Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 1036: Calculate each other

In the depths of the forest, Brother Ming suppressed Luo under him. Even if he was a few kilometers away, Brother Ming could clearly hear the sound of shock coming from the beach in the southeast corner.

The battle between Lin Tian and the navy continued. With Fujitora and Taotu teaming up to block Lin Tian, ​​Ming Ge was naturally at ease.

Looking down at Luo under him, Ming Ge said triumphantly: "Luo, Lin Tian was blocked by the navy, and Caesar was also rescued by me. As long as Caesar is in the sad material, he can recreate it. Now you don't have a card on the table."

Up to now, everything is in accordance with Ming's plan. The navy blocked Lin Tian, ​​Luo was caught by himself, and Caesar returned to his hands. As for the Straw Hats and the gang, they were all under the control of Ming. .

"Hahaha..." Luo suddenly burst into laughter.

Seeing Luo this guy laughed without worry at all, Brother Ming sank. It stands to reason that in the face of such a desperate situation, ordinary people will be angry and worried, and naturally disappointed.

But Luo didn't have any of these expressions. Even from Luo's eyes, Brother Ming saw peace, as if all these were in his expectation. At this moment, the complacency in Ming's heart disappeared, and a bad premonition suddenly rose.

At this moment, Luo's laughter stopped abruptly and said to Brother Ming: "Doflamingo, do you really think that Caesar is in your hands? Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. Although Caesar is in your hands, Caesar’s heart is actually controlled by me.”


Hearing this, Ming Ge's face changed. If Luo's words were correct, then he was played by Luo and Lin Tian from the beginning.

Just now I was extremely proud, and things changed drastically in an instant. Ming Ge now suddenly realized that things were not what he had imagined. Luo was simply hitting Ming Ge's face, and a wordless anger suddenly rose in his heart. .

Luo's voice sounded again, "What's wrong, Brother Ming, do you feel that you are being teased now, and your heart is very angry".

call out…

A bullet thread flew from the fingertips, and the sharp thread ran across Luo's cheeks, drawing a blood stain several centimeters long. Brother Ming forced his anger into his heart and said angrily: "Don't provoke me, kid, my patience is limited. Yes, where is Caesar's heart?"

Facing the danger of Brother Ming, Luo Si did not conceal his mockery. He knew that Brother Ming would never dare to kill himself. If he died, Caesar would bury him with him, and no matter what Brother Ming did, he would be destroyed by the angry Kaido and Lin Tian.

Luo's guess was right. Even if Brother Ming wanted to kill the little demon under him so much at the moment, Brother Ming knew in his heart that Luo could never be killed, and Luo could not be killed anyway.

Brother Ming seems to be facing a golden mountain tempting you at this moment. You can take this golden mountain away with just a little stretch of your hand, but if you take away the golden mountain, you will die, but if such a golden mountain appears in front of you, you can’t move at all. , And very unwilling, Ming Ge is in such an ambivalence.

Confused, Luo looked directly at Brother Ming and said, "Brother Ming, you dare not kill me. You know better than anyone that I am tied to Caesar's life. As for where Caesar's heart is, who knows? Maybe on me, maybe on Lin Tian, ​​maybe on the boat, even somewhere I don't know."


Brother Ming felt that the anger in his heart could no longer stand, and a thin thread easily cut out a blood stain on Luo's neck with a light pressure with his fingers. As long as Brother Ming continued to press again, Luo would immediately lose his head, but finally Brother Ming stopped at that moment.

Although he knew that Brother Ming would stop, Luo couldn’t sigh in his heart that Brother Ming was strong in willpower and was able to hold it back at the last moment. No wonder Lin Tian was right. People like Doflamingo are poisonous snakes. The shot must be shot within seven inches, so that it will never turn over.

However, seeing Doflamingo look so angry and unwilling, Luo was so excited, that's what he wanted. Only when Doflamingo realizes what pain is, can he avenge Mr. Corrazon.

