Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 992: Straw hat taken


The violent wind blew his face, and Luffy felt a huge force hit, as if he was hit by a train telling to move, his body was out of control, and he flew out directly.

With both feet in the air, Luffy's descending figure suddenly jumped up against common sense and finally landed firmly on the ground. Although he had never studied the Navy Sixth Form, it was not like Sanji.

However, the nature of the Navy Type 6 is a kind of physical skill. If you want to exert the true power of the Navy Type 6 you must also look at your personal physical fitness. Under normal conditions, Luffy has been able to achieve instantaneous speed, let alone at In the second gear, Luffy's physical fitness has been improved several times. Even if he hasn't learned the Navy Type Six, Luffy can take the leap into the air with great power.

Steady footsteps, Luffy looked solemn, "This uncle is so strong."

He was also knocked into the air by the uncle in the second gear, which is enough to show that the uncle is powerful and deserves to be the former general of the navy headquarters.

Lifting the huge mechanical arm, Zefa was slightly surprised: "Using the ability to increase blood flow, and thus raising the body to a limit, is really a strange way of fighting."

Zefa has been fighting on this sea for decades, and I don't know how many people who have seen pirates and abilities, but this is the first time I have seen someone who uses abilities like Luffy.

Lin Tian is not here, otherwise I would be shocked to hear Ze Faqi's faint praise of Lu Fei. Zefa is a naval instructor strictly, just like those naval heroes who are famous all over the world. , And few can get the praise of Teacher Zefa.


With a huge mechanical arm in his right hand, a sound of metal rubbing sounded, and six small muzzles were exposed from the palm of the mechanical arm. In the next second, flames flickered in the palm, and beams of light shot out from the barrel, like a storm. The bullet rain formed a torrent of metal and flew towards the road.

Seeing the metal slug hit, Luffy swiftly rushed out, and at the same time saw that the color was turned to the maximum, the bullets fired at high speed suddenly seemed to be crawling, and the trajectory of each bullet was clearly presented in Luffy's mind.

Luffy's figure flickered in the metal bullet stream with the help of the domineering sight and color, and at the same time, he quickly approached Zefa.

"Ah, rubber rubber bullets!"

Approaching to a few meters in front of Zefa, Luffy leaped forward, clenching his fists and attacking Zefa's head.

Zefa's reaction was not slow either. At the moment Lu Fei made a leap, he stopped shooting at the same time and raised his mechanical arm to block him.

There was a muffled sound, and the violent wind blew out. Under the force of the collision between the two, the ground on which they stood collapsed inch by inch, and large pieces of rubble flew up from the ground and surrounded them. But under the impact of the collision between the two, the flying gravel instantly turned into piles of powder.

Looking up at Luffy above, Zefa suddenly asked: "I heard that you are going to be the One Piece?"

"Yes, I want to find onepiece and become the One Piece", Luffy replied loudly. This is not only Luffy's dream, but also Luffy's belief.

"It's really good for young people with dreams", as if infected by Luffy's firm tone, recalling something, Zefa let out a sigh.

But in a second, Zefa's temperament suddenly changed, and he said angrily: "This world is because of you pirates who are looking for onepiece, that's why all this is caused, and countless innocent people are in pain."

"I Z will definitely end all of this. There should be no onepiece in this world, no new world, and no one piece."

Amidst the roar of anger, Zefa stepped forward and a force was lifted from his body and gathered on his right arm. The violent force blasted out in an instant, sending Luffy out again.

After rolling three times in the air, Luffy fell heavily to the ground. This kind of impact didn't say anything to the rubber man. Luffy stood up on the ground with one hand.

Luffy shouted and stepped forward to kill Xiang Zefa again, "I don't care about that much anymore, I know I want to restore my partner to the original state."

Da da da…

The violent metal slug swept out again, and Luffy, who rushed towards Zefachao, asked, "Little devil, do you know what it means to be a One Piece? Do you know what a One Piece is? You have the consciousness to face death. ?"

"Of course!" Luffy answered firmly without hesitation.

With a haha ​​smile, Zefa asked again: "Then your companions, does he have the same awareness of being in an extremely dangerous new world, facing the imminent death, in order to sacrifice the life of his partner in order to achieve the awareness of faith, or Say, do you have the consciousness of walking on the corpse of your companion."

As he said, Zefa waved his backhand, the huge mechanical arm set off a strong wind, and then slammed against Lu Fei's body, and Luffy was suddenly drawn into the air.

