Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 988: Goodbye Green Pheasant

The soaring pillar of fire covered the entire Faz Island. Under the terrible power of the dynamic rock explosion, the entire Faz Island was razed to the ground. The pillar of fire blasted up endless smoke and dust, and the sky full of dust and mist rolled outwards and turned into a huge mushroom cloud.

call out…

The orange streamer flashed, and the yellow ape appeared on a reef not far from Faz Island. The power of the power rock was indeed huge. An island was destroyed in this way. However, the explosion of the power rock was a physical attack after all. Power Rock threw it in front of Huang Yuan, but Huang Yuan, who was a natural element, dodges the attack dangerously and dangerously.

Looking at the pillar of fire rising to the sky in front of him, the hot air wave rushed towards his face, Huang Yuan felt lingering, and said, "I didn't expect to become where he is now. Teacher Zefa is really a lunatic. He actually detonated Power Rock, but this is true. Let him succeed, it will be troublesome now."

Speaking of this, Huang Yuan’s face also became slightly dignified. Not only was Zefa, but Lin Tian also intervened. Originally, a former admiral Zefa was tricky, but now we will add a more tricky Lin Tian. , Which makes the whole thing more complicated.

In the sea not far away, the green pheasant who had left the navy was riding its bicycle to Faz Island for some reason. Looking at Faz Island, which had been destroyed in the flames, the green pheasant's face looked extremely solemn.

As the former admiral of the navy, the green pheasant naturally knew what was kept on Faz Island, and understood what it meant when Faz Island was breached by Teacher Zefa.

"Oh oh...really, what are the navy doing?" Qing Pheasant's tone was full of disappointment.

Two years later, the navy, obviously, after the power rock was robbed, was still snatched from the power rock, and caused such a huge disturbance, I am afraid that the overlords of the new world will know this. Something happened.

Wow... Wow...

Layers of waves hit the ice at the feet of the green pheasant. Right in the middle of the waves, a figure was pushed toward the green pheasant by the waves.

Seeing the figure floating with the waves, the green pheasant was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but shout: "Lin Tian?"

Seeing Lin Tian who was unconscious in the waves, the green pheasant quickly got off the bicycle, a faint cold air radiated from his body, and the surrounding waves were immediately frozen into ice, blocking Lin Tian who was drifting with the waves.

Picking up Lin Tian from the sea, seeing Lin Tian's body covered in blood, the green pheasant's brows can't help but frown slightly, filled with doubts.

Why does Lin Tian appear here? Why did Lin Tian suffer such severe trauma? And what about Teacher Zefa? These three doubts echoed in the green pheasant's mind.

To solve these doubts, only Lin Tian, ​​who is now in a coma, can do it. He lifted Lin Tian backhand and fixed Lin Tian on the back seat of his 28th bicycle. The green pheasant carried Lin Tian slowly towards the other side. An island drove away.


After the destruction of Faz Island, the green pheasant took Lin Tian to the next island. Compared to Faz Island, this island is much larger, with beautiful ancient forests, huge volcanoes, and beautiful beaches, and That huge and very prosperous town, everything shows that this is a very busy island.

The orange sunset shines through the window into the room. This is an ordinary hotel room. The setting sun directly shines on Lin Tian's face in a coma.

I don’t know whether he was awakened by the dazzling sunlight or the noisy city. In short, Lin Tian’s closed eyes slowly opened. Under the dazzling sunlight, Lin Tian instinctively stretched out his hand to block in front of his eyes until he gradually got used to it. The light outside before he moved his hand away.

Scanning the decorations in the surrounding rooms, Lin Tian sat up from the bed with his head covered in confusion, wondering: "How come I was in the hotel? Could it be that he was saved by a passing merchant ship?"

Lin Tian's last memory was that he was caught by Zefa, and then the dynamic rock exploded and stunned himself. The rest of his mind was a cloud of confusion, vaguely remembering someone saved him.

As soon as he sat up, Lin Tian felt a tingling sensation everywhere in his body. Under the severe pain, he couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning. The power rock is worthy of being comparable to ancient weapons. Its power is too great to survive that kind of explosion. It was thanks to Lin Tian's powerful body.

Holding his headache head, Lin Tian got up, stood up, and walked out the door. What he saw was a sunset that was mostly sinking into the sea. The orange-yellow sun was shining slantingly on the sea, sparkling, like covering the sea. After a layer of golden coat, the fiery red fire cloud floats at the junction of water and sky. The sunset at this moment is so beautiful that Lin Tian can’t help but think, "The sunset is infinitely good, but the evening is full." Unfortunately, this short sunset can only be beautiful. Sustained for an instant.

Withdrawing his eyes, the beautiful scenery in the distance is intoxicating, but the figure sitting in front is even more surprising.

After walking a few steps forward, Lin Tian directly sat on the opposite side, looking at the green pheasant who looked like a sloppy uncle in front of him, Lin Tian was surprised: "I didn't expect you to save me, the green pheasant."

