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Sauron took a step, and his figure flashed like a stream of light, and crossed cold light burst out.

"Armed and domineering, iron!"

During the shouts, Xiuzo was covered with invisible armor like a layer of invisible armor. With the iron block of the Navy's six-type defense, Xiuzo actually blocked Sauron's slash with his body.

"Pirate hunter Sauron, you are also a vicious pirate, let me die here", in the murderous voice of Xiuzuo, the already well-equipped fist blasted out.

I saw a dark fist constantly zooming in his eyes. Before the fist arrived, the rolled white wind rushed towards his face. The fierce wind cut across Sauron's face like an invisible sharp blade.

Sauron reacted extremely quickly, and he didn't panic. With a twist of his wrist, he turned his sword in front of him like a shield.


With a loud bang, Xiuzuo’s punch exploded with the strongest force. The movement produced by the collision was like dozens of cannonballs exploding together. The terrible shock wave spread out in all directions, and the solid rocks where it passed were destroyed in pieces. Cracks have spread like a spider web centered on the two of them, and the impact swept through countless dust and rubble, turning into dense fog to block everything.

call out…

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and there was a tumbling in the thick fog, and a black shadow flew out of it. It was Sauron.

Both feet landed on the ground, and the huge impact was not so easy to remove. Sauron's feet rubbed against the ground at high speed for more than ten meters, until a bang smashed a solid rock to pieces, Sauron barely stopped and retreated. Footsteps.

At the same time, in the thick fog, Xiu Zuo's figure flew out, standing on a volcanic rock, looking down at Sauron.

As if the fate of Sauron had been determined, he said, "The evil pirate hunter Sauron, starting today, all the pirates in the new world will die. This era of pirates will end. I will not let you disturb Teacher Zefa. , Your fate has been determined".

Ignoring the frenzied words of the guy above, Sauron backhanded the two knives in his hands upside down to the ground, took off the turban on his right arm, and tied it to the top of his head.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and Sauron said disdainfully: "It's really a bunch of guys who don't know why. It seems that you don't understand what environment you are in. Since our captain has said that you want to defeat the guy Z, then the final victory has long been determined."

Speaking, Suolong drew up the two swords on the ground, raised his head to look at Xiu Zuo, and a scarlet glow flashed across his opened left eye.

For some reason, Xiu Zuo saw the scarlet cold glow flashing in Sauron's eyes, and his whole body trembled. A chill came from his heels, followed his back, and rushed straight into his mind. Facing Sauron was like being irritated. Like monsters.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Xiuzuo shouted angrily, leaped forward and killed Sauron, shouting: "Do you think that with a green headscarf, you can change the final solution in this city? Just rely on your domineering Enough to defeat me".

Sauron stepped on quickly, violent power gushing out from the soles of his feet, and the ground under his feet exploded with a rumble, revealing a large hole half a meter deep. At the same time as the explosion, Sauron's figure had already turned into a streamer and burst out. , An extremely powerful sword burst out.

Xiuzuo saw that the air in front of him was distorted by Sauzu's sword power, and a blue dragon flew out of thin air to cover Sauron. In the next second, Xiuzo didn't realize what was happening, and the blue dragon whizzed through Xiuzo's body. .

"Three Swords Flow. Green Dragon Seal. Drinking Water"


Several lines of blood spurted out of his chest, and the bright red blood quickly dyed Xiuzuo's chest clothes bright red, and the severe pain rushed into his mind like a tide. With a bang, Xiuzuo fell heavily to the ground, causing a flurry of flying smoke.

"How is it possible?" Xiuzuo couldn't accept the outcome of his defeat.

But compared to the severe pain, Xiu Zuo's heart was more shocked. At that moment, he just barely saw the trajectory of Sauron's sword. He didn't even notice how the opponent hit.

In other words, Sauron didn't use his full strength to fight against him before, just playing with himself, how could Xiuzo accept this.

Taking off the word Hedao from his mouth, Sauron turned to look at Xiuzuo lying on the ground, and said very domineeringly: "Wearing a turban just means that I have to use all my strength. As for your domineering... In my opinion, let me use it. There is no qualification for domineering."


On the other hand, Binz was also solved by Sanji, and both Shuzo and Binz in Zefa's hands were solved, leaving Ayin alone, but Ayin faced an opponent she would never be able to defeat.

Ai Yin held bright daggers in both hands, and her figure flickered quickly, attacking Lin Tian frantically. The daggers swung at high speed turned into afterimages. The speed that was hard to catch by the naked eye seemed to Lin Tian like the speed of a turtle.

Even if Ai Yin used all his strength to launch a storm-like offensive towards Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian was like a huge ship, no matter how intense the storm was, it was hard to shake Lin Tian.

