Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 989: Because his heart is dead

The new world of the great route, the headquarters of the new navy is located here!

Various artillery shells and fortresses stand everywhere on the island. The entire island has been transformed into a huge war monster, including the underground of the island has been hollowed out. Everything is born for war.

At this moment, in the huge conference room of the new navy headquarters, there are dozens of seats on both sides of the ten-meter-long conference table.

Today these seats are all filled, and even behind the seats are all kinds of navies. The news that the former admiral Zefa used the power rock to destroy the endpoint is known to the entire navy headquarters.

Today’s meeting of all naval officers above the headquarters of the navy, as well as naval officers above the lieutenant generals of each branch, including some potential naval generals, is to discuss matters related to the former admiral Zefa.

The admiral of the admiral Akadog sat in the first place. After two years, the admiral of the admiral of the red dog has also experienced a lot of vicissitudes. Next to the red dog sits the new admiral Yellow Ape, Fujitora and Green Bull.

Among them, Huang Yuan was originally a navy admiral, and Fujitora and Lu Niu exploded with monster-like strength in the world conscription two years ago, so they took the position of admiral even without any military merit.

In the past two years, Fujitora and Green Bull have made frequent moves, showing their terrifying strength to all the pirates in the New World, and at the same time these two unknown folk masters have become famous in the world.

In the first place, the red dog's angry voice sounded, "It's really ironic. The power rock that was originally designed to protect the endpoint from the pirates is now used to destroy the endpoint. Now the first endpoint is already guarding it. Thousands of navies in the sea sank together. Teacher Zefa, you really did a great job. His goal is to destroy the endpoint, thereby destroying the sea in the New World, and realizing his belief in eliminating all pirates."

On the side, Huang Yuan suddenly said, "No matter how good the old man is, he can't be unscathed by the explosion of the power rock."

After Huang Yuan finished speaking, the room suddenly fell silent. There was something about Zefa, and none of the admirals on the scene knew what to say.

Now in this room, in addition to Lieutenant General Crane, two generals Fujitora and Green Bull, all the generals present are students of General Zefa. As students, they cannot judge the teacher arbitrarily.

Moreover, this matter has a wide range of influence in the navy. Regarding Zefa’s rebellion against the navy, there has been an uproar at both the top and bottom of the navy. Most of the soldiers in the navy are fighting injustices for Teacher Zefa, otherwise there will be no counts. Wan Haijun rebelled against the navy headquarters together.

Lieutenant General Crane's voice broke the silence, "He must be alive. Everyone present should understand that that guy would never fall. The former admiral Zefa is an extremely strong man."

"And there is another Lin Tian, ​​who has Lin Tian's weird ability, maybe Zefa didn't even have any injuries under the explosion of Power Rock."

In Crane’s speculation, he also felt that Lin Tian would rescue Zefa, but Crane did not speculate that the real situation was that Zefa took Lin Tian and tasted the power of the dynamic rock explosion.

When the name Lin Tian was mentioned, the expressions of many generals changed involuntarily, and the red dog was extremely angry, and his right fist thumped and turned into hot lava, burning a large hole on the stone bench under him.

"Unexpectedly, that guy Lin Tian would also appear on Faz Island. As the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, he ran here when he was not on the battlefield. What is he trying to do? Does he also want to help Zefa destroy the new world? "

"No," Lieutenant General Crane put his chin on his hands and retorted: "The base camp of the revolutionary army was originally in the new world, not to mention that most of the revolutionary forces are now in the new world. If the new world is really destroyed, The first one who will not agree is the revolutionary army."

"Although I don't know where Lin Tian got the news of Zefa's destruction of the endpoint this time, it can be concluded that Lin Tianming is like us to stop Zefa!"

The red dog's voice followed, "Follow him, Power Rock must be taken back. Although he was taken care of by him many years ago, he is no longer the Zefa teacher who taught us justice back then. Now he is righteous. The enemy will destroy the new world for his own revenge and let hundreds of millions of innocent people be buried together."

"Even if he is still alive, he must be given equal treatment in the name of justice and annihilated them all. Now I declare that with all justice forces, I must pursue Z and his new navy and carry out justice to the end."

With the order of the Admiral of the Navy, the entire navy turned quickly like a huge war machine, and a famous admiral led the warships to form a huge fleet.

Under the leadership of the admiral, dozens of admirals led a fleet to pursue the Neo naval fleet. This is the first time that the navy has deployed such a powerful force after the war on top.


In a hot spring shop, a one-meter hot spring mouth continuously spouts hot spring water, and the hot spring water flows into the middle of each bath through the constructed water channel.

