At the passage, Caesar was floating high in the air. At this moment, Caesar's heart collapsed. Luffy and Lin Tian were like two big mountains blocking them.

Frowning his brows tightly, Lu Fei rarely said solemnly: "Everyone is cheated by you to stay here, Lin Tian, ​​what is going on on this island, and why does this happen."

Dragging his chin to organize some words in his heart, Lin Tian briefly explained: "How can I say, this island is like a shadow of a person, although the whole world knows the existence of this island, but this island does not seem to exist in the world. Same as above".

"Destroy the poison gas plus some secret cover, let this island exist but no one stepped into it, just like the underground world, things that shouldn't exist exist, here can be said to be a microcosm of the underground world"

"Whether it is any experiment that violates laws and morals, or all kinds of cruel experiments, it can be carried out here, because this is an island abandoned by the world, everything will be erased by people, and some people will use their power to destroy this island. Hidden in the shadows, and this guy is Doflamingo, the trash guy in the sea of ​​Qiwu under the king."

"And this guy, as the middle trader clown in the underground world, deals with many new world overlords."

With that said, Lin Tian glanced at Lu Fei's confused face, and a touch of helplessness flashed in his heart. It was really difficult for this single-cell guy to say these things.

After a pause, Lin Tian said to Lu Fei: "In general, behind Caesar is a Qiwuhai, but it doesn't matter to us, we will solve it."

When it comes to solving Doflamingo, Lin Tian speaks very casually. Doflamingo looks terrifying and powerful to outsiders, but when it comes to Lin Tian, ​​Doflamingo is just borrowing trade It's just a middleman **** by many forces.

Although Qiwuhai is one of the three major forces in the New World, it is actually just a puppet supported by the navy headquarters, and an intermediate force emerged between the navy headquarters and the three emperors and two emperors.

(The Four Emperors represent the darkest pirate power, and the Navy represents the most just official power. I really don’t know what Qiwuhai is).

"That's it, that's good." Luffy replied lightly, and the last sentence was Luffy's biggest concern.

The moment the voice fell, the angry Luffy clenched his right fist, and covered Luffy's arm with a domineering sound of his armed color. The figure flashed, and Luffy quickly rushed in front of Caesar and blasted out with a punch.

Luffy's speed was too fast, so fast that Caesar couldn't even realize what was happening when he saw a fist quickly zooming in in his eyes.


Luffy's fist hit Caesar's cheek, and the powerful force immediately dented Caesar's entire face. Blood flew out of his mouth, nosebleeds flowed, and the whole person let out a scream and flew out directly.

With a bang, he slammed into the wall behind him, and the huge impact smashed the solid wall out of a big pit. The rubble flew up and a thick smoke rose.

"That said, it's nothing to me." Seeing Luffy's shot at Caesar, Lin Tian didn't have the need to do it. Using Luffy's strength to solve the problem of Caesar was very simple.

The thunder and lightning flashed, and thunder and lightning appeared in the void behind Lin Tian. The azure thunder and lightning shone the entire room into a bright blue. The thunder and lightning gathered together to form a terrible thunder throne suspended in mid-air, while Lin Tian sat down. Watch the battle below take place.

Looking up at the man sitting on the Thunder Throne, surrounded by thunder and lightning, looking down at everything like a god, the ‘dragon’ couldn’t help trembling in his heart, his forehead was covered with drops of cold sweat.

"Dragon" trembled: "That man is the rumored Lin Tian",

"Ah, the straw hat boy, you dare to hit the world's first scientist in the face, I must not be spared." Caesar immediately let out an angry roar as he stretched out his hand and stroked the fist prints covering half of his face.

Caesar, in extreme anger, could not manage so much. The gas produced in his body gathered in his throat and opened his mouth. The gas was ejected from the mouth in a straight line. The high-speed friction between the gas and the air caused the ejected gas to burn directly. It turned into a gas laser and killed Luffy at the speed of light.

The gas laser light exudes dazzling light, I saw a flash of light, and even the wall made of steel was blasted out a big hole. The solid steel has melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, let alone the human body, and I am afraid it will be wiped out in an instant.


Closing his mouth, Caesar suddenly burst into laughter. With this indefensible move, he had solved many opponents stronger than him, and the burning gas was enough to melt any object.

But the next second, Caesar's laughter stopped abruptly, because of a slight sound of footsteps, Caesar quickly looked back and was shocked.

I saw Luffy, who had thought to be dead, staying behind Caesar intact, and Luffy was walking towards Caesar with a gloomy face.

