Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1014: World shaking

In the control room belonging to the third research base!

A scene appearing in the Ice Continent is being projected into the air by Caesar, and through the facilities here, many bigwigs in the underground world are watching all this.

In the scene, somewhere in the ice continent, a huge and very disgusting monster was approaching the location of the institute step by step.

The gas monster Brem is the original h2s gas that invaded Punk Hazard after being compressed and made into today's gas monster. Caesar used the technology of the ability to let objects eat the devil fruit developed by Bega Punk to let the gas eat it. The devil fruit in the shape of "Salamander Fruit Hexagonal Newt" has evolved into what it is now.

Let the poison gas mixture possess the devil fruit ability, and Caesar will make the slime become the salamander fruit hexapod dinosaur form!

Looking at the scene presented on the huge screen in front of him, Caesar waved his hands in excitement and shouted: "You have been waiting for a long time, now the clones of slime have merged together in the ice continent."

"Slimes destroyed this island four years ago. The poisonous gas bomb h2s. The problem last time was that although the poisoned ones became extremely weak, they still have the power to move and rush to a safe refuge. Four years ago, the poison gas weapon slime continued to feed drugs, giving the slime some special effects, and finally the perfect killing weapon gave birth to power. I will name it the kingdom of death."

Through the video, Caesar could clearly see that Brahm was attracted by the medicine he transferred and ran towards there frantically. For the past two years, Caesar has used this medicine to serve this poisonous monster like a pet.

"Shoo hello hello boy, come on, wait for you to eat that, you are invincible, no one in the whole world can stop you".

Seeing that Bram was getting closer and closer to the drug, Caesar couldn't help raising his hands and excitedly said, "Come on, rebirth, slime, the problem with the last test was that someone could survive, even if poisoned Detoxification in a safe zone. In this case, as long as it is difficult for people to move everything, the rebirth will become a kind of poisonous gas. This kind of poisonous gas like ash can adhere to the human skin and erode into the human body. The skin, and then imprison people’s actions, once covered by that poisonous gas, all that is greeted is destruction."

This scene, through the camera bug, spread to the eyes of dark middlemen everywhere in the world. I don't know how many powerful leaders are standing in front of the screen watching Caesar's performance.

Hearing Caesar's description, many people were moved. If the final kingdom of death is as Caesar said, they would not mind buying a little of this poison gas weapon to try its effect.

But in the next second, Caesar's laughter stopped abruptly. Seeing Lin Tian suddenly appeared on the screen, Caesar couldn't help but exclaim in shock.

"What? Why is Lin Tian here?"

After blinking his eyes vigorously, when he saw that Lin Tian had not disappeared from the screen, Caesar had to believe that everything he saw was real. Lin Tian, ​​who was previously locked in the stone cell of the sea tower, did escape. Come out, and appear in the slime.

Not only Caesar, but the scene was spread all over the world through the phone worm. The bosses of many underground forces who had expected the power of the death kingdom in Caesar's mouth were suddenly replaced by shock.

They all looked at Lin Tian appearing on the screen dumbfounded. The bosses of many underground forces were confused. What was going on, how could Lin Tian appear in such a place.

Did he form an alliance with Caesar? Many bosses couldn't help thinking, but in an instant they threw this unrealistic idea into their minds. Now Caesar is cooperating with the clown, and the hatred between Lin Tian and the clown is already there. How could Lin Tian cooperate with Caesar? .

Many bosses would rather accept that the sow can go up the tree instead of believing that Lin Tian will get together with Caesar, and from the shocked voice of Caesar and the scene shown on the screen, the bosses have guessed something, and the corners of their mouths can’t help. Hook a smile.

"What? Things are changing a little fast, why did Lin Tian appear there"

"There is a good show here. Lin Tian appeared on Caesar's site, does it mean something is about to happen"

"However, this fellow Caesar is finished, and even if the Joker takes action, he cannot be saved."

Many bosses can create a world in the underground world, and everyone is an old man. Just by Lin Tian's attack on the clown partner Caesar, he can think of many things.

"Get out of here!"

Seeing Lin Tian appearing on the screen intact, Caesar seemed to have thought of something suddenly. He rushed to the soldiers on the side, opened the soldiers in the seats, and mobilized the surveillance screen in the prison cell.

Now that Lin Tian came out, the Straw Hat boy and his party must have escaped too, but unfortunately the camera bug had been killed by Lin Tian, ​​and the whole screen was blank and there was nothing.

Although nothing is displayed on the screen, this already represents an answer, the answer that Caesar is least willing to believe.


Thinking of the way I was proud in front of Lin Tian just now, not only did he arrest the brother Lin Tian's straw hat boy, but he also screamed in front of Lin Tian to kill him.

