Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 999: Change ownership

The sunset light shone diagonally on the blue-green wine bottle, and the black cloak with z written on it was fluttering in the wind. This was the last thing left by Teacher Zefa.

As for the body of teacher Zefa, it has been brought back by the navy. The entire navy headquarters has mourned Zefa's death. In any case, teacher Zefa is the creator of the current navy, and he has this qualification.

The cyan wine bottle was shining slightly under the shining light, and the wine in it was drunk, not even opened. I don't know why Teacher Zefa left this bottle of wine.

woo woo woo woo…

A choked cry came from behind, and Ayin and Bins saw this scene, the grief in their hearts could not be stopped turning into tears and stayed.

"Don't cry!" The green pheasant's shout suddenly remembered, "Aren't they handsome when a man died in his life to uphold his beliefs?"

In the last moments of his life, Teacher Zefa insisted on his faith in justice and died under the hands of students who inherited his beliefs. This is the best destination for Teacher Zefa.

At the side, Lin Tian turned his head to look at the green pheasant and asked, "Green pheasant, the matter with Teacher Zefa is over, where are you going?"

"Naturally is wandering", without even thinking about it, the green pheasant directly echoed. After two years of traveling in this new world sea, the green pheasant gradually fell in love with this kind of life, and this life allowed him to see more things.

"Maybe not." The green pheasant's words suddenly turned, and his face laughed at himself: "Maybe it will change. The admiral of the Navy who left the navy that year killed his teacher. I am afraid that my bounty will be very high. It's a life of escape."

Hearing the words of the green pheasant, Ai Yin and Binsi, who were in tears behind their backs, were slightly taken aback, apparently they did not understand the meaning of the words of the green pheasant.

Then I saw Lin Tian smiled and said: "It seems that my notoriety has to be added to kill my teacher with my own hands. I don't know how the navy should describe me. It's very sinful or ruthless..."

Although he was laughing, anyone could hear the self-deprecating and faint sadness in Lin Tian's voice.

Two endpoints have been destroyed. Although the last teacher Zefa has not been destroyed, as this matter is over, the endpoint will still be a false rumor, and the government cannot make the endpoint a real public.

Now there is only one endpoint left. If it is known to the world, both the world government and the navy headquarters will have a headache.

Therefore, there is a case about Hara Zefa’s betrayal of the navy and the destruction of the endpoint will also be hidden. However, Zefa is indeed dead, and the navy has held a memorial service. This matter cannot be hidden.

Therefore, the Navy will find a reason to solve Zefa's death, so as to hide all the truth.

A student of Hara Zefa, who was also the former Navy Admiral Blue Pheasant and the former Vice Admiral, had already killed his teacher in a very cruel way, the former Navy Admiral Zefa, this would be a perfect reason, I can’t help hiding the truth of everything. , And pushed everything to Qing Pheasant and Lin Tian.

As the high-ranking navy back then, Lin Tian and the green pheasant knew exactly how much urine the navy headquarters and the world government had, so that the two of them could guess the outcome without much thinking.

Turning around, the green pheasant looked at the calm sea in the distance, and whispered: "No matter how the times change, how many people die on the road to persist in their dreams, the sea will contain everything. The gears of the times have begun to turn. No one will stop everything. No, the overlords who have been immersed for more than ten years are beginning to awaken, what kind of path this world should take, Lin Tian, ​​what role do you represent in this."

Without answering the green pheasant's question immediately, Lin Tian asked instead: "Green pheasant, the world has turned into a chess game. Do you want to be a neutron or an outsider in this game."

Hearing this, the frowning brows of the green pheasant gradually unfolded, and he walked down the mountain. Needless to say, Lin Tian's words have already given the green pheasant the best answer.

Looking at the back of the green pheasant walking down the mountain little by little, Lin Tian took his gaze back until the green pheasant was riding its pair of eternal 28 bicycles.

Regarding why the green pheasant joined Blackbeard, Lin Tian couldn't figure out what the man was thinking. What answer did he need to seek from Blackbeard?

Shaking his head, expelling the problem of these useless brain cells from his mind, Lin Tian turned to Ai Yin and said, "Ai Yin, you come with me this time."

Lin Tian's idea is very simple. Teacher Zefa is dead, and he can't let Ai Yin alone in this chaotic new world. Naturally, to stay with Ai Yin, the best way is to take Ai Yin on the boat.

Unexpectedly, Ai Yin shook his head and objected: "No, Lin Tian, ​​I don't want to be a pirate. Teacher Zefa has been fighting for his faith in justice all his life, and I also want to stick to Teacher Zefa's belief."

Hearing Ai Yin’s answer, Lin Tian was stunned, but immediately Lin Tian could understand that Ai Yin would make such a decision, not only because he inherited the faith of Teacher Zefa, but also because Ai Yin’s relatives were all pirates. Kill, Ai Yin hated the pirate very much, how could he become a pirate.

Frowning his brows tightly, Lin Tian asked, "Are you going to lead a naval guerrilla, like Teacher Zefa, to hunt pirates in the new world".

