Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 577 Why are you such a gangster?

Ji Wufeng suddenly smiled and asked Tang Huanxin: "Do you want to be a heroine?"

Tang Huanxin smiled and shook his head, saying: "I thought, but I already am now."

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He saw satisfaction on Tang Huanxin's face, and his face was filled with helplessness. Did he do too much?

"Are you hungry?" Ji Wufeng asked, avoiding Tang Huanxin's gaze.

Tang Huanxin nodded and said, "Yeah, a little bit."

Although today's dinner was sumptuous, Tang Huanxin didn't eat much.

"Come on, I'll take you to eat something delicious."

Ji Wufeng took Tang Huanxin around, passing by the big hotels without even looking at them, and went straight to a busy street. There were people coming and going, it was very lively, and there were street vendors and snack sellers everywhere.

Seeing those snacks, Tang Huanxin twitched his index finger, but Ji Wufeng didn't stop. He stretched his neck and kept sniffing. Finally, his eyes lit up and he said, "Found it."

We went straight to a stall, or we couldn't call it a stall at all. It was a simple cart with a tin table and a large stove made of tin oil drums, where a middle-aged couple was busy.

As soon as he got close, Tang Huanxin smelled the smell of scallion oil and barbecue.

I saw that the big iron stove was filled with burning coals, and the inner wall of the iron stove was filled with rectangular, browned sesame cakes.

"Boss, bring me two sesame seeds."


The boss immediately picked out two with tongs, held them in cut newspapers and delivered them to Ji Wufeng's hand, saying: "Two yuan and a half each, two and a half yuan."

Ji Wufeng took out a hundred dollar bill and handed it over and said, "No need to look for it."

He handed one to Tang Huanxin and said, "Try it, be careful not to burn it."

Tang Huanxin took the sesame seed cakes and frowned. This was the first time in his life that he bought food on the roadside, and it was also wrapped in newspapers. Isn't it too unhygienic?

Ji Wufeng took a big bite and shouted: "

Eat it quickly, otherwise it will cool down and it won’t taste good. "

After Ji Wufeng bit into the sesame cake, the aroma became even stronger. Tang Huanxin couldn't resist the temptation and took a careful bite. His eyes immediately lit up, and then he took another hard bite.

Ji Wufeng grinned and said, "How is it? I didn't lie to you."

Tang Huanxin nodded and said, "Yes, it is indeed delicious."

Neither the former eldest lady of the Tang family nor the current head of a famous family had the opportunity to let her eat at a roadside stall. This sesame seed cake was very ordinary and cheap, but equally delicious.

She looked at Ji Wufeng who was devouring his food, and thought to herself that there was nothing wrong with being an ordinary person. If he wanted, he could become more ordinary.

Then Ji Wufeng took her to drink a bowl of spicy soup. It was so spicy that she was sweating all over, but she still licked her lips and finished the big bowl.

Tang Huanxin, who had never eaten these things before, seemed to be addicted all of a sudden. Everything he looked at was novel. Whenever he saw her staring at something, Ji Wufeng would immediately pull her forward. As long as it was something that Tang Huanxin had never eaten before, it was not something that Tang Huanxin had eaten before. Ji Wufeng will take her to experience everything she has seen and never done.

Even at the stinky tofu stall on the roadside, Tang Huanxin obviously covered her nose and left, but when she saw a group of people surrounding it, she still couldn't help but go over and give it a try.

Gradually, Tang Huanxin completely let go of her aloofness and reserve, and followed Ji Wufeng happily like a bird released from its cage. She is more like a little lover, accepting all kinds of delicious food and small gifts from her boyfriend to please her.

In the end, Ji Wufeng spent five yuan on a little girl's hairpin at a street stall and put it on for her.

Tang Huanxin blushed and lowered her head: "Does it look good?"

"It looks good." Ji Wufeng nodded.

Tang Huanxin is much simpler now, but even more delicate and pleasant.

When the two of them passed the corner of the street, a man wearing a peaked cap came over carrying a big bag and said slyly: "Brother, do you want a movie?"

"don't want."

I have to choose the right time when I come to sell movies. There is a beautiful woman nearby. Even if I want to buy it, I can't help but feel ashamed.

The man looked at Tang Huanxin on the side and said with a smile: "I know I don't need to go alone, but we can watch it together."

"Sorry, I don't need it." Ji Wufeng pulled Tang Huanxin away with a dark face.

The man became anxious and chased after him, shouting: "Brother, don't worry, I have a lot of collector's editions here. If you miss this village, you won't have this store."

Ji Wufeng felt itchy after being told this.

Tang Huanxin suddenly said: "Then buy one and take a look."

Ji Wufeng was stunned for a moment and said, "You want to buy it?"

"Well, I'm curious. Hello, please give me one."

After Tang Huanxin finished speaking, she told the man that she wanted to buy one. Ji Wufeng was too late to stop him.

The man was overjoyed and said: "One piece is fifty, and three pieces are one hundred yuan."

"Then give me three."

Tang Huanxin thought for a moment and gave the man a hundred yuan.

The man collected the money quickly, then took out three discs from the bag and handed them to Tang Huanxin, then turned and left.

Tang Huanxin took the disc and when she saw the picture on the cover of the disc, she was so frightened that she threw it to the ground. Her face was as pink as a ripe breast.

"Hahahaha!" Ji Wufeng had already guessed this scene and couldn't help laughing.

"Asshole, why are you such a gangster?" Tang Huanxin stamped his feet angrily.

Ji Wufeng said innocently: "How can you blame me? Yes.

You insist on buying it yourself, I can't even stop you. "

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Tang Huanxin turned away angrily like a frustrated little girl, and Ji Wufeng quickly chased after her.

Among the crowd, a man in black sportswear was watching them, and around him, there were several ordinary-looking men in different clothes scattered around.

Seeing that the two of them were far apart, the man in black immediately spoke into the microphone on his collar: "Target locked, requesting action."

A sinister voice came from the earphones, saying: "The operation begins."

The two chased to the river. Tang Huanxin looked at the reflection of the moon in the river and said, "I am very happy today, thank you."

Although Tang Huanxin is now in charge of a famous family, she is shining brightly, and she has wealth and status that others cannot imagine, but she does not feel happy at all because there are too many shackles.

Only today did she feel relaxed and could talk and laugh calmly without wearing a mask.

"I can take you out anytime if you want."

Tang Huanxin turned to look at Ji Wufeng and smiled softly, but said nothing, with tenderness in his eyes.

At this time, a man in black sportswear came over and chuckled: "Excuse me, you two."

"What's up?"

Tang Huanxin frowned. This person is really annoying. Why come here to bother him at this time? I'm not gentle enough.

The man in black said with gleaming eyes: "It's like this. I admire you two very much, so I specially sent me to invite you to visit."

"What if we don't go?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I can only offend you." The eyes of the man in black suddenly turned cold.

Tang Huanxin was shocked, knowing that this person was definitely not here to invite them as guests, so she said coldly: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

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