At the moment of the collision, terrible power erupted, and the earth was trembling, cracks spreading around the two, and the impact of the collision spread in all directions.

The impact is like dozens of hurricanes. Pieces of rubble are blown up by the hurricane, the slightly raised mounds are directly leveled, the soft sand is replaced by deep pits, and a large amount of yellow sand mixed with rubble is flying from a distance. It looked like a sand burst on the beach.

Continual explosions sounded immediately, and many soldiers who had not had time to leave, only felt that they were hit by a violent force, a large mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths, and many soldiers' eyes went white and went into a coma.

The shock wave rushed across the beach and into the sea. Suddenly, the calm sea surface was like boiling hot water. The waves of several meters high rushed towards the evacuated warship group outside the island.


Zefa's figure broke through the smoke and flew upside down. As Zefa flew upside down, Huang Yuan turned into a bright light and appeared in front of Zefa.

Holding a lightsaber in his hand, Huang Yuan said: "Teacher Zefa, although I don’t know why you want to get the power rock, but this kind of thing is the navy's trump card. Hand it over".

Hearing Huang Yuan’s words, Zefa dismissed his mouth with disdain, "Yang Yuan, don’t talk so much nonsense. As an admiral of the admiral, what do you know about this changing world? You are in this era of radical change. What position will you be in, this world must be changed by someone",

Speaking, Zefa stepped on the ground with both feet, retreating several steps, stepping into a pit of several centimeters in the ground with each step, and finally released the impact from his body.

Without hesitation, Huang Yuan stood still, raised his lightsaber and cut out, "You are still as strict as you always have, Teacher Zefa!"

In the roar, Zefa declared: "I am no longer the Zefa of the year, now I have a new name, Z!"

Zefa stepped on his feet, and the figure burst out again, raising his mechanical arm to meet Huang Yuan.

File clang... File clang...

In the flying smoke, the figures of Zefa and Huang Yuan flickered rapidly, and the moment of each collision was accompanied by several or even dozens of confrontations, and the ground under their feet had already been cracked and deep pit under the battle between the two.

Zefa is worthy of being a former general of the navy, even if he has retreated from the position of general for more than ten years, his skills are already vigorous, and his speed is comparable to that of Huang Yuan who is already known for speed.

Even relying on the instructor's understanding of the abilities of the yellow ape flash fruit, including the Hailoushi mechanical arm of the restraining ability of the right arm, Zefa has a slight advantage in the battle.

"Slash at the speed of light!"

Raising the lightsaber in his hand, Huang Yuan quickly cut out, a cold light flashed in Zefa's eyes, it seemed that there was only one move, but under Huang Yuan's speed of light swinging the sword, this move included four slashes converging together. Cut out.

File clang...

All the sharp slashes were blocked by Zefa's mechanical arm. Hailou Stone was comparable to the hardness of diamonds. Naturally, Zefa's mechanical arm was the best shield.

Diamond is the hardest substance in the world. Even the slash of the world's largest swordsman, Eagle Eye, will continue to cut diamonds, not to mention the yellow ape.

Although the mechanical arm blocked all the sharp slashes, the force of the four slashes gathered at one point was still extremely powerful, and Zefa was hit back and forth constantly.

With a muffled bang, Zefa half-kneeled on the ground, breathing heavily in his mouth, some cold sweat on his forehead.

Zefa thought to himself: "Even if I don't admit it, but now it seems that I am really old. I just fought Polusarino for so long, and I felt that I didn't know my physical strength."

Under the erosion of time, even the strongest man in the world, White Beard, could not escape his fate. He was in the same era as the legendary pirates such as White Beard, Golden Lion, and Roger. It is difficult to escape the erosion of time.

At that time, the general Zefa was just an old man who entered the last journey of his life. How could his physical strength be compared to the yellow ape who was in his prime, let alone Zefa is still sick.

"Eight-foot mirror!"

Without giving up this excellent opportunity, Huang Yuan turned into a ball of light and appeared in front of Zefa, lifting his right foot covered by the flash particles and swept out.

"Teacher Zefa, you are already old. With that cumbersome weapon, you can't reach my speed at all. Take the power rock away, what are you trying to do... Kick at the speed of light!"

Speed ​​is power, Huang Yuan's sweeping legs turned into a bright yellow light and kicked on Zefa's mechanical arm.


The violent power erupted, and at the moment of the collision, a strong wind rose out of thin air and raged around the two of them. Large pieces of rubble flew from the ground and exploded. The lasing stones were not close to the two of them, and the wind was like a knife. In front of him was wiped out.

With his feet firmly supported on the ground, Huang Yuan’s light-speed kick was received by Zefa frontally, and Zefa raised his head to stare at Huang Yuan through the mechanical arm.

He grinned and said: "Huang Yuan, I remember that I was the most at odds with you a long time ago, and I also gave you advice just now, don't rely too much on your ability to shine fruit."

Hearing this, Huang Yuan's face suddenly changed, and he realized something, but at this time Huang Yuan's reaction was too late. Zefa raised his pitch-black left fist and hit Huang Yuan's abdomen with a punch.