The fear in Caesar's heart couldn't stop spreading to his whole body, and the saliva in his mouth suddenly swallowed. So far, the world that angered Lin Tian could end well, at least not yet.

Although Caesar is an arrogant fellow, Caesar is still a little self-aware. At least he understands that his strength is undoubtedly mortal to Shang Lin Tian. Even the clown behind him is not Lin Tian's opponent, let alone him.

"Lin Tian... how did he escape from that prison?" Monet's performance would not be much better than Caesar.

She knew that cell was all made of Hailou Stone, which not only had diamond-like hardness, but also greatly restrained those with ability.

At the same time, Lin Tian on the screen moved.

Lin Tian, ​​who possesses a strong sense of knowledge and domineering color, has long monitored the entire island. Caesar's every move, including every sentence, is under Lin Tian's supervision, so Lin Tian knows Caesar's plan completely.

When he heard that Caesar had developed a stronger poison gas weapon, Lin Tian immediately came to stop it. Four years ago, Lin Tian saw the power of the poison gas weapon with his own eyes. The entire island was deprived of its vitality. The navy soldier only died. Million.

Turning around and looking at the medicine wrapped like candy behind, Lin Tian said to Brahm in front of him: "Oh, I understand, Caesar will often feed you this candy"

"And every time you eat this candy, an unknown change occurs in your body"

"Now this candy is so attractive to you, you must eat him"

Lin Tian nodded while talking alone. If there was someone talking, he would definitely be shocked to death by Lin Tian's behavior. Lin Tian seemed to be able to talk to Brahm.

This is the fact, Lin Tian can hear the sound of everything with his domineering look, not to mention understanding Brahm's words, even if the historical text is now Lin Tian can interpret it like Roger.

After finishing speaking, a series of thunder and lightning suddenly appeared from Lin Tian, ​​the thunder and lightning with stout arms smashed into the sky, the shining thunder and lightning were like forked branches.

Seeing Lin Tian shook his head and said: "No, I can't give you the candy behind you...Although you were born like this, it was Caesar's secret plan, but after all, a creature like you shouldn't To stay in the world, for the safety of the rest of the people on this island, you have to die."

When the voice fell, Lin Tian suddenly moved, and his right hand that turned into thunder and lightning slowly pressed towards the void. In a short time, the calm void suddenly changed unknown. A violent wind rose out of thin air, and the howling wind swept countless snowflakes. Like a violent snowstorm.

In the next second, a thick-armed thunder and lightning smashed from the black cloud. The dazzling thunder and lightning fell on the ground with a bang and exploded. A large pit a few meters deep appeared. The deep pit became black and the snowflakes in the pit were hit by the impact of the explosion Fly to an altitude of tens of meters, forming a snow column.

"Thunder and lightning come to the world"

With a soft drink in Lin Tian’s mouth, this seemed to be a signal, and then a series of lightning rushed out of the dark clouds like no money, and the sky full of lightning turned the ice plain in front of us into a world of lightning, one after another more than before. The stout thunder and lightning fell like a violent storm.

Boom... boom...

There were a series of explosions, and the power of thunder and lightning was terrible. Every fall of thunder and lightning would blast a deep hole in the ground. The entire island trembled under this terrible force, as if an earthquake of more than ten magnitude had occurred.

Under the bombardment of thunder and lightning, the huge slime was submerged by the sea of ​​thunder in an instant, and thunder and lightning struck the slime's body. The high temperature characteristics of the thunder and lightning burned the entire slime, facing Lin Tian , The terrible and poisonous weapon in Caesar's mouth has no resistance at all.

And through the screen, this scene was clearly presented in the eyes of countless bigwigs. Seeing the power that created a sea of ​​thunder and lightning with their hands, the big bosses couldn't help showing a faint fear in their eyes. How could they not know the awakening of the natural devil fruit.

After losing the battle against Red Earl that day, Lin Tian faded out of the world for almost a year. Some people said that Lin Tian was recovering from his injuries, while others said that Lin Tian was planning something.

One year later, when Lin Tian showed his power to the world again, many bigwigs had to admit that Lin Tian was stronger again.

Many big guys understand After today, this video will circulate to every corner of the world, I don’t know how many people will see this video, but one thing is certain, the world will be Lin Tian Power and shake.

And the peaceful new world will set off a stormy sea, and many forces will be wary, especially this video showing Lin Tian's strength, the world does not know how many people will be frightened.

Waved to hang up the phone worm, Kidd showed a deep smile on his face, and smiled.

"It's finally here. Someone will finally break this era of collapse. We can't fall behind. The Red Heart Pirates and Straw Hat Pirates are together. This group of guys will surely turn the New World upside down."

"No one can stop it. The underground world will become the first point of confusion. A huge storm is about to unfold around the underground world. The most tragic era is coming!!" For mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience. .


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