
The ultimate fate of Saiken Island is the same as that of Faz Island. The soaring fire shrouds the entire island of Saiken Island, and this sea area is like daylight under the light of the fire.

From a distance, this is simply a huge and spectacular firework, but the cost of this firework is too great, it needs the price of an island.

At this moment, no matter it was on the high-speed sea train or on the navy's deck full of refugees, everyone was silent. The tears of sorrow and pain had long since drained, leaving only the loss of their homes and loved ones' grief gradually blowing with the sea breeze.

Looking into the distance on Saiken Island, which was gradually destroyed by the flames, Ai Yin asked Zefa from behind: "Teacher Zefa, what about the straw hat boy?"

A strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, Zefa looked into the distance and said: "Don't worry, that kid can't die, Lin Tian, ​​this guy won't let him die."

Hearing the name, Ayin was shocked, and various expressions crowded her face, because today’s action already represented Ayin’s choice on the side. She followed Teacher Zefa to destroy the second endpoint, all of which represented Ai Yin still insisted on following the teacher Zefa forever.

Although Lin Tian didn't make a move, Zefa discovered that Lin Tian was riding in the chasing wind, always above their heads.

Seeing the island of Saiken disappearing in the flames, he gave a cold snort, and Teacher Zefa smiled disdainfully: "Onepiece, what a **** boring dream of a pirate, the pirate is just a group of scum that actually destroys the world under the guise of dreams. Well, I don’t know how many innocent people have to endure grief and pain because of this. Roger, you are really a bastard, obviously dead, and you have to bring so much pain to the world."

Speaking of this, teacher Zefa burst into uncontrollable anger, and raised a punch and hammer on the railing. Although the great route of the year was extremely dangerous, there were many pirates, but it was not like what it is now, what kind of pirate garbage. All appear, only the real strong can come to the great route.

But now this sea area is full of pirates, even if the navy uses its best to encircle and suppress, the number of pirates has not decreased, but has increased. As a result, more and more people have been harmed, and sadness and pain echoed across the great route. .

In the face of these, Teacher Zefa got an answer, why the number of pirates is increasing, all because of Roger's last words before his death.

"Do you want my treasure? I can give it to you if you want it, go find it! I will put all the treasure there."

With the emergence of onepiece, countless pirates rushed to the sea. The era of great pirates is coming. Since all the pirates' goals are because of onepiece, Zefa has found a solution, which is to destroy onepiece, as long as this countless pirates yearn for the goal , Even if all the powerful pirates on the sea are resolved, this era of pirates will be terminated.

Looking at Teacher Zefa in front of him, a touch of sadness flashed across Ai Yin's face. The world was really unfair to Teacher Zefa.

A huge fleet of dozens of warships was driving on the calm sea. Looking at an island, countless navies on the warship fell into silence. Seeing that little bit of the island disappeared into the flames, there was a soldier's face. Confused face.


Suddenly, in front of the fleet, an extremely large lightning fell from the sky. The dazzling light illuminates the entire sea area. The thunder and lightning stirred up large white waves on the sea, and the thunderous thunder immediately awakened all the soldiers. , Everyone's eyes were attracted by thunder and lightning.

In this cloudless night, a thunder and lightning suddenly appeared. This situation was very strange. As if thinking of something, Zefa's face changed slightly, and he looked forward intently.

Since the surrounding seas were illuminated by the skyrocketing fire of Saiken Island as if it were daylight, even though it was night, it could be seen clearly, and an endless domineering figure floated above the sky.

Seeing the figure floating high in the sky, Zefa's eyes suddenly condensed, and he said in a deep voice, "It really is you, Lin Tian!"

Now on Saiken Island, who can produce the huge thunder and lightning just now, and the powerhouse who is floating in the air out of thin air, who else besides Lin Tian.

Not only Zefa, but also the expressions of Ai Yin, Bin Si, and Xiuzuo behind, they had already expected this scene. After knowing that Lin Tian was familiar with their plan, the three of them felt like a mirror, Lin Tian They will certainly not sit idly by and destroy the three endpoints and eventually destroy the new world.

"Lin Tian, ​​you finally can't help but make a move." Ai Yin's tone was unbearable. Her favorite man and her most important family were about to fight, and Ai Yin really didn't want to see this scene.

As the figure in the sky drew closer to them, many soldiers also saw Lin Tian's face clearly, and they couldn't help exclaiming in a moment of shock.

"Master Lin Tian!"

Because of Lin Tian’s appearance, the huge fleet stopped, and the dark muzzles on each battleship began to turn. Thousands of cannons were all aimed at Lin Tian, ​​and the soldiers on the deck also had their muzzles. Already aimed at Lin Tian, ​​as long as he waited for Zefa's order, the bombardment that would destroy an island would come to Lin Tian.

