Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1008: Horrified Caesar

Finally ran away from the circle, many navy soldiers felt that they were all tired and lying on the ground panting.

When a navy soldier saw the warship floating in the sky, he couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn it, Trafalgar Luo, this bastard, broke our ship in half and let us return."

"No, you can't let this fellow Trafalgar Luo be so rampant." A navy stood up from the ground, took out the phone worm in his arms, and said: "We must inform the navy headquarters of this matter. Trafalgar Rowe used the original Begapunk laboratory to conduct secret experiments that no one knew."

The navy immediately echoed: "It also violated the agreement between Qiwuhai and the world headquarters to attack the navy, and the news that Master Lin Tian appeared here must also tell the navy headquarters that this level of pirates can only be resisted by the navy headquarters. ".

Not to mention the many naval soldiers here dialed the phone worm and told the navy headquarters everything.

On the other side, in the chaos of the research base, Nami and others rushed through the research base with many children, alarming the entire base, and a large number of soldiers wearing yellow costumes chased Nami and them.

However, under the action of Sanji and others, these soldiers were not worth mentioning and were easily solved, but the base was too big. Nami and his party ran around here, and they did not find a suitable way to go out.

Looking back at the chasing soldiers, Sanji eagerly said: "If this goes on, no, Miss Nami, we are not afraid of the chasing soldiers behind us, but if they shoot, the children will be in danger."

"You must protect your children, and you must not put them in danger," Chopper said without even thinking about it.

Nami naturally knew this, but now they were chased by the soldiers from behind, and now they don't know where to reach this base, let alone what channel to find.

After thinking about it, Nami said, "The gate has been blocked by Trafalgar Luo, and the navy is there. We can't get out from there, but we only need to find a phone bug here to contact Lin Tian and the others. , We can tell Lin Tian where we are."

"Lin Tian and the others will be able to get rid of the navy and others outside the door, and then we will be able to leave here through the door", nodded, and Sanji agreed with this method.

With that, Sanji stopped immediately and flew towards the soldiers who were chasing behind him. Now it is too troublesome to find the phone bug. It would be more convenient to **** directly from these guys.

The entire base was in chaos under the rampage of Nami and others, such a huge movement naturally alarmed Caesar who was studying.

Before Caesar went out to inquire, a soldier had already come in and reported to Caesar: "Master, the pirates are bringing the children into the base. Now we have surrounded them, but those seas The thief is too strong, and we suffered heavy casualties."

After listening to the report, Caesar became more angry as he listened, and finally cursed directly: "A bunch of idiots, a few pirates can't solve it, and let them make a fuss in the base. I want you guys to use it."

Being scolded by Caesar, the soldier explained in a low voice: "The master is not that we can't do it, but that the pirates mingled with the children. If we shoot, I am afraid that the children will be injured."

Hearing this, Caesar's anger couldn't help dissipating a lot. Indeed, those children are important guinea pigs and cannot easily be lost, but when I think of letting the pirates make a fuss in it at this time, I don't know it will be caused What's the matter? After all, the naval soldiers of the G5 branch are outside the base.

After thinking about it, Caesar said: "Forget it, those kids don't care, most of the data has been collected from them, and they are not too important to use. Anyway, as long as there are clowns, kids don't need much. how many".

Just after Caesar finished speaking, a cold wind suddenly rose in the laboratory, and a faint wind and snow fell from above. You must know how cold wind and snow could occur in this completely closed laboratory with only one door.

As for this scene, Caesar was not much shocked. He looked up and saw a bird hovering above his head. The cyan double wings and the long legs like a crane are still flying out of his body. .

Caesar asked suspiciously: "Monet, where have you been, why did you do this kind of thing just when you came back?"

With a lightly raised wings, Monet descended from the sky and landed on a chair. Caesar's face was solemn like never before. Seeing Monet's extremely solemn expression, Caesar suddenly became surprised.

Ever since this clown's beautiful subordinates followed her, Caesar had never seen her face showing solemnity, what had happened to give her this expression.

Before Caesar could ask, a subordinate in a protective suit ran in anxiously, screaming at his master, without even having time to breathe.

The subordinate said in a panic: "It's not good, Master, Luo and Ren are fighting outside."

"What? Fight." When he heard the news, Caesar was shocked. He leaned under his hand and asked: "Say, what the **** is going on? I didn't tell Luo to send the guys in the G5 branch. Is it all right, how come the fight started."