Watching this scene, Caesar’s anger was finally replaced by fear, and he waved his hand to beg for mercy: "Wait a minute, Straw Hat Boy Luffy, I Caesar is the world’s first scientist, I have great use, let me be your sub Well, I can make a lot of powerful weapons, and I will definitely help to become a huge force on this sea."

"I didn't say everything... These things are irrelevant! Third gear!"

When the voice fell, Luffy took a deep breath, a large amount of air poured into his arm, and his right arm suddenly changed with the speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a giant-like arm.

The invisible armed color domineering turned into a layer of black armor covering Luffy's fist, and the black giant fist blasted towards Caesar with Luffy's roar.

Facing such an attack, the horrified Caesar didn't say anything to hide from the side, but Luffy's speed and strength far surpassed Caesar, and his huge fist hit Caesar. The force like a tide gushed out and poured into Caesar's body, like being hit by a meteorite falling from the sky, and a big mouth of blood spurted out of his mouth.

For a moment, Caesar didn't know how many bones were broken, and even his body was shot out of elemental state, he made a miserable cry in his mouth, and then his eyes went blank and passed out.

The power of the giant fist was undiminished, and the powerful fist smashed several steel walls into large holes in a row, and felt a violent tremor from anywhere in the entire base.

The news that Caesar was defeated by the Straw Hat boy spread across the entire new world through the huge screen, and the bigwigs of the underground world clearly saw this scene.


Looking at the snow girl who died in the detonator, Lin Tian spared the back of Rao's head. Fortunately, he had been covering the entire island with domineering, otherwise the woman would have taken the opportunity to press the detonation button.

However, Lin Tian didn’t expect this. Connected to the first research institute, the second research institute’s detonating device was still preserved and could be used. If Monet really pressed the button, the entire island would be detonated. The device is destroyed, and only one can survive on this island.

Looking at the death of Monet, Lin Tian said with emotion: "As expected of Doflamingo's subordinates, it is really cruel, so many people should be buried with him."

"Naturally, Xuexue Fruit, it's really a good ability. If you weren't under Doflamingo's guy, I might have the idea of ​​earning you into the shadows, but it's a pity."

As Lin Tian shook his head, it was a pity that waves of thunder and lightning rushed into his arm frantically, and the thunder and lightning gathered into a small thunderball. The thunderball that appeared to be only the size of the palm contained extremely terrifying power.

Gently dropping the thunder ball in his hand, Lin Tian flashed, stepped into the void, and disappeared directly into this room.


A deafening explosion sounded, and the solid room was instantly wiped out. A huge fire broke through the walls of the room and flooded into the surrounding passages like a tide. The area centered on the control room was completely covered by the sea of ​​fire. With the destruction of the detonating device, there was Caesar. Experimental data over the years.

After all, it is the result of Caesar's four-year research. It is better not to fall into the hands of the world government.

The port where the Sonny called, after the settlement of Caesar and others, the G5 Navy, those children, including many pirates who were deceived by Caesar, and Luffy and his party were celebrating the defeat of Caesar.

Seeing Lin Tian throwing a devil fruit to come, Luo said lightly: "It seems that you went out and the harvest was good, and you got another devil fruit."

"Well, natural Xuexue Fruit is a good ability, plus natural factors, for someone who can use it, it is enough to give birth to a strong person," Lin Tian nodded in reply.

"Are you going to give it to them?" As he said Luo looked aside Nami and others, as he knew there were still a few people on the Straw Hat boy without devil fruits.

Looking at the laughing Nami and others, Lin Tian shook his head and said, "No, although natural fruits are rare, they are not suitable for them. They have their own path to become strong, and eating the devil fruits will restrict their growth."

Sauron relies on a powerful swordsmanship, and Sanji relies on kicks. The fighting style between the two is not suitable for using devil fruits. As for Usopp, he is a sniper. Lin Tian believes that he can grow to **** cloth without devil fruits. Such a strong man at sea.

He was saying that even if he wanted to give Usopp the Devil Fruit, he shouldn't worry about it, but **** should have the final say.

As for a Nami, the natural Xuexue fruit is not suitable for her, and Lin Tian is also going to give her this devil fruit.

"Oh, by the way, Caesar is caught now, what are you going to do next?" Lin Tian turned the subject and asked, Lin Tian didn't know why Luo wanted to catch Caesar.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Luo smiled and said: "Naturally, I will find Doflamingo to settle everything."

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