"Lin Tian..."

Looking at Lin Tian who was laughing, Robin's face showed a slight worry, because from this laughter, Robin could feel the helplessness, sadness and even sadness in Lin Tian's heart.

Not only Robin, but Nami, Usopp and others felt it. Everyone understood that Lin Tian must be hiding something in his heart at this moment, and these were related to Z's affairs this time.

Pursing his lips, Robin asked, "Why did the former admiral Zefa betray the navy and destroy the new world?"

Stopping his smile, Lin Tian looked down at the bluestone ground under his feet, and recalled: "General Zefa, no, Teacher Zefa used to be a very serious man. Even on the dangerous battlefield, he went forward bravely, even fighting for his life. The enemy fights."

"At the time, Teacher Zefa and the former Navy Marshal Warring States, and the naval hero Karp were both naval cadets in the same period. At the age of eighteen, Teacher Zefa participated in the battle as a navy, and then it took 20 years. In an era that was more cruel and terrifying than now, he became an admiral."

"Because of his super-armed look and domineering, Teacher Zefa was also called the'black wrist'. He was at the peak of his life at the time. But one day, Teacher Zefa's wife and his young son were killed by pirates who hated him. died".

Nodding his head, Usopp suddenly realized: "No wonder he hates the pirate so much, it turns out that there is this hatred."

"No, it's not because of this." Lin Tian looked up at Usopp and shook his head.

"Teacher Zefa is a strange person. In his life, he defeated countless pirates, but never killed any enemy. The former general of the navy headquarters who was called "not to kill", and the pirate who killed his wife and children It's the pirate that Teacher Zefa let go before."

Quiet! There was silence in the field, and everyone's slightly opened mouths showed the surprise in their hearts at this moment.

They didn't expect that there was such a thing hidden in this. The former admiral Zefa let the pirate go, and in the end the pirate killed Zefa's wife and children. This kind of thing sounded like a dream.

But this is true. Teacher Zefa’s benevolence towards the pirates has instead created the bitter fruit of the death of his wife and children. At that moment, no one could realize the sadness of Teacher Zefa, and his persistence for many years ended up killing him. Wife and children.

So Lin Tian is different from Teacher Zefa. Once he encounters that kind of brutal pirate, Lin Tian will never leave his hand, he will definitely be killed, no matter what methods are used.

In Lin Tian’s view, those ferocious pirates are no longer humans, and they can’t even be described as beasts. Such people already don’t know what gratitude and friendship are, and letting them go will only make more people suffer. The pain.

Lin Tian continued: "Teacher Dan Zefa understands his responsibility as a navy, so he buried this sadness and pain deeply in his heart and focused on the execution of the task. After many years, Mr. Enthusiasm was devoted to the training of young navies. It was he who trained all the navies. Now those navies that are famous all over the world are all his disciples, even at this moment. Ninety percent of the high-level officers are all his disciples, even those of the year Three admirals."

Everyone was shocked again in their hearts. They were even more surprised to hear that Zefa is a general of the navy headquarters. Zefa can no longer be described by a simple instructor. He is simply the creator of the entire navy. He created it with just convictions. The entire navy.

"But another ruthless tragedy hit him." At this point, Lin Tian closed his eyes. "The recruit fleet led by Teacher Zefa was attacked by the capable pirates, and only two recruits survived. Teacher Zefa also injured his right arm."

At this point, Lin Tian did not continue to speak, but stopped. The next thing was no longer suitable for Robin and the others.

Looking at the people who had been immersed in these decades of secret stories, Lin Tian hugged Nami and stood up and said: "Well, everyone, now that the story is over, we should also start acting, Z is already here."


On the sand dunes of the island, the new navy fleet led by Zefa came here, because this island is the second endpoint.

But the navy has long sent a large number of soldiers here for defense. The new navy was caught in a fierce battle with the navy for a while, and Zefa went to the volcanic crater of the island under the cover of the Ayin trio.

Seeing the flowing magma in the crater, like a flowing magma lake, Zefa waved his hand and threw the time-set dynamic rock container into the crater.


The time passed a little bit under the timer. As time arrived, the container containing the explosive rock shattered, and the red liquid was evaporated by the hot molten lava when it flowed out. As the liquid ran out, the dynamic rock with strange patterns was completely filled with oxygen. contact.


There was a loud and earth-shattering noise, and the terrible explosion unfolded in an instant. The power generated by the dynamic rock explosion directly flattened the entire volcano, and large areas of mountain peaks were destroyed by the explosion.

Such a huge movement naturally shocked all the residents on the entire island. Countless residents raised their confused gazes and looked up. They saw a pillar of fire rising into the sky on the other side of the island, and the light from the pillar of fire illuminating the island in the dark.

