Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1019: The strongest 1 knife flow

The cold wind howled, and under Monet's fruit ability, this room had turned into a world of ice and snow.

Calmly glanced at Sauron, who was lying on the side and closing his eyes, Da Siqi couldn't help but cursed in his heart, this guy is really leisurely, even at this time, he can still sleep, but there is not much time left.

Suddenly, Sauron with his eyes closed faintly reminded: "Don't look at me, your opponent is murderous."

I saw Monet's wings fluttered in the sky. Numerous snowballs flew out from the wings, but the round snowballs made a sound of breaking through the sky. The snowballs all over the sky covered the sky like a storm. .


Da Siqi was ready for a long time, so facing Monet's attack, his face was still very calm, he appeared calm, and drank softly.


In the next second, Da Siqi's figure flashed, and the sky full of snowballs hit the ground with a muffled sound, and Da Siqi had already moved behind Monet.

"You hateful woman, I won't be like that idiot, die for me!"

In the roar, Da Siqi leaped forward, and the sharp sword in his hand reflected a chilly light, and the sharp blade slashed straight towards Monet's back.

Hearing what Dasqi called to himself, Sauron's face leaning on the wall couldn't help but change, frowning, and cursing in his heart: "This stupid woman, I must not be able to spare her."

Sauron seemed to be leaning against the wall and closing his eyes, ignoring Dasqi's battle with Monet, but secretly Sauron was still observing everything, including what Dasqi said.

With a squeak, the sharp blade wrapped around the armed color divided Monet's body in two, but there was no blood flowing out. The divided Monet instantly turned into large snowflakes and fell to the ground, as early as the Dasqi operation. At the same time, Monet had already used his ability to elementize himself.

Da Siqi dropped on one foot. Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, Da Siqi would get out of this range again with one foot. As a natural type, Monet could hide anywhere in the snow under his feet. Da Siqi naturally knew this. .

It's a pity that her speed was still a step slower than Monet, and the snow on the ground rushed to confine Da Siqi's right foot tightly on the snow.

At the same time, a cold wind blew up out of thin air, and Monet, who turned into white snow, emerged from the ground as the wind and snow roared. At this moment, Monet's cyan hair was flying, his whole body turned into white snow, and his mouth was full of sharp teeth. Sexy and sultry, as if turned into the legendary snow demon who devours human lives.

"Don't think that you will be a little armed and domineering, you can really restrain the natural ability. Even if you are domineering, it is easy to bite you." Monet opened his mouth and went straight to Da Siqi, full of mouth. The sharp teeth exude a terrible murderous look.

Da Siqi quickly raised his sword to block, the collision of his teeth with the blade of the sword made a metal-like collision.


Da Siqi was not Monet's opponent, and the hands holding the sword could not restrain the trembling, even if he exhausted all his strength, it was just enough to prevent his body from falling backward.

Armed color domineering broke out, and the sharp blade in Dasqi's hand was instantly wrapped in armed color, like a layer of invisible black armor covering the blade.

Da Siqi waved hard to the side. Facing the increase in the domineering armed color, how could Monet continue to bite the sharp sword in Da Siqi's hand and quickly turned into a cloud of snow, avoiding Da Siqi's slash.

"It's really troublesome to have a domineering guy!" Amidst the complaints, Monet kept flying on top of Dasqi's head. In fact, he was looking for a gap in Dasqi's defense, trying to solve this annoying woman.

Facing Monet's movements, Da Siqi's whole body's attention was used to lock Monet's figure, and his body turned with Monet's movement.

Feeling this scene, the corners of Sauron's mouth were slightly raised, and she was really a stupid woman.

In the face of this situation, how can you follow the opponent and be taken by the opponent? This will only expose the gaps in your own defense and allow the opponent to find opportunities.

If it were him, he would choose to stand quietly, brake quietly, and feel the direction of the opponent's attack. The moment of attack is also the moment when the weakness is exposed, and he will launch a counterattack when the opponent attacks.

Just as Sauron had imagined, Da Siqi, who was constantly moving, revealed his flaws within a few seconds. Monet seized the opportunity to rush to Siqi's side, swept out with all his strength, his legs broke through the air, and there was a burst of noise. Popping.


Da Siqi could not keep up with Monet's speed, but just after reacting, Monet's attack was already close, and this kick accurately kicked Da Siqi's chest.

The chest is the weak point of the human body, not to mention that Da Siqi is still a woman. Monet's foot is a piece of gravel that can be smashed. Da Siqi felt that he was hit by a high-speed train, and his breathing stopped. Come down.

Difficult to control his body, Da Siqi flew upside down suddenly, with a puff, blood spurted from his mouth.

With a loud bang, Da Siqi rolled several times in the air, and fell heavily to the ground, and a few meters long marks slid out on the snow-white ground.

"Haha..." Monet mocked in the laughter: "It turned out to be just a woman who can speak big words. Even if you are armed and domineering, what's the use? You can even attack me in front of my speed that is far faster than you. Less than".

Enduring the severe pain from all over the body, Da Siqi made no pits, and barely got up from the ground with the sword in his hands.

In the process, Sauron didn't move at all, and he didn't even open his eyes.

Looking at Sauron who was motionless behind him, Monet sighed in secret. Just as he attacked Dasqi, Monet had been paying attention to Sauron, for fear that Sauron would suddenly rescue Dasqi.

Monet suddenly covered his mouth and chuckled: "Look, he is so indifferent and indifferent to such a big beauty."

Facing Monet's taunts, Sauron spoke lightly: "Don't be too proud. Although I have no good feelings for this woman, you are only an enemy compared to you. I don't want to be laughed at by a guy like you."

