Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 984: Huang Yuan vs Zefa

Amid the roar of artillery fire, the beach has turned into a battlefield. The bright moon in the sky did not know when to hide behind the dark clouds, but under the shining of hundreds of fire pillars on the beach, the entire Faz Island was like daylight.


Ai Yin's beautiful body flickered in the crowd, like a dancing butterfly, but hidden under this beauty is hidden endless murderous intent.

With his hands raised slightly, two sharp sharp blades appeared in his hands, and he stepped on repeatedly, and Ai Yin flew into the attacking navy crowd.

Bang... bang...

The next moment, a strong wind swept out, the invisible strong wind slashed many naval soldiers like a sharp blade, and the terrible air pressure lifted all the surrounding navies.

File clang... File clang...

The sharp sharp blade lightly pierced the sky, wherever it passed, the sharp sword in the hand of the navy soldier cracked, the broken blade flying all over the sky, and the sharp blade fragments surrounded Ai Yin like the snow.

"I just want to follow Teacher Z!"

There was a huge vibration, and facing the attack of the new navy, the two giant lieutenants who were the guards of this base finally took action.

The two giant lieutenants rushed forward and rushed towards the navy giant lieutenant admiral at the forefront. He raised his hand more than ten meters long and several meters thick iron rod and smashed it towards Zefa.

Before the iron rod arrived, the strong wind had already rushed towards his face. Zefa did not choose to retreat and dodge.

There was a muffled sound, the power of the giant is known to the whole world. The huge impact was transmitted through the robotic arm like a tide. There was a loud bang under Zefa's feet, a large amount of rubble flew up, and his feet were deeply plunged into the ground. .

"Go away!"

With an angry shout in his mouth, terrifying power gushed out of Zefa's body, and the giant general only felt an irresistible force attack, holding the steel giant stick in both hands and retreating continuously.

"Be careful!"

The giant lieutenant who followed immediately behind, looked at this scene, his face suddenly changed, shouting and rushed up several steps, his hands blocked the giant lieutenant who was about to fall to the ground.

I also felt a huge force coming through both arms. Even the giant lieutenant who was holding on behind could not help but retreat. The two giant lieutenants joined forces, but they still retreated a few steps before reluctantly The impact is removed.

call out…

Zefa stepped on both feet, and the violent force immediately stepped out of a large pit several meters deep on the ground. At the same time, Zefa shot out and flew in front of the lieutenant admiral.

Raising the huge mechanical arm to blast towards the giant lieutenant's chest, the orange fire light rose from the mechanical arm, and there was a sound of steel rubbing.

"Smash the crit!"

Along with Zefa’s roar, a dazzling light radiated from the robotic arm. In the next second, there was a loud bang, and the palm of Zefa’s mechanical palm suddenly exploded. The orange flame slowly rose, and the impact of the explosion directly affected the two The giant lieutenant admiral flew out and fell heavily on the defensive walls of the naval base behind him.

The two admirals were like two meteorites falling from the sky. With their huge bodies and the terrible impact, the walls several meters thick were like tofu dregs, with no resistance.

The thick smoke quickly dissipated under the blowing of the sea breeze, and two huge holes clearly appeared in front of the new navy, as the two navy lieutenants were easily resolved by Zefa. Under the leadership of Zefa, the new navy rushed into the naval base like a broken bamboo, all the way to the center of the naval base.

Ai Yin and Xiuzuo were the pioneers, and they managed to solve the navy intercepting them. Finally, in front of a steel gate, Zefa stopped.

As the most important part of the entire base, this one-meter-thick steel gate is sufficient to withstand any shells attack, and he reached out and patted the cold steel gate in front of him.

Zefa took a step back, squeezing a fist with his left hand, and at the same time, the dark, armed, domineering immediately covered Zefa's left arm like an invisible armor.

In the next moment, Zefa punched out the steel gate that was strong enough to withstand any shells. Facing Zefa's ordinary meat fist, it couldn't resist a single bit. The dark fist easily blasted into the steel gate, and at the same time, Zefa fisted In the center, cracks spread across the gate.

Although steel is hard, Zefa’s fists are harder than steel. Zefa does not have the power of devil fruit, and some are just as powerful as Kapu, but as the former general of the navy headquarters, how terrifying is Zefa’s fists. The power can be imagined.

In a blink of an eye, the steel gate was covered by dense cracks, and finally there was a loud bang. The one-meter-thick steel gate exploded, and the broken iron pieces flew up.

The moment the door was blasted to pieces, he felt a strong wind rushing toward his face, Xiuzuo immediately raised his hand and swept away all the iron blocks that hit him.

Stepping into the room, Zefa is presented with a wall, separated by hexagonal storage spaces.

When he walked to the wall, Zefa opened a space at will and pulled out a special glass container filled with an unknown red liquid, and a stone with a strange pattern floated in the liquid.