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​the green pheasant replied: "You finally woke up. From your face, it seems that you are recovering pretty well."

He picked up the wine glass at hand and drank the wine in one sip. The stimulation of alcohol finally made Lin Tian's confused head sober.

Putting down the wine glass, Lin Tian asked, "Green Pheasant, what's the matter? And how long have I been in a coma?"

"You have been in a coma for almost a day. Last night, I just passed around Faz Island and found the new navy fleet led by Teacher Zefa. Then Faz Island was completely destroyed by an explosion, and finally I found you in a coma at sea. Lin Tian, ​​what happened on Faz Island last night?" After the explanation, the green pheasant stared at Lin Tian inquiringly.

When asked by the green pheasant, Lin Tian put down the hand of the wine glass and couldn't help but sigh, then replied: "Last night, Teacher Zefa detonated the power rock, and the reason why I was floating on the sea was because of Zefa. The teacher grabbed me and withstood the power of the dynamic rock."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian shook his head with a bitter smile on his face. He originally went to help Teacher Zefa, but in the end he was calculated by Teacher Zefa and fell into a severely injured coma.

And the green pheasant, who has always been calm and lazy, heard Lin Tian's words, his face suddenly changed, it was difficult to maintain the usual calmness, and his face was full of surprise.

Frowning his brows, the green pheasant couldn't believe it and said, "Lin Tian, ​​how could such a thing happen? Teacher Zefa actually wanted to do this."

No matter how he thought about it, the green pheasant couldn't think of any reason. Why didn't Teacher Zefa accept Lin Tian's rescue, instead pulling Lin Tian to taste the power of a dynamic rock explosion.

In any case, the green pheasant couldn't think of any reason. Teacher Zefa wanted to take Lin Tian to bury him with him. If it was a yellow ape, the green pheasant might still believe it, but Lin Tian is different from a yellow ape.

Teacher Zefa personally admitted that Lin Tian is his best student, and his evaluation of Lin Tian surpassed him, the red dog and the yellow ape. Even the teacher Zefa, who quietly taught the new navy soldiers, regardless of world affairs. When Lin Tian destroyed the Moonlight Clan, he entered the naval meeting again after more than ten years.

Shrugging, Lin Tian spread his hands and said, "How do I know that, I am lost, and I was seriously injured by Power Rock for no reason."

Nodded, the green pheasant replied solemnly: "Indeed, you are really sad enough."

Looking at this scene, Lin Tian's face suddenly collapsed, and he couldn't find any words in his mind to take the words of the green pheasant.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, where are we now?" Waved his hand, Lin Tian changed the topic again, staying for a long time, he still didn't know where it was.

"Seiken Island!"

Hearing this, Lin Tian's expression changed, and his eyes immediately stared at the calm face of the green pheasant, as if to find something from the face of the green pheasant.

In addition to being a busy island, Enz Island is also an island with great secrets, especially at this time when Teacher Zefa is acting. Since the green pheasant is here, it means that he already knows everything.

Half a moment passed, before Lin Tian could speak, the green pheasant broke the silence and asked, "Are you curious why I came here?"

Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Tian leaned his entire body on the back of the chair, and whispered: "What's so curious about this? You were also an admiral of the Navy two years ago. As a high-ranking navy, it's strange to know these, but I'm curious, you How did they know that Teacher Zefa was going to do that".

Picking up the dark green backpack from the side stool, the green pheasant said, "It was the Neo naval fleet that was accidentally moving when I was wandering on the sea a few days ago. In the next few days, I have been following Teacher Zefa and them, and after some investigation, I naturally understood their purpose."

While speaking, the green pheasant put the backpack behind his backhand and got up from his seat.

Seeing that the green pheasant was about to leave, Lin Tian asked strangely: "What? You are leaving here, don't you plan to wait for Teacher Zefa and the others to arrive".

"Who said I didn't wait for Teacher Zefa, but just drove you all the way from Faz Island. I was sweating, so I was going to take a bath in the bathhouse below. How about? Do you want to be together?" Green Pheasant invited.


Lin Tian couldn't help but twitch, UU reading www. uukanshu. As a capable person, what kind of bath does the green pheasant take, and even if he wants to take a bath, he has to find a better reason. How could he, known as the ice king, sweat.

Although he was a little bit dissatisfied with the reason for the green pheasant, Lin Tian stood up, and followed the green pheasant out, he wanted to see what the green pheasant wanted to do.

Just as Lin Tian got up, a waiter came over, took the bill to Lin Tian, ​​and whispered: "Hello sir, the gentleman said just now that you will pay all the bills. You have consumed three bottles of wine and one room".

"The green pheasant needs to pay the bill again." Looking at the back of the green pheasant leaving, Lin Tian cursed in his heart, he didn't know how many times he had paid for him.

"how much is it?"

Although he was cursing in his heart, Lin Tian still took out his wallet. Fortunately, the wallet had not been lost, otherwise Lin Tian might not be able to pay the account.

"Hello, sir, it is three million and one thousand yuan."


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