Hearing that, Monet's face changed slightly, and Sauron's meaning was already very obvious. He had no good feelings for Da Siqi. When the two had known each other for many years, they could not be regarded as enemies or partners.

But she was different from Monet. In Sauron's eyes, apart from her identity as a woman, she was just an enemy, and Sauron had only one way to treat an enemy.

"Don't look around, while you are fighting with me, you are actually looking elsewhere", Da Siqi shouted angrily.

Monet looked forward and saw a black knife descending from the sky and slashing towards him. With a cry, Monet turned into a ball of snow and dodged Da Siqi's attack again.

Just like what Monet said, Da Siqi was too slow to keep up with Monet's speed, let alone hit Monet.

Monet flapped his wings and hovered in the air, with a look of face on his face. "Some look down on you. I didn't expect that as Smogg's right-handed man, you are not as weak as you thought. How is Lieutenant General Mog now?"

Speaking of this, an unknown smile appeared on the corner of Monet's mouth. She knew that Vergo had gone to deal with Smog and Luo. She had the heart that she had handed over to Vergo, plus Vergo's powerful armed look and domineering, easy Can solve Monet.

Monet meant that Da Siqi couldn't hear it. There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked up and said: "You don't need to worry about it. I just received a call from Lieutenant General Small, the naval traitor Vergo has been killed." .


Monet was unbelievable. How could Vergo be defeated? That guy is the highest cadre under the young master, and he also has Luo's heart. Solving Small and Luo is a matter of absolute stability, but if not, how could Da Siqi know Virgo identity.

"Snow Dragon!"

Monet, who was unable to accept the news of Vergo's defeat, suddenly launched an attack on Da Siqi. A snowflake rushed out of his body, and the snowflakes revolved around Da Siqi. In a blink of an eye, countless snowflakes flew from the ground and turned into a long ice and snow dragon.

Xuelong looked up to the sky with a long roar, which opened the big mouth that was enough to swallow Da Siqi, and rushed towards Da Siqi to bite.

Facing this kind of attack, Da Siqi couldn't hide at all, and the surrounding snowflakes blocked all Da Siqi's retreat, and could only watch Xue Long rush towards him.

At the moment when Da Siqi was alive and dead, Sauron finally moved, his closed eyes opened, and he gently stroked the word of peace on his waist.

In an instant, a sharp slash rushed out of the scabbard, pierced the sky, and instantly slammed in front of Monet. Although he had been paying attention to Sauron and guarded against Sauron's shots, when Sauron really shot, Monet was only She realized that she didn't need to be on guard, because she couldn't avoid Sauron's slash.

The slash passed by, and Monet suspended in the sky screamed and fell directly to the ground, and the snow dragon that attacked Dasqi lost Monet's control and suddenly turned into a pile of white snow.

Climbing up from the ground, Monet stretched out his hand and wiped his neck. A faint blood stain appeared on his hand. A blood stain of more than ten centimeters quickly appeared on the snow-white neck. The blood was so bright red against the white snow.

Sauron, who closed the curtain, still couldn't help but shoot, got up and stood up, and walked towards Monet step by step with Hedao in his hand.

Looking at Da Siqi lying on the ground, Sauron said domineeringly: "Speaking wildly, you can do it here if you have no strength, Snow Girl! My time has come! Our captain is still waiting for me."

Watching Sauron, who was pushing towards him step by step, Monet couldn't help trembling.

At the same time, Monet was puzzled, isn't this guy not going to shoot at a woman, but the slash just now clearly meant to put himself to death.

As if guessing Monet's thoughts, Sauron's mouth curled up slightly, and laughed: "It's really underestimated, Snow Girl, you should run away when you find that you can't beat me, although I don't want to cut some things, such as women... …"

"But I ask you, have you ever seen a beast that promises to never bite?...I haven't seen it!!"

When the words fell frightened, Sauron rushed out immediately, and the words in his hand slipped gently in the snow, and rushed towards Monet.

As soon as Sauron ran, a terrible aura erupted from Sauron's body, and the entire room fell into deathly silence. Both Dasqi and Monet were shocked by Sauron's aura.

Especially in the midst of domineering Monet, the invisible aura was like a mountain pressing on Monet's heart. Facing this moment of Sauron, Monet couldn't stand up to the slightest resistance. Some were just fear, and endless fear spread from his heart. All over the body, the whole body couldn't restrain the shaking.

Seeing Sauron rushing forward, Monet instinctively seemed to run away, but her body was already deterred by Sauron, unable to move, even if she struggled desperately, but her feet were rooted on the ground, and her body was completely out of his control. I can only watch Sauron push towards him step by step.

Ta Ta Ta...

"One sword flow. Great shock!!!"

Holding the Hedaoyi text tightly Sauron split his hands like a giant axe, and Monet's body was directly divided into two.

The impact of the slash blasted Da Siqi lying on the ground, until the impact stopped and Da Siqi, who was holding his head in both hands, raised her head.

Seeing Sauron retracted his hand and said a word with his backhand, he didn't even glance at Monet, and walked directly towards the door.

Looking at Monet, who was constantly reorganizing and scattered on the ground, Da Siqi could hardly believe it, and said, "Didn't he use domineering?"

"Relying on the powerful aura to make the enemy fear and shake, and make the opponent's body disobey, there is such a way to win, it is really unheard of."

This is Roronoa Sauron. After two years of immersive training, Sauron has become too strong, and his swordsmanship has already reached an incredible level.

In the surveillance room, Lin Tian, ​​who was watching this scene, showed a faint smile, and said to himself: "Is this guy's swordsmanship surpassing me."

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