"Originally, I wanted to take you two back as guests and talk about some things. But since you don't want to, we have to settle the matter here."

While he was speaking, a few more men walked out of the crowd, seemingly standing scattered on one side, but the direction in which Ji Wufeng and the others were escaping had been blocked by them.

"What do you want?"

Tang Huanxin frowned. If these people wanted money for financial gain, it would be easy. If they wanted money for other reasons, it would be troublesome.

The man in black chuckled and said: "As long as you come with us, someone will tell you what we want, and I am only responsible for taking you back and killing you."

Tang Huanxin's heart tightened and she said, "Who are you going to kill?"

The man in black looked at Ji Wufeng with murderous intent on his face. Ji Wufeng immediately pointed at Tang Huanxin with a fearful expression and said, "Don't kill me. If you want to arrest her, just arrest her. I don't have money. It's useless if you arrest me."

Tang Huanxin was so angry that he wanted to kick him, but he was still joking at this time.

The man in black immediately said with a look of disdain: "It's really puzzling that that loser Red Snake would die in your hands."

"Brother, how about you take the girl away and let me go? I'm not worth anything anyway."

"Those who kill Snake Cave will never be able to live in this world. Kill them for me!"

The man in black shouted coldly, and several men around him immediately rushed towards Ji Wufeng, with a little cold light emitting from their hands.

Just as the killers from the Snake Cave were about to rush to Ji Wufeng, a cold light suddenly fell from the sky. The man closest to Ji Wufeng collapsed on the ground before he could even scream, and the blood on his neck spurted out like a fountain!

Murong Wuji fell in front of Ji Wufeng and shouted coldly: "Kill!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Several strange figures appeared around Ji Wufeng like ghosts in the night, and rushed out like lightning. After several screams, the men brought by the man in black were all lying on the ground.

Became a corpse.

Ji Wufeng was furious and shouted angrily: "I thought I could catch a few big fish, but in the end I only caught a few trash. It's so disrespectful!"

He took Tang Huanxin shopping around for a long time, and the soles of his feet were worn out, but he only attracted these few little shrimps. How could he not be angry?

The man in black was shocked by the scene before him, turned around and ran away.

Ji Wufeng's body suddenly exploded, and he rushed over the man in black in an instant, grabbed his neck, and said coldly: "Give you a chance to deceive your leader, otherwise, I will die!"

The man in black immediately panicked, but soon stared at Ji Wufeng with a fierce light in his eyes and said: "Ji Wufeng, you are the first person who dares to offend Snake Cave. If you kill me today, you will definitely be killed by Snake Cave." Order, everyone related to you will die."

There are two types of killing orders and killing orders in the Snake Cave. The killing orders mean that the target must be killed at all costs. Once the killing order is issued, not only the target must die, but also everyone related to the target must die. This is quite In ancient times, the nine tribes were exterminated.

Snake Cave is not an ancient king, but they have such strength.

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said, "If you want to kill me, just come here. I want to see if your snake cave has the strength. Do as I say, otherwise I will kill you now."

"Don't even think about it!"

Sensing Ji Wufeng's murderous intention, the man in black was very scared, but thinking of the consequences of betraying Snake Cave, he gritted his teeth and refused.

"Hey, I want to see how long you can last."

The man in black suddenly felt several streams of air entering his body along Ji Wufeng's palms, and instantly dispersed into countless streams, which were chaotic inside his body like living things.


Suddenly, he felt a heartbreaking pain in his internal organs, as if there were insects biting him. He was rolling on the ground in pain, and he let out a miserable howl, and his face was distorted by the pain. human form.

"I promise you, I promise you."

The man in black finally gave in. It felt like there were millions of bugs biting him in his body. This kind of pain was worse than death.

Ji Wufeng said to Murong Wuji: "After training for so long, it's time to test the results. Let's pull everyone out for a walk." .??.

Tang Huanxin looked at the corpse on the ground, his face paled for a while, and he looked at Ji Wufeng with a cold face, feeling very disappointed. Was he taking advantage of me, using me as bait?

Ji Wufeng said softly to Tang Huanxin: "You should go back first. I will explain to you what happened today when I find time."

He could see the disappointment on Tang Huanxin's face, but now was not the time to explain.

Not long after Tang Huanxin was sent away, Jin Yu, Wen Jingtao, Zhao Jiaolong, and Wu Youde all arrived with specially trained people.

After Ye Linglong's devil training, these people's physical potential has been stimulated. In addition, they have obtained the skills passed down by Ji Wufeng. At this time, they are no longer ordinary people. Now they can't wait to prove themselves. Strength.

A group of people were standing there, their bodies full of murderous aura, like a group of beasts waiting to fight.

After the order was given, everyone lay in ambush and waited for the arrival of the snake cave. Half of them were stationed around to prevent anyone from escaping. Under the night, there was a deathly silence, and the thick murderous aura kept rising and falling. Once it broke out, it would definitely be Murderous.

Finally, a taxi drove over, and a short young man got out, took out an embroidered badge and put it on his left arm. The pattern of the embroidered badge was very simple, a skull with two five-pointed stars below.

r\u003e Ji Wufeng knew that this emblem represented the young man’s level in the Snake Cave. He was a C-level killer. He seemed to sense the heavy murderous intent around him. The short young man murmured: "What a murderous intent." .”

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly, and his voice reached the ears of everyone on his side: "Don't let any member of the Snake Cave go, kill as many as you want."


The short young man felt a murderous aura coming towards him, and immediately became alert and shouted sternly.


The short young man suddenly felt a pain in his back and chest. When he looked down, he found a bloody palm suddenly appeared on his chest.

There is a beating heart on the palm.

He crushed his heart, took out his palm, and looked at the short young man who was slowing down to the end. Murong Wuji, who had an evil look on his face, sneered disdainfully: "Snake Cave C-level killer? He is vulnerable to a single blow."

Members of the Snake Cave came one after another, and at most a dozen came at the same time, but they were all killed without any suspense. However, when nearly forty corpses were lying on the ground, suddenly there were no more members of the Snake Cave. Members arrived.

Wen Jingtao suddenly yelled angrily: "Why are there only so few people? And they are all trash. I haven't had enough of killing them yet."

Ji Wufeng suddenly laughed and said: "Don't worry, I guarantee you will have a good time this time. Everyone, prepare for a big battle."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this. The killing just now was really not enough. People from the Snake Cave came one after another, which resulted in a situation where there were more monks and less meat. Finally, two people came. Just when they were about to take action, they It was solved by someone with quick hands and feet.

Three figures suddenly appeared in front of everyone. They were three people, two men and one woman. The woman was around 26 or 26 years old. She was dressed in black leather clothes, with a bare face and short hair that reached her ears. She looked extremely beautiful. , a top beauty.

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