Before getting on the plane, Ji Wufeng's dantian and meridians had been sealed. If he were an ordinary warrior, he would be equal to a useless person, but he was not a warrior.

The techniques used to deal with warriors can seal the true energy, but they cannot seal the true energy!

For more than ten hours, Ji Wufeng's injuries had not recovered, but it was still more than enough to deal with these ordinary mercenaries.

"Be careful, he is a master, please stop joking."

Seeing this scene, the squad leader's face became serious. The fact that his body had such a strong repulsive force showed that his martial arts had already been mastered, and at least he had the strength above that of an innate warrior.

When Ji Wufeng was brought into the gate of the iron-clad building, the whole prison was in a state of excitement. No newcomers had arrived for a long time. In recent years, it seems that the criminals have become more comfortable, causing the prisoners here to complain constantly. According to them, : "It would be a great tragedy in life if there are no new people to play."

"Oh! Look, we have a new companion, and he's a cool guy!"

After passing one cell after another, Ji Wufeng looked at the pairs of hands stretched out expressionlessly, some of them holding cigarette butts and iron cups. They were obviously waving their arms excitedly to welcome this new companion.

Opening a cell, a squad leader smiled at several vicious prisoners inside and said, "I'll serve you a new dish today. Have fun, but remember not to kill anyone."

"Hahaha... I understand, we all understand." Several prisoners laughed excitedly.

The squad leader laughed ferociously, then closed the cell door and left.

Then I heard a voice behind me: "Come on, little darling, let me have some fun."

"No, don't come here,"

"Hahaha, just scream, no one will care about you even if your throat breaks."


Hearing Ji Wufeng's miserable howl, the squad leader said to the mercenary guarding the door: "Lock the door. No matter what happens inside, don't open the door before dawn tomorrow.

Did you hear me? "


The order the team leader received was that although Ji Wufeng should be kept alive, he must suffer a lot.

In the cell, when he heard the sound of the iron door being locked, Ji Wufeng, who was originally full of fear, had a sneer on his face when faced with several vicious men who were attacking him fiercely.

"Ah... have mercy on me..."

After a period of howling, the cell became completely quiet.

The other cells couldn't see the situation inside the cell. They originally wanted to hear the excitement, but they didn't expect it to end so quickly. They couldn't help but cursed: "Damn, it's over so quickly. What a waste!"

In the cell, after dealing with several inmates, Ji Wufeng sat down. In one night, he should be able to recover 50% of his injuries and skills.

One night passed quickly, and Ji Wufeng's condition recovered to 50%, and he had no problem dealing with strong men under the Grand Master.

When the cell was opened and the squad leader came in, his face immediately turned gloomy. He originally thought that even if Ji Wufeng survived, he would be tortured to a terrible state.

But now he was sitting there peacefully, while the prisoners were lying on the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Ji Wufeng grinned and said, "I'm sorry, but these crazy dogs you let go are so hard to beat."

After learning about the situation in the cell, everyone's faces were full of horror. It seemed that this young man with tender skin and tender flesh in everyone's eyes was not easy to mess with, and there was a sudden discussion.

"Assign him to Room 1 of Tianzi!"

With the voice of the squad leader, the whole prison suddenly became much quieter.

"Room No. 1" does not mean that it is the best and most comfortable, but it is the room where the four heavenly kings are. The four heavenly kings here

He is someone that even the Black Warden doesn't want to mess with.

If everyone who enters here is a dangerous person, then the Four Heavenly Kings of Black Prison are extremely dangerous people. Not only are the four of them super powerful, but their methods are also very vicious. No one has ever been able to walk out alive from the room of the Four Heavenly Kings. come out.

At the same time, the four heavenly kings represent the four forces, plus the black warden, there are five forces in the black prison. Offending any one of the forces can make your life worse than death. Death is not terrible. Anyone here should For those who die ten times, the most terrifying thing is to make your life worse than death.

Seeing the criminals slowly calming down, their eyes full of fear and awe, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but curiously asked: "Is there any special person living in Room No. 1?"

The team leader said hehe, "Room No. 1 is the best cell here. It has five rooms in total, four of which are occupied by prisoners. This also means that you will have four companions."

Speaking of this, the team leader couldn't help but laugh in his heart. He didn't tell Ji Wufeng that no one could live in the fifth house for two days without dying.

Room Tianzi No. 1 is specially assigned by the Black Warden to the Four Heavenly Kings. It not only has an independent room, but also a separate bathroom and a shared kitchen, and has all the refrigerators and appliances. To put it simply, it does not look like a room at all. cell.

At the same time, Tianzi Room No. 1 is also the black warden who specializes in dealing with those disobedient problem characters, or those who have been told by the superiors that they do not want him to see the sunrise the next day.

"Oh." Ji Wufeng stopped talking and became very curious about the four roommates.

"go in."

The squad leader personally opened the cell door for Ji Wufeng. In order to prevent the four heavenly kings from escaping, the black iron door in Tianzi No. 1 room was specially built to withstand the full blow of the Grand Master.

At this time, a prison guard took off the handcuffs for Ji Wufeng, and Ji Wufeng walked into the last room in the prison.

The luxurious "Tianzi Room No. 1".

"Bang!" As soon as Ji Wufeng entered, the cell door was tightly closed.

Ji Wufeng began to carefully look at everything in Tianzi No. 1 room. Everything was almost the same as the living room outside. Not only that, the facilities inside were also very complete and luxurious. The air conditioner, refrigerator and other electrical equipment inside were very complete. Four people Sitting at the four corners of the table playing cards.

If someone hadn't told him, no one would have thought that this was a prison cell. Where was this prison? It was obvious that he was here for vacation.

One is a beautiful boy with one eye. If Ji Wufeng didn't know his gender, he would definitely think he was a woman, because this boy is indeed too beautiful, but the black eyepatch on his face ruins his handsomeness.

There was a long knife beside him. As a prisoner, although he could still carry a weapon with him, it looked very strange.

The one who sat down on him was a middle-aged man with short hair and his upper body was naked. This middle-aged man's naked upper body was covered with countless scars.

There was also a fat man with a greasy face. Although he was smiling, there was an evil look in his eyes.

The last Ji Wufeng didn't look like a prisoner, but rather a doctor, because he was wearing a white robe, gold-rimmed glasses on his eyes, and his hair was combed meticulously, and he looked very clean.

These four people have different looks, but Ji Wufeng knows why they are the four kings of the Black Prison.

Because they are all warriors, and each of them has the strength of a half-step master.

"Hey, look what Gu Chengfeng has brought to us, a pretty boy?"

The middle-aged man with his bare upper body licked his lips badly, and his eyes were filled with lustful looks, which made Ji Wufeng very intolerable.

"Hey, you look pretty cool. I'll let you have a good time later."

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