At the same time, Zefa quickly took out a small pistol from his pocket and aimed at Luffy. With a bang of the trigger, a lime-gray bullet was ejected from the gun under the thrust of the explosive explosion, and it accurately hit Luffy. shoulder.


The bullet hit his shoulder, causing severe pain and Luffy could not help but let out a scream, suddenly a hot wind hit, and the straw hat on Luffy's head was blown into the air.

Seeing that the straw hat flew off, Luffy was instinctively about to reach out and grab the straw hat. But somehow, there was a sense of powerlessness from all over the body, and he fell on the beach abruptly, and the flying straw hat fell slowly and happened to fall. At the feet of Zefa.

Luffy could only lie on the beach, unable to move, let alone stand up. Everything was just that the bullet hit his body, and then Luffy couldn't lift the slightest strength.

Luffy raised his head to Zefa and asked, "What the **** are you doing to me, why am I weak?"

Stepping towards the road, Zefa said indifferently: "This is a sea floor stone bullet. For those of you capable, the sea floor stone is your biggest nemesis, but it is a pity that this material is too hard to destroy a sea. It's really so sleepy that building stone is processed into a bullet."

Speaking of this, Zefa sneered, "For the new world where the strong are like clouds, most of the strong will not be hit by this simple attack, but for some who are capable, they are mad and defiant. That’s different for newcomers.”

After that, Zefa bent over and picked up the straw hat that fell on the ground. In the previous battle, Zefa found that Luffy valued his straw hat very much, and even instinctively protected the straw hat in his hand from time to time during the battle. It's a very important thing for the straw hat boy in front of you.

Looking at the straw hat in his hand, Zefa said to Luffy lying on the ground: "This straw hat is also very shabby. In the face of that old guy Karp, I will not kill you personally. Anyway, after tomorrow, the whole new world will be Followed by destruction, including your hat."

After speaking, Zefa turned around and walked towards the battleship that had been prepared on the beach.

"Return my hat to me, return it"

Seeing that Zefa took his hat away, Luffy yelled frantically, struggling to get up, but the power of the sea tower stone bullet made Luffy feel helpless, so he could only lie on the beach and watch Zefa take the hat away.


Zefa left, and Usopp ran over. The fight between the two was too fierce, and Usopp couldn't get close to the battlefield.

At the same time, Sanji and Sauron also ran over on the same side. Half of Saiken Island was now covered by lava, and the ash from the eruption had enveloped the entire island.

As they continued to fight, it would be difficult for them to leave, so Sauron and the others stopped the fight by appointment and agreed to fight another day. Both Shuzo and Sauron understood that today’s fight is just beginning, and the real battlefield for victory is At the third endpoint.

The straw hat is Luffy's most precious thing, or it was the agreement between Luffy and Shanks. Today, Zefa took the straw hat away. In any case, Luffy definitely wants to retake the straw hat.

On the other side, when the endpoint erupted, the entire Saiken Island was detonated, and hot magma poured into the city like a tide, and all the creatures where the magma had been said were swallowed.

Although the population of this city is as high as one million, even if there are so many people with navy warships and sea trains running to the limit, many people are still trapped on the islands waiting for rescue, but the hot lava has poured into the city.

A large amount of magma erupts from the volcano, and the fiery red lava is like a meteorite falling from the sky and hits the city heavily. Under the huge impact force, the destructive power of a lava is often enough to cover a radius of ten meters. All buildings and creatures were destroyed within.

In the burning city, at a corner of the street, a little girl pushed her grandma in a wheelchair to the port. Due to the inconvenience of the wheelchair, they did not have time to follow the crowd to the port.

A piercing sound came from The little girl looked up and saw a block of magma falling from the sky, slamming straight towards their location.

"Ah, grandma!"

Facing the life and death crisis, the little girl instinctively hugged her grandmother, her eyes closed tightly, and she shouted in horror.

call out…

The green pheasant flashed in front of the little girl, and her body erupted with endless extreme cold. For a moment, countless residents in the town only felt a white light flashing in front of them, and in the next second, a huge azure blue ice with a height of 100 meters and unknown thickness The wall spanned the entire city and blocked the hot lava.

While the remaining people in the city are grateful that they have survived, they are also curious about who did this ice wall.

The green pheasant turned around and smiled at the shocked little girl: "Take your grandma away. This wall of ice is enough to keep the entire town's residents to evacuate."

Looking up at the volcanic eruption rising into the sky, the green pheasant couldn't help whispering.

"Teacher Zefa, do you hate this world so much?"

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