Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1035: Luo was caught

On the other side, Green Bit.

Cang Dang... Cang Dang...

In a series of endless collisions, Fujitora and Lin Tian turned into two bright lights, and their figures continued to flicker on the beach. The dazzling moves have surpassed the limit of the naked eye.

Each confrontation is a dozen or even dozens of violent collisions. From the beginning of the battle between the two, the strong wind on the beach did not fall. The strong wind was like an invisible blade, not only the beach was destroyed, but the surrounding area was destroyed. The wonderful forest is also covered in ruins.


"Caesar, you guys stand for me honestly. Don't try to escape this time." Taotu kicked Caesar away, who was trying to escape.

The navy soldiers on the side rushed up quickly, and several soldiers joined forces to catch Caesar in twos or twos. In order to prevent Caesar from escaping, the navy put on Caesar's feet again with a sea tower chain.

Lying on the ground, Caesar was struggling on mission, but with the restraint of the two Hailou stone chains, it was impossible for Caesar to escape no matter how hard he struggled.

Stopped struggling, Caesar raised his head and shouted at Taotu: "Hey, Taotu, you are against the agreement. I am now Doflamingo Don Quixote's subordinate. According to Qiwuhai's law, you are not qualified to catch it. Catch me and let me go".

"Really?" With a startled suspicion, Peach Rabbit looked at Caesar contemptuously, and then pretended not to know: "However, I don't seem to have heard the guy Doflamingo say that you should be his subordinate. never heard before".

After speaking, Taotu glanced at the surrounding naval soldiers, looking at the warning gaze of Lieutenant Taotu, many soldiers shook their heads in unison and shouted that they had never heard of it. You are not stupid. If you offend Lieutenant General Taotu at this time, after this incident, Lieutenant Taotu will ask you to settle the account. You have no place to reason.

Taotu stalled his hands and said: "Look, Caesar, you have heard it, not only I did not hear it, but everyone in the room did not hear it, that is, unless Doflamingo appeared in front of us and confessed, But now that Doflamingo has not admitted, you are not his subordinate, and you are not eligible to be protected by the law. Now you are just a wanted criminal with a bounty of 300 million."


Caesar screamed. He could hardly believe what he saw before him. How could there be such shameless lieutenant admiral and navy soldier, and such a reversal of right and wrong. This kind of thing needs to be said, as long as it is an individual can see Clear the relationship between him and the clown.

"Peach Rabbit, you are avenging private revenge. You are doing selfishly and betraying the law. Isn't it the Punk Hassad bombing incident, has you been punished?"

With a cold snort, Taotu put her arms around her chest and said indifferently: "I just avenge my personal revenge, so what can you do, Caesar, I advise you to be honest. Now you are in my hands. If you still bark, I'm not sure. Are you sound when Doflamingo sees you?"

Hearing this, Caesar was taken aback, and then immediately covered his mouth with his hands as he reacted. He didn't dare to make a sound. He knew that the woman in front of him might actually do what he said.

Here we have to mention Punk Hassad. At that time, the head of the Punk Hassad research base was Bega Punk, but the leader of the Punk Hassad naval base was Taotu.

After that incident, not only Begapunk took the blame, but Taotu was also punished by high-level world governments. After all, in that poisonous gas, Taotu's soldiers suffered more than half of the casualties.

Because of this situation, it’s weird that Taotu can treat Caesar with a good face. To be honest, Caesar fell into his own hands. Taotu is thinking about any way to give Caesar to Doflaming. When I was brother, I was detained by the Navy for a while.

Kang Dang...

Under the fierce collision, the two retreated backwards at the same time, stepping on the soft sand, Fujitor stopped the backward step.

Fujitora’s mouth was panting, and a lot of sweat from fierce fighting ran down his forehead, "Very brutal swordsmanship, worthy of being the strongest genius of the original navy headquarters, Lin Tian, ​​it seems that Marshal Saka is right. You really have to be very careful with you."

Compared to Fujito, Lin Tian's breathing was a bit short, but there was no sweat on his forehead. It was enough to see the fight just now. Lin Tian should have the upper hand.

"You deserve to be an exceptionally advanced general. Just as the outside world said, you are like monsters. Even if the world is a person with intact eyes, there are a few people who have such powerful swordsmanship," Lin Tian praised directly.


With a backhand swing of the sword, Fujitor said: "More praise, but it makes the old man strange, Mr. Lin Tian, ​​why the old man can't feel the slightest murderous in you, and there is one thing that the old man does not understand, like you. How could the scholar come here to exchange Caesars with Mr. Luo".

Through understanding about Lin Tian’s work, Fujitora understands that Lin Tian is a man who can solve problems with force without resorting to tactics. It is already that Lin Tian's strength is bound to be crushing against Doflamingo. Why is it so big? Fei Zhouzhang made Fujitora difficult to understand.

