Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1015: Small vs. Wilgo

"Damn, damn, that **** Lin Tian!"

Through the screen, I saw that his last secret weapon, the slime, was killed by Lin Tian. Caesar's unstoppable anger. The killing of the slime meant that Caesar originally showed his powerful weapon of killing to the overlords of the world.' The plan of the Kingdom of Death was completely shattered, and his four years of achievements were destroyed.

Compared with anger, Caesar’s heart is fear, fear of Lin Tian, ​​especially the smile of Lin Tian that stays on the screen, just like the smile of the **** of death. He just offended Lin Tian and rescued him. It is certain that Lin Tian of Slime finds himself to settle accounts.

"No, I have to leave here as soon as possible." Caesar raised his head and shouted to many stunned subordinates: "Little ones, our plan has failed. It won't be long before that guy Lin Tian will come here. We have to Get out of here quickly and leave through the escape passage in Building D."

"Okay, Master, we'll go and notify the rest immediately." Without much thought, these pirates in protective suits rushed out the door.

Looking at the backs of these pirates, Caesar showed a cruel and disdainful smile, and whispered in a voice that only he could see: "What a bunch of idiots and idiots."

Not only did he install movable prostheses for these pirates, he also asked Luo to put them on their legs, and he always showed them in a compassionate manner.

Everything is to create an illusion of compassion and compassion in the eyes of these pirates, so that these pirates think he is a compassionate savior.

And Caesar did this just to make these pirates listen 100% to his own words, even if he asked them to die, he didn't doubt it, just like now.

The entire research base has been completely closed, and there is only one way to leave here, and that is the passage in Building R.



There was a loud bang, and the fist covered by the domineering armed color slammed into the steel wall in front of him forcibly, the powerful force even steel could not bear.

"This guy is so strong!"

Turning back to stop the retreat, and looking at Virgo's fist that penetrated the wall, Smogg sighed inwardly, his face showing a deep dignity.

He is indeed the commander of the G5 branch. Even if he doesn't have the Devil Fruit ability, he can deal with those powerful pirates who have a bounty of hundreds of millions by relying on that powerful armor. Smogg is not his opponent.

Pulling out the fist stuck in the wall, Vergo lightly said: "Smogg, the elite soldier of the headquarters called the White Hunter by the pirates, after all, when you come to the g5 branch as a lieutenant general, I will be on guard. Raised to the maximum, I am afraid of being discovered by you."

"But with every defense, I still didn't expect that you guy would come here, and my fifteen-year preparation would be wiped out."

Speaking of this, Vergo's tone couldn't help being angry. In order to get to this point, he took 15 years to sit up from a naval soldier of the lowest rank, and he was able to do the g5 branch with the help of the clown. The position of the base leader, but now all this has been destroyed.

Two years ago, Smogg was a brigadier general of the navy headquarters, but because the rate belonged to the navy headquarters, when the soldiers of the headquarters were dispatched to the branch, they would be upgraded by two levels. Therefore, Smogg was also called a lieutenant general. Vergo is a military rank.

Looking up at Wilgo, Smogg gritted his teeth: "As a navy soldier, I have been deceived by a pirate for so many years. I really feel ashamed. I didn't even smell the stinky ditch mouse hiding beside you."

call out…

call out…

The two figures suddenly flashed together and appeared in mid-air. Wilgo took the first step and raised the bamboo in his hand that was covered by the armed color domineering and drew it towards Smogg's head.

Armed color domineering flashed, the dark armed color domineering like a layer of invisible armor covering Smogg's ten hands, Smogg raised his ten hands and blocked his head.

There was a muffled sound, and the moment the ten hands collided with the ghost bamboo, the huge impact had already raged in the small space with the two as the center. More than ten hurricanes rose out of thin air, and the cloak representing justice behind Smogg blew loudly. .

Compared with Smogg gritted his teeth and resisted Vergo’s attack, Virgo seemed much more relaxed, saying, "Brother Smogg, you should thank me for this stinky mouse hiding in the gutter, for deceiving the famous white hunter. Up".

"Unlike the violent people in the G5 branch who seem to be messy but very stupid, you guys do your own way but the whole Navy is famous, but today I finally relax because you are going to die here."

The moment the voice fell, an explosive force burst out from Vergo's arm, knocking Smaller away.

