Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1022: Revolutionary Army goals

"Nami, have you negotiated with the navy?"

Looking at Nami who was leaning on the transport ship and blowing the sea breeze, Lin Tian walked over to him.

"En", nodded, and Nami smiled and said: "It has been negotiated. Although I am still a little worried about handing over the children to the navy, we are just what the people say compared to the justice navy. The Scum Pirate".

"Even if I want to send them back to my place safely, it is impossible. Compared with pirates, the Navy is a representative of justice. They are more suitable than us to handle this matter. The Navy has already agreed. These pirates will be handed over to Begapunk, so that they can be restored to their original condition.

Seeing Nami think clearly, Lin Tian smiled and said: "Indeed, we are still better as before. It is not very suitable to travel with so many children. As the righteous navy can solve these children's problems perfectly, I will Talk to the old man Begapunk about this."

"Thank you, Lin Tian." Nami was very moved. With Lin Tian's words, Nami was relieved a lot. "To be honest, I really can't resist the pleading and apologetic look of the female navy, because I believe she will Take care of everything".

With that, Nami showed a smile of memories on her face, and sighed: To help, she still has to find a strong and gentle female navy."

"This is true"

"You are not allowed to say this"



As Sanji's huge fire rose, a pot of fragrant dishes rose in the port, and even the navy came in.

After all, all this experience in Punk Hassad is an escape for everyone. Now that everything is finally solved, everyone can't help feeling hungry. What's more, Sanji's cooking is so delicious, even if you are full. After everyone asked, it would be appetite.

Compared with Lu Fei and the others playing there, Small and Lin Tian are sitting aside, and between them, a dark line of navy and pirates is so clear.

"Unexpectedly, the clown is actually Don Quixote Doflamingo, Qiwu Hai, the king," Smogg said with emotion, holding the seafood soup in his hand.

As the name of the clown, the middleman in the underground world, Smogg had naturally heard of it, but Smogg had never thought of linking it with Qiwuhai, the under King.

Drinking the hot soup in his hands, Lin Tian said lightly: "Is it shocked that Qi Wuhai will be held by that kind of person."

"Yes." Nodded, Smogg gritted his teeth and said: "The clown as a middleman is notorious. Many world disturbances are related to the weapons provided by this guy. This time I must report to the Navy Headquarters and Vail Regarding Ge, he sent his subordinates into the navy headquarters 15 years ago, and even achieved the position of the G5 branch navy. Doflamingo must be planning something."

It is already a violation of the laws of the world government to take action against the countries joining the world government to destroy the stability of the countries, and to send spies to the headquarters of the North Korean navy. This is already a violation of the world government law, and even Qiwuhai must be held accountable by the world government.

Looking at the angry Smogg beside his eyes, Lin Tian couldn't help but feel a familiar feeling on his face. Like himself in the navy back then, he did not touch the darkness in the navy and was so ignorant of many things.

Drinking the delicious seafood soup in his hand, the cold body immediately warmed up, and Lin Tian calmly asked: "Smogg, don't you think the red dog knows what? Can the world government not know this?"

Smogg's face changed suddenly, and he looked at Lin Tian almost incredulously. In these short words, Lin Tian revealed a lot of information.

First of all, according to Lin Tian's words, that is to say, whether it is a high-level navy or a high-level world government, they actually know the identity and existence of Doflamingo.

And now that they know this, they still let Doflamingo sit in the Qiwuhai position, and let Doflamingo be the middleman in the underground world at will, which means that what Doflamingo did is actually Confirmed by the senior government of the world.

If this is the case, then the whole thing has changed. Even if I tell the navy headquarters everything now, it is just useless work. The world's top government will still tolerate Doflamingo.

It was because of this that Smogg could hardly believe it.

Looking at the shocked Smogg, Lin Tian said indifferently: "Don't take the world government as justice. They are just a bunch of rubbish. There are some things that you are not qualified to know based on your status. There are still many secrets in this world. Is it Qiwuhai or the many maritime hegemons now, it is not so simple for each of them to reach their current status."

After a while, Smogg put away his shock, looked directly at Lin Tian, ​​and asked, "Lin Tian, ​​it’s a little bit strange to me, as the deputy leader of the revolutionary army, why are you on this ship? What are you planning?"

