After finishing Monet's solution, Sauron hugged Dasqi, who was injured and difficult to move, and quickly ran towards Building R.

"You bastard, let me go, let go!" Dasqi slapped Sauron on the shoulder, cursing constantly.

No way, who’s called Sauron, this guy holding Dasqi’s posture is really awkward, I saw that Sauron was holding Dasqi’s hips and let Dasqi sit on his shoulders, in order not to let him Da Siqi fell, and his right hand tightly hugged Da Siqi's small waist.

This was a pose that looked like a hug, Da Siqi blushed with a pretty face, and she couldn't stand this pose.

And Sauron didn't think so much. He held Dasqi like this because it was more convenient. For Sauron, who was an idiot in terms of feelings, he would not think about this at all.

Being upset by Da Siqi, Sauron said impatiently: "You stupid woman shut me up. If you weren't able to act, I wouldn't want to hug you anymore, and I will throw you out if you make a noise."

How could Da Siqi pay attention to Sauron's threat, still slapping Sauron's back and cursing.

The two of them cursed at each other in this way and did not rush towards the direction of Building R. Suddenly, the strange scene in front of them caused them to shut their mouths.

I saw a burning flame on the road, and the blazing flame exuded red light, and the flame extended all the way to the end of the passage.

"What's going on, the road is actually burnt..."


Along the end of the flame, in front of the gate of Building R, Luffy carried a pink dragon on his body, standing in front of the gate, breathing heavily.

This is not the pseudo-dragon that looked like a lizard they had encountered before, with camel head, antlers, rabbit eyes, dragon beard, pink fish scales, just like the dragon in mythology.

With his hands on his knees, Luffy gasped and said, "I'm really tired, but I have been sprinting with all my strength, and even the floor has been scorched. Next, I will find the guy Caesar to settle the account, Xiao Tao, you let me go." .

Hearing Luffy's words, the Shenlong named Xiaotao nodded, immediately left Luffy and walked aside.

At the same time, behind the gate, Caesar is commanding and proceeding to put numerous experimental data and important experimental reagents into the huge minecart.

Caesar, who turned into gas, hovered in the sky, and urged the many pirates below: "You guys, hurry up, hurry up. The chaos in the base will not stop Lin Tian for long."

"Although I really want to leave here, these are the important data and experimental reagents I have obtained in four years of experiments. If I discard them here, my four years of hard work will be wasted."

I have to blame Caesar for being so worried. Caesar naturally saw Lin Tian's announcement of the Underground World. From the announcement, Caesar could clearly see Lin Tian's determination to solve the clown this time.

As the biggest backer behind him, it is precisely because of the clown's backing of money and resources that Caesar can safely experiment with Punk Hassad. It can be said that the clown is the backer behind Caesar.

However, this powerful backing is not worth mentioning compared to Lin Tian. Although Doflamingo is the king of Qiwuhai, Lin Tian is believed by the world to surpass the existence of the Three Emperors and Two Emperors in the future.

Not only because of Lin Tian's powerful strength, but also because of Lin Tian's powerful force as the deputy leader of the revolutionary army.

In the past year, the revolutionary army has fought the world government, and the whole world has seen the hidden terrifying power of the revolutionary army, the powerful three commanders, and the terrible shadow.

Now the revolutionary army is recognized by the world as the strongest power in the world after the world government, and Lin Tian, ​​as the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, controls this force that even the world government is scared of.

For those big middlemen in the underground world, Caesar knows very well that between Doflamingo and Lin Tian, ​​they will definitely choose Lin Tian. Offending Doflamingo is just a bit dangerous. Offending Lin Tian is life and death. crisis.

Suddenly, the surrounding space was distorted, and a faint white light radiated. Numerous pirates on the ground couldn't help but look up, only to see a figure gradually emerging in that distorted space, who Caesar would never want to see.

"Lin Tian!" Caesar exclaimed in horror.


Looking at the terrible man in front of him, Caesar's heart was already covered in horror, and he swallowed the saliva in his mouth. Sure enough, with those guys, it was possible to stop this man.

"Caesar, I haven't seen him for many years," Lin Tian greeted with a smile, but this smile seemed to Caesar no less than the smile of Death.

