Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1033: Fierce Battle with Fujitora


Fujitora slashed several knives into the air continuously, and the same strange force as before hit the sky, and then bright lights appeared in the sky again, this time not one, but several bright lights flashing in the sky.

A total of five meteorites fell from the sky. The meteorites cut through the sky and dropped from the sky with a howling sound like the whistle of a sea train.

"Lei Ying. Wan Leishan!"

I saw Lin Tian's arm turned into a thunder and lightning, and with Lin Tian's low voice, a dazzling light blue thunder and lightning shot from his arm straight into the sky.

The thunder and lightning flew hundreds of meters high in the sky, followed by a loud bang, and the straight thunder pillar suddenly exploded, like a goddess scattered flowers, the exploded thunder and lightning spread out like an umbrella, turning into small thunder and lightning. The dense thunder and lightning are no less than ten thousand ways, and the sky is full of thunder and lightning. Many navy soldiers can't help but feel numb at a glance.

The dense clusters of thunder and lightning are like an iron curtain. The meteorites falling from space are undiminished in power and directly hit the iron curtain, as if two giants were confronting each other at an instant.

A dazzling light radiated, and the light spread across the entire range at a 360-degree angle. When the light entered the eyes, a tingling sensation suddenly came. Numerous navy soldiers quickly closed their sore eyes and lowered their heads.

Not only Grimbit, but even the people of Dresrosa who are more than ten kilometers away can see a bright light flashing overhead and disappearing into the sky.


The earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye descended from the sky and swept over Grimbit Island. The shock wave was like a hurricane of dozens of levels. In a short time, no one knew how many forests and strange plants were destroyed on Grimbit Island.

Finally, the calm sea was stirred again, and white waves more than ten meters high, like circles of white lines, scattered towards the vast sea.

With the orange-yellow fire shining on the entire Grimbit Island, a huge fireball slowly rises, the smoke generated by the fragmentation of rubble surrounds it, and a mushroom cloud slowly rises.

At the same time, the people of Dresrosa were shocked again by the mushroom cloud that suddenly appeared in the distant sky before they had reflected in the light just now.

Even the people of Dresrosa could feel the explosion on Grimbit Island. The sea breeze from the sea rushed into every street, and countless windows clanged.

"What the **** is that?"

Looking at the mushrooms that appeared in the sky, Sauron couldn't help stopping, his face full of shock.

Feeling the hurricane on the face, Usopp, standing on the beach of Dresrosa, quickly looked up when he saw the huge explosion on Grimbit Island.

"The battle has started, and I must speed up the action."

An eagerness flashed across Usopp's face, and in the next second, Usopp hurriedly climbed up to the tallest tower around the beach.

This scene was seen by most people in Dresrosa, not only the people, but also some people hiding in the dark.

However, the people who were blocked by the high wall and immersed in the blood fight did not find this scene. The bullfighting arena is still fighting.

The flames from the explosion dissipated little by little, and the smoke floating in the sky under the sea breeze gradually dissipated. However, a stone rain fell over Grimbit Island, and shattered meteorites fell from the sky.

On the stone pillar!

Fujitor held the sword in his hand and praised: "As expected of Lin Tian, ​​such an attack will naturally hardly affect you, but the warm-up exercise is finished, the next step is to fight."

As soon as Fujitora's voice fell, Luo suddenly made a move, and saw Luo Fei jump, escape the range of the pit, and ran towards the forest.

Seeing Luo running away, Ming Ge flashed, and then rushed into the forest, chasing Luo, as for Lin Tian and the navy neither did it.

He raised his hand and grabbed it towards the void, and gently squeezed it in the void where there was nothing. A faint white light appeared in Lin Tian's palm, and the white light transformed into a sword hilt.

Lin Tian grasped the hilt tightly and pulled it towards the void. As Lin Tian pulled it, a bright white lightsaber emerged from the void little by little. Fighting against opponents like Fujito, the thunder sword formed by thunder and lightning could not hold it. The two face each other, I am afraid they will be destroyed in a few strokes, only the sword constructed by the power of the void can resist.

Backhand drew out the sharp sword in his hand, Fujitora opened his blind eyes, revealing pale white eye masks, and said lightly: "Mr. Luo has Doflamingo to deal with. As for Lin Tian, ​​let us the navy."

With that said, Fujitora's backhand was a battle strike, and a powerful slash shot from the tip of the sword. The several-meter-long slash instantly cut off the stone pillar Luo was standing on, and Lin Tian quickly raised his sword to block it.

With a muffled sound, Lin Tian's feet suddenly retreated, flying backwards out of the range of the pit, and landing on the soft sand with his feet.

"As expected of the new admiral, a very violent slash!" Lin Tian praised, feeling the trembling of his right hand.

Fujitor held the sharp sword in his backhand and pointed at the stone pillar standing below. The stone pillar stood trembling suddenly, and the stone pillar broke half a meter below his feet. The stone carried the Fujitor away from the deep pit, towards Lin Tian. The position is flying.

Looking at this scene, Lin Tian narrowed his eyes. Although he is not yet clear about what Fujitora's ability is, Lin Tian wants to understand how the warship rushed to the coast just now. It should be Fujitor who used the same method to float and break through. Blockade of fighting fish.


The figure flashed, Lin Tian teleported directly behind Fujitora, raised the sword of space in his hand and slashed towards Fujitora's back.

The seemingly blind Fujitora, seeing and hearing look domineering to a very strong point, the moment Lin Tian appeared, Fujitora had discovered Lin Tian's position, backhand raised his sword and placed it behind him, blocking Lin Tian's attack.

