the wind.

Inside the cabin, on a desk full of war reports, a telephone bug was placed in the middle of the desk. On the chair in front of the desk was a man with a magic mirror, but exuding a breath of suffocation. It was the former navy admiral Zefa, who, along with Warring States and Karp, was known as a powerful naval master of the same era.

In front of Zefa, wearing a dark black cloak, full of navy blue shawl and long hair, a beautiful face, and a pair of charming big eyes gleaming, it was the former Brigadier General of the Navy Ayin.

A rough voice came from the phone worm, "Sorry, Lord Z, this time because of my violation of the order, it has attracted the attention of the Navy Headquarters. It is very likely to disrupt the next plan. Everything is my fault, Lord Z, I am willing Accept all punishments".

If Lin Tian and others were here, they would find that the voice of apologizing came from the phone bug, which was actually Xiuzuo.

As soon as Xiuzuo's voice fell, Ayin couldn't help but blamed: "Xiu Zuo, I told you before that you want you to plan actions in secret, but you have to solve the giant pirate, and the result will be like this. mistake".


A cold snort came from the phone worm's microphone. Regarding Ai Yin, a woman who can become the right-hand man of Master Z, and she can only lead the guerrillas, Xiuzuo has long been upset. As a man, how can he obey a woman's orders.

Therefore, Xiuzuo disobeyed the order before, and apart from trying to solve the giant pirate Panz Fry, Xiuzuo did not have his own temper. What's more, it was Lin Tian who stopped him this time. How could Xiuzuo have a good temper.

An angry voice came from the microphone, "Master Z, this time I was able to deal with the giant pirate Panz. Fry and the navy soldiers, hiding everything because Lin Tian stopped me, so we Forced to evacuate".

Hearing Lin Tian, ​​these two words that would never be forgotten in the bottom of my heart, Ai Yin was shocked, the calmness on her face disappeared instantly, and some were just panicked, and her mind suddenly went blank, Xiuzuo said next Not a word of words came in, and my mind was filled with the words'Lin Tian'.

It was not only Ai Yin. The moment Zefa heard the name Lin Tian, ​​his calm face was immediately replaced with seriousness, and he couldn't help shaking his right hand on the table.

Pressing the surprise in his heart, raising his head and looking at the dumb Ai Yin, Zefa kept calm and asked: "Xiu Zuo, tell me what happened, including everything about Lin Tian..."


In Xiu Zuo's statement, everything that happened from Xiu Zuo's disobedience to solve the giant pirates to the end of Lin Tian's danger and being forced to retreat was completely told to General Zefa.

New World, Lands Island in the Sea of ​​Hallibod.

To the southwest of the island, this is a huge forest that is silent and unattended, but in the forest, relying on a good harbor, a hidden supply base has risen from the ground.

The departing Xiuzuo led the NEO Navy to come here. This base belongs to a supply base of the NEO Navy, which was specially supplied and trained by the guerrillas led by Xiuzuo.


Amid the loud noise, the door to the conference room was opened, and Shuzo stepped out of the door and ordered the nearest navy soldier: "Give me my order. Next, we will complete the supply within an hour, and then immediately set off to Faz Island. Master Z meets together".

When Xiu Zuo announced the order, he didn't know the slowly closing door behind him, and an afterimage flashed quickly, sneaking into Xiu Zuo's office before the door was closed, and this afterimage was Lin Tian.

As Shuzo left eagerly, the lights in the office were not turned off. There was nothing in the small office except a desk, chair, and the New World nautical chart hanging on the wall.

But it is also right. For a pure fighting madman like Xiu Zuo, this simple style is in line with his ideas, and the rest is just a waste.

Looking around the room quickly, Lin Tian walked to the cloak behind the door and took out a small piece of life paper.

This method of tracking using life paper was learned by Lin Tian in naval training, and it was the former admiral Zefa who taught this method.

Taking back his life paper, Lin Tian walked towards the desk, just like a normal desk, with various documents piled up, but Lin Tian's eyes were instantly attracted by the flat documents on the desk. Just now, Xiuzuo just sat down. Watching the document on the chair.

Stopping, Lin Tian picked up the file on the desktop. The two blood-red words top secret on the page were clearly visible, and Lin Tian looked at the things recorded in the file.

Before reading a few lines, Lin Tian was taken aback by the content recorded on the file, his face changed drastically, and in just one minute, Lin Tian quickly read the content on the file.

