Rebirth In The Last Days

Chapter 1457 You Cannot Enter

With the force of his hand, the unsuspecting early Xia was pulled into a soft and scented embrace, and then a pair of soft and slender arms were wrapped up, "How are you doing these few years?"

The soft voice is in the ear, and there is no concealment of excitement and worry in the voice.

Xia Chu, who is not very used to contact with unfamiliar bodies, subconsciously wanted to break free, but when she felt the slight tremor from Jian Ran's body, she silently reached out her hand and hugged her back, "Don't worry, auntie, we have been through the past few years. Very good."

It's really good.

Although I am accustomed to life and death, I will get hurt from time to time, but I don't have to say how much pain I have suffered.

Compared to most people, they don't have to worry about food and clothing, and they are accompanied by a group of brothers and sisters, and their lives simply can't be better.

"How about your aunt? Where are your uncle and cousin?"

"Your uncle has taken the team to Nordmary State to change weapons, and Nono has also gone on missions with his friends."

With that, she let go of Xia Chu, and turned to shook her hand, "Go, let's go home and talk again, don't block the door and be watched."

Duanmusang and the others, "···"

"This, is this going away?"

Monika looked dumbfounded, no, they are such a large group of living people, how did Jane and Xia ignore them?

"It's not surprising that we have been ignored. After all, the relationship is not deep, and it's just the fate of meeting each other, but the big birds are all ignored, this..."

Duan Musang, who was unable to complain, retracted his gaze to look at Xia Chu, and then asked Golden Crow, who was accustomed to it, "You didn't remind her?"

Golden Crow tilted his head and glanced at her, then indifferently withdrew his gaze, reminded him, and reminded him of a fart.

It's not the first time, I've long been used to it.

"Let's go!" Called the quack of the green-skinned frog and the groundhog Chubby, Golden Crow alternately moved both legs and chased towards the beginning of Xia.

One plant and two small animals immediately followed.

Then, four non-human beings were stopped at the door.

"You can't enter!"

Edie, the burly white man who was guarding the door and staring at Golden Crow with a slight rush in his hand, said in two battles with one face in the eyes of three inhumans.

Help Jane, the eyes of these upgraded creatures are so fierce.

The gaze looking at him can hardly wait to eat him alive.

The movement behind her made Jian Ran talk while walking, and Xia Chu, who was already far away, stopped. Oops, she was too happy to see Aunt Lu Yuxiu, and she forgot that Golden Crow could not enter the human settlement without her lead. fact.

Seeing her stop, Jian Ran asked, "What's the matter?"

Xia Chu pointed to the Golden Crow who were facing the guard at the door, "Auntie, they are raised by me, they won't hurt people, they are obedient and sensible, can you let them in?"

Jian Ran stared at a few non-humans for a long while, did not say agree or disagree, but said, "If something goes wrong, can you take the responsibility?"

Early Xia spit out loudly, "Yes!" 'Character.

Jian Ran didn't say a word. Xia Chu thought she disagreed. She wanted to continue to beg for mercy. After thinking about it, she thought it might be useless.

Not everyone has no complaints about upgraded creatures and is willing to accept their existence.

The reason why she has confidence in Golden Crow and she is also sure to ensure that she can look good on them and not let them cause trouble or trouble. The biggest confidence comes from the fact that she has worked side by side with Golden Crow for a long time and has a deep enough understanding of it.

It is clear that even without her, the strength of Golden Crow can completely suppress Tan Hua Gua and Xiao Pang.

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