Smiling, Luo said calmly, "Mr. Doflamingo, don't be so angry, let me tell you a story. A long time ago, 800 years ago, 20 kings who ruled 20 powerful countries gathered together. An organization was established in the center of the world, which is now the world government. The kings, who are the creators of the world, decided to bring their families to live in Mariejoa."

"Among them, only the Nefertari family of Alabastan did not agree, so I am going to say that a total of 19 countries have moved into it. Until now, the descendants of the creator still rule the world. Tianlong people are descendants of the creator, and one of the families is the Don Quixote family".

The moment Luo spoke, Brother Ming's complexion changed drastically. All the calmness and shock disappeared in an instant. Why did he know this? Where did he know it? This feeling is not known to many people.

This is the biggest secret in Doflamingo's heart. Even if there are only ten of his cadres who know the secret of Brother Ming, and now that Luo has said it personally, Doflamingo can hardly believe it. .

While speaking, Luo Ke kept watching the changes in Brother Ming's expression. Seeing that Brother Ming was shocked, Luo showed a faint smile on his face.

After a pause, the conversation turned around: "Oh, yes, maybe you shouldn't be called a dragon, because you left the holy place Mariagioa decades ago."


With the laughter, the panic on Ming's face dissipated a little bit, and he could become the boss of the underground world. No matter what he said, Ming was also a hero, once again restored calm and composure.

"Unexpectedly, it seems that Lin Tian really told you a lot of things."

Calm down and think about it for a moment. In fact, many things can be figured out at a glance. How can Luo, a little devil, be qualified to know so many secrets, and be able to know these and tell Luo that there is only Lin Tian in the whole world.

In the next second, Ming Ge flashed Luo's figure, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the beach southeast of Grimbit Island where Lin Tian and Fujito were fighting.

Luo's statement made Ming Ge immediately realize a very serious problem. Since Luo knew that he was originally the identity of the Dragon, they should have guessed that he has the ability to use the power of the world government to deceive the world, because he It's from Denon.

In other words, in fact, Lin Tian and Luo had already guessed that he might deceive the world from the beginning. No wonder the general appeared before and they were not surprised to announce that he had not resigned from Qiwuhai.

They knew that but they still came, otherwise Lin Tian and Luo are fools, but this is naturally impossible, so there is only one speculation left, they will have planned everything long ago.

In other words, his Ming brother previously thought that Lin Tian and others were counted among them. In fact, Lin Tian and the others secretly counted him. He has always been in the chess game without knowing it. On the contrary, he is triumphant. I was fooled by others.


The battle between Fujitora and Lin Tian is still going on. How terrible the strength of the two is. The entire beach has sunk into the sea during the battle between the two. Now the battle between the two has moved from the beach to the forest.

But what is strange is that neither of them used the power of the Devil Fruit in the battle, which is purely a competition of swordsmanship, but even so, this level of battle still shocked many navies.

I saw a sword aura in the field, everything where the sword aura passed was cut off. The previously dense jungle was already destroyed by the two fighting hearts. At a glance, all the plants above the waist were cut off. Off.

Suddenly, Doflamingo, who was holding Luo in one hand, descended from the sky. Seeing Lin Tian and Fujitora stopped fighting together.

Seeing Luo being caught by Brother Ming, Lin Tian's expression only changed slightly, and he was not surprised. Lin Tian had anticipated this a long time ago.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Luo apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Lin Tian, ​​I can only postpone it until now."

Holding Luo in one hand, Doflamingo shouted murderously at Lin Tian: "Lin Tian, ​​you are really good at calculating. In the end, I and everyone else are in the plan."

Hearing this, Fujitora, as the admiral of the navy, was slightly taken aback, and he was puzzled. According to Ming's statement, even their navy was calculated by Lin Tian. Judging from the anger in Ming's tone, what Ming said should be the same. true.

But this is strange. So far, no matter how you look at it, things have developed according to their plan. Luo Ye was caught obviously because they had the upper hand, but why did Brother Ming say such a thing.

"Doflamingo, it seems you should know everything!" Lin Tian smiled slightly.

While speaking, Lin Tian placed his right hand behind his back and secretly dialed the phone worm.

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