In a snowstorm, in front of the gate of the research base.

As Qiwu Hailuo's sudden shot, so that Smogg and Da Siqi, who were the navy, could not be prepared, they were instantly caught by Luo.

"Understand?" He whispered softly in his mouth, and Smogg squinted his eyes and looked at Luo behind him, and said lightly: "Luo, in fact, from the beginning I didn't believe you would join the Qiwu Sea, because the pirate is a pirate. , No matter what coat I put on you, and now it proves that my inference is correct."

After speaking, Smogg looked at Lin Tiandao: "I thought it was just Luo doing some illegal things on this island. Now it seems that my prediction is wrong. I have a hunch on this island. It is very possible that there is a huge secret hidden, otherwise you won't even be interested. What is hidden on this island, Lin Tian."

Nodded, Lin Tian was not prepared to conceal anything from Smogg, and directly admitted: "Smogg, your guess is not wrong, but neither your position nor your strength is qualified to intervene in this matter. If I were you, I would leave now, and just tell the navy headquarters what I saw."

Hearing Lin Tian's explanation, Smogg frowned. If he is not even qualified to participate, then only the general of the navy headquarters can handle things in the navy.

It was actually necessary for the general of the navy headquarters to deal with this matter. At least this matter had to be related to Qiwuhai or the Three Emperors and Two Emperors. Although it had not happened yet, Smogg was able to slightly feel a storm brewing.

Bolu Bolu...

The phone worm in his arms suddenly rang in the scene. Under the eyes of the three of Smogg, Lin Tian took out the phone worm and connected.

Just listened to Brooke's anxious voice, "It's not good, Lin Tian, ​​Luffy and the others were caught."


When time returned to Lin Tian and the others to fight, Sanji, who had solved his opponent, got a phone worm and quickly contacted Lu Fei and others.

While waiting for Luffy and others, Chopper used the medical equipment in his hand to do the most basic tests for these huge strange children.

Knowing the excitement of Sanji and others, Luffy and the others followed the position provided by Nami to the back door of the institute, facing the two humanoid monsters, Luffy and Sauron, even the steel gate several meters thick. It is difficult to resist these two guys.

With a loud bang, the iron gate fell to the ground, and a gust of wind suddenly blew up. Then Luffy laughed from outside the door: "Hahaha... Great, I finally found you! Everyone"

"Huh? Nami, what's the matter with these little kids?" Robin walked in, looking at the many children behind Nami, and asked curiously.

It's not just Nami and the others who were kidnapped. How come more than a dozen children have emerged, and these play kids are all extremely huge. Are they all giants?

Waved her hand, Nami was also confused about the origin of these children, saying: "This is when we were escaping from the prison cell. We ran into these kidnapped children in a room and rescued them. As for the rest We also don’t know."

Having said that, Nami glanced around and said strangely: "Where is Lin Tian? Why didn't he see him? Isn't he with you?"

"When we arrived in the Ice Continent earlier, Lin Tian suddenly left, saying that he was going to see Trafalgar Luo", shook his head, Robin didn't know what Lin Tian did.

Upon hearing this, Nami was taken aback for a moment, and then she could hardly believe it, "That is to say, Lin Tian arrived there not long after we left the gate."

Nami was helpless. It was too coincidental. Lin Tian arrived there as soon as they left. If they had known this, they would still need to run for so long in the base.

Sanji walked over and said, "In this case, we don't need to leave now. Let's go back to meet Lin Tian and untie everything in this base."

Smoking a cigarette, Sanji raised his head and looked at the huge base around him, his eyes revealed a faint solemnity. After walking in the base for so long, it would be a fake if he didn't find any problems with the base.

Although this base has not been thoroughly investigated, one thing is certain. Since this base actually imprisons these pirates here, there must be some secret hidden in this base.

"Shoo hello hello"

Suddenly, there was a loud laughter, and it echoed continuously in the passage. The moment they heard the laughter, everyone immediately became vigilant.

I don’t know when, behind them, there are two huge humanoid monsters holding rifles as large as cannons and aiming at them. The two giants are covered in white fur, and they also wear white hats, slightly lowered. It’s hard to see their true colors.

Everyone was shocked. When these two such huge monsters appeared beside them, but they didn't notice it, at the end of the passage, a group of troops in yellow protective suits supported the next one in a gas coat. It is Caesar, the owner of this research base, with long dark purple-blue hair and a strange ornament that resembles a horn.

