On the other side, in front of the original Begapunk base.

After hearing Brooke’s general narration, Lin Tian combined with his understanding of Caesar, and already thought about it. Caesar, as a natural gas ability, can make a certain amount of surroundings fall into a vacuum. Luffy and the others just don’t know that so they will be solved by Caesar .

"Okay, Brook, you first determine the location of Luffy and the others, and they will pass after I settle the matter here," Lin Tian told Brooke through the phone worm.

After hanging up the phone worm, Lin Tian reached out and knocked on his head, with a headache, and whispered, "These guys are really not worrying. They were wiped out by others before they left."

Although the voice of the phone worm is not very loud, for the three people who control the domineering, they can still clearly hear the conversation between Brook and Lin Tian.

After that, Lin Tian looked up at Smogg, thought for a while, and ordered Luo: “There is no need to keep the secrets on Ice and Fire Island hidden. As for the navy of these G5 branches, let them live, so that they can The whole thing tells the navy that without the navy joining it, your plan will be difficult to realize."

Not only was Smogg, who was the party involved, confused, even Luo, who knew the plan, was also very puzzled as to why the entire plan could only be realized if the navy headquarters joined it.

Although he was puzzled in his mind, Luo chose to believe in Lin Tian. He understood that Lin Tian knew much more about Doflamingo than he knew.

Luo backhanded the ghost and cried in his hand, and was about to knock Smogg out with his sword hilt, Smogg suddenly asked Lin Tian loudly: "Lin Tian, ​​Trafalgar Luo, why should you two cooperate? What are you planning, and why you want to cover up the existence of this island."

From the previous dialogue, Smogg has been able to feel that a huge storm is rising from the Ice and Fire Island. Trafalgar Luo of Qiwuhai and Lin Tian, ​​deputy leader of the Revolutionary Army, can cooperate. The plan is definitely not Generally large.

It’s also true that Smogg is so eager to know what Lin Tian is planning, and even uses the navy headquarters as a chess piece, and was calculated by a pirate. This is for Smogg, who is a navy. It's a shame.

Naturally, Lin Tian would not tell Smogg these secrets, but there are some things Lin Tian still thinks to give Smogg a simple reminder, saying: "Smogg, there are some things you are not qualified to get in touch with, as the navy commander of the G5 branch. It’s better to think about what happened on this island and what role the navy plays in it.”

Small is not an idiot, but all his attention is attracted by the cooperation between Lin Tian and Trafalgar Luo. Lin Tian said here, Small's face changed, and suddenly he thought of something.

In the next second, Luo's sword hilt fell, and with the domineering power of the armed color, with a dull sound, Smogg fainted and lay on the ground.

A backhand slashed a sword edge, and Luo used the power of the back of the sword to slap Da Siqi on the body. Just like Smoge's result, Da Siqi took a deep look at Lin Tian and then passed out unwillingly.

After solving the two of Smolge casually, Luo Chaolintian said: "In this case, Lin Tian is the master, then let us discuss the matter of alliance."

Shaking his head, Lin Tian refused Luo's proposal. In Luo's puzzled eyes, Lin Tian explained: "You don't need to be so anxious. How can we be without our captain for such an important thing? We have plenty of time. Caesar and Doflamingo’s Monet are dealt with, we have plenty of time to talk."


At the same time, in the conference room of the Navy Headquarters, the admiral Akadog sat at the table, and Lieutenant Admiral Crane and Fujitora, who came immediately after receiving the notification from Akagu, also appeared in the conference room.

Without saying more, Akinu took out a call information record file and handed it to Tsuru and Fujitora. Suspiciously, he took the document handed by Akinu. He immediately sank. As the last page was finished, He said His face is full of dignity.

Pushing the document in front of him to the front of Akagu, Fujitor said: "The old man is blind, and the words on the document are difficult to read. Please tell me a little bit."

Organize the language, Crane closed the documents in his hand, "According to the news reported by the Navy of the G5 branch, the navy under the command of Lieutenant General Smogg eavesdropped on the signals of the Straw Hats, so they followed the Straw Hats, and finally reached Punk Hassad. ".

"In Punk Hassad, the naval soldiers discovered that there was Trafalgar Luo of Qiwu Sea on the island. In order to prevent the navy from investigating, Trafalgar Luo violated the agreement to attack the navy, and finally Lin, who suddenly appeared. Tian interrupted, now Luo seems to have reached an agreement with Lin Tian, ​​and Lieutenant General Small is knocked out by Luo."

Listening to the description of the crane, Fujitora did not say anything, but the frowning brows showed what was thinking in his mind.