With two lieutenants and tens of thousands of naval elites, and an entire naval base, such a powerful force is actually a piece of stone.

Looking at the stone in the red liquid, the corner of Zefa’s mouth was slightly tilted. This is the purpose of their action. The dynamic rock, a kind of magical stone, will explode as soon as it comes in contact with oxygen, and the power of the explosion is huge. , The power produced by the explosion of a dynamic rock is enough to destroy an island.

The power rock is comparable to ancient weapons. This kind of thing is the navy's trump card, and it will not be used as a last resort. There are a large number of elite naval guards around the clock.

Having power rock bases is the top priority, these bases are not found on the map, but these are not any problems for the former admiral Zefa.

"Take all the power rocks away!"

With an order, the soldiers who had been prepared from behind rushed to the front of the wall and took out the dynamic rocks one by one. Every soldier was very careful. If the container was accidentally broken and the dynamic rocks inside contacted the oxygen, the entire island would be destroyed. Destroy, let alone them, will die in an instant with no scum left.

There are at least a hundred power rocks in this room, but now all these power rocks are in the hands of the Newborn Navy, Neo Navy.

In the end, the power rock was in hand, and there was no need for many Neo navies to stay here. The soldiers quickly evacuated from the island, escorting the power rock back to the battleship.

The navy headquarters must have received the news of their attack. I am afraid that the naval support fleet has now rushed towards Faz Island.

call out…

An orange-yellow laser pierced the dark night sky, and in the next second, a warship docked on the sea made a huge explosion.

The sudden attack shocked all the soldiers. Ai Yin quickly raised his head and looked at the sea. The orange fire was reflected on Ai Yin's face. With such a huge explosion, this battleship could not escape the destiny of being destroyed and the burning fire. Surround the battleship.

"General Yellow Ape!" Ai Yin said every single word, laser attack, besides General Yellow Ape, who else is in this world.

"Bachiqiong Gouyu!"


Laser beams fell from the sky, and the laser beams in the sky continued to fall towards the beach like rain.

Suddenly, there were explosions one after another. Fireballs rose on the beach. Each explosion would cost dozens of soldiers’ lives. In a short period of time, just this wave of attacks, at least thousands of soldiers died in Yellow Ape. The casualties caused by the capture of this naval base under the ray of laser light are no more than that.

This is the combat power that the admiral possesses. As long as he takes a shot, it must be a **** storm, with corpses all over the field.

"Ai Yin, take the rest of the people to retreat?" Zefa asked, turning his head to look at Ai Yin behind him.

Hearing Zefa's order, Ai Yin did not immediately respond. How could Ai Yin not understand the implication in Zefa's breath, and immediately worried: "Teacher Z, do you want to deal with the general Huang Yuan alone?"

Zefa's face sank, and he sternly said: "Ai Yin, remember that you are not my righteous daughter now. Now you are a soldier. It is your duty to obey orders as a soldier."

Shocked all over, Ayin immediately replied: "Yes!"

The voice Ai Yin did not hesitate to fly out and command the rest of the soldiers to board the landing craft and return to the battleship.

Seeing Ai Yin left, Zefa took out a can of spray medicament from his pocket and sprayed it into his mouth twice. He immediately felt that his tired body regained strength and his breathing gradually eased.

Particles of shining particles flew in front of Zefa, and the gathered shining particles formed a human form, and the figure of Huang Yuan emerged.

"Teacher Zefa hasn't seen you in a long time!"

As he said, Huang Yuan raised his right foot that was emitting dazzling light and kicked it out. The flash particles on his right foot gathered into a laser beam and shot towards Zefa.

Zefa raised the right arm of the mechanical arm, and the moment the laser light touched the mechanical arm was scattered into small laser beams and shot around. Amidst the rumbling sound, a series of explosions sounded, and the air pressure generated by the explosion lifted all the soldiers around.

Looking at this scene, Huang Yuan was slightly surprised, "Oh? Teacher Zefa, I didn't expect your mechanical arm to have this function, and it can actually disperse my laser light."

Lifting the huge mechanical arm with a wave, a gust of wind blows the surrounding smoke away, Zefa has already taught in the teacher's tone: "Polusarino, I told you in the past, don't rely too much on flashing fruit The ability to do so".

Before the words fell, Zefa stepped on his feet and turned into an afterimage to burst out, lifting up the huge mechanical arm like a big axe and slashing at a yellow ape.

With both hands together, densely packed flash particles gathered in the palm of the hand, as Huang Yuan pulled out his hands, a dazzling lightsaber appeared in Huang Yuan's hand.

"Sky Cong Yunjian!"

Holding the lightsaber tightly in both hands, Huang Yuan strode forward. The collision between the lightsaber and the mechanical arm was like two meteorites falling from the sky.


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