Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1030: General Fujitora is dispatched!

Deafening cheers resounded in the square, and loud shouts even came from outside the arena.

"Hey, isn't this the guy who fought the green pheasant?" Seeing Shi Zhihao, Luffy suddenly remembered.

In the war on the top two years ago, the fat man who fought with the former Navy Admiral Green Pheasant was just that Shi Zhihao was no longer the fat man he was then, now he has become a thin man.

"How is it possible, how can even this kind of man appear here, Shi Zhihao, captain of the Third Division of the White Beard Pirate Group, the big pirate who has a bounty of 900 million, how can we defeat this opponent."

"It's normal to say that the appearance of the cadres of the White Beard Pirate Group is normal. After all, the burning fruit is the original fruit of Baidi Ace. How could their White Beard Pirate Group watch the burning fruit fall into the hands of others."

Seeing Shi Zhihao's debut, the contestants who were still fighting before shook their heads and left decadently. Even if they were united, this kind of strong would have no hope of winning.

For the appearance of Bashas and Shi Zhihao on the stage, Diamanti, the cadre of the Don Quixote family stationed in the arena, was naturally taken aback.

Looking at Shi Zhihao standing in the center of the battlefield, Diamanti said worriedly: "The burning fruit used to deal with the straw hat boy and others, unexpectedly attracted the black beard pirates and the white beard sea. Dover must be notified as soon as possible for the joint arrival of the thieves, I am afraid the plan will change."

A Bashas of the Blackbeard Pirates, Diamanti doesn’t have to worry about it. That guy just used the reputation of the Blackbeard Pirates. The real combat power is so small. Diamanti is sure to solve this guy. .

But the saboteur Shi Zhihao was different. It was a big pirate with a bounty of up to 900 million. Even if the Navy General Aoi Pheasant defeated him, it was only a narrow victory. Two years later, no one knows what strength he has.

And Diamanti will not forget that Shi Zhihao is the captain of the third division of the White Beard Pirates, and Baidi Aisi is the brother of Lin Tian and Lu Fei. The relationship between the three is extraordinary.

At this time, Shi Zhihao's level of pirates appeared here. It was really intriguing. Without much thought, Diamanti immediately dialed the phone and reported to Doflamingo.

Although the above commentator has determined that the winner of Zone A is Shi Zhihao, the battle in the arena did not stop.

Basha Si, who was originally lying on the ground, stood up with a scream, raised his right fist covered in steel armor and blasted towards Shi Zhihao.

"Shi Zhihao, you bastard, don't want to **** my burning fruit", Bashas roared.

"What?" The commentator on the high platform was shocked. "Bashas actually attacked Shi Zhihao. Isn't he afraid of death?"

The surrounding audience was so scared that they covered their mouths and exclaimed. No one could see that the role of Bashas facing Shi Zhihao was completely torturous.

It's not that Bashas is not afraid of death, but that he has some problems in his head, which is not as good as ordinary people, but because of this, Blackbeard will give him the position of Captain One.

With his right fist clenched, his whole body's strength poured into his body. Suddenly, the metal arm guard on Bashas' arm made waves of Weng Ling, and an invisible shock wave came from his arm.

"Wave elbow!"

The invisible impact has set off a hurricane at the center of Bashas, ​​followed by a loud bang, and an earth-shattering explosion occurred on the stage. The powerful power even the entire bullfighting arena trembles, and the explosion aroused the hot explosive wind. Blowing to the audience, for a time, I don't know how many women's skirts are blown up, and many people are feasting their eyes.

The explosion aroused thick smoke, and the smoke gradually dispersed under the breeze, showing a huge pit in front of tens of thousands of spectators, with yellow gravel scattered all over the arena.

"Yes, this power is still okay. It seems that the arm guard on your right hand is not simple." Shi Zhihao's praise came from behind.

The moment Bashas started his hand, Shi Zhihao could see clearly that the shock wave emitted from the hole-like structure at the elbow of the armor worn on his right arm attacked his opponent.

"Did it, I did it, I haven't seen how Shi Zhihao moved", the commentator's shocked voice resounded again.

