Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1007: The power of the fruit of surgery

The thunder light flickered, and Lin Tian suddenly appeared domineering and shocked everyone present.

"Qiwuhai dead surgeon, and former lieutenant general Lin Tian of the navy headquarters, and Lieutenant General Smogg, let's withdraw," the navy soldiers who scared on the ground persuaded them from behind.

Although there are only two opponents, they are not comparable in terms of fame or combat power, and the chance of victory is almost impossible.

Da Siqi clasped the sharp blade in both hands, staring at Lin Tian all over, and said in a deep voice: "The former navy's strongest genius and lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters is now the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, with a reward of 1.4 billion. Terrible criminal, what are you doing here? Lin Tian"!


Hearing Da Siqi's words, the soldiers behind were taken aback, and hurriedly whispered: "Wait, Sister Dazuo, we should keep a low-key... low-key, you know he is Master Lin Tian."

Back then, as the two naval branches in the New World with the G1 branch, the naval soldiers of the G5 branch have done things under Lin Tian.

Even after three years, Lin Tian is still the lieutenant admiral who was terrifying to the enemy but benevolent to his opponents in the minds of these navy soldiers who looked like gangsters. Only Lin Tian can be recognized and respected by the soldiers of the G5 branch.

Turning around and looking at the hundreds of naval soldiers of the G5 branch in front of him, Lin Tian grinned and said, "Smogg, it’s been a long time since I saw you. I didn’t expect you to become the notorious branch leader of the G5 branch, and the little beauty on the side. Da Siqi".

For Lin Tian's greetings, Smogg obviously didn't appreciate it, he confounded, and said in a condensed voice: "Lin Tian, ​​what are you doing here on Ice and Fire Island? Could it be that you are the master behind all this?"

It's no wonder that Smogg guessed this way. When they were about to fight Luo, Lin Tian suddenly appeared. Wouldn't this be a coincidence?

Shaking his head, Lin Tian immediately explained that he didn’t remember the black pot, “I didn’t come to this icy and snowy place to find a ruin as a research base. I came to this island because of some coincidence. I found something interesting, right, Luo".

Speaking of this, Lin Tian turned his eyes and focused on Luo. Smogg and other navies also looked at Luo. As Qiwuhai, what he wanted to plan in the original naval research base.

Lifting his head slightly, Luo did not immediately answer Lin Tian’s question, but instead asked: "Lin Tian, ​​it seems that you should have learned something. In that case, we will not speak secretly. If you want to enter Here, there is only one way to knock me down."

When the voice fell, Luo pulled out the ghost cry with his backhand, and a cold light flashed across the sharp sword body, and the shining slash flashed above everyone's heads. Many navy soldiers quickly looked up.


After hearing a loud noise, the next second, the battleship floating in the sky was instantly cut in half, and the huge battleship was split into two. Many navies were suddenly stunned, their eyes widened as if they were going to be violent at any time. Come out the same.

Da Siqi could hardly believe that this was not a small boat, but a naval battleship that was hundreds of meters long. The hull alone was tens of meters wide and more than 30 meters high, but Luo just waved it. Before she could see what happened, the warship was chopped in half.

If Luo was swinging his sword in the direction of not the warship but them, would they be able to block such a slash? Da Siqi didn't dare to think about it anymore.

The battleship that was divided into two halves floated above the head, it was like a sharp sword hanging above the heads of everyone. As long as one thought, the battleship would fall from the sky and smash them into meatloaf.

Smogg was also shocked. In front of him, Rob was even more terrifying than he had imagined. He turned around and looked at the many horrified naval soldiers behind him. Smogg suddenly shouted, "What are you doing here? Run out of the circle".

The many navy soldiers who were awakened by the shouts suddenly crawled and ran outside the circle. At this time, Luo did not stop the navies, because his greatest opponent was Lin Tian. These naval soldiers were only small characters, Smogg. Naturally, I understood this, and that's why these navies were allowed to run out of the circle. There are now four people in Luo's room, Lin Tian, ​​Da Siqi, and Small.

Looking at the battleship that had been cut in half, Lin Tian's expression did not change at all. It was Luo who declared war on himself and said lightly: "So, I can only defeat you."

Before Lin Tian's words fell, Luo, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately moved, and the ghost cry in his hand quickly slashed, and an invisible slash burst out suddenly.

The slash was extremely powerful, and the solid ground was easily cut in half. In a short time, snowflakes splashed and the ground trembled.

Lin Tian's figure flashed, and he moved out several meters horizontally, just to avoid the slashing range. Behind him, Smog and Da Siqi naturally dodge to avoid the slashing attack.

Seeing the ground divided in two, Lin Tian envied: "It is the ultimate devil fruit, the ability to operate the fruit is really strong."

It’s no wonder that Lin Tian is envious. Although Luo is a swordsman, Luo’s swordsmanship is not very strong. Lin Tian can be sure that he can rely on Luo’s previous strength, let alone split the earth in half. issue.

