Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1029: The 3rd Division Captain Appears

"Thief, stop for me!"

On a busy street, crowds can be seen everywhere, and the fast-running Sauron is like a humanoid collision machine, knocking back pedestrians.

When the pedestrians who fell to the ground reacted, Sauron had already disappeared at the end of the street, and the busy street was suddenly full of people screaming and screaming.

Running madly all the way, Sauron's eyes were all focused on the running Qiushui and the package. If it was other Sauron would not care so much, but Qiushui must not lose it.

It was the time to start a war with Doflamingo. Without Qiushui, it would be difficult for one's own three-sword style swordsmanship to perform, and even if he randomly found a sword instead, his power would be greatly reduced.

Like a fairy, the packages on the ground and Qiu Shui could not see the slightest sign of human manipulation, but they were already moving at a very rapid speed.

Following the running autumn water, Sauron caught up with the stone bridge all the way, and when Sauron walked to the other end of the stone bridge, more than ten guys holding weapons were blocking in front.

At the same time, more than a dozen guys stood above the bridge in the grass beside them, and these guys fought Sauron back and forth.

Stopping the pace of running, Sauron held his right hand on the hilt of Hedaoyi's text and asked faintly, "If I didn't guess wrong, you should be Doflamingo's men."

At this time, in this unfamiliar country, I am afraid that only Doflamingo would be the only one to attack him.

The leader of the pirate laughed and said, "It seems that you still have some vision. Roronoa Long, who offers a bounty of up to 120 million yuan, has been waiting for you for a long time, and honestly follow me."

Quickly glanced at the pirates around him, Sauron's mouth was slightly tilted, and he said with disdain: "Doflamingo, that guy is too despised of me, so he sent you all kinds of miscellaneous fish to warm me up. ".

Hearing Sauron's disdain, the leading pirates were furious and cursed: "Stop being rampant here, just because you are not qualified to let our Don Quixote family cadres take action."

After finishing speaking, the first pirate waved his hand, and the numerous pirates who had been aiming at Sauron immediately pulled the trigger, the sound of the gunpowder explosion sounded, and the thrust generated by the explosion pushed the bullet in the barrel towards Sauron.

Faced with dozens of bullets, Sauron’s face was just mocking. The bullets were fast, but Sauron pulled his knife faster than the bullets. Many pirates saw a cold glow flashing by, the next second. , They haven't realized what happened, Sauron has stepped out of the crowd.


The sharp blade retracted the scabbard little by little, and Sauron's mocking voice sounded, "How can the ants know how big this world is".

The moment the sword blade retracted the scabbard, blood splashed, dozens of pirates all fell to the ground with a scream, the blood sprinkled like a rain of blood, and the entire bridge was dyed blood red.

What is even more shocking is that the wounds of these dozens of pirates are all the same, and all of their necks have a blood stain of more than ten centimeters.

Without even looking at the corpse on the ground behind him, Sauron immediately chased after the autumn water that disappeared on the roof, and stepped along the wall several times. Sauron quickly jumped onto the more than ten-meter-high roof.


Sauron's foot stepped out of the pit on the solid ceiling with a hard step on both feet, and Sauron shot out with the help of the reaction force, turning into a streamer to catch up with the autumn water, and quickly clenched his hands tightly. Live in Qiushui.

Invisibly, there seemed to be a force pulling Qiushui. Sauron's feet were on the ground, making a harsh rubbing sound. The force of Sauron was dragged several meters away before he could hold Qiushui.

In the next second, I only felt an invisible force pulling the collar, and this force was very huge. Before Sauron realized what was happening, he felt that he was thrown out, with a bang, and hit the ground heavily. It stirred up a burst of rubble and smoke.

Before Sauron was awakened from the heavy hit, the yellow package that ran with him fell from the roof and hit Sauron heavily.


Sauron couldn't help but let out a scream, feeling that a mouthful of old blood was about to be smashed out, and cracks broke out on the bluestone ground under his back, spreading like a spider web.

Suddenly, in the shocked eyes of Sauron, a small figure fell from the package, crying: "Suffered...suffered, how can I be so careless, I was discovered by humans, and I must quickly drive away."


On the other side, in the bullfighting arena, while Luffy is preparing for the battle, the first area A battle has reached the final stage.

Just as countless viewers were excited, the battle in Zone A was fiercer than usual at the beginning. A group of hidden dark horses appeared among the hundreds of players in Zone A, and dozens of them were solved by very cruel means from the beginning. Contestants.

In the end, the rest of the contestants were forced to join hands, but dozens of powerful warriors from the new world joined forces, and there was no power to win against that man. The battle in the entire A zone was a complete massacre.

So much so that the commentator on the high platform was stunned, "I have never seen such a crushed battle. This is not a battle at all, but a massacre. The man with the paper bag mask is really ridiculously strong. He is Mr. Stoya. , A very scary man".

"Looking at it now, no one in the entire A zone can beat this man. Is this man the final winner in the A zone? Let's wait and see."

