Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1034: Luffy vs Green Pepper

In the bullfighting arena, immediately after Shi Zhihao in Area A appeared as the winner, the victor in Area B was also taken off by Bertolomio, followed by a more intense battle in Area C, incarnate on the road. Luffy from the west finally appeared.

Not only that, in this arena, Luffy meets the former grandfather's enemy, the Green Pepper of the Great Pirate Cone, who had a bounty of more than 500 million.

After discovering Luffy's true identity, Qing Pheasant launched a vengeance war against Luffy, who was the grandson of popular science.

"Kapu’s grandson, make atonement, your **** grandpa took away my wealth from me! The sin of taking away my youth and strength, even taking the life of Kapu would not understand my hatred, I Let him reward the pain of losing the most important thing."

As he said, the anger that had been buried in the heart of the green pheasant for decades was immediately triggered. Under this extreme anger, the long white beard of the green pepper was all upside down.

Luffy waved his fist in front of him and shouted impatiently: "I don't know what I have said all these things. Go to my grandfather. Does this have nothing to do with me?"

Without knowing anything, there was an enemy for no reason. This is Grandpa’s pot, so he doesn’t recite it.

"No, it's too cheap to get revenge on that guy Kapu, I must kill his grandson so that he will live in pain forever."

As he said, the green pheasant stepped on both feet, and a violent aura broke out. With the green pepper as the center, out of thin air blasts of white wind wrapped around the green pepper.

As the green pepper's momentum erupted, Lu Fei's expression calmed down, and it seemed that it was useless to tell the old man well, if that was the case, there was only one battle.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei suddenly flicked his right hand outwards, and immediately the blood flowed through his body at a high speed, his skin had turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a faint red steam rose from his body.

"Second gear!"

At this moment, Luffy finally got serious!

"Anyway, no matter what kind of hatred we have in the end, it is impossible to win without fighting. In any case, I will not let the burning fruit fall into the hands of others."

The intrepid aura also broke out from Luffy. Compared to the previous playful battle, Luffy finally showed the aura he should have at this time.


Green pepper put his hands together, and he felt Luffy's seriousness. A powerful force emerged from his body. It was the first time to fight Green Pepper so seriously since he was defeated by Karp that year.

To fight with Luffy in this arena, Green Pepper is not only for revenge against Karp, but also wants to try to see how brave this straw hat boy who fought on top of the war two years ago is like Karp back then .

At this moment, on the bullfighting arena, the players who were still fighting couldn't help but stop their movements. They could all feel that an imposing collision was taking place. Everyone's eyes converged on Green Pepper and Luffy. The two seemed to become The master of this arena.

The fierce arena suddenly fell into a strange calm, but before this calm lasted for a few seconds, it was broken by the actions of Luffy and Qing Jiao.

"The old man will fight you here"

Along with the green pepper yelled, the green pepper stomped on both feet, and the violent force stepped into a deep pit on the hard arena. With this force, the green pepper burst out, and the seemingly huge green pepper burst out like lightning at this moment. speed.

The two rushed all the way, and when they reached the center of the arena, they stopped at the same time, and at the same time, a sound of armed domineering covered their arms.

Amid the shouts of the two men, the fists they slammed were like meteorites falling from the sky, colliding heavily.

Bang! ! ! !

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and the world stopped rotating. In the next second, several cracks spread in the void, and the force generated by the collision between the two people turned out to be unbearable to the void.

The violent power erupts, like an invisible hurricane instantly sweeping the arena. The entire arena is raging in strong winds. Many spectators can only hold on to anything that can be grasped around them to prevent being lifted by the strong wind.

There are so many spectators in the audience, not to mention the contestants on the arena, all the contestants were lifted into the air in a blink of an eye.

Click and click...

A burst of fragmentation sounded, and the ground under the feet of the two people collapsed inch by inch, and dense cracks spread like a spider web, crawling across the entire arena.

Seeing Karp's stinky grandson actually blocked his fist, Green Pepper was slightly surprised, but then there was a strong domineering look, and Luffy did not show weakness, and the domineering look broke out.

Originally a small collision with heavy punches, it finally turned into a domineering collision. The domineering alone is already unbearable for ordinary people, let alone the two domineering collisions, the large audience in the audience fainted and fell down. .

Over the arena, blood-red lightning flashes of unknown substances. This phenomenon can only be manifested by the collision of the overlord's domineering.

The remaining people were already terrified. They had never seen such a battle before. Such a terrible collision could not be described as destroying the world.

Outside the arena, the surrounding citizens couldn't help but stop and look at the trembling arena nearby. Everyone wondered what happened in the arena.

Suddenly, a bright beam of light rose from the arena, shocking everyone, and the beam of light went straight into the sky, turning into a little light and disappearing into the sky.