Caesar clearly remembered that he had put a big word in front of Lin Tian and wanted to kill Lin Tian. At this moment, Caesar was really worried that Lin Tian would kill him because of this. After all, he was a man known as a killer.

To suppress the fear in his heart, Caesar trembled: "Lin Tian, ​​what are you looking for? By the way, you and Doflamingo conflict. I will definitely not participate. I will give you whatever you want. Just don't kill. I'll be fine".

Looking at Caesar who is begging for mercy without a bottom line in front of him, Lin Tian sweats profusely, is he so scary? I haven't seen this guy so scared of him back then. Could it be that after four years, this guy has become less courageous.

How did Lin Tian understand Caesar’s ideas? Back then, they were both navy. Caesars naturally didn’t want to be afraid of Lin Tian, ​​but now they are not navy, and they are also involved with Doflamingo, who has a deep hatred for Lin Tian. Caesar is naturally afraid. Up.

Raising the devil fruit that appeared in his hands at an unknown time, Lin Tian stared at Caesar, and said: "Caesar, you should know why I am looking for you."

"I know, I know..." The moment he saw the devil fruit, Caesar understood everything and hurriedly replied: "You want to know everything about SMLIE, including how many such artificial devil fruits are in the hands of Brother Ming."

Holding the devil fruit in his hand tightly, Lin Tian said lightly: "So, I want all the information about it, including its manufacturing method."

"This..." Hearing Lin Tian's words, Caesar suddenly hesitated.

The method of making the devil fruit is his most important thing. To be able to get in the water like a fish in this sea is to rely on the method of making the devil fruit to escape the crisis of death many times.

Seeing Caesar's hesitation, Lin Tian was not surprised. If he put himself in Caesar's position, he would not surrender the method of making devil fruits so easily, but Lin Tian was not worried. He had enough methods to make Caesar bully and fear hard. The guy speaks out.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang, the door made of steel was violently blasted open, and the shattered door flew into the room, not knowing how many unprepared pirates were smashed into meatloaf.

As the door shattered, a huge black fist comparable to a giant broke out, and the huge fist slammed straight at Caesar.

Caesar reacted quickly, and the figure dodged the black giant fist dangerously and dangerously. The giant fist blasted directly to the wall, and the huge force even blasted a big hole into the steel wall.

The giant fist broke through the sky, and there were hurricanes. Caesar was lifted more than ten meters away by the hurricane, before he stabilized his figure in the air, and suddenly cursed: "Which bastard, which **** did it? Damn it almost hurt me. Up".

The black giant fist was taken back a little bit, and the speed of this giant fist was already reduced by the naked eye in the eyes of everyone's astonishment. Seeing it at the gate, you could clearly see Luffy's figure emerging.

"What, boy with a straw hat!" The exclamation sounded in the film.

With Lin Tian in front and Luffy at the door behind him, now Caesar and his party have become a turtle in the urn.

Compared to these people's attention on Luffy, Lin Tian looked at the pink dragon hiding beside the broken gate.


The moment he saw the Lin Tian could hardly believe that although dragons have legends in every place, the real dragon has never appeared in this world, but now the dragon and legends that appeared before him The same.

After blinking and confirming that what he saw in front of him was not an illusion, Lin Tian had to accept the existence of this ‘dragon’. I reluctantly thought, not ten minutes after leaving, what the **** did this guy Luffy do, and he brought a dragon back when he appeared again.

"Oh, Lin Tian, ​​you are here too!" Seeing Lin Tian above his head, Luffy suddenly waved and shouted.

Seeing Caesar, the dragon hiding behind the gate immediately walked out, pointed at Caesar and said to Luffy: "Luffy, it's this bastard, this **** deceived those cute children and used them to do terrible experiments."

When Lin Tian saw this legendary dragon moving with small steps and talking to Luffy, Lin Tian couldn't help but twitched, and couldn't bear to look directly at him. What kind of dragon is this guy? He was just giving the dragon. This creature is discrediting.

At the moment when he heard the'dragon' talk, Lin Tian already understood where a dragon was, perhaps it was a phantom beast that was rarer than the natural type.

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