After taking a few breaths, the subordinates explained: "It seems that the pirates and the little ghosts happened to meet the navy at the gate."


An angry Caesar clenched his fist and hit the table with a heavy hammer. The instruments on the table were shaken and angrily said: "Damn, the thing I worry about the most has happened. Smogg and others discovered this place, even if Smogg and others To solve the problem, the death of a lieutenant admiral, the navy headquarters will use a lot of force to investigate the incident, and it will definitely be investigated here.

Seeing Caesar's angry look, the soldier swallowed abruptly. Now he was a little afraid to tell Caesar that Lin Tian was here.

At this moment, Monet, who had finished reading the newspaper, looked up and said: "Caesar, we are going to start preparing now and get out of here."

The angry Caesar heard Monet's words and was immediately confused. "Wait, Monet, even if Smogg and the others discover that there is a problem here, but there is a clown covering it up, the Navy Headquarters cannot know so quickly. , We have sufficient time to evacuate."

Too lazy to explain so much to Caesar, Monet directly lifted the newspaper and pointed to the content of the main board to show Caesar.

The newspaper just arrived, and Caesar hadn’t even started to read it. When he took a closer look at what Monet was referring to, he saw a series of headlines written in the newspaper. Pictures of people.

"They are the straw hat boys who disappeared for two years!"

Seeing the photos of Nami and others, Caesar suddenly realized that this was not the pirates they had caught before. Caesar had naturally heard about the straw hat pirate group. The straw hat boy Luffy's reputation is more or less heard all over the world. Said.

Monet turned directly to the second page. There was only one picture and a paragraph in the entire second page. Why did Lin Tian, ​​the deputy leader of the Revolutionary Army, be in the Little Straw Hat Pirate Group with Lin Tianna's reward list below.

Looking at the blood-covered Lin Tian standing on the hills of hundreds of pirates in the picture, Caesar's face changed drastically. If he didn't understand why Monet had to leave so eagerly, then he would be an idiot.

Just listen to Monet said: "Although I don’t want to believe it, it’s not wrong. The guy Lin Tian also appeared on this island, and it’s Lin Tian who is fighting Luo right now, but from the situation I just came in, Luo meets I'm afraid Lin Tian can only hold on for a few minutes."

"Hey, Monet, can you read it wrong", the frightened Caesar almost couldn't believe it, instinctively asked.

But the moment after asking, Caesar realized that he was stupid, Lin Tian's face was one in the whole world, how could Monet admit his mistake.

As Doflamingo's subordinate, how could Monet forget that this Lin Tian was a life and death enmity with their young master.

Thinking that Lin Tian is only in front of the base gate now, there is no anger in Caesar, some are just panic.

Caesar walked around the room in a panic, "What should I do, what should I do, Lin Tian is outside, if he finds me here, I will definitely be killed."

Caesar was also a naval scientist back then. Because of the excellent relationship between Lin Tian and Begapunk, Caesar also knew Lin Tian, ​​that guy was a devil.

Sixty percent of the navy's experimental human bodies were provided by Lin Tian's G1 branch. The murderous pirates who fell into Lin Tian's hands have never ended up. Either they died directly, or they died on the naval experimental platform.

In addition, Caesar also had a short-term cooperation with Lin Tian in the Caesar used Lin Tian to find some extremely rare experimental items, and Caesar helped Lin Tian research a special medicine.

That is to say, since then, Lin Tian has never asked Caesar to cooperate, because Caesar is not only a scientist, but also a scumbag.

Seeing how scared Caesar was, a flash of contempt flashed in Monet's eyes. He was a bully and afraid of hardship. To be honest, if the young master hadn't wanted this guy to make devil fruits, Monet wouldn't return to save this guy. Escaped this island.

Monet understood that as a subordinate of the young master, if Lin Tian found out that he existed, he would not survive.

"Okay, stop for me." Caesar walked so that Monet was upset. "There is a steamship docked there on the east coast. What we have to do now is to flee here as soon as Luo restrains Lin Tian. Lin Tian found out."

After thinking about it, they really had no other way except to escape this way. They had no possibility of defeating Lin Tian.

Caesar was unwilling to say: "We can leave, but we must not leave like this. Some things should be released when it is time...".

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