The collision force was so violent that both Luffy and Qingjiao were bounced by their respective powers. Luffy took five steps to stabilize his figure, and Qingjiao took seven steps, and the two of them went up and the next. know.

"The collision of domineering domineering", Shi Zhihao standing in the viewing booth showed a faint smile on his face, which made him recall that he went to war two years ago. This kid broke out domineering domineering at that level of battlefield. Shocked the entire battlefield.

"However, after only two years of absence, from unconsciously unconsciously launching the domineering domineering, and now able to master it, and the power is stronger than before." Shi Zhihao couldn't help but exclaimed, Luffy's potential really surprised him.

The billowing smoke from the arena dissipated little by little, and the figures of Luffy and Green Pepper appeared in front of the remaining audience little by little.

Except for Green Pepper and Luffy in the entire huge arena, no contestants are still on the field. All of them were lifted into the water in the impact just now.

Stepping hurriedly to Luffy's body, Green Jiao raised his fist and blasted out. With a loud bang, the entire arena was shaken, and Green Jiao's fist blasted a big pit.

Luffy, who turned over to avoid, patted his chest and rejoiced: "It's really dangerous. I didn't expect this old man to have a domineering look."

Putting his fists away, Green Jiao looked directly at Luffy and asked: "You can control the domineering look, where are you dreaming of being a king?"

"One Piece!!!"

Luffy raised his head and replied solemnly, his tone unspeakably serious.

With a distressed mouth, Green Jiao said with disdain: "Let’s stop talking nonsense here. There are countless people who have the capital of the king. There are countless people in the sea ahead. The person who can dominate among the crowd, standing at the top is the One Piece. Little ghosts dare to call themselves One Piece."

"For many years, there is only one king who can surpass this sea, and that is Roger. Since then, countless people have poured into this world to find the last secret treasure. Unfortunately, no one has succeeded."

"Kapu’s grandson, after all, you are just a little newcomer. There are countless strong men hidden in this sea. Looking at you newcomer pirates who are called the most evil times by the world, in the real strong It seems to be just playing a child’s house."

"Now there are only a few in the ocean that can be recognized by the old man. The guy with the black beard is counted as one, and the son of the guy from the Roger family is also counted as one, and there is the even more hateful Lin Tian that stinky kid."

"If that guy Raleigh chooses you to be the rider of the new era, you are really old-eyed. Do you think you can finally defeat the three emperors and the admiral? Beyond Roger, don't dream."


Holding the straw hat on his head, Luffy answered the only two words Green Pepper.

Clenching his fists, Luffy raised his head and shouted: "In this case, I will defeat them all, I am the man who wants to be the One Piece!!!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, the green pepper, who had previously disdained Luffy, couldn't help being taken aback. This kind of boldness made green pepper see the man's shadow in a daze.

In the next second, the green pepper that had reacted put away his contempt at Luffy, folded his hands, and covered the sunken head with a domineering arm.

Qing Jiao shouted at Luffy: "Kapu's grandson, do you want to be the One Piece? Let's fight. If you don't even have the power to defeat the old man, then stop on the path of One Piece. Let the old man see. See if Leiley chooses you to become the standard bearer of the new era, is it dim-eyed or a wise Then let me solve you in one move!"

With the shout, Lu Fei leaped forward, leaping high into the air, a large amount of air poured into his right fist, and the third gear broke out. Under the shocking gazes of the audience, Luffy raised the right fist covered with armed domineering and blasted it towards the green pepper.

Facing the giant fist that fell from the sky, Green Jiao didn't have the slightest fear or retreat, but only the burning fighting spirit and blood.

With a leap, the green pepper uses the strength and weight of the whole body to rush to the cloud at high speed, and then concentrates the shock wave of the "eight punch" on the flat head. After 30 years, the green pepper once again uses its strongest moves

"Rubber Elephant Tradition!"

"Eight Punch Boxing Profound Meaning. "Conical Dragon Cone Nail"


There was an alarm, and when he looked up, he saw a circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye like rippling microwaves, and the two were suspended in a high altitude stalemate with each other.

Luffy gritted his teeth and used the power of his whole body to gather in his right fist, but Green Jiao deserves to be a pirate who far exceeded 500 million 30 years ago. Even if his strength is no longer as brave as before, it still blocks Luffy's power.

Suddenly, a miraculous force occurred. Due to the angle at which Luffy's fist exerted force on the green pepper, and the strongest strength of the two erupted, the sunken head of the green pepper returned to the sharp cone shape of the year.

Seeing this scene, there was a burst of exclamation in the audience, and everyone was stunned by the strange scene.


With the roar of Luffy's roar, Luffy's arm burst out again with a violent force and finally knocked the green pepper down. The pointed cone of the inverted green pepper went straight into the middle of the arena, accumulating a little burst of power to split the arena. For two, the green pepper also fell into the water.

"The one who dominates the fierce battle in Zone C is the sword fighter Lucy!!"

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