Just listen to Caesar laughed and said: "Dear members of the Straw Hats, it is Caesar, the world's first scientist, and the owner of this base, M. Caesar Courant."

Holding his hands high, Caesar was preparing to receive an exclamation from the straw hat group, as if he had seen the shocking look they had heard after hearing his name, but the difference between reality and imagination was not so great.

"What? This is the murderous scientist Caesar in Lin Tian's mouth. It turned out to be so ugly." Frankie quickly glanced at Caesar and said what he thought.

"The world's first scientist?" Usopp was very puzzled by this title. "The first scientist recognized in the world was not the Bergapunk of the Navy headquarters."

Hearing the words of Usopp and Frankie, Caesar suddenly felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead, and the anger in his heart suddenly erupted like a volcano. The words of these two people were really shocking, and they were ugly. He also mentioned the name of the **** Begapunk, which was unbearable by Caesar. If it weren't for the fellow Begapunk, how could he have become what he is now? He was wanted by the Navy.

People like Caesar never think about their own faults, and only put their own mistakes on others. If he hadn't secretly studied poison gas weapons, how could the big event four years ago happen.

Gasping for breath, Caesar scolded angrily: "Damn, you bastards, you dare to doubt me, the world's number one scientist, now I have changed my mind. When I catch you, I will use you to conduct experiments. Then talk to that guy Lin Tian about a deal."

That's right, Caesar appeared here at this time, in fact, to catch Luffy and the others as a bargaining chip, and then use Luffy and them to threaten Lin Tian.

Originally, Caesar was packing his things and preparing to escape, but the news that Luffy and others broke into the base made Caesar think of this good way.

Caesar believed that as long as he caught Luffy and the others, Lin Tian would definitely be threatened by his own bargaining chip. Lin Tian's love and justice are known to the whole world. For the safety of his brothers, Lin Tian would definitely not attack him.

"Stop it for me!"

Suddenly, without warning, Luffy flew out suddenly, and Caesar, who had just dropped his voice, was frightened by Lu Fei's movements. Before he could react, Luffy had flown in front of him. Caesar hugged tightly.

"What, you guy let me go." Looking at the straw hat boy holding himself and smiling, Caesar couldn't believe he was caught.

While shouting, Caesar clutched Luffy with both hands to throw Luffy away, but Luffy's hug was so tight that he couldn't break Luffy's hands no matter how hard Caesar tried.

Raising the sunglasses in front of him, Frankie smiled and said, "This is all right, Luffy has caught Caesar. It seems that he will win the battle soon."

For Luffy's combat power, Frankie has a lot of confidence.

Although Robin didn’t think so, he looked at Luffy and said worriedly: “I’m afraid it’s not that simple. Armed and domineering is just a kind of domineering. He is only able to grasp the ability of the natural element, but cannot deprive the ability like the sea floor stone and the sea. In any case, Caesar is a bounty criminal with a reward of 300 million. He is not an ordinary scientist. He has the ability of natural gas fruits. We still don’t know.”

As soon as Robin's voice fell, Caesar suddenly moved. He clenched his hands tightly, and a cloud of gas burst out from his body.

Very angrily said: "Straw hat boy, don't be too smug".

Along with Caesar's roar, the gas surrounding Caesar had suddenly dispersed at a very fast speed. Sauron could only see a flash of gas passing by, and in the next second, the scattered poisonous gas dissipated in the passage.

Seeing this strange scene everyone who is still very new to Vance's ability does not know what happened, but just a few seconds later, Luffy, who was holding Caesar tightly, suddenly raised his head and struggling, opened The mission of the mouth is breathing, his hands pinched his neck tightly, his face is full of pain.

"What's wrong with Luffy?"

Looking at this scene, Sanji and Sauron immediately noticed something was wrong. Without thinking, the two rushed out to rescue Luffy.

But the next second, the two of them who had just taken a half-step behaved like Luffy, with their mouths wide open, their hands tightly pinched their necks, and their faces were full of pain.

In this strange scene, not only did Luffy, Sauron, and Sanji appear, but Nami also showed the same symptoms. This symptom lasted for more than ten seconds, and then everyone went into a coma with white eyes.

Secretly, Brook, who was hiding in the ventilation duct above the passage, was so scared that he covered his mouth. Nothing happened. Luffy and the others all passed out into a coma. This scientist named Caesar was really too strong.

Quietly retreating from the passage and hiding in a safe place, Brook quickly dialed Lin Tian's phone. At this time, only Lin Tian could save everyone.

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