To be honest, Lin Tian did not want Ai Yin to be like this. The new world has been in chaos in the past two years, and more and more powerful people have emerged out of thin air. With such strength now, coupled with his own reasons, Lin Tian can easily be targeted, especially now. Teacher Zefa died, and Ai Yin had no safety at all.

Bins suddenly interrupted and replied: "After Teacher Zefa left, Xiuzuo who could not accept everything had already led the rest of the soldiers away."

Ayin immediately said: "So Binz and I are going to the revolutionary army. We want to see with our own eyes how the revolutionary army is called justice by countless people at the bottom".

Speaking of this, Ai Yin showed a playful smile on his face and looked at Lin Tian, ​​and as Ai Yin expected, Lin Tian was shocked when he heard the news.

Can't believe it: "Ayin, what did you say? Are you going to the revolutionary army?"

The decision Ayin made really went beyond Lin Tian's expectation. Lin Tian never thought that Ayin would take the initiative to go to the Revolutionary Army.

Nodded, Ai Yin again affirmed: "I have discussed with Bins. The two of us are going to the revolutionary army to see what kind of place it is."

People who don’t understand the revolutionary army are very curious about the revolutionary army. In just over ten years, the revolutionary army has grown from nothing to the point where it can now compete with the world government. Why can this organization do such a miracle? thing.

Binz is thinking about why the naval soldiers who claim to insist on justice can't get the support of innocent people, but the revolutionary army can get so many people in the crowd.

Although Ai Yin had this idea, it was not only that, Ai Yin also wanted to know what Lin Tian was like as the deputy leader of the revolutionary army.

When I saw Robin and Nami today, Ai Yin could feel the excellence of the two women, so Ai Yin felt a sense of eagerness. I haven't seen Lin Tian several times in the past three years. I don’t know Lin Tian very well now. Up.

But it was impossible for Ai Yin to join the pirate to accompany Lin Tian, ​​so Ai Yin wanted to enter the Revolutionary Army, and still entered the Revolutionary Army in the same way as Lin Tian’s fiancée, all of which declared to everyone that he was the boss. .

Lin Tian naturally didn't understand Ai Yin's thoughts, but Lin Tian was still very happy that Ai Yin and Bin Si were able to join the revolutionary army, so that Ai Yin's safety would have a good guarantee.

After thinking for a while, Lin Tian removed the chasing wind from behind, and handed it to Ai Yin, and solemnly said: "In this case, Ai Yin, then I will give the chasing wind to you, and let the chasing wind protect you instead of me."

Upon seeing this, not only Ayin was taken aback, including Binz who was beside him was also taken aback. It is important to know that Chasing Wind is not only a sword, but also a sword that has eaten the fruit of the devil and transformed into a giant eagle. Chasing the wind is a very powerful ancient species. In terms of strength, the chasing wind was able to resist the attack of the red dog.

Back then, Lin Tian was able to grow into a world-famous naval soldier, and the pursuit of the wind had a lot of credit. If it were not for the pursuit of the wind, Lin Tian would not know how many times he died under the hands of the pirates.

It can be said that Chasing the Wind is not only a sharp sword in Lin Tian's hand, but also a partner of Chasing the Wind. Ayin understands this better than Bins, so at the moment when he saw Lin Tian handing Chasing the Wind to himself, Ayin was indeed shocked. Arrived, let alone any mental preparation.

Without reaching out to take the chase, Ai Yin raised her head and said solemnly: "Lin Tian, ​​how can you send me the chase, the chase is your partner with you for ten years, and the chase is so powerful, it has something for you Very useful".

Unexpectedly, after hearing what Ai Yin said, Lin Tian showed a bitter smile on his face and said: "Ai Yin, it is not that I abandoned this guy, but this guy abandoned me. He said it's boring to be with me and want to be by your side." .

As if to confirm Lin Tian’s words, the chasing sound flew from Lin Tian’s hand into the air and turned into a ten-meter-long giant eagle, with its stretched wings forming a shadow, as if covering the sky. Like the ground.

It flew a few times in the sky and set off a gust of wind. The chasing wind finally fell from the sky and landed next to Ai Yin. He held out his little head and handed it to Ai Yin.

In the navy, Ai Yin has been with Lin Tian, ​​and he is naturally very familiar with Zing Feng Ai Yin. It can be said that at the moment when the Feng Feng was born, only Ai Yin and Lin Tian were in contact with Ai Yin and Lin Tian. The impact is very big.

Moreover, Ayin often brought her to play with her when she was okay. He was not as serious as Lin Tian, ​​and her relationship with Ayin was better than with Lin Tian.

But thinking of being betrayed by the sword in his hand as a swordsman, Lin Tian's whole face was depressed, and he raised this guy for nothing.

Stroking her head, Ai Yin showed a happy smile on her face, glanced at the depressed Lin Tian, ​​and said: "In this case, you can follow me and throw Lin Tian away alone."


As soon as Ai Yin finished speaking, Chasing Wind screamed several harshly, as if agreeing to Ai Yin's words.

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