Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 995: Fight Zefa Again


In the calm sea, fierce shelling hit, dozens of warships lined up on the sea, blocking the advance of the Sonny, and the continuous artillery shells were like a torrent of metal coming down the Sonny.

If an ordinary pirate ship has been destroyed by this fierce shelling, the Sonny is the best shipman in the world, plus the best wood, and a series of high-tech ships. Pirate ship.

With the propeller system plus the outer ship system, and the wind standing on their side, the Sonny's speed is like a high-speed sea train, rushing towards the third endpoint island.


I saw two Gatling guns exposed in the Sonny’s dock system, six fist-sized barrels exuding fierce murderous intent, and the crisp sound of bullet impacts were like soybeans. The rate of fire was thousands of rounds per minute. A torrent of metal bullets.

A torrent of bullets visible to the naked eye blasted towards a battleship, and the terrifying metal bullet flow would blast a large hole at the front and rear ends of the battleship in just a few seconds. As the keel broke under the flow of metal bullets, there was a loud bang. Suddenly broke into three sections and sank to the bottom of the sea

"Let you see the results of my transformation of the Sonny!"

Amidst the excited shouts, Frankie quickly controlled him, and saw the two six-barrel Gatling guns on the side of the Sonny retracted, the dock system rotated for a while, and the side of the Sonny showed two small muzzles. A dazzling light gathered on the muzzle.

In the next second, two dazzling orange-yellow lights pierced the sky. In the horrified gaze of many new-born naval soldiers, the two laser beams each hit a battleship. There was a loud bang, and the two battleships exploded terribly.

The burning fire quickly engulfed the battleship, and in a blink of an eye, the two battleships were enveloped in burning flames.

Frankie, who was in control of the rudder, looked at this scene, raised the sunglasses on his nose and smiled triumphantly: "See? Over the years, I have mastered the laser beam manufacturing technology and loaded him on the Sonny. The current Sonny is comparable to a small fleet in firepower."

"Lion roar, fire!"

With an order from Luffy, Usopp, who was already ready, pressed the button without hesitation, a faint light flashed on the muzzle, and the next moment, a strong shock wave shot out.

The shock wave spread out like a fan. As far as it went, the huge battleship over a hundred meters long was instantly blasted into two parts. Before the soldiers on the battleship could react to what was happening, they felt that they were hit by a huge force. The whole body was thrown into the air by invisible power.

The impact dissipated a little bit, and the world returned to calm again, but in the line of defense composed of the fleet, four warships were destroyed under the power of the Lion's Roar, and the heavily defended fleet was broken by a gap.

Before the fleet re-formed the line of defense, the Sonny had already approached the beach along the gap at a very fast speed. They came here only to regain the hat, and there was no need to waste time with the fleet on the sea.

Compared with the first two endpoints, the third endpoint is an active volcano, and it is an active volcano that constantly erupts. The entire island is made of solidified molten rock, and it looks like a huge dark beast from a distance. .

The Sonny rushed all the way on the sea, breaking through the blockade of the fleet, and rushing directly onto the soft beach.

"Can't let them approach Teacher Z!"

In the shouts, tens of thousands of new navy rushed towards the Sunny on the beach. Teacher Z has already gone to the crater. The third endpoint is about to be destroyed. Their dream of eliminating all the pirates is about to come true, so Never let the straw hat boys go to disturb Teacher Zefa.

With a sound of Luffy, he took the lead to leap down the deck, and after that, everyone quickly jumped off the deck.

Without much words, Luffy pulled out the sword at his waist and raised it high, shouting: "Where is z, come out for me, I have come to take back my hat".

When the voice fell, Luffy rushed out directly, as if a humanoid monster forcibly crashed into the swarm of navy people, wherever it passed, a large number of soldiers were flying up.


The cold light flashed, and the shining slash rushed into the crowd. Dozens of soldiers were knocked into the air, and a clearing was immediately cleared. However, there were too many soldiers, and in a blink of an eye Sauron was once again filled with swarms of naval soldiers.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Sauron’s mouth was slightly cocked. It was excitement. Tens of thousands of elite naval soldiers were the real battle. The murlocs encountered on the fisherman island were too weak, and they couldn’t fight with them. The navy's elite is on par.

Faced with a torrent of tens of thousands of soldiers, Luffy and the nine of them were instantly dispersed, each turned into a battlefield, and the entire beach was chaotic.

At the same time, as Luffy and others entangled all the new naval soldiers, the naval landing on the other side of the island was not blocked at all. Headed by generals Huang Yuan and Fujitora, more than a dozen lieutenants of the Navy formed the strongest naval force to board. The island headed towards the mountain.