Bashas quickly turned around and saw that at this moment Shi Zhihao's body was exuding a pale red light, and he entered a state of double explosion, both in speed and strength, four times the original.

"But if you rely on this alone, then your fate today is doomed"

The moment the voice fell, Shi Zhihao's figure moved, and the extremely fast speed made Shi Zhihao burst in front of Bashas like a red streamer.

Seeing Shi Zhihao's leg sweeping attack, Bashas quickly raised his right arm to resist, and a clicking sound rang out. The powerful sweep kicked Bashas's right armguard to smash in an instant. Armguards, and Bashas's arms and ribs are all broken


Like a cannonball, Bashas fell heavily on the arena, and the huge impact smashed the entire arena into cracks.

"Sure enough, as everyone expected, Bashas had only one result against Shi Zhihao... that was crushing!!"

He stepped on Bashas who wanted to stand up, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, Shi Zhihao disdainfully said: "You are also qualified to get burned fruits. This time I will make you annoying The guys solve it."

With that said, Shi Zhihao raised his right foot high and stepped on Bashas's head, stepping away their heads like a watermelon.

Just when many viewers thought that Bashas, ​​the captain of the No. 1 Black Beard Pirates, was about to die, Shi Zhihao's feet, just a few centimeters from Bashas' face, suddenly stopped.

More than ten seconds later, Shi Zhihao changed his direction with tens of thousands of doubtful eyes, kicking Bashas into the school of Du Yu.

"It's cheaper for you," Shi Zhihao whispered.

Shi Zhihao's appearance pushed the anger of the bullfighting arena to the highest point. At the same time, Fujitora who was sitting in the auditorium left his seat and walked outside the bullfighting arena.

Outside the arena, naval soldiers have long put on Fujitora a cloak of justice belonging to the navy. With the navy cloak behind his back, Fujitora's identity is no longer the blind uncle, but the new navy general Fujitora smiled.

Relying on the bamboo stick in his hand, Fujitora stepped forward and walked along the road. At the same time, he commanded to the navy soldier behind him: "Unexpectedly, even Shi Zhihao appeared and asked them to send warships. , And then... Let’s go to the Green Bit for the time being, they should be there too, contact Lieutenant General Taotu and ask her to act."

"By the way, let's add a medical warship, but it can't cause casualties. By the way, investigate the number of spectators. If the pirates break out, the entire bullfighting arena may be destroyed, and the population of this town ~ www.wuxiaspot. com~Prepare more medical supplies".

Hearing this series of orders, the navy behind was a little confused and asked strangely: "Huh? Shouldn't we count the enemy's number first?"

After stopping, Fujitora faintly replied: "Compared with the number of people in those places, shouldn't we first count the number of people that we, as the navy, should protect?"

Faced with Fujitora's question, the navy behind him was taken aback, and then he was in awe. At this moment, the navy felt that General Fujitora's back was so tall and the word justice behind him was so dazzling. This is what the navy should do.


The soldiers who reacted quickly paid a solemn military salute to Fujitora.

Then he took out the phone worm from his clothes and said: "Notify the naval soldiers of Dresrosa that everyone will gather in front of the arena and start fighting under the command of the general!!!"

All of a sudden, there were no known corners in Deres Rosa, and hidden naval soldiers showed their identities. Teams of naval soldiers wearing naval justice cloaks appeared on the street. They were like white tributaries converging towards the arena. .

Under the leadership of Admiral Fujitora, the brigade of naval soldiers went to the port of Dresrosa. Some of the naval soldiers led by Lieutenant Admiral Taotu of the Navy Headquarters were ready at the port.

For this incident involving Lin Tian and Don Quixote Doflamingo, the Navy Headquarters sent General Fujitora, who is also a Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and Lieutenant Admiral Taotu who is also a candidate for the Grand Prize.

Riding on five naval warships, the huge battleship smashed the waves and headed towards the location where Grimbit was. There will be the place where Ming Ge and Lin Tian traded Caesar, and the news was told by Luo through the mouth of Smogg. Navy headquarters.

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