At this time, because Huang Yuan’s right foot was kicking on the mechanical arm mixed with Hailoushi, Huang Yuan’s ability was deprived of Hailoushi at this moment, and Huang Yuan’s expression changed a lot when he realized this.

All of Zefa's power was perfectly vented in Huang Yuan's abdomen, and the tide-like power was vented on Huang Yuan. This seemed to be an ordinary fist, but Zefa's full blow.


Huang Yuan opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of bright red blood, and his figure flew upside down like a broken kite, slamming heavily on the ground with a bang, extremely large smog and flying dust.

With a punch, Zefa, who had just stood up, knelt on the ground again with his feet soft. He quickly took out the medicine spray from his pocket and sprayed two sips into his mouth, and Zefa's breath became more stable.

On the other side, on the evacuated new navy battleship, Ai Yin stood on the bow, looking at the fiercely fighting beach in the distance, with unspeakable worry on his face.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the sky. It was a black shadow falling from the sky, falling on the deck with a bang, and the strong wind blowing up a cloud of smoke.

Many soldiers who were awakened thought it was the navy again, and quickly raised their weapons and aimed at the figure falling from the sky on the deck. Ai Yin in front of the ship's bow also suddenly turned his head.

"I have fallen from the sky in this way, is it another admiral Fujitora?" Ai Yin thought to himself, while holding the dagger in both hands.

The smoke gradually dissipated under the blowing of the sea breeze, and the people inside finally appeared clearly in front of everyone, but when the people were clearly seen, there was an exclamation on the deck.

"Lieutenant General Lin Tian!"

The visitor was Lin Tian, ​​who was following the guide of the life paper, but when he arrived, the neo navy had already captured Faz Island.

To call out Lin Tian and add the word lieutenant general is the instinctive reaction of many soldiers. These new naval soldiers are also elite naval forces, but they rebel against the navy with Zefa, and even some of them were Lin Lin. Under Heaven.

Although Lin Tian left the navy for three years, Lin Tian also stayed in the navy for nearly ten years. Even after three years, Lin Tian's influence in the navy has not completely disappeared.

Looking around quickly, Lin Tian still found a few familiar faces among the hundreds of people on the deck.

For the same rebellion against the navy, Lin Tian couldn't compare with Zefa. Zefa was more popular than the admiral at both the high and low levels of the navy. That's why tens of thousands of elite navies followed Zefa to rebel against the navy headquarters.

Kang Dang...

Suddenly, there was a clear sound of steel landing on the calm deck, and Lin Tian quickly looked in the direction of the sound.

The first thing that catches the eye is the familiar, sea-blue wavy hair like the sea. The long and supple hair is draped at random on the shoulders. When the eyes move down, it is a clear and white cheek, beautiful and smooth skin like jade, like snow. White without any impurities. He is tall and light, with a dark black cloak on his shoulders and a white butterfly on his chest.

An ethereal aura exuded from her body, Ai Yin was like a fairy who accidentally fell into the mortal dust, but the fairy is a fairy after all, even in the mortal dust, it is difficult to conceal the lightness.

Those moving eyes are like clear pool water, as if they can see people's heart clearly, and the slightly flickering eyelashes exude a touch of special charm.

But at this moment, there are faint tears in these moving eyes, grievances, blame, pain and longing on their faces... Various emotions are crowded on this beautiful face at the same This ethereal aura added a touch of charming expression.

Just like the expression on her face, when she saw Lin Tian, ​​Ai Yin was shocked. The dagger clenched in both hands fell on the ground without noticing it. Her heart was already chaotic. Suddenly came to my heart.

Not only Ai Yin, but Lin Tian's heart trembled uncontrollably at this moment. At this moment, Lin Tian shook his hands but didn't know how to put it. Lin Tian's trembling heart was at a loss.

Suppressing his excited heart, Lin Tian took a step forward, step by step towards Ai Yin at the bow of the ship.

At the same time, many soldiers on the battleship turned their heads consciously and walked towards the cabin, pretending to see nothing. There is no one in the navy who knows about the relationship between Ai Yin and Lord Lin Tian, ​​as for Ai Yin The soldiers probably heard some rumors about why they weren't with Master Lin Tian.

So now, with this opportunity for Master Lin Tian and Master Ai Yin to reconcile, no one wants to be a big light bulb here.

Seeing these soldiers walking into the cabin, Lin Tian showed a smile on his face, thinking, "These guys are very self-conscious, and they know how to clear the field for us, not bad."

When Ai Yin saw this scene, two blushes appeared on Ai Yin’s white pretty face, but seeing Lin Tian, ​​Ai Yin’s face blushed and was suppressed, an anger rose from her heart, her face turned faceless again The color of expression.

Pursing his lips, Lin Tian organized the language in his heart and was about to speak something, but Ai Yin took the lead.

"Wait a minute, Lin Tian! If you want any answer, I will tell you when you rescue the teacher."


Hearing this, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, and some did not react, but then Lin Tian showed a depressed expression on his face. How could this happen?

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