However, as the marshal, the red dog couldn’t help it. He banged his hammer on the table and said angrily: “As Qiwuhai, he blatantly violated the agreement with the navy and attacked the navy soldier, and even told Lin Tian. Reached an agreement, what is Trafalgar Rota as the navy headquarters, in and out of public places casually?"

In the eyes of Akinu, who insisted on absolute justice, Luo's behavior simply did not take the navy in the slightest, and regarded the navy headquarters as nothing.

With his chin in his hands, Lieutenant General He expressed his opinion, "Compared to the cooperation between Lin Tian and Luo, I don't find it so strange. No matter who is a pirate, this point will not change."

After saying this, Crane didn't notice, Fujitor's expression changed slightly, but then quickly disappeared from his face.

"In contrast, I pay more attention to the secrets hidden in Punk Hassad, which can make Luo hesitate to lose the title of Qiwuhai and even attract Lin Tian."

At this time, the silent Fujitora finally spoke, "Punk Hassad should be an uninhabited island, neither the navy nor the pirates can be among them. Such an island is a natural hiding place for some people. ".

"Although it is still unclear what happened, we must have the need to go. Lin Tian and Luo must have planned a lot."

These red dogs naturally understand that Fujitora is called here because of this reason, "Fujitora, because Lin Tian is there, I decided to send you this time. Just in case, I will send someone to follow. you".

Can't blame the red dog for being so careful, Lin Tian, ​​this guy is a monster, he and the green pheasant joined hands to severely wound him, but after ten and a half months, this guy immediately resurrected with full blood.

"I'm going to prepare now." Without saying anything, Fujitora stood up directly, looking forward to fighting against the legendary navy Lin Tian.


The Royal Palace of Dressrosa.

Knowing that Lin Tian had arrived in Punk Hazard, Monet immediately reported to Doflamingo that this place was a vital raw material manufacturing base after all.

After giving orders to Monet, Doflamingo hung up the phone, and a faint sea breeze blew into the palace, his frowning brows clearly showed that Brother Ming's uneasy heart.

When Lin Tian appeared in Punk Hassad unexpectedly, Ming also faced a huge crisis. The raw material base of Punk Hassad Smile was also the only base. Ming Ge invested billions of Pele for this base.

As for Lin Tian’s arrival, there is no need to think about it. The billions of Baileys must have been lost. Compared with the loss of billions of Baileys, Ming is more worried that Lin Tian will bring him after knowing Smile’s secret. Great trouble here.

And if Punk Hassad is destroyed, Smile manufacturing will fall into a phase of discontinuation, but he just received the deposit from the beast Kaido two days ago. If Kaido knows that he can’t hand over Smile, Kaido will definitely find him. Settle the accounts yourself.

Thinking of Kaido's powerful strength, Doflamingo couldn't help but a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, and his winning rate against Kaidodoflamingo was only zero.

Leaving Kaido aside, Lin Tian is more difficult to deal with than Kaido. Two years later, Lin Tian and the straw hat guys set sail. According to the route, their next stop is Dres Rosa.

Thinking of this, Ming Ge could not stay any longer, got up and flew out of the palace, and immediately ordered Rao G next to the swimming pool: "From today, Dresrosa will enter the highest guard state."

After speaking, Ming got up and flew in the direction of Punk Hassad. The raw material manufacturing base can be destroyed by Lin Tian, ​​but Caesar must not fall into Lin Tian’s hands. As long as Caesar is present, even if the raw materials are destroyed, he Reinvent.

For a time, the death island of Punk Hassad attracted the attention of three powerful forces, Lin Tianhe Luo, the navy headquarters, and Doflamingo.

And the secret of this island will finally be revealed, no one can cover it up.


Punk Hassad, the land of flames!

Although the Straw Hat boy and his party were caught, Caesar still did not terminate its operation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the order of Caesar, a group of patrols came to a well-preserved base location.

The raging flames surrounded the base, and the orange-yellow fire light was reflected on the steel building. The huge building was like a beast lying in the flames.

When they came to the gate, a group of people from the patrol team opened the gate in accordance with Caesar's orders, walked into the dark and gloomy passage, and appeared in front of them in a huge dark space.

"What is in it and why is it so dark? I can't see at all."

"I don't know, the master told us to open this place anyway, now that we have completed the task, let's leave."

"That's right, let's leave, I always feel that something is peeping at us".

Suddenly, a cold wind blew down the passage, and the patrol members could not restrain their bodies for a while, and a feeling of fear surged in their hearts.

At this moment, above the space, two huge eyes opened, like two red beams of light sweeping through the room, and finally stopped on the patrol team.

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