Bang... bang... bang...

In the middle of the volcano, the battle between Luffy and Zefa has reached the fiercest point. The fast-moving figures of the two seem to have turned into two streams of light. Every time they collide with each other more than ten times, the two attacks have surpassed. At the speed of the naked eye, there was a resounding air explosion over the magma lake.

The continuous attacks exploded with terrible power, and the destructive power of two people was like two monsters in human skin. The hard rocks were easily shattered, and deep pits on the ground under their feet appeared under the fighting between the two.

"Return my straw hat"

Luffy rushed out, and in an angry shout, Luffy raised his fist and slammed towards Zefa. Zefa's reaction was naturally not slow. He raised his mechanical arm like a sword and cleaved out with a powerful and domineering armed look. Surrounded by the robotic arm, the domineering restraint against the capable can easily knock Luffy's fist out.

With a wave of his hand, Zefa's face was filled with a faintly excited smile. Since the day his arm was cut off, it has been a long time since he fought so happily.

Looking at Luffy in front of him, Zefa grinned and said: "Straw hat boy, it's useless. If you want to get your hat back, you must defeat me, but your strength can't defeat me who has faith in justice."

With a roar, Luffy stepped on both feet, and a bang exploded from under his feet, and Luffy burst out with the impact of the explosion as early as the moment of the explosion.

The domineering eruption, the armed domineering is like a layer of invisible armor covering Luffy's fist, and Luffy clenched his fist with a faint metallic light to kill Zefa's head.

Half a step out, the entire ground was shocked by the powerful force, and a gust of wind swept out of the huge mechanical arm.


The moment the fist collided with the mechanical arm, a powerful impact burst out, and a strong wind blew on both of them out of thin air.

In the next second, Zefa's mechanical arm trembled slightly, and a huge explosion sounded. Orange flames rushed toward his face. The impact of the explosion made Luffy unable to prepare for it, and he was knocked out.

The scorching heat wave rushed towards him, Luffy's upper body clothes went out in smoke, his feet stepped out, and Luffy's figure flashed out of the flame range of the explosion.

Touching the sweat on his head, Luffy sighed: "This uncle is really strong. It will be difficult to take the hat back from the uncle if he fights like this."

On the other side of the flame, Zefa blasted Luffy, but immediately he knelt down on the ground with a bang. Although he suppressed Luffy in the battle, Zefa's sickly body was no longer enough to support him in such a high and intense battle. Pain came from the chest, but Zefa did not take the medicine spray to suppress the disease in the body.

Holding his aching chest, Zefa whispered: "It's worthy of being a kid who is clamoring for war. It's really difficult."

As he said, Zefa couldn't help looking at the straw hat on the side, and Roger and Red-haired Shanks appeared in his mind for some reason.

"Three gears!"

The roar came from behind the flame, and the burning flame was blown away by a strong wind. In the flame, a huge arm, comparable to the arm of a giant, broke through the flame to block and kill towards Zefa.

"The Gun of Giants!"

Seeing that Luffy's arms became so huge, even Zefa couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that in addition to using the high-speed blood flow to enhance his physical fitness, the little devil in front of him actually had this kind of fighting method to increase his strength.

Astonishment is astonishment, Zefa didn't stop his action, raised his mechanical right arm and blasted out a punch. Originally thought this kid had no power anymore, he didn't expect that there would be such a method.


Zefa shouted loudly and raised his mechanical right arm to make a violent collision with the Luffy Giant's Fist. Even the real giant Zefa could block their fists.

But at the moment of contact, Zefa's face changed. Luffy's fist, which looked like a giant, had terrifying power far surpassing that of a giant. He only felt a huge force coming, as if resisting a high-speed sea train. .

Even if Zefa's feet desperately stepped on the ground, his body couldn't resist this huge force, and he kept moving backwards, his feet rubbing against the ground, leaving two marks several centimeters deep.

It wasn't until Luffy's fist was hard to throw and had to take it back, Zefa stopped retreating.

Wiping off the blood on the corners of his mouth, looking at Luffy in front of him, Zefa exclaimed: "Although you are a pirate, you are very spine and stronger than those incompetent navies."

To be praised by Zefa, even the current Navy Headquarters Marshal Red Dog and General Huang Yuan do not have this honor, let alone the pirates, they are by no means more than five fingers, and those pirates are well known all over the world. One of the most powerful pirates in the world.

After a pause, Zefa turned around, "However, you are absolutely impossible to defeat the just me."


Lu Fei roared and stepped on his feet. The whole earth was shaken. Cracks spread around like spider webs, and hot magma flowed out from the cracks.

With a bang, the solid rocks under the feet could not bear Luffy's powerful force burst, and the hot magma was jetted into the air. Luffy used the impact of the explosion to increase his own speed, instantly breaking through the speed of sound, causing bursts of air bursts. Sound, kill Xiang Zefa.