At this moment, tens of thousands of eyes from the heavens and the earth gathered on Lin Tian. This is the power that the real strong should have. A single appearance is enough to stop the huge fleet of dozens of warships, and tens of thousands of elites. The soldiers were extremely nervous.

Lin Tian descended from the sky and fell into the huge battleship group, facing the thousands of cannons and tens of thousands of muzzles, Lin Tian's expression did not change at all, as if there was nothing.

Stopping in front of the flagship, Lin Tian could not see the slightest expression on his calm face, nor did he speak. He waved an object from Lin Tian's hand and flew towards Zefa.

Looking at the flying object, the many navy forces suddenly tightened, and Xiu Zuo stepped forward to help Zefa stop the object.

Unexpectedly, Zefa stretched out his hand to stop Xiu Zuo, and at the same time raised his left hand to accurately catch the flying object. At this time, everyone discovered that Lin Tian threw a blue wine bottle.

At this time, Lin Tiancai said, "Teacher, this is the fine wine from Venezia Narr, the best wine in the country that is rich in fine wine. I remember you said that you really want to drink this wine for the second time in your life."

After listening to Lin Tian’s words, even Zefa’s face changed slightly. He took a sip of this wine back then by chance, but later I heard that this wine has disappeared. How did Lin Tian find it? of.

Just listen to Lin Tian continue: "To be honest, I hated drinking at the time, not only because of my lack of alcohol, but also because if there were serious casualties in the navy, there would be a lot of navy drunk and Fangxiu to dilute their hearts. Pain, and wine sometimes represents death."

Woo... Holding the wine bottle in his hand tightly with both hands, Zefa grinned and said, "Are you here to persuade me, a stubborn old man? As a proud student of the old man, you should know that the old man never changed his mind. People".

"Teacher Zefa, do you want to die?" Lin Tian's tone did not change at all, as if he had already guessed that Zefa would answer this way.

Tilting his head slightly, Zefa smiled nonchalantly: "If you really want to die, there is no way. My old man should have died long ago, but in order to eliminate the pirates, everything is worth it."

Lin Tian finally changed his face. He stared at Zefa and asked, "Teacher, I am also a pirate, so do you want to kill me?"

Without any hesitation, Zefa replied firmly: "Yes, any pirate is damned, including you, just like the day before yesterday."

As he said, Zefa turned around and said impatiently: "If you want to stop me, then let's start, Lin Tian! Sorry, I am very busy now."

As soon as he said this, the air seemed to be solidifying, and a tense atmosphere spread. After a few seconds of silence, Lin Tian's lips vomited lightly.

"Me too, Teacher Zefa!"

As soon as the voice fell, in an instant, countless electric arcs rose up in Lin Tian's body, the blue electric arc flickered, and Lin Tian was enveloped by a slight glare of thunder.

Not only that, with the changes in Lin Tian's body, even the surrounding void seemed to be drawn by Lin Tian, ​​and a wave of violent power emerged from the calm void without warning.

With a bang, a terrible domineering eruption erupted from Lin Tian. The invisible dominance was like a violent hurricane. It was like a hurricane of more than ten levels. An invisible pressure passed through the body and directly crushed the soldiers. In my mind.

Boom...A soldier's eyes suddenly turned white, he passed out, and fell heavily to the ground.

Not just a soldier, but the soldier's fall was like a signal. Suddenly, there were bursts of muffled noises, and the navy's eyes became pale and unconscious and fell heavily to the ground.

And this scene happened on dozens of warships at the same time. In a blink of an eye, 80% of the tens of thousands of soldiers fell to the ground. Only a small number of elite soldiers could endure the deterrence of Lin Tianba's domineering and unconsciousness.

Turning his head to look at the soldiers on the deck, Xiuzuo angrily said: "Damn it, Lin Tian, ​​you guys actually used the domineering look For an instant, 80% of the soldiers were in a coma and lost their mobility. The admiral strong, Zefa understands more than any other, that the more people in front of such a strong are ants.

Seeing so many soldiers in a coma, Zefa taught Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​didn't I teach you back then, don't vent your domineering?"

Without answering Zefa's question, Lin Tian calmly said: "Teacher Zefa, if you still insist on not canceling the action, then I will have to take action."

As he said, the flashing electric arc flashed on Lin Tian's body, and suddenly turned into lightning bolts and scattered into the surrounding void. After a while, the calm void began to change, and the waves of violent violence that gushed out were aroused.

In the next second, I saw a series of thunder and lightning exuding terrifying power from the sky without money. The endless lightning pierced the sky, and the dense thunder and lightning fell from the sky like a storm, but it was not rain. , But thunder and lightning, the whole scene is extremely shocking, just like a miracle.

The stout thunder and lightning smashed into the sea. Under the bombardment of hundreds of millions of volts of high-voltage thunder and lightning, the white water column soared into the sky. The water droplets were as high as tens of meters, and hundreds of tons of sea water were lifted up.

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