Looking up at the battle that erupted on the top of the mountain, Huang Yuan said in surprise: " seems that the crane staff guessed right. The Straw Hat boys really fought with Teacher Zefa. In that case, we will fight the Straw Hat boys together Solve it".

On the other side, the blind general Fujitora also raised his head. Although it is difficult to see with his eyes, it is also because Zefa's perception and color are very powerful, enough to make Zefa look like a normal person, but can sense the shape of the object, The appearance of the object cannot be sensed.

He whispered: "There are three strong ones on the top of the mountain. In fact, one of them must be the former admiral Zefa. As for the other two, one of them is a green pheasant, and the other one must be Lin Tian."

The shot of the green pheasant on Saiken Island let the navy headquarters know that the green pheasant was also involved in this endpoint incident. As teacher Zefa, it is not surprising that the green pheasant will appear here.

Sitting on a rock, Luffy was chewing on the huge barbecue in his hand, "Hey, I'm really tired."

However, where Luffy’s gaze had said, the ground was full of unconscious navy soldiers. Soldiers were everywhere on the hill. They were lying on the ground in various ways. Luffy alone solved thousands of soldiers.

Three or two ate the barbecue in their hands. Luffy patted his full stomach and rushed to the top of the mountain. Z was there. He wanted to defeat Z and regain the straw hat.

The crater, at this moment, is the time for the volcano to be immersed. The crater is covered by solidified magma, but from time to time there is still a magma that rushes out of the cover of the rock, spreading like beautiful fireworks, but underneath this beauty lies indeed A crisis sufficient to destroy the world.

In the center of the magma lake, Zefa sits alone on the rock, with all the remaining power rocks inserted around him. At this moment, Zefa only needs to gently crush a container, the volcano will be detonated by dozens of power rocks, and the entire island Will be destroyed in an instant, and everyone on this island died under the eruption of the dynamic rock.

Next, as all three endpoints are destroyed, the veins connecting the three magma lakes will be destroyed, and a volcanic eruption that is enough to burn out the sea in the New World will occur. At that time, whether it is ordinary pirates or strong If all the Four Emperors will be destroyed, as well as the countless innocent people, this era of great pirates is about to end.

To achieve all of this, Zefa needs a small action now, but at the last moment, Zefa did not detonate the power rock because he was lost.

Why do you want to detonate and destroy the endpoint and destroy the new world? Isn't it just to eliminate the pirates, end this era of great pirates, and save the people from suffering?

The new world was destroyed. Although many pirates were wiped out, countless innocent people died, and dozens of countries and unknown races were destroyed.

Now that he has reached the last step, Zefa is confused. He wants to kill countless innocent people and destroy dozens of countries in order to eliminate the pirates from danger. Is this really his goal?

Staring at the straw hat in front of him, the corners of Zefa’s mouth slightly cocked. During the time he got the straw hat, Zefa finally remembered when he first saw this straw hat. It was the first time he saw Luo several decades ago. When Jie, Roger became a pirate.

Then Shanks became the owner of this straw hat. In the end, he became the Four Emperors, who ruled the new world like an emperor. Now that the straw hat boy is the third owner of this straw hat, does it mean anything?


Although it was slight, Zefa still heard the footsteps and did not look back. There seemed to be eyes behind Zefa to see Luffy's arrival.

"Straw hat boy, you are finally here, the explosion that destroys the last endpoint is about to begin"

Stopping his footsteps, Luffy stared at the straw hat in front of Zefa, "I don't care about the endpoint explosion, I am here just to take back my hat".

"A hat? What does this mean to you?" Zefa asked, turning his head to the straw hat in front of him.

Luffy did not hesitate at all and said seriously: "It is the dream that guided me to become a pirate. One day, under the leadership of this hat, I will become the king of pirates."

"Huh!" Zefa couldn't help snorting coldly, "I don't allow pirates to have any dreams. It is because of dreams that there are so many pirates. The ONEPIECE you are pursuing will be destroyed by me."

Speaking of Zefa, he put down his hat, stood up, and threw the cloak behind him into the air with a whirr, revealing the upper body full of explosive muscles.

"Replace my hat" angrily, Luffy strode out, raising his fist to attack Zefa.


Zefa stepped out, raised his mechanical arm to grasp the flaw in Luffy's forward movement and waved it out, and the mechanical arm slammed on Luffy's body.

As the instructor of all naval soldiers in the world, Zefa's physical skills are among the top in the world, no matter if it is experience or vision, otherwise Zefa would not be able to train so many outstanding naval soldiers.

Second gear!

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