The body turned into smoke, and with the help of the almost weightlessness of the smoke, the smog was knocked into the air and suspended.

Biting the cigar in his mouth, Smogg said angrily: "You are such a bastard. Although those guys are idiots, they respect and respect you as a father. You actually said such a thing here. I was thinking how to tell those idiots, now it seems that there is no need to tell them."

"White whirlwind!"

After speaking, Smogg discarded ten hands in his hand, and his fists turned into smoke and flew out. Driven by the smoke, Smogg's fists flew out like a storm, and the endless fists turned into afterimages. , Flying fists in the sky flew towards Virgo.

In an instant, Smogg blasted dozens of punches, and each of these fists hit Vergo, a powerful force erupted, Vergo flew upside down like a broken kite, slammed into the wall heavily, and stirred for a while. Rubble and smoke.

The next second, before Smug breathed a breath, the wall trembled, Vergo thrust his hands into the wall forcibly, and pulled out his head forcefully.

At this time, Vergo's whole body was covered by the powerful armed domineering, wrapping the armed domineering around the whole body, and the whole body will turn into a black skin posture, which can strengthen the body's defense.

It was also relying on the armed look domineering that covered his whole body, Vergo abruptly resisted Smogg's attack, only a smear of blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

"This guy, how can he be so hard, his whole body is the same as cast by steel", Smogg was surprised when he looked at Virgo who was almost unscathed.

Wringing his neck, Vergo said: "Brother Smogg, do you want to avenge the rabble in the navy? I am afraid that you are not strong enough. You should understand that you are not me, whether it is armed with domineering or basic combat power. Opponents".

The voice hadn't completely fallen, Vergo's figure flashed, and he rushed in front of Smog in an instant. The black ghost bamboo in his hand swept out, and there was a gust of wind and thunder.

Vergo suddenly broke out too fast, so fast that Smogg didn't react at all, and the ghost bamboo had already been drawn on Smogg severely.

With a muffled sound, Smogg felt hit by an irresistible force, as if hit by a high-speed sea train.


A mouthful of blood spurted from Smogg's mouth, and the bright red blood bloomed in the air. A blood flower bloomed in the air. Smogg flew upside down like a flying straw, and hit the solid wall behind him hard.

It was like being hit by a cannonball, and there was a bang, and Smogg slammed into the wall deeply. The solid wall was sunken inward, and dense cracks had spread all over the pit with Smogg as the center.

Vergo's armed color is too domineering, so strong that it far surpasses Smogg's natural ability. Although Smogg is the strongest type of devil fruit, the damage of smoke is too low, or even worse than normal. The animal is devil fruit.

Wilgo stepped up to Smogg, his mouth curled slightly, and sarcastically said, "Brother Smogg, is it worth it? Just because of some rubbish, throw his own life away."


He sprayed blood at Vergo, and all the blood mixed with saliva fell on Vergo. Vergo clenched his fists, and an anger rose from his heart.

Just listen to Smogg's disdain: "Vergo, you are just a hiding stinky mouse. How can you understand that as a captain, no matter what your subordinates are, you must protect them with your life, because they started on the day they followed you. , They also entrusted their lives to you".

With a cold snort, Vergo had only disdain for Smogg's remarks, and some mobs didn't even have much use value.

Lifting the ghost bamboo in his hand, Vergo was about to stab Smogg's head to solve the annoying white hunter in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the closed door suddenly opened slowly, and the sound of metal rubbing reverberated in the silent room.

The sudden occurrence of caused De Vergo to stop his movements and couldn't help but look back. Even Smogg, who was stuck in the wall, couldn't help looking towards the door.

Just at the gate, a figure half-leaned on the gate for unknown time, slowly raised its head, and it was Luo who came.

I saw Luo staring at Vergo for a few seconds, and then he missed him: "Mr. Vergo, it's been a long time since I saw him."

Seeing Luo's appearance, Vergo was stunned for a moment, then took the ghost bamboo in his hand, and said lightly: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, how many years? It's been fifteen years, and you have grown up as an adult. Now You should be called Master Qi Wuhai under the king."

Hearing the brief conversation between the two, Smogg was stunned for a while, and he was very surprised. From this conversation, Vergo and Luo of the Qiwuhai under the king knew each other fifteen years ago, and at that time Luo was just a small Child, at this moment, Small can't help but recall what Lin Tian said to himself, "You don't understand Luo".


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