After removing the Hailoushi mechanical arm, the ‘black wrist’ Zefa of the year was back again, with the powerful armed color surrounding his hands, and the dark hands exuding terrible power.

Bang... bang...

There was a muffled sound, and the two figures flashed crazily in the field. What skills and abilities were all abandoned by the two. The two fought completely with pure strength and speed. This method is just like ordinary people fighting.

On the one hand, Sauron and others who had solved their opponents also appeared in the crater. When they saw Luffy and Black Fist fighting, everyone was stunned.

This is where the fight is, it's completely a street fight. You punch and I punch each other. Each punch gathers all the power and rushes toward each other. The punches are flesh, blood is flying, and it is a perfect interpretation of what violent aesthetics.

"Ah, Z!"

Luffy, who was retreated by a punch, rushed out with a roar, hitting Zefa's abdomen with a punch, a powerful force exploded, and Zefa stepped back.

In the next second, Zefa raised his fist and hit Luffy's face with a punch. Luffy's blood flew all over, and he flew out backwards and fell heavily on the rock.

Zefa rushed forward and threw a punch on Luffy's face again. The powerful fist blasted Luffy's head directly into the rock.

Just when Zefa was about to throw another punch, Luffy clenched his fist and hit Zefa's abdomen first, and the powerful force directly knocked Zefa out.

Bang... bang...

After the battle, Zefa's dilapidated body had already reached its limit. Although Luffy's body was not as sickly as Zefa, Luffy faced the former Navy Admiral Zefa, who consumed his strength very quickly in combat with this level.

Finally, Luffy took the opportunity to punch Zefa, straight into Zefa's eyes, and the black sunglasses were instantly knocked into the air by Luffy's fist, punching Zefa's eye firmly.

This punch was like the last straw to overwhelm the balance. Zefa retreated with his feet and fell heavily to the ground with a bang.

After knocking down Zefa, Luffy's body reached its limit, his feet softly knelt on the ground, his mouth panting heavily, his hands drooping weakly, and he didn't even have the strength to lift.

Both Zefa and Luffy were all wounded at this moment, and their bodies reached their limits. Let alone fighting, they didn't even have the strength to stand up.


Suddenly, Zefa, who was lying on the ground, burst into laughter and gasped and said: "It's a pity, happy time is fleeting, kid, I lost."

Hearing this, Sauron and the others who were watching the battle unanimously showed a smile, and the final result was that their captain won.

The green pheasant's face changed slightly, and then he sighed: "Lin Tian, ​​I may somewhat understand why you stayed on this boat."

According to his understanding, Teacher Zefa has never confessed to anyone, even Baibeard, Roger and others, but today Teacher Zefa has surrendered to the straw hat, which completely shows that Teacher Zefa is against the straw hat. Boy's evaluation.

There was a faint smile on his face, Lin Tian didn't say much, the green pheasant who said this to him was not the first, and it must not be the last.

Perhaps it is said that Lin Tian was on this ship to pursue the answers on board, rather than saying that Lin Tian was witnessing the birth of a legend.

Seeing Zefa concede defeat, Luffy didn't care so much. He struggled to stand up from the ground and staggered towards the hat behind him, until he put the hat in his hand on top of his head, Luffy showed a happy smile on his face.

At this moment, Zefa lay on the ground and shouted: "Little devil, in order to chase your dreams, no matter what difficulties are on the road, you must clear them out. Please take my life with you."

"No, I don’t want your life." Holding the straw hat on his head, Luffy turned his head and smiled: "I’m here just to take the hat back. Now my hat has been taken back, and I found that the uncle is not like what they said. Same, so I am not angry anymore."

"Besides, Uncle, you are still Lin Tian's teacher. If you kill you, Lin Tian will be angry."

Hearing this, Zefa couldn't help being stunned. Back then, he defeated countless pirates, but he didn't kill a pirate who was called a navy admiral who was not killed. But today he was let go by a pirate.

"Haha, Luffy!"

The delighted Usopp and Chopper rushed down and saw that Luffy barely showed a smile on everyone's face. The next second Luffy fell softly to the ground, and Usopp quickly reached out to support Luffy.

"Teacher Zefa!"

On the other side, Ai Yin escaped from Lin Tian's embrace and rushed down. Looking at Ai Yin, the faces of Nami and Robin who had returned to their original state changed slightly.

Judging from the restoration of the two, Lin Tian has already handled Ai Yin's affairs, otherwise Ai Yin would not stay with Lin Tian.

Zefa stood up, picked up the shattered sunglasses on the ground, and apologized to Ai Yin: "Ain, I am the one who hurt you and forced you to make a choice, sorry."

Hearing this, tears flowed from his eyes suddenly, and Ai Yin choked up and said: "For me, as long as Mr. Z is safe and sound, the rest is nothing."

This ending is the best for Ai Yin, and it is what I have always expected. There is nothing to do with either the person he loves most or the person closest to him.

Turning his gaze to Lin Tian, ​​Zefa grinned and said: "Smelly boy, it seems that you were right yesterday, but I am really upset to let myself be a student."

Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled and said: "Isn't that to persuade Teacher Zefa yesterday? Besides, didn't I not do anything at the time?"

Although Teacher Zefa was unhappy, Lin Tian knew that Teacher Zefa was happy to say this.

The ending was originally very beautiful, but at this moment, people who shouldn't have appeared appeared here. On the edge of the volcano, the densely packed navy didn't know when it would surround everyone in the crater.

Just listen to Huang Yuan standing in front of the navy said: "It seems that everyone is here. Although I am sorry to interrupt your touching reunion, it is our navy duty to solve you pirates. Teacher Zefa and the straw hat boy are all bruised and bruised. Already? This saves us a lot of effort."

Teacher Zefa was seriously injured, and now there is only one Lin Tian. They have two admirals. Huang Yuan felt that this time it was not only Zefa, but perhaps even Lin Tian could take the opportunity to solve it.

Looking at the densely packed navy soldiers on the mountain, Usopp said with a bad face: "This is not good. I didn't expect these guys to come now."

Seeing Huang Yuan and the famous admiral in the distance, Zefa snorted coldly: "Hmph, I didn't expect that all of them came."

These lieutenants, including Huang Yuan, were all their own students that day, and it was Zefa who led them to the navy road, but now these students are here to kill themselves, which is really ironic.

Tens of thousands of naval soldiers rushed down from the crater. The densely packed naval soldiers were like a white torrent, and the cloak of justice was dancing in the wind at this moment.

Zefa reflexively walked forward. For this scene, Zefa has long been awakened and said: "My last thing is to act according to my own thoughts. Of course, I have to pay the price for my reckless behavior, otherwise I will not be able to face it. To those guys who left me first."

Bringing up the sunglasses in his hand, Zefa squinted to look at Luffy behind him, "Straw hat boy, your dream is not fulfilled yet, as for this, give me Z."

After that, Zefa took a deep look at Ai Yin and then confessed to Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​teacher, I have no children in my life, and I am alone. I have regarded Ai Yin as my own daughter from a very early time. I'll leave her to you completely, remember! I can't make him sad anymore!"

Zheng nodded, and Lin Tian promised: "Don't worry, Teacher Zefa!"

Hearing Lin Tian's promise, Zefa laughed. The last thing was resolved, and he finally had no worries, and he could leave without worry.

Luffy, who was leaning on Usopp, suddenly shouted with anxiety, "Uncle!"

Even Luffy, who was a natural daze, could hear Zefa's words, let alone Ai Yin, who rushed out quickly to stop Teacher Zefa.

But Lin Tian was prepared early and reached out and hugged Ai Yin tightly, preventing Ai Yin from moving.

"Let go, let me go, Lin Tian...", being hugged by Lin Tian, ​​Ai Yin struggled with mission, but how could she break away from Lin Tian's embrace with her strength.

With a cry, everyone felt a flash of white light in front of them. In the next second, a tall white ice wall appeared in front of everyone without warning, dividing the entire crater into two halves. One side was Zefa and many naval soldiers, and the other was Lin Tian et al.

This is the green pheasant shot in the distance. Like Lin Tian, ​​the green pheasant understands what Teacher Zefa is thinking at this moment.

Teacher Zefa insisted on his faith in justice throughout his life, and even passed this belief in the navy. But in the last period of his life, Teacher Zefa betrayed his lifelong belief and made a move to destroy the new world. In fact, on the day he betrayed the navy, With the collapse of faith, Zefa's nostalgia for the world.

Although teacher Zefa finally figured out everything while flying on the road, Zefa no longer had the idea of ​​living in the world. He betrayed his lifelong belief, destroyed Faz Island and Saiken Island, and caused tens of thousands of naval deaths. And millions of innocent people have been displaced.

Everyone must pay the price for their actions, and Zefa can only pay the price with death, using his own death to end all this.

Looking at the ice wall behind him, Zefa cursed: "Damn Kuzan, finally dug a grave for me."

For Teacher Zefa, being able to die in the end under the students who inherited his faith in justice is the best end to this man's life.

Looking at the influx of naval soldiers in front of him, Teacher Zefa showed a smile on his Although he finally violated his faith in justice, he can see that so many navy soldiers have inherited their beliefs and come as a teacher. Say, there is nothing more to be happy about than this.

"Ah!" With a long roar from Yang Tian, ​​Zefa smiled and stepped into the battlefield.

"Farewell, Teacher Zefa!"

Huang Yuan shot, his hands shone brightly, and the dense laser beams obscured the sky. In an instant, countless laser beams poured down like a rainstorm.

At this moment, many admirals headed by Mole couldn't help closing their eyes. Even if they were stronger than them, they couldn't bear to see this scene. Although their eyes were closed, it was still difficult to stop tears from flowing down their cheeks.

At the last moment, Zefa used his last life to teach all students a deep lesson again.

Standing on the ice wall, watching Teacher Zefa who ended his life in battle, Lin Tian couldn't help but sing the song that sang the praise of the dead navy.

"The sea is also watching the beginning of this world, and the sea knows the end of this world. Even if I disappear from this world, the sea that knows everything will guide me..."

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