Stepping on the ground with both feet, Fujitor turned around, and with the help of the twisted waist strength of his body, knocked Lin Tian back a few steps, and knocked Lin Tian back. Fujitor did not stop his attack, and approached Lin Tian.

"Thunder pillar!"

Stopping his retreat, Lin Tian raised his hand and struck out a stout thunderbolt when Fuji Tiger rushed forward.

Seeing the thunder and lightning attack, Fujitor's sharp sword in his hand turned, an invisible force emerged, and suddenly a piece of gravel appeared on the ground.

With a bang and explosion, the lightning saw the debris rising from the ground shattered, and the lightning power was also offset by the stones.

Seeing Fujitora's defense method, Lin Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled faintly: "Fujitora, it seems that you have conducted a general research on my ability before coming to Dresrosa."

Thunder and lightning not only have powerful destructive power and terrible high temperature, in fact, lightning also has a paralyzing ability. Electricity is intangible. Especially for swordsmen, sharp swords are the best conductive objects. If Fujitora has a sharp sword in his hand, Block, that is simply unable to stop the lightning power.

Once the human body gets into the body by lightning, even if some people can withstand the lightning attack, the paralysis of the lightning itself on the human muscles is not so easy to dissipate, and the tricks between the masters are often flashes and mistakes that will determine the final victory or defeat.

Fujitora decisively can think of using the clods to offset the lightning, and it must be because he has an understanding of his own ability to react so quickly.

"After all, we are facing the now-famous deputy leader of the revolutionary army on the top of the sea, so I must be extremely prepared." The words were very clear, Fujitor apparently admitted Lin Tian's words.

"Then how do you block this trick, Void Slash!"

Putting away the smile at the corner of his mouth, Lin Tian squeezed the Void Blade in his hand and swung his backhand. The Void Blade in his hand turned into a bright slash and broke through the sky. Wherever it passed, the void shattered, and a series of dark space cracks emerged. come out.

What Lin Tian's void slash slashed was the void, and no object in the world could be preserved under the broken void, that is, even the hardest diamond in the world, Lin Tian could cut it off.

call out!

A fierce crisis rushed into his mind, and Fujitora suddenly understood that this trick was impossible to defeat. His figure flashed and flew straight up, the bright slash fell from Fujitora's feet, and the wooden clogs worn by his feet suddenly split into two. It can be said to be dangerous and dangerous. If Fujitora's reaction is slow, it will not be the clogs but the feet that will be cut off.

The power of the Void Slash was undiminished, and it rushed into the wonderful forest behind the vine tiger, wherever the slash passed, all the plants were chopped into two ends, and in a blink of an eye, the forest was cleared out of the forest that was 100 meters wide and tens of meters wide. Rectangular vacant lot.

At this moment, when Fujitora jumped into the air, Lin Tian's figure turned into a thunder light and appeared in front of Fujitora, and his right foot wrapped in thunder and lightning kicked towards Fujitora.

"Thunder kick!"

This foot was fast, lightning-like speed, directly hit Fujitora's chest, speed is power, violent power gushing out like a tide.

The feet made a harsh rubbing sound against the ground, and two deep impressions appeared on Fujito's feet. After going backwards for nearly ten meters, Fujitor completely removed the power of Lin Tian's foot just now, and a faint trace of blood appeared on it. The corner of Fujitora's mouth.

Without reaching out to wipe the blood off the corners of his mouth, Fujitora quickly launched a counterattack, pointing the sword in his hand towards Lin Tianyao.

"Gravity suppression!"

Without warning, a powerful force was pressing on Lin Tian. This feeling was like carrying a large mountain on his back. Lin Tian couldn't help trembling all over his body, and his body fell towards the ground.

"What? What kind of power is this? It is so powerful, what kind of fruit ability is Fujitora?" Lin Tian said, his face was covered with a look of shock.

At the moment when Lin Tian's body collided with the ground, the hard ground trembled, and there was a loud bang. The ground was also pressed into a deep pit more than ten meters deep by this huge! "

Using teleportation to move away from the deep pit, all the power of the body like a mountain disappeared, and the whole body was unspeakably relaxed.

Backhand retracted the sword in his hand, just listen to Fujitora faintly said: "The old man is a person with the fruit of gravity, who can manipulate the strength and direction of gravity at will, even if it is to raise gravity to tens of thousands of meters to create meteorites."

"Lin Tian, ​​whether you are a revolutionary army or a pirate, as the new admiral, the old man has the responsibility and obligation to arrest you."

At this time, Lin Tiancai suddenly realized why Fujitora could do such an amazing thing to manipulate meteorites, and even be able to fly, manipulate objects, and have the tremendous power just now.

As he spoke, Fujitora held the sword horizontally in front of him, and at the same time a terrible aura erupted from Fujitora, the next second, Fujitora moved, and backhanded his cane and sword.

"Gravity Knife·Big Tiger"

In Lin Tian's startled gaze, the void in front of Fujitora was twisted, and the terrible gravity could not even bear the void.

"Void Shield!"

Lin Tian reacted very quickly. The hands covering the power of the void were circled, and a shield glowing with faint white light blocked Lin Tian's body.

But what Fujitora slashed was not a sharp slash, but a gravity that was thousands of times that of an ordinary foundation, and the Void Shield couldn't stop this violent force.

Just feeling a huge force hitting his body, like being hit by a high-speed sea train, Lin Tian suddenly flew out.

At the same time, in the depths of the forest, a chase was being staged. Although Luo, who possessed the fruit of the ultimate operation, was not weak, he was crushed by Ming.

Under the chase of Brother Ming, Luo could only escape with the help of the environment in the forest, let alone counterattack, even running away is now a problem.

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