Standing on both sides of her was a skinny young man with gray hair, and the other was a fat middle-aged man. The three of them had a strong smell of blood and evil aura.

Seeing these three people, Ji Wufeng's face moved slightly. It seemed that this snake cave was indeed not simple. The strength of these three people was actually a master at the Grand Master level.

"Those who dare to invade the snake den will die!"

The short-haired beauty shouted coldly, and murderous aura suddenly burst into the sky, and countless figures filed out.

Ji Wufeng also shouted: "Kill me."

Seeing this, Ji Wufeng gave an order. Murong Wuji, Jin Yu and Wen Jingtao rushed out in advance. They ducked in front of a Snake Cave killer and slapped his head to pieces with a palm. The white brain matter was splashed all over the place. The ground was covered, and others rushed out to fight with the people in the Snake Cave.

Although the number of people on both sides is similar, the difference is very big. The killers of the Snake Cave usually do not interact with each other. Many members of the Snake Cave do not know each other. Now they can only rely on the embroidery on their arms. Chapters are used to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, so they are all very scattered.

On the other hand, Ji Zangfeng, Zhao Jiaolong and others are very familiar with each other and have a tacit understanding. During the battle, they all get closer to each other intentionally or unintentionally.

The crowd was like a bloodthirsty weapon, using his indestructible sharp blade to pierce the crowd in the Snake Cave, causing a bloody storm.

On one side is a cold-blooded killer who relies on killing for a living, and on the other side is a ferocious beast filled with the desire to kill. Both are unrivaled in strength, and their methods are more cruel than the other. The battle between the two sides has been extremely brutal from the beginning.

The first person fell, the second person fell...

When the people in the Snake Cave began to fall, there seemed to be a chain reaction, and people began to fall down. In just a few minutes, dozens of people fell to the ground in the Snake Cave.

Blood, corpses... kept falling to the ground. Miraculously, no one on Ji Wufeng's side fell down at this time.

Ji Zangfeng, Zhao Jiaolong and others’ devilish training during this period

, it is definitely not just training their personal strength, but more of it is the many years of combat experience brought by Ye Linglong to the Dragon Team.

Ji Wufeng pulled them out today, not for training, but to accept the training results.

Although these people are participating in a real bloody battle for the first time, even a little bit of tacit understanding can play a huge role in the melee.

Even though they were slightly weaker, the three of Murong Wuji were scattered around intentionally or unintentionally, and they were able to rescue them in time without any casualties.

Facing the enemy's madness, the Snake Cave side suffered heavy losses. For a moment, blood danced all over the sky, and the smell of blood in the air became heavier and heavier.

For a moment, looking at Ji Wufeng sitting there smoking a cigarette, the short-haired beauty asked in a voice without any emotion: "Are you Ji Wufeng?"

Ji Wufeng vomited an eye circle, squinted his eyes and asked, "Beauty, do you have any advice?"

"Do you know what will happen if you go against Snake Cave?" The short-haired beauty's eyes were filled with coldness, and there was no expression change on her face.

But looking at the tragic scene of the battle between the two sides, I was horrified. I had already received the news that Ji Wufeng was very strong, but I didn't expect that it would reach this point.

"Then do you know what will happen if you go against me?"

"Humph, I don't know whether to live or die"! The skinny young man next to the short-haired beauty said disdainfully.

The short, fat middle-aged man looked at the heavy losses suffered by the Snake Cave side and said, "Why bother? Let's kill him first. No matter how strong he is, he can't defeat the three of us."

"kill him!"

The short-haired beauty's voice sounded, and the three figures disappeared immediately. When they reappeared, the three of them had already formed a triangle, surrounding Ji Wufeng.

The momentum of the three people emanated from their bodies and continued to rise, shrouding Ji Wufeng. The air within the area seemed to have been frozen, making it difficult to breathe.

"Can you really kill me?" Ji Wufeng said with disdain.

The short-haired beauty sneered: "Ji Wufeng, you are very strong, but without the help of Taoist disciple Ma Tianlin in Huajing, I am afraid that you would have died in the hands of the Chu family and would not be able to return to Yuzhou alive."

It seemed that Snake Cave was really well-informed and actually knew the truth about the battle between Hua Jing and the Chu family.


The momentum of the three people suddenly surged again, and three powerful auras rushed towards Ji Wufeng at the same time. Ji Wufeng, who was sitting still, sneered disdainfully: "How dare the light of a grain of rice dare to compete with the bright moon? Today I will kill the snake cave. , end the glory of falling into the snake cave!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an unparalleled aura erupted from Ji Wufeng. He was no longer that ordinary, not tall body. At this moment, against the aura, he was like an angry unparalleled monarch. It exudes a breathtaking power.

boom! ??

Ji Wufeng punched the ground. The ground was not damaged at all, but the powerful energy shot out in all directions. The trash cans on the roadside were knocked away with a bang and turned into a pile of rotten metal. Some were not young, and one The tree, which no one could hold, fell to the ground as if it had been cut in half by an invisible axe.

The expressions of the three great masters suddenly changed, and their explosive bodies paused for a moment. Their clothes seemed to have been cut by a sharp blade and were beginning to be damaged. However, their offensive continued unabated and they were at Ji Wufeng's side in an instant.


Ji Wufeng's figure suddenly disappeared. The short, fat middle-aged man suddenly screamed, flew forward, landed on the ground, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

A cold light flashed, and Ji Wufeng suddenly stretched out his fingers motionlessly, making a jingling sound.

There was a crisp sound, and the figure of the short-haired beauty appeared suddenly. In her hand was a delicate dagger, but the tip of the sword was tightly clamped by Ji Wufeng's two outstretched fingers.

The short-haired beauty who had always been expressionless finally had a look of fear in her eyes. Ji Wufeng chuckled and said: "Women should get married early and take care of their children at home. How can we fight and kill like this? Who will do it in the future?" Dare I marry you?"

"Great Commander!"

The skinny young man on one side was shocked. A trace of black energy appeared on his palm, streaking through the air, making a sound of breaking through the air, and attacked Ji Wufeng.

Snake head?

This short-haired beauty turned out to be one of the snake heads in the Snake Cave. However, Tang Long once told him that the snake head's cultivation level was only the fifth level of Xiantian. How could he be a grand master now?

Ji Wufeng turned his head and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm trying to get close to a beautiful girl. Why the hell are you, a consumptive devil, here to join in the fun?"

His body suddenly kept its original posture and suddenly retreated, and disappeared in an instant. The skinny young man missed the blow, but hit the ground with a powerful force, immediately creating a big hole in the ground.

At the same time, the short-haired beauty suddenly jumped up high and twisted her body laterally. There was a crisp sound, Ji Wufeng's fingerprints did not move at all, and the dagger was actually broken by the strong twisting of the short-haired beauty.

After the sword was broken, the short-haired beauty was stunned for a moment, and her figure suddenly disappeared.

"Beautiful girl, you are so charming in front of the flowers and under the moon, why are you leaving?"

Ji Wufeng chuckled, opened his big hand suddenly, and grabbed it with one palm. The figure of the short-haired beauty suddenly appeared in the night sky, but she seemed to be grabbed by something. She twisted her body a few times but did not break free.

The body of the short-haired beauty suddenly flew towards Ji Wufeng, and Ji Wufeng strangled her neck. At this moment, the short-haired beauty could no longer remain calm, and her eyes were filled with panic.

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