"You brat boy!"

Zefa's aura was not weak at all. He yelled to the sky, and shot with both feet. The two people turned into a stream of light and leapt into the air, like two meteorites smashing through the sky.

The dazzling light radiated, and the light passed through the crater, radiated into the void and disappeared into the sky. This scene was seen by the navy soldiers coming to the top of the mountain or Sauron and others who had solved the opponent.

Immediately there was an earth-shattering explosion, and the orange-yellow fireball spread out in all directions in a spherical shape centered on the two of them. The invisible shock wave raged in the crater like a strong wind, and the solid magma rock burst like tofu under this impact. The magma hidden below spewed out suddenly.

And in the crater not far away, the three of Green Pheasant, Lin Tian and Ai Yin were standing outside the battlefield, watching the whole situation in silence. Whether it was Green Pheasant, Lin Tian, ​​or Ai Yin, they all understood that today This is the last time that Teacher Zefa spent.

Click... Click...

A faint cracking sound rang in Zefa's ears. Hearing this sound, Zefa's face changed, and his mechanical arm actually cracked under the attack of the kid in front of him.

This is not a simple robotic arm, but a robotic arm mixed with Hailoushi. Although it is not made of Hailoushi, the mechanical arm is much harder than ordinary steel because it is mixed with Hailoushi.

I saw on the robotic arm, Luffy's fist blasted the robotic arm into a small gap, and the same blood flowed down Luffy's fingertips, and Luffy's entire fist was bloody.

Seeing Luffy's gritted teeth, Zefa asked curiously: "Boy, why, you have been committed to challenging me, since you know my plan to destroy the new world, you should take the opportunity to leave the new world."

"Even if you defeat me, what can you get to become a hero? How could it be that the whole world will know such a news when the straw hat guys killed the former navy general Zefa, making it for the world government Unforgivable incident".

I have to say that as the former high-ranking navy, he knew everything about the world government and the navy.

Regardless of the fact that endpoint and his own rebellion against the navy, the world government will never announce to the world, otherwise the face of the world government will be trampled on completely.

Now that this kid is involved in it, he will find a perfect reason for the navy, and everything including the destruction of Saiken Island and Faz Island, and his own death will all be pushed to the straw hat gang.

Without a single blow, Luffy quickly fisted back, and replied unconcernedly: "I don't care about pirates or heroes. I just act according to my own ideas. If I defeat you, I can regain my hat and become the one piece. Only the faith can be retrieved."

"According to your own thoughts?" Muttered these two words, Zefa fell into silence immediately, as if he had once again returned to the burning battlefield, fighting against pirates on the battlefield for justice and faith.

After a few seconds, Zefa suddenly figured out what he looked up to the sky and laughed, loud laughter echoing over the entire island.

Looking at Zefa who suddenly laughed in front of him, Luffy rolled his eyes, with a look of doubt, why did the uncle in front of him laugh.

The laughter stopped, Zefa looked directly at Luffy in front of him, admiringly said: "The smelly old man Kapu has a good grandson!"

When the voice fell, Zefa grabbed the right-hand mechanical arm with one hand and pulled it outwards. The huge mechanical arm was abruptly removed by Zefa.

The mechanical arm disappeared, and Zefa's dark arm was exposed, and a dark light flashed, his hands were covered by the domineering armed color, glowing with a dark light like metal.

In the past, Zefa was attacked by Whitebeard II's strange ability, causing his arm to be severely injured. Although his arm was not broken, he also lost his strength. That's why Begapunk helped him transform a sea-building stone robotic arm.

Now that the robotic arm disappears, this is the real "Black Arm" Zefa of the original navy headquarters. The admiral Zefa, who was on the same level as Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion in the sea, made countless pirates fearful. On the mountain in the distance, watching this scene, the green pheasant showed a faint smile, "The'black wrist' Zefa is back".

"Use the last life force to let the broken arm radiate strength again. Teacher Zefa seems to have decided." Although there is a touch of sadness in the tone, Lin Tian is really happy for Teacher Zefa.

"Teacher Zefa!"

Ai Yin hugged Lin Tian's arm tightly, her heart was full of grief, and a faint tear flickered in her eyes.

Hearing Ai Yin's cry, Lin Tian looked down and saw two tears flowing on Ai Yin's face. Lin Tian reached out and wiped away Ai Yin's tears.

Putting his arms around Ai Yin's shoulders, Lin Tian persuaded softly, "Ayin, we should be happy for Teacher Zefa, instead of Master Zefa being dominated by hatred, and using the remaining life to bloom the last glory is suitable for Teacher Zefa. It was also the choice of Teacher Zefa."

Clenching his right fist, familiar power emerged again, Teacher Zefa grinned, "Do what you want, kid, I will do the same. Next, let us have the final battle."

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