The reason why Luo has such a terrifying power in a casual wave is just because it belongs to the scope of the room, including the previous warships.

To use Smogg’s words to describe Room as an operating room, in Lin Tian’s view, room should be said to be a domain, and in this domain Luo is like a god, in control of everything, whether it is people or things, and even can do To some things that even God can't do.

Envy belongs to envy, Lin Tian's movements didn't stop, and his figure flashed, Lin Tian teleported directly in front of Luo, and the armed and domineering fists blasted Luo's head.

"So fast!"

He just felt an iron fist zooming in his eyes quickly, and feeling the mighty power above, Luo had no reason not to believe that if he was hit, his head would probably shatter like a watermelon with a click.

call out…

When Lin Tian’s fist was a few centimeters away from Luo, Luo’s figure disappeared in front of Lin Tian and moved behind Lin Tian. Everything was as planned. Without even thinking about it, Luo’s backhand waved his hands and the ghost cry was Chao Lin. Tian Hou stabbed.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian seemed to have expected Luo's actions, the lightning flashed in his hand, hundreds of millions of volts of lightning gathered in his hand, and a blue thunder sword was formed out of thin air in Lin Tian's hands.

In the sound of the file, the two swords collided, and a violent force erupted. The invisible impact was like a dozen or so hurricanes that rolled up all the snowflakes on the ground around the two.

The strong wind was mixed with snowflakes, and the icy wind was like scraping an invisible knife on Da Siqi's Bairun face. Although there was a tingling sensation, Da Siqi did not let Lin Tian and Luo two go. Human fighting.

Among the snowflakes, Lin Tian's body flickered, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky to the top of Luo's head. Without hesitation, Luo activated his power again, and his figure flashed before disappearing in front of Lin Tian, ​​the lightning falling from the sky blasted away.

Moving to an open space, before Luo could stabilize his footsteps, Lin Tian turned into a thunder and lightning figure but appeared in front of Luo. In Luo's horrified gaze, Lin Tian was swept by the right foot wrapped in lightning.

"Speed ​​is strength, I don't know if you can avoid the kick of lightning speed."


Lin Tian kicked Luo's chest steadily, and Lei Speed's kick was no less terrifying than Huang Yuan's light-speed kick.


A mouthful of bright red blood spurted out of Luo's mouth, and it was difficult for him to control his body to fly backwards, falling heavily to the ground like a broken kite, rolling along the ground several times to stabilize his footing.

"So strong!" Da Siqi exclaimed involuntarily.

Both Lin Tian and Luo's speed surpassed the speed of the naked eye, and Da Siqi was so domineering that they couldn't see the movement of the two. They could barely see the two figures flashing, and then Luo was knocked out by Lin Tian.

In contrast, Smogg's face was full of dignity, and he secretly compared himself to Luo. No matter how the comparison was, it was difficult to escape the defeated ending.

Picking up the snow falling from the sky, Lin Tian whispered: "Transform your body to the snow falling from the sky to achieve an instantaneous speed. It seems that you know a lot about your abilities compared to two years ago. Luo."

It has to be said that Luo's strength has increased a lot. If Luo's strength is in the Chambord Islands two years ago, Luo even has no qualifications to fight Lin Tian, ​​but now Luo can launch a counterattack.

Sitting up from the ground, looking at Lin Tian in front of him, Luo finger moved secretly, and the ghost fell on the ground and started crying. The bright blade turned into a cold light to stab Lin Tian's back.

The speed of ghost crying was very fast. I saw a flash of cold light, and the sharp point of the sword directly pierced Lin Tian's body. Unfortunately, he was not armed and domineering. Facing those with natural abilities, the sharp blade could only pass through Lin Tian's body.

The fruit of the operation is indeed the ultimate fruit in the rumors. Now, in just a short time, Luo has shown several abilities to control objects and move thunderstorms"

A light blue electric arc flickered on Lin Tian's arm, and Lin Tian raised his right hand and pressed it into the air. The snow-fluttering sky several thunderbolts with stout arms descended from the sky and struck Luo.


In a soft shout, Luo exchanged positions with a piece of gravel in the sky, and five sturdy lightnings instantly draped over the gravel, and the powerful power instantly smashed the stone to pieces.

Looking up at Luo in the sky, Lin Tian raised his mouth slightly and said with a mockery: "Luo, if you have grown up to use your ability to escape in two years, it would disappoint me too much."

"Lei Luo!"

As he said, the lightning flashes on Lin Tian's body, and immediately after the sky thunder and lightning descended from the sky towards Luo, and in conjunction with Shang Lin Tian's strong and domineering experience, the thunder and lightning aimed at Luo accurately as if they had eyes.

The thunder and lightning fell like no money, and the continuous thunder and lightning forced Delo to use his ability to escape in the room.

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