The alliance has been negotiated, and it is no longer necessary for Lu Fei and others to stay in the cell щ{][lā}

With a double touch, Luffy decided to say: "Okay, the first thing we need to do now is to save the children, then knock the guy Caesar into the air, and then send them back."

"Child?" Looking at Luffy, Luo's face was full of doubts.

On the other hand, Chopper added: "It is the children in the base who were taken away by Caesar again."

With that said, Chopper looked at the time and became very anxious, "Previous tests showed that those children have been taking drugs to stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete too much human hormones, so they will have a size far beyond ordinary people." .

"But if you take too much of that kind of drug, it will make many children subtly poison. When the toxin in the body reaches a certain level, those children will die. As a doctor, it is absolutely impossible for me to see those children die."

After a short while, it was the time for the children to take the medicine. If you don’t know it, it’s okay. Now Chopper knows that as a doctor, Chopper is absolutely impossible to watch those children take the medicine.

"Let's get rid of this burden. Now we don't have time to deal with it." Luo said indifferently. In Luo's opinion, those children who have been taking drugs for so long have no salvation value.

If nothing happened, Luo might be compassionate to rescue these children, but it would be a utter burden to rescue the children at this time.

Embracing his chest, Usopp exclaimed, thinking of the huge children, "Really, this experiment is really terrible."

"Humanity has become huge," Lin Tian interrupted suddenly: "This is an experiment that has been carried out by humans since hundreds of years."

Robin couldn't help asking: "Why, why should the world government conduct this kind of experiment"

Lin Tian explained: "In order to nurture soldiers, an adult giant warrior can resist thousands of rigorously trained soldiers. If ordinary humans can be made huge, the world government will be able to form a force composed entirely of giants. ".

"At that time, no matter whether it is land or sea, all races will be subject to the dominion of the world government. Caesar wants to succeed in this experiment, so that he can surpass Bergapunk and become the world's first scientist. ".

Speaking of this, Lin Tian shook his head and said sarcastically: "It's a pity that even if Caesar has studied the hugeness of mankind, he can't surpass Begapunk."

When he came to Punk Hassad earlier, the fire-breathing dragon gave Lin Tian a great shock. Four years ago, Begapunk realized the existence of an artificial dragon. Now that four years have passed, Begapunk may have already Researched out a dragon that can be used.

Nami stepped forward and took the initiative to hold Lin Tian's arms, and said gravely, "Although these little guys have never known us, how can I refuse when I see those children begging us to take them home? I will not leave until I am sure that these children can arrive home safely."

Hearing Nami say the same, Trafalgarro couldn't help but said: "Then you are going to stay here alone."

Before Nami could answer, Lin Tian said: "Nami is my woman. If Nami doesn't leave, I won't leave here."

Luffy also echoed from the side: "Nami is our partner. As the captain, I will never abandon any partner and leave alone."

With that said, Luffy pointed at Trafalgaro and smiled: "If that's the case, come and help. It just so happens that Sanji wants to stick that samurai back."

Hearing that, Trafalgarro's mouth couldn't help but twitched, and when he looked at Sanji who was beating Juro in anger, Luo suddenly had a bad feeling that this alliance seemed to be wrong with him.


Patting the hat on his head, Usopp sighed helplessly, walked behind Luffy, pointed to Luffy and explained to Trafalgaro, "It seems that you really don't understand. What you think is different".

"Your so-called alliance is to achieve the same goal and thus cooperate with each other."

When asked by Usopp, Trafalgarro couldn't help but nodded. Isn't it the understanding of alliance with the world? Luo had a very bad premonition.

Seeing Luo's worried look, Usopp sighed deeply again. It seemed that Luo hadn't understood that he was on a thief boat.

I saw Usopp pointing to Luffy who was holding his nose: "The alliance that our captain thinks is a little bit different from your alliance. In Luffy's view, the alliance is about the nature of making friends. If you want to control sovereignty That's a big mistake."

"Except for this guy who listens and believes, and does things without going through his brain, he just does his own way, and he is alone. That is the level of the four emperors. That is to say, in Lu Fei's view, you are now friends, and friends are to each other. Helpful".