Just like what happened in the field, countless competitors rushed forward. For the man with paper bag mask, there were only a few more ants, and the winner was decided in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, suddenly the man with a paper bag mask who hid his identity stretched out his hand to cover the man with a paper bag mask on his head.

"Is he going to take off the mask? Let's see the identity of this paper bag mask man."

In the voice of the narrator echoing high in the sky, the man in the paper bag mask tore the paper bag on his head, revealing his true face.

At the moment when they saw the face of the paper bag, the audience in the audience suddenly let out a film of exclamation, and countless people's faces showed deep fear. Not only the auditorium, but even on the stage of the competition, countless competitors also screamed in fear.

"We know this man, the opening ceremony of the stormy sea, this invincible man is the black beard Pirates captain Gizas Bashas who makes children dare not cry at night. Participating, this powerful strength is really shocking."

Immediately after the fear from the Blackbeard Pirates, deafening cheers rang out in the audience again, and countless people shouted for Bashas.

"There seems to be no doubt. The final winner of the battle in Zone A must be Bashas from the Blackbeard Pirates... Wait, there is still a man standing in the arena."

The cheering audience stopped abruptly, and they looked at it intently. Sure enough, among the corpses all over the floor, there was a man with a white ghost mask still standing in the arena.

Bashas naturally found the man standing behind him, showing a disdainful smile and said: "I didn't expect that there is still a trash alive. Let me solve you together."

As the words sounded, Bashas raised his right fist high, like a sandbag-big fist blasted at the white ghost mask man, and his high-speed fist raised bursts of air.

"Another cruel scene is about to happen. It can be imagined that this white ghost mask is about to be wiped out..."

With the popularity of the Blackbeard Pirates, Bashas’s reputation has been resounding in the new world in the past two years. For these ordinary people, Bashas is already a terrible powerhouse, so including the commentator. Everyone has seen the cruel scene of the white masked man's head being smashed by his fist. Some women covered their eyes with their hands and couldn't bear to see this cruel scene.

But in the next second, the commentator's voice stopped abruptly, and tens of thousands of spectators were stunned, even those in the arena watching the game were stunned.

I saw that the white ghost mask man who looked very thin with Bashas, ​​facing Bashas's fist, gently stretched out his right hand, very easily blocked Bashas’ powerful punch, even a trace of air. Did not arouse.

Bashaston's face changed drastically. He knew the power of his punch, enough to smash a boulder, but he didn't even shake the opponent's head.

At this time Bashas still didn’t understand that the white ghost mask man in front of him was a terrifying strong man. Then he was a fool. Without thinking about it, Bashas would retreat after closing his fist, but the white ghost mask man was faster than him. Turning, his right hand quickly grasped Bashas's fist.

It felt like an irresistible force hit, Bashas's powerful force in the white ghost mask man could not control his body at all. He fell heavily on the arena, and the huge impact shocked the entire arena.

Jing, the previously lively arena suddenly fell into a weird silence. Many audiences could hardly believe that the invincible Bashas was crushed like an ant.

Seeing this scene, the fat narrator above was already shocked, and he trembled: "One move... actually one move was able to repel the captain of the first ship of the Blackbeard Pirate Group. What is this white ghost mask man? Where is the strong one".

Bashas, ​​who was lying on the ground, asked the man in the ghost mask, "Who are you?"

The one who can solve himself so easily must be the big name and power in this sea, and certainly not the unknown.

"Bashas, ​​Captain of Ship One", the white ghost mask man did not conceal his disdain in his tone. "A guy who has become famous by the black beard pirates is only of this level, but I would like to thank you for the rest. People solve it, which saved me a lot of With tens of thousands of expectant eyes, the white ghost mask man took off the white ghost mask from his head little by little.

When the mask completely fell, a burst of shocked exclamations sounded than before, and countless people covered their mouths and couldn't believe it.

Even Bashas, ​​who was lying on the ground, was so frightened that his eyes were rounded, and he shouted: "How is it possible, how come you are here."

"This man is actually this man. I didn't expect this man to appear here." The excitement in the narrator's eyes was hard to vent with three consecutive shouts of excitement. "He is the captain of the third division of the White Beard Pirates, known as the saboteur. Shi Zhihao...this...I can no longer express the passion in my heart with words. I did not expect that there is only a rumored collision between the two emperors and cadres that will appear in front of me."

The hatred between the White Beard Pirates and the Black Beard Pirates is known all over the world. Two years ago, the White Beard, known as the strongest man in the world, was killed by Black Beard, which prompted the White Beard Pirates and Black Beard. The hatred of the Pirates begins.

Especially after the Top War, Ace, the son of Roger, who was thought to be dead, became the captain of the White Beard Pirates. The two Pirates fought in the new world from time to time, and today’s rumored battles are present in many In front of the audience.

"It deserves to be a man with a bounty of 900 million Baileys. Shi Zhihao, the captain of the White Beard Pirates Third Division, defeated Bashas as soon as he appeared. The winner in Zone A is Shi. .Zhihao".

As the narrator finally announced the victory, deafening cheers rang out, and countless audience members stood up and raised their arms to shout out the name of Shi Zhihao. For these ordinary people, Shi Zhihao lives in the legend. character.

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