Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1009: Luo's choice

call out…

Lin Tian's figure flashed, the gravel that had fallen from the sky fell into the sky, and the figure appeared again. Lin Tian had already appeared behind Luo, and the thunder sword glowing with blue electric arc swept out.

With a bang, the thunder sword hit a huge piece of gravel, the lightning flashed, the gravel burst suddenly, and the smoke from the explosion enveloped Lin Tian's figure.


Luo half-kneeled on the ground, breathing heavily in his mouth. If he hadn't reacted in time and changed positions with the object, I'm afraid he would end up just like the gravel.

Without hesitation, Luo raised the sharp sword in his hand with a backhand and swung two slashes. The slashes crossed and crossed into the smoke. The huge cloud of smoke immediately divided into four. The smoke quickly dissipated under the blowing of the cold wind. Lin The sky also disappeared.

In the next second, Luo's face changed drastically. He squinted his eyes and looked back. The disappeared Lin Tian did not know when he had already appeared behind Luo. The point of the thunder sword in his hand pointed directly at the back of Luo's head. If Lin Tian moved slightly , The sharp point of the sword can easily pierce Luo's head.

Lin Tian spoke with a faint sarcasm from behind, "Luo, it seems that in the two years in the new world, you still newcomers still have the courage to challenge me, only this kind of strength has the courage to challenge me, I am Should you describe your courage, or a brave fool."

With the ghost crying in his hands, Luo's face was full of unwillingness at this moment. This was not unwilling to lose to Lin Tian, ​​but to another person.

In the two years in the New World, Luo thought he had grown too much, but to Shang Lin Tian, ​​he discovered that these newcomers are just like rookies in the eyes of the top powerhouses in the world, even if they try their best, they have no resistance. .

Lin Tian was able to torture himself so easily, and the man who had been famous in the sea for more than ten years and was an old opponent with Lin Tian, ​​he might end up in the same way as Lin Tian.

call out…

At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from behind Lin Tian's head. He squinted at the person behind him, and Lin Tian frowned slightly.

Smogg's worried shouts sounded at the same time, "Da Siqi, stop me, you are so different from Lin Tian, ​​your domineering is not his opponent at all."

Da Siqi launched the attack only in a thought. When Da Siqi rushed out, Smogg reacted. By then it was too late to stop.

I saw Da Siqi stepped forward and launched an attack towards Lin Tian. Lin Tian gently stretched out his left hand, **** cocked to accurately pinch the sharp sword in Da Siqi's hand.

As soon as Da Siqi rushed forward, he felt a huge force coming, and his steps were immediately stopped. When he looked up, Lin Tian's sharp blade was easily grasped by Lin Tian's two small fingers.

Da Siqi pulled out his strength, but the sharp sword in his hand was like being welded. No matter how hard Da Siqi tried, it would be difficult to break free from Lin Tian's control. The level difference between the two was too great. Lin Tian is the end of the spike.

In the next second, Lin Tian moved, and his left hand yanked lightly. Da Siqi only felt an irresistible force hit, and his whole body flew out without his control, and fell heavily on the ground, arousing a burst of snowflakes. .

The sharp sword in his hand was shaken by the force, and it flew upside down in the air for a few times, and stuck in the snow.

Looking at the sharp sword stuck in the ground in front of him, Da Siqi banged his right hand on the snowy ground, and said with great shame: "Humiliation, it's really humiliating. As a swordsman, he can't even hold the sword in his hand. And it was blown away by the opponent's two fingers."

Da Siqi climbed up from the ground, drew out the sharp sword inserted on the ground, and shouted angrily at Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​since you have defeated me, then kill me."

Hearing Da Siqi's inner angry shout, Lin Tian's eyes condensed, and then he said indifferently: "Your name is Da Siqi, right? What you just said made me change my view of you, although your sword skills are not How is it, but your will is indeed a swordsman level."

To become a strong talent and will are indispensable, but from the perspective of a strong man like Lin Tian, ​​the will is much stronger than the talent. At that time, Lin Tian was also called the strongest navy genius by the world government, but Lin Tian Understand that all talents are false, and what really keeps people going on the road of the strong is will.

There are too many geniuses born in this world every year, and there is no shortage of geniuses in this era, but at the apex of the strong, there have only been fewer than a dozen people for decades, and there is only one seat for the king.

The real strong is not by talent, but by will. The will can determine how far a person can go on the road of the strong. At the time, Roger had never been called a genius, even when he said he wanted to conquer the great sea route. , The whole world laughed at him as a fool, but it was such a fool who finally sat on the throne of One Piece.

If he was still in the navy, Lin Tian might have the idea of ​​accepting him as a disciple. After all, the navy possessed a lot of talents in swordsmanship, but there were few who possessed the will of swordsmanship.

Looking at Da Siqi's blinking eyes, Lin Tian could see the unwillingness, shame and humiliation in Da Siqi's eyes.