The impact of the explosion quickly swept across the island, and the residents along the coast suddenly felt a scorching heat wave on their faces, and then the entire island fell into a violent tremor, like an earthquake of more than ten magnitude.

The detonation of the dynamic rock not only destroyed the entire volcano, but as the volcano was destroyed, it caused a series of plate fluctuations. With the volcanic eruption, the land plates of the island have a chain effect like dominoes. Now the entire island has gradually begun to move towards Moving forward with destruction, I am afraid it will not be long before Saiken Island will be destroyed like Faz Island.

The mountain peaks were detonated by underground molten lava, and terrifying lava erupted from the cracked ground like spring water. In a short moment, the volcanic eruption area was covered by a large amount of magma.

The news of the eruption of the volcano and the destruction of Saiken Island spread through the city like the wind under the notice of the navy, and suddenly, screams and screams passed over the city.

At this moment, Lin Tian, ​​standing on the back of the chasing wind, looked from high above, and could clearly see that all the streets were crowded with dense figures like ants. Under the crisis of destruction, millions of people in the entire city were like a torrent. Toward the port outside the city.

All of the navy’s warships have been temporarily used as rescue ships. Every warship is full of panicked figures. Not only warships, but also all the sea trains that are docked are also crowded with people. The whole Seiken Island is performing a show. The scene of a life and death escape.

Looking up at the pillar of fire in front of him, Lin Tian said to himself: "Teacher Zefa, has this world caused you such a great hatred? You don't even hesitate to destroy the whole world."

When the words fell, Lin Tian rushed towards the place where the volcano erupted under the chasing wind. Although the place was now turned into a magma lake, the place near the coast was still safe, and the new navy all gathered here.

As for Robin, Nami and others, under Lin Tian's arrangement, they are now waiting for the three guys from Luffy to return at the Hai Train Station.


On the beach, Zefa faced many new navy soldiers and said: "Now the second endpoint is destroyed, then as long as the third endpoint is destroyed, all the pirates in the new world will be wiped out, and the whole world will usher in a new one. The dawn".

"Rubber rubber spinning bomb!"

Zefa's voice hadn't completely fallen yet, Luffy's angry shouts rang along with it, and huge fists fell from the sky, slamming straight towards Zefa.

Turning around and looking up at the huge fist, Zefa's mouth showed a smile, "Monkey D. Luffy! Your life is really big, you deserve to be the grandson of the stinky old man of Cap, but I have already I warned you, it seems that the previous lessons are not enough."

With that, Zefa stepped on both feet and shot out. Although he had a heavy mechanical arm, Zefa was also fast.


The collision of the giant fist and the mechanical arm caused a violent wind to burst out instantly. The ground was trembling. The wind blew up countless rubble and smoke. The strong wind directly lifted the soldiers around Zefa into the air. .

With a wave of his hand to bounce Luffy's fist away with his mighty domineering, Zefa mocked Luffy: "What are you doing, half pirates, do you think you can stop our new navy?"

"Who are you talking about? If you talk in sleep, be careful I killed you, old smelly man!" Sanji, smoking a cigarette beside him, shouted angrily.

With a wave of his hand, Luffy shouted: "I don't care what you do, I only have one thing here, and that is to restore my companion to the original."

Hearing this, Zefa squinted at Ai Yin behind him. Although Zefa didn't say much about the matter, he felt like a mirror in his heart.

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Zefa smiled and said, "What? Didn't that fellow Lin Tian come, wouldn't he dare to see me as a teacher again? Or he died under the previous explosion."


Luffy was immediately enraged by Zefa's words and screamed. Luffy flew out of Chao Zefa to kill him. Following Luffy's footsteps, Sauron and Sanji immediately followed.

Looking at this scene ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ai Yin was about to fly, but was stopped by Zefa's move. "Ain, you don't want to make a move this time. You two will block the other two, Xiuzuo and Bins. As for Karp’s grandson, leave it to me."

After speaking, Shuzo and Binston took the lead, leaped forward and blocked Sauron and Sanji. As for Luffy, without blocking, quickly rushed to Zefa.

"Rubber rubber gun!"

A punch was blasted out, and the air was all in Luffy’s high-speed fist with a harsh thud, but this force was easily blocked by Zefa’s mechanical arm. He raised the mechanical arm, Zefa backhanded to Luffy’s fist, but Luffy had already After a loss, he was prepared for Zefa's robotic arm mixed with Hailoushi, and quickly retracted his fist.

"I won't be caught by your arm again", as he said, Luffy squatted slightly, his feet like an air pump, breaking out in second gear.

"Really?" Zefa strode forward, flying towards the road step by step, "I heard that you pirates like to use force to **** things, if that's the case, then defeat us and let your companions return to the original state."


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