But Jian Ran didn't know.

The people in this settlement don't know.

For people in this settlement, upgraded organisms are very dangerous.

That is, before they landed, Duan Mu Sang and the others first showed their identities, which slightly reduced Yidi's hostility towards Golden Crow.

Did not shoot at the first time.

Even if the Golden Crows have been very well-behaved after landing, these people are still wary of them.

The body and muscles adjusted to the best condition can be seen by everyone.

Thinking about this, Xia Chu felt that she had better find a way on her own, and found an excuse to go out and put a few into the space.

Early Xia was an activist, and since she decided to send a few into the space, she was ready to take action.

But before she could tell Jian Ran that she needed to leave, she listened to Jian Ran saying, "Edy, let them in."

Edie, "···"

This is an upgraded creature, not cats, dogs, and dogs before the end of the world. Once upgraded creatures go crazy, they will pay the price of blood.

Moreover, the levels of these upgraded creatures are not low at all, and the degree of danger is stronger than that of the general upgraded creatures.

Put a few big killers in, what should I do if something goes wrong?

"Jane, would you like to think about it? The danger is too high."

"Don't think about it. With their owner watching, I am willing to take responsibility. I am responsible if something really goes wrong."

As soon as Jian Ran said this, Yidi and the others, who didn't agree with him so much, opened the door and let them in without saying anything. This shows how much Jian Ran's voice and prestige in this settlement.

It can be said to be one word.

Bend down and hugged Golden Crow, who had turned into a mime and flicked his short legs, and the groundhog, who was already a miniature, put them on Own's shoulders in early summer.

Then he took it and handed it to Tan Hua to show it to hold it, and then told him, "These days, no one is allowed to go anywhere except by my side, and no private activities are allowed. You must stay under my nose and move, do you understand?"



Two newly added animals gave the answer immediately. Golden Crow and Tan Hua rubbed her face, the other wrapped a branch around her wrist, and gave her the answer in body language.

Looking at the four non-humans, Jian Ran saw this scene, and skillfully ignored Xia Chu’s skills to communicate with non-humans, and continued to chat with her while walking——

"I heard that the domestic order has been restored?"

"Recovered very early, it's been a few years."

"That's good, we must be fast too, right?"

"···Where did the auntie see it?"

"Eagle Yuan's communication equipment has indeed not been restored. Telephone contact cannot be made, but satellite signals are available.

We are not so ignorant, and occasionally we are lucky enough to connect to social platforms on satellite signals, and we can see the social information posted by other Guojia. "

"Why didn't the auntie contact Lu Yuxiu when I was connected to the satellite signal? I and he have been worried over the past few years, for fear that I will never see you again."

When she mentioned this topic, Jian Ran was a little melancholy, "Do you think I have not played? I did, not once or twice, but many times, but the satellite signal connected to it is unstable every time. The last social networking site is difficult. International calls always hang up after a beep."


"It's a bit miserable!"

Early Xia patted Jian Ran's hand comfortably, with a bright smile on her face——

"Don't worry about it in the future, this time my aunt will go back with us."

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