Looking at Da Siqi, Lin Tian said again: "Remember, female navy soldier, there is no justice or injustice in this world. Only the strong can speak justice and evil, and the weak have no power to protect their lives."

"Damn it, Lin Tian, ​​what right do you naval traitor have to talk about justice?" Dasqi rushed towards Lin Tian amidst the roar.

The final result was naturally predestined. Lin Tian waved his big hand, and a thunder and lightning radiated out. The powerful electric current accurately slashed on the Dasqi sword blade. With a click, the solid sword instantly broke into two halves.

The high-voltage current rushed into Da Siqi's body along the metal sword body, and she felt as if there were countless fine needles piercing her body. Da Siqi could not help but let out a scream, and then the whole body was struck by the electric current. The muscles were weak, and Da Siqi could only fall to the ground weakly.

This is Lin Tian's subordinates being merciful, otherwise the flash of lightning would be enough to turn Da Siqi into a black coke lying on the ground.

Lying on the ground, Da Siqi was full of unwillingness. He was too weak, too weak, and could not even hold the opponent's move.

"The weak don't even have the right to choose their own death!" Looking at Da Siqi, Lin Tian said calmly. Although it was cruel, it is undeniable that Lin Tian said it is a fact that only the strong can control his own destiny.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are just a pirate traitor, so don't judge the navy here."

While shouting, Smogg walked to the front of Siqi, pulled out his back ten hands and pointed directly at Lin Tian.

Looking at Smogg in front of him, Lin Tian smiled slightly and said: "Smogg, it seems that you still didn't lose badly enough, you can't even defeat Luo, you want to challenge me."

As he said, Lin Tian glanced sideways at Luo who was squatting on the side. At this moment, Luo Zheng was panting hard, secretly recovering his strength.

Biting the cigar in his mouth, Smogg said to Luo behind Lin Tian: "Hey, Trafalgar Luo, as Qiwuhai, according to the treaty with the world government, Qiwuhai must cooperate with the navy to catch the pirates. It is your duty of Qiwuhai, otherwise you will be deprived of the title of Qiwuhai".


Hearing this, Lin Tian showed a faint surprise on his face. He didn't expect that Smogg would actually want to join forces with Qiwu Hailuo to fight himself.

Da Siqi, who was lying on the ground, could hardly believe it, and asked: "Lieutenant General Smogg, how can this be done? This guy almost killed us before, how can he work with him to deal with Lin Tian".

"Stupid", Smogg turned around and cursed directly at Dasqi, paused, and then said helplessly: "Even if I know that the pirate is a pirate, but in this situation, if you don't follow Trafal If Erga Luo cooperates, we will not be able to resist Lin Tian's assurance."

Hearing Smogg’s words, Luo crouched on the ground, raised his head, grinned and said: "The White Hunter is the master, in this case, the Navy and Qiwuhai are indeed a very wise choice. The Navy and Qiwuhai are the names. Upper Allies".

After speaking, Luo Huafeng turned and smiled: "But this ally is only in name. Now I have changed my decision."

At the moment when the voice fell, Smogg's face changed suddenly, and the implication in Luo's words was not understood by Smogg. What he meant was to refuse to cooperate with him.

Before Smogg's questioning, Luo's figure suddenly disappeared. The next second, the disappeared Luo appeared between Smogg and Dasqi, and the ghost cried with his right hand pointed directly at the back of Smogg's head. The ghost cried covered by the domineering armed color. Like a black knife.

Everything happened too fast, and Luo had already launched an attack on them before Smogg and Da Siqi could realize what was happening.

Feeling the biting chill of the sword against the scalp, Smogg asked angrily: "Luo, you know what you are doing."

Dasqi, who reacted, also asked angrily: "Trafalgar Luo, as Qiwuhai you actually attacked the navy, do you want to be deprived of the title of Qiwuhai?"

With that said, Da Siqi still wanted to get up and stand up to help But she was sore and sore under the stimulation of the electric current that she couldn't even stand up now.

Facing the two questioning, Luo calmly replied: "It seems that you have forgotten my identity. Although I am Qiwuhai, I am also a pirate. Rather than cooperating with you, I would rather choose to let you all stay. Here, the secrets of this island will not be known by the navy headquarters."

"No, maybe it shouldn’t be said now, Lin Tian, ​​I didn’t expect you to appear here, but it also happens that compared to acting alone, I can find a strong ally like you, and my plan will have a 100% success rate. Up".

He looked up at Lin Tian, ​​who was not shocked by Luo suddenly attacking them, but with a faint smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Smogg suddenly felt that he was being teased, and said angrily: "Lin Tian, ​​could it be said that you have seen it a long time ago, and the battles just now were played for us."

"No, no... we have never seen each other. As for why I am not shocked by Luo's behavior, it is because you don't understand Luo's past." Lin Tian shook his head and said meaningfully.

ps: I just went home today, so I can only update one chapter.

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