As if confirming Usopp's words, Luffy clasped his nose and said, "Tela man, since we are friends, come and help."

Seeing Trafalgarro languishing in front of Luffy, Lin Tian couldn't help laughing. With Luo on board, I'm afraid the next boat will be very interesting.


On the other side, in front of the research base of Begapunk, Smogg is leading the naval forces to launch a storming attack on the base, and now they are fighting with the pirates under Caesar.

With bursts of murderous shouts, many naval soldiers from the g5 branch were killing towards the base like a tide, and the fruit of smoke erupted, and Smog was forced to fight out a path in the crowd.

call out…

A sound of breaking through the air sounded from behind, and only a centaur pirate appeared behind Da Siqi, holding both large swords towards Da Siqi.

Da Siqi reacted quickly, retreated and avoided the attack, drew out the sharp sword, and slashed it out. The sharp sword pierced the sky with bursts of sound.

Where did the Centaur Pirate react, he could only see a cold glow in his eyes, and in the next second, a sharp blade slipped across his neck.

Turn the sword too far!

After solving the Centaur Pirates, Dasqi turned his head and shouted at Smogg: "General Smogg, if we fight like this, it will be difficult for us to rush in."

Indeed, after thinking about it, Smogg was right, and it was difficult for them to enter the base in this situation.

After swiping several pirates into the air, Smogg immediately ordered Da Siqi: "Da Siqi, you lead the rest of the navy to block these pirates, I will enter the base first."

After speaking, Smogg turned into a puff of white smoke and broke through the barriers of many pirates and rushed into the base.

As the pirates were all delayed outside by the navy, Smogg did not stop him when he entered the base. After scanning the surrounding area and recognizing the direction, Smogg immediately rushed into the base along the stairs.


A burst of air suddenly sounded, and the attack appeared too fast. Without even thinking about it, Smogg quickly drew away to the side under the instinct of his body.

With a loud bang, Smogg looked in the direction of the attack while evading, and saw a black iron rod falling from the sky to the ground. The powerful force even the solid ground could not bear to be blasted out of a big pit.

Stopping his retreat, Smogg calmly looked at the guy sneaking up on him, his face suddenly changed, and he was suddenly covered in shock. He couldn't help but open his mouth for a long time and couldn't close his mouth. Although he had probably guessed the identity of this guy, when he really saw Small could not help being shocked.

Suddenly in front of him appeared in front of him, the base chief of the G5 branch, General Wilgo, who was wearing a checkered coat and a pair of black sunglasses, with lightning-shaped sideburns on both sides of his face, and a white object attached to the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect it to be you, Vergo!" Smogg roared with endless anger.

Hearing what Smogg said, it was Vergo's turn to be surprised, and said: "It seems that you have guessed my existence long ago."

Standing up, looking at the naval traitor in front of him, Smogg held tightly, "It can change the information of the Navy Communications Department, and it can also change the Navy’s reports to the outside and cover up the truth. Apart from me in the entire g5 branch, only you can do it."

"I didn't expect Da Siqi's prediction to be successful. The children's disappearance was a shipwreck made up by Wilgo, but his commander was actually the culprit." Smogg couldn't help gritted his teeth when it came to this.

This is an ironic The commander of a division of the Navy who insists on justice will be a traitor. If this kind of thing leaks out, the entire Navy face will be discarded.

Tilting his head, Vergo's mouth curled up slightly and said: "Is it embarrassing, but it is reasonable for you not to find out. After all, I am not a navy traitor. I should say that I have always been a pirate."

"I was a pirate fifteen years ago, but for the order of the clown, I had to keep lurking in the navy. I spent fifteen years sitting in my current position, but I didn't expect all this to be destroyed by you." .

"How could it..." Small could hardly accept what Vergo had said.

The moment the voice fell, Wilgo's figure disappeared in front of Smog, and the next second, Vergo appeared behind Smog and pierced Smog's body with a blue bamboo that he didn't know when he got it.

The strong impact blasted Smogg's entire chest with a big hole, and thick white smoke kept coming out of the big hole in his chest, and it was obvious that Vergo had made a blow.

"Nature Department, really a thorny ability"

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