Without answering Small’s question immediately, Lin Tianxian talked about the revolutionary army, “Whether it is the revolutionary army or the world government, their purpose is nothing more than to rule the world and change the world. The revolutionary army’s purpose is very simple, that is, the world cannot let some garbage. Rule, let the whole world return to freedom".

"Garbage includes a lot, such as high-ranking world government, or those who think they are creators, or those self-righteous nobles, naturally also..."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian suddenly stopped, and then said lightly: "Pirate!!"

Smogg's mind flashed like a thunder, and the whole person was stunned. Lin Tian said the pirate, and Smogg almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"That is to say, the revolutionary army also wants to eliminate the group of pirates." Smogg's voice trembled, unable to believe what Lin Tian said.

The whole world knows that the revolutionary army’s current mission is to fight the world government and overthrow the world government’s rule, but I’m afraid no one would have thought that the revolutionary army is already planning to eliminate the group of pirates before it has determined its rule over the world.

Seeing that Smogg was scared like this, Lin Tian couldn't help laughing, "Smogg, don't be so shocked. The revolutionary army and the world government are essentially organizations that protect the world, but the two organizations have different policies. On the opposite road."

"Representatives of the revolutionary army are the will of ordinary people, pursuing a free and equal world, and the world government represents the will of the major ruling classes. One wants to continue to oppress and one to resist. It is such a simple matter."

"But it is the same for everyone to maintain world peace, and groups such as pirates that are beyond control and dangerous must naturally be eliminated."

"Some of the pirates, like Luffy, are purely pursuing dreams, but more are careerists and murderers. Their purpose is to rule this sea area." Lin Tian's tone gradually became very serious.

With a cold snort, Lin Tian said with disdain: "What are the reasons for not dreaming? How many pirates really persist in their dreams? Most pirates just use them to find reasons for their destruction. Their existence only brings suffering to the world. And death, what else is there?"

"However, the group of pirates cannot be eliminated. After all, people who go to sea to pursue their dreams will never be cut off, but the opportunity for most people to become pirates can be destroyed and the era of pirates can be ended."

After that, looking at the stunned Smogg, Lin Tian shook his head and smiled and walked towards Luffy and the others. Lin Tian understood that he had told Smogg a bit too much, I am afraid it would be difficult for Smogg to have no time. Fully accepted.

Indeed, what Lin Tian said was beyond Smogg’s imagination. He knew what Lin Tian wanted to do, but Lin Tian’s goal was really too big. The big one was a little scary, far beyond Smogg’s belief. know.

When Smogg reacted, Lin Tian had already left and squeezed his face before Smogg could believe that everything he had just heard was true.

After taking a deep breath, seeing Lin Tian not far away, Smaller understood that these things Lin Tian said to him today must be buried in his heart forever. This secret is not suitable for the public.

After solving the matters of Caesar and Doflamingo's two subordinates, Luo stepped forward and persuaded Luffy: "Hey, Straw Hat, we must leave here as soon as possible. The navy headquarters' support fleet does not know when it will come. , We can’t stay here more.”

"Really?" Lu Fei answered with a serious face.

Seeing Luffy's look, Luo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Looking at this expression, the Straw Hat Master should also be aware of the seriousness of the matter.

However, in the next second, Luffy stepped on his feet and said solemnly to everyone in front of him: "Little ones, UU reading is about to chase soldiers, so we have to hurry up and have a banquet!"

"it is good!!!"

The sound of the film echoed, everyone raised their arms and cheered, and everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

Of course, there is one other person except Luo. This sudden turn of events made Luo almost unable to believe. The whole person stayed there, his mouth was speechless, and Luo could not find any words to describe the guy Luffy. .

At this moment, Lin Tian smiled and walked over, patted Luo's shoulder, and persuaded: "Don't think so much. Our captain's serious and messy ability can't be compared to the three emperors and two emperors. Let's go. Banquet."

With that said, Lin Tian pulled Dongluo to join the banquet, and in this ice and snow, a group of strange guys composed of navy, pirates and huge children started a grand banquet.

"Ah cut"

Caesar, who was **** by the sea building stone and thrown aside, sneezed and twitched his cold nose. A gust of cold wind blew on Caesar, smelling the fragrance in the air. Caesar was very envious as he watched while drinking wine and soup. Luffy them.

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