Neither Lin Tian nor Ai Yin spoke. One attacked like this, the other dodged like this. Lin Tian looked at Ai Yin with apologetic eyes. Ai Yin, who was mixed between Teacher Zefa and himself, was actually The most painful of all people.

Finally, after a series of attacks, Ai Yin's physical strength has been exhausted, and his mouth was panting, and the attack speed could not help slowing down, but Ai Yin did not stop, and the dagger in his hand was still as deadly as a poisonous snake. Attack.

At this time, Lin Tian spoke and persuaded: "Ai Yin stop, you know that you can never be my opponent, there is no point in fighting like this."

"No, it has a very serious meaning to me", Ai Yin kept attacking Lin Tian as soon as he changed, and replied: "As long as you stop, Teacher Zefa can transfer the third endpoint, all the pirates in the new world Will be wiped out".

Looking at the stubborn woman in front of him, Lin Tian suddenly became a little angry. What was in her mind and why she had to accompany Teacher Zefa to do it. Then she regarded herself as a dispensable role. ?

Holding back his anger, Lin Tian persuaded again: "Ai Yin, don't force me, I don't want to do anything to women, but I am still my favorite woman."

Hearing the "beloved woman", Ai Yin was shocked, and even the moves she made could not help. Lin Tian's words disturbed Ai Yin's heart.

But Ai Yin quickly woke up, and the sharp blade in his hand attacked Lin Tian again, seeing the woman in front of him and he didn't listen at all.

Lin Tian, ​​who had been evasive, finally made a move. Lin Tian stretched out his hand and grabbed Ai Yin's wrist. Naturally, Ai Yin would not let Lin Tian grab him, and would avoid the dagger he had taken back. But Lin Tian seemed to foresee Ai Yin's movements, and his slow palms followed Ai Yin's movements in this way, seemingly slow but it felt like it was difficult to dodge.

The strength gap between Ai Yin and Lin Tian is too great, once Lin Tian is really ready to take a shot, he can easily control Ai Yin with one move.

In the end, Ayin's hands with the dagger were still difficult to escape. Lin Tian grabbed his wrists. While catching Ayin, Lin Tian spoke with both hands. Before Ayin could realize what was happening, Lin Tian took the dagger with both hands. , And flew more than ten meters away, stuck in a rock.

"Let go, let me go, Lin Tian, ​​bastard Lin Tian!" Being caught by Lin Tian, ​​Ai Yin naturally struggled desperately, constantly cursing, but how could she break away from Lin Tian with her strength.

Looking at the beautiful person cursing herself in front of him, Lin Tian seemed to see the sadness in Ai Yin's heart through those bright big eyes. Her heart was already dry, and how long did she not smile on her beautiful cheeks~www.wuxiaspot. com~A day is still a month or a year, Lin Tian doesn't know.

But seeing Ai Yin's faintly shining eyes, Lin Tian was deeply moved in his heart, and the anger in his heart was instantly wiped out.


Loosing Ai Yin's hands, Lin Tian suddenly hugged Ai Yin tightly in his arms. At this moment, Lin Tian just wanted to hug Ai Yin in his arms and help her block everything with his body.

Lips lightly leaned against Ai Yin's ear, and Lin Tian said affectionately: "Ai Yin, sorry..."

Before I realized what was happening, he clung to Lin Tian’s chest. Ai Yin was stunned by this scene, especially when the familiar breath came. Ai Yin’s heart was like a calm sea suddenly ushered in a violent storm, so calm. , Composure disappeared in an instant.

Especially Lin Tian's last heartfelt, affectionate apology, it was like a sharp blade that completely destroyed Ai Yin's defense.

At this moment, Ai Yin was stunned, and tears appeared in the bright big eyes. The next second, Ai Yin cried, tears gushing from his eyes and running down her cheeks, while both hands clenched fists and madly hammered Lin Tianhou Back.

He cursed, "You badass, idiot, Lin Tian idiot, Lin Tian, ​​idiot..."

Ai Yin used every punch very hard, the hammer made a muffled sound on Lin Tian, ​​and the tears quickly soaked Lin Tian's shoulders. The more painful Ai Yin cried, the more guilty Lin Tian felt.

What Lin Tian can do is to endure all this in silence while holding the lovely person in his arms tightly, letting Ai Yin vent all the pain in his heart for a year.

The crying lasted for a long time, and Lin Tian's chest was soaked with Ai Yin's tears. Finally, Ai Yin's crying gradually stopped, and his fists slowly loosened. He hugged Lin Tian tightly with his backhand, and asked in confusion.

"Lin Tian, ​​what should I do now? What should I do..."

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