"Hey, hello, hello, green pheasant, tell me, why do you order yourself a million bottles of wine, and you ordered three bottles at once, but only gave me a drink. No, half a cup."

"The most hateful thing is that you guy drank a million bottles of wine, but let me live in a thousand Baileys a night, the cheapest room", Lin Tian, ​​half leaning against the green pheasant in the hot spring, in the bath Angrily said.

Just at the hotel, in order to pay the three million and one thousand Baileys, Lin Tian took out the last Baileys on his body, and finally paid the bills, and it was still when the boss saw that their consumption was high to them. In the case of avoiding a thousand Baileys.

When he thought that the cheapest hotel he fell asleep in was finally waived, but the green pheasant was drinking a million a bottle of red wine. Comparing the two, Lin Tian felt that there was nowhere to vent his anger.

Waved his hand, the green pheasant said indifferently, "Isn't it just a million bottles of red wine? Just as my reward for saving you, and I ordered a thousand Baileys room to save you money, right? ?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian was startled, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. It was the first time that Lin Tian heard such a fresh and different reason.

If it weren't for this hot spring soaking Lin Tian's body weak, Lin Tianzhen wanted to punch the green pheasant's power, but as a capable person, there are really many restrictions, and a hot spring is also weak.

After a pause, Lin Tian asked the green pheasant suddenly: "Green pheasant, do you want to understand why Teacher Zefa didn't want to leave with me, but took me to welcome the explosion of the dynamic rock."

The green pheasant did not immediately answer Lin Tian's question, and was silent for a while, then slightly opened his closed eyes.


Leaning on the wooden barrel behind, Lin Tian looked up at the sky above his head, and white clouds of various shapes drifted past his eyes.

Calmly said: "I have met with Teacher Zefa since a year ago when Teacher Zefa rebelled against the navy. Teacher Zefa and I were drunk that night. Teacher Zefa shed tears that night."

"Teacher Zefa has believed in justice since he was very young. Later, he joined the navy and became admiral Zefa all the way. On the way, Teacher Zefa defeated countless pirates, but there was no one under Teacher Zefa. A pirate, even if all his relatives were killed by the pirates, Teacher Zefa was also called the admiral who can’t kill.”

"Sometimes I wonder what the navy is doing to allow a person who has adhered to the principle of not killing for decades to actually destroy the new world and the lives of hundreds of millions of ordinary people."

"Finally, at the moment when Teacher Zefa dragged me to bear the power rock together, I understood, because when Teacher Zefa rebelled against the navy, not only did his beliefs that he persisted for decades collapsed, but his heart also died." .

"At this moment, Teacher Zefa said it was the new navy commander Z, but in fact, Teacher Zefa is just a person who has lost his faith and is willing to give everything to revenge against the pirates. He is manipulated by hatred. He only has revenge in his heart. Revenge is Zefa. The teacher’s motivation to survive.”

After a few words, the green pheasant just listened quietly. Lin Tian's words gave the green pheasant a great touch, especially since he lost his navy status in the past two years. The green pheasant traveled on the great sea route, and what he saw along the way What he heard gave the green pheasant what he saw and heard about the world.

Although their navy claims to be justice, what they are in the eyes of ordinary people as justice, a group of running dogs belonging to the world government, a ‘just’ navy that compromises with the pirates.


After sighing, the green pheasant sighed: "Leaving the navy and traveling for two years, I have seen more clearly some hidden places in this world, including the other side of the navy."

"Why doesn't it feel very dark?" Lin Tiandiao laughed.

Nodding, the green pheasant confessed: “Indeed, I couldn’t accept it at first, but I gradually got used to it later. I gradually understood that there is nothing wrong with the navy organization, and there is nothing wrong with naval soldiers who insist on justice. What is really wrong is Leaders will only produce some **** under the rule of rubbish."


After listening, Lin Tian burst into laughter and stood up in surprise and said: "I didn't expect that the Admiral Qing Pheasant of the year would also say this today."

As he said, Lin Tian got up and stood up from the hot spring, and said, "You soak first. I'll go out and take some money. I was scammed by you guy. Now I don't even have to pay for the bath."

After leaving the hot springs, Lin Tianchao residents asked about the location of the bank, and walked alone on the street. Suddenly, a bar hung a poster that immediately attracted Lin Tian's attention.

Looking at the dancer on the poster, Lin Tian was stunned. After a few seconds, Lin Tian blinked his eyes to make sure that he was right.

"No, this is Robin? Could it be..."

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