With a faint smile on his face, Lin Tian did not immediately answer Fujitor's doubts, but asked: "Mr. Fujitor, I also feel a little strange in my heart."

"Please tell?" Fujitor reached out his hand.

"Why don't you let Lieutenant General Taotu take action?"

When the voice fell, the atmosphere of the beach fell into a strange silence, and the air seemed to freeze at any time.

In the next second, Lin Tian and Fujitora showed a smile at the same time, everything is self-evident.


At the same time, in the wonderful forest, all kinds of strange plants will bring this forest, but Luo has no time and experience to pay attention to these, and Doflamingo behind him is chasing after him.


More than a dozen invisible threads came to Luo in a net shape, and his figure flashed, and the leaping Luo turned into a stone. The solid stone was instantly chopped into countless pieces by thin threads.

It was in such a chase and flee, Luo constantly used the operation fruit's ability to move and change objects to avoid Ming Ge's attack, and everything Luo did was to delay time, to delay time for those guys in Luffy.

Moving to the side of a big tree, but before Luo could run far away, Brother Ming appeared behind Luo again, flying out with threads in his hand, cutting everything blocking the road in front of him.

Just listen to Doflamingo’s voice from being heard, "Luo, do you think you can escape from me? I understand everything you think, aren’t you just trying to delay time for the straw hat guys? ? It's a pity that your abacus will all be lost."


Several huge strange giant flowers fell down and made a loud noise, which alarmed the birds staying in the large forest.

Brother Ming stepped closer to Luo who was panting, "It seems that you are not strong enough to use your abilities frequently. Luo, in the face of this situation, you can no longer escape."

As he said, Ming Ge raised his finger and tapped it lightly, and a thin white line shot out from between his fingers, and Luo used Gui Chou to easily fly the thin line.

"In order to burn the fruit, many masters from all over the world gathered together to start a fierce battle, and the incapable gave up their lives to kill each other, just for the taboo-like devil fruit. Human greed is undoubtedly revealed at this moment."

"And for the sake of his brother's ability, the straw hat boy will definitely fight in it to the end, he will never be able to leave there."

"Although Straw Hat Master is trapped by you, there are other people who will definitely find the smile factory and destroy it," Luo retorted in anger. When he saw Ming Ge's proud face, Luo felt uncontrollable. anger.

Flicking his finger, Ming Ge said with a mocking look: "Really a simple newcomer, why would Lin Tian find someone like you to be an ally? Since you can become an ally with Lin Tian, ​​why can't I and others become an ally? , There is a guy who is scarier than me in Dressrosa."

Luo had already been shocked by Ming Ge’s words. He didn’t expect Ming Ge to find an ally. With the admiral now appearing, the enemy has already surpassed them in number and combat effectiveness. Guys are getting dangerous.

"Don't think about finding my revenge, Luo, from the moment you are ready to deal with me, it means you have failed."

In the ferocious smile Brother Ming's fingers tremble lightly in secret, and the invisible thin lines have already spread around the two people while they talked. Under the control of Brother Ming, the dense thin lines rushed towards Luo.

Because he was shocked by the news that Ming had said before, Luo was less vigilant about his surroundings. In addition, Ming's attack was launched without warning. When Luo reacted, the dense thread had already approached him, covering Luo's body, densely packed. The thin threads merged into several thin ropes to tie Luo to the big tree behind him.

"Your alliance is over, accept your fate! Luo!!!"

"Haha, Brother Ming, do you think you have won? As long as something happens to Smile, Kaido will definitely kill you," Rohaha laughed.

As soon as the voice fell, the enraged Brother Ming grabbed the void with his right hand with a beast claw, and suddenly five thin lines glowing with different colors, like piano wire, flew out from the fingertips of Brother Ming’s fingers, and the sharp thin lines pierced the sky. , Ming Ge obviously wanted to cut Luo's body into horizontal strips.

‘Room...chaotic space! ’

At the critical moment, Luo quickly used his abilities to exchange positions with a piece of wood, and appeared somewhere in the jungle, but the surroundings were already sealed by Ming's thin thread. Before Luo ran a few steps, his right foot was tightly wound by the thin thread.

Brother Ming flashed and appeared on top of Luo's head. He sat on the ground with his right foot on Luo's right wrist. His left hand made a small thin line pointed directly at Luo's forehead. Ability, one hand controls Luo's life.

In the case of loss of ability, Luo is simply the meat to be cut on Brother Ming's chopping board at this moment, and he has no resistance.

"Smelly boy, I thought that after two years in this sea, he would be invincible. Excessive overestimation of my strength will only make myself die faster!!"

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