Although the shock on his face calmed down, Lin Tian's heart was still in chaos. Although he had already guessed what the Newborn Navy was planning, when Lin Tian finished watching it, he was stopped.

Looking at the documents in his hand, Lin Tian was a little unacceptable and said: "What on earth is Teacher Zefa thinking, how did he make such a plan? Has the anger in Teacher Zefa's heart reached such a level?"

"No matter what Teacher Zefa is thinking, in any case, we must prevent Teacher Zefa from doing this kind of thing."



In the new world, an island that ordinary people don't know much about, but it is a secret base of the navy headquarters.

This base is neither to guard the safety of this sea area nor to provide supplies to and from the navy. It has only one goal to build and that is to preserve something very important.

For this reason, the navy headquarters did not hesitate to place 10,000 elite naval forces and two giant lieutenants on this island to guard the safety of this base.

The round bright moon hung up in the sky, and the night seemed like darkness was coming. The white moonlight was like a tulle scattered on the sea. The sea was calm, and occasionally several sea beasts leaped from the water. After all, night is also the time when some sea beasts start hunting.

The naval base on Faz Island, tonight is a good night, but it is not a peaceful night. The fleet of dozens of warships used the night to block the journey to the sea area one kilometer outside the island before being discovered by the naval soldiers on duty.

Suddenly, the harsh siren sounded over the base, and the calm base instantly became noisy. The door of the closed room was opened, and the navy soldiers who had not yet buttoned their clothes rushed out of the room.

The turrets on the side of the base began to rotate with the sound of the siren, and the dark muzzles aimed at the huge fleet group on the sea. A large number of naval soldiers rushed out of the base, and the walls of the base were also full of naval soldiers.

The entire base was like a sleeping war beast. With the invasion of the enemy, this sleeping war beast was finally awakened, just like a precision machine turning quickly.

Bang... bang... bang...

Deafening cannons rang out, and fires rose from the dark muzzle. The turrets seemed to roar in anger as if enraged beasts. At the same time, on both sides of the huge battleship, hundreds of cannons were ready to explode.

The dark shells covered the sky, and the endless shells fell like a violent storm. Compared with the countless water jets rising from the sea, the fireballs produced by the explosion on the beach were more shocking.

The moment the gun sounded, the fierce battle started in an instant, and the registered ships on both sides of the battleship were full of new-born navy soldiers breaking through the oncoming waves and rushing straight to the beach.

In order to prevent the enemy from landing, the turrets had to change their targets and pour gunfire onto the landing fleet. If these enemies were allowed to land on the beach, then the base would be dangerous.

One by one shells hit the sea and exploded, and the shock wave generated by the explosion set off a large amount of sea water. With thousands of shells pouring out of the calm sea, the entire sea surface was plunged into rough waves.

Under this sea wave, the small landing ship shook violently with the From time to time one or two shells hit the landing ship. Compared with the one hundred-meter-long battleship, the small landing ship was hit by shells and had only one fate. Even destruction, the destruction of a landing ship also means the death of dozens of soldiers.

Although the artillery fire in the base has increased to the fastest speed, it still cannot prevent the hundreds of landing ships from forming a torrent to wash up the beach.

With a muffled sound, the steel door of the landing ship fell on the soft beach. As the hatch opened, a large number of new soldiers rushed out of the landing ship.

At the same time, under the leadership of two giant lieutenants, a large number of naval soldiers appeared on the beach.

Whether it is the naval soldiers guarding the base at the moment or the NEO Navy that is now attacking, they were all companions fighting side by side in the past, but today because of their different positions, they have to wave their weapons at the other side.

From a high altitude, the warships of the two sides are like two torrents of black and white crashing into each other. The fierce battle is on the verge of breaking out, and the soft beach has now become a fierce battlefield.


With a sigh, Zefa stepped out of the landing ship, holding up that huge mechanical arm, stepping on his feet, Zefa turned into a streamer and burst into the battlefield.


Zefa raised the huge mechanical arm and blasted out, and the earth was shot out of a large pit in an instant. With the hurricane produced by the explosion, dozens of pirates rushing around were knocked out at the same time.

Every time the giant mechanical arm swings, more than a dozen naval soldiers will fly away. In just a few seconds, there is no naval soldier standing around Zefa.

In front of the former admiral of the navy, ordinary naval soldiers were not the enemy of a punch at all. He raised that sturdy mechanical arm and Zefa shouted.

"Pirate? Destroy me, I am Z!"

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