Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 591 I will have the final say here from now on

The fat man's face was even more obscene as he stared directly at Ji Wufeng.

Homosexuality is definitely not a rare thing in prison. It is said that after three years in prison, a sow turns into a Diao Chan. If you don't even have a sow, you will naturally focus on men with thin skin and tender flesh.

"King Kong, Thunder Bear, you'd better not underestimate this new friend, he smells very strong of blood."

The bespectacled doctor said with a smile. Judging from the chips in front of him, he should be the winner of this card game.

What makes Ji Wufeng a little confused is how these glasses can smell the smell of blood on his body. He is very particular about hygiene, okay? You have to take a shower every time you kill someone.

If the master could feel the murderous aura on his body, he would still believe it, but to say that he could smell the blood on his body would be an exaggeration.


The one-eyed handsome boy on the side nodded in agreement, as if confirming what the optician said.

"Damn, doctor, you haven't killed someone for a long time. You must have lost your courage."

"It's better if it smells like blood. My old bear just likes pretty boys with personality."

The short-haired middle-aged man and the fat man simply disagreed with what the glasses doctor said. Why didn't they see how awesome this kid was? If he was awesome, he wouldn't be caught.

"Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Ji Wufeng!"

As soon as Ji Wufeng finished speaking, he immediately disappeared. The one-eyed boy was the first to react. He picked up the long knife in his hand and jumped back high. In the air, his right hand was placed on the handle of the knife, ready to take action.

The bespectacled doctor was the second to react. He immediately stepped back and disappeared instantly. When he appeared the next second, he was already five steps away.


The short-haired middle-aged man and the fat man also reacted, but when they were about to react, they were suddenly pressed into the solid wall by a hand that stretched out out of thin air.

The expressions of the bespectacled doctor and the one-eyed handsome boy suddenly changed. Ji Wufeng used one hand to lift the necks of the short-haired middle-aged man and the fat man.

Zi strangled and pressed against the wall, and the iron wall made of fine steel was knocked out of two big holes.

"I really hated the way you looked at me just now! Remember that I am not a woman, and the next generation should not play with men."

After Ji Wufeng finished speaking calmly, a cold murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

"No! No, don't do this, spare me..."

Sensing Ji Wufeng's murderous intent, the short-haired middle-aged man and the fat man found that no matter how hard they struggled, they would break free of the hand around their necks, and the strength they were originally proud of became useless.

"Gouhun, Wu Chang, are you just going to die without saving me?"

The short-haired middle-aged man and the fat man found that they could not escape from their power, so they couldn't help but move their targets for help to the two people at the scene who were not attacked, hoping that they would take action. Although the four were mortal enemies, the two still called for help. A glimmer of hope.

The one-eyed beautiful boy leaned against the wall holding a long knife, shook his head and said: "He is too strong, I can't beat him."

He doesn't fight a battle that has no chance of winning. He didn't even see clearly how Ji Wufeng moved just now, and the current situation is obvious. The short-haired middle-aged man and the fat man are no match for the man in front of him.

"This man is terrible."

The doctor also shook his head. He didn't see Ji Wufeng's movements clearly and didn't say anything. What made him even more afraid was the bloody smell exuding from Ji Wufeng's body, which was definitely far more than any murderous maniac on Black Prison Island.

"It seems that both of them are smart people."

Ji Wufeng smiled and exerted force with his palms, and the bones of their necks immediately made the sound of breaking. Their eyes were filled with fear, and a strange scream came from their mouths.

Click, click!

With two crisp sounds in succession, the necks of the two men were directly twisted, and their heads hung on their necks, motionless.

Hear that weird

The other prisoners thought it was Ji Wufeng's screams when he was being tortured. They didn't know that two of their four heavenly kings had already gone to see God, assuming that they could still ascend to heaven.

"To be honest, I really don't like killing people."

Ji Wufeng released his left hand from their necks, and the two lifeless bodies slowly slid to the ground.

"From today on, I have the final say here."

Ji Wufeng slowly walked to the sofa and sat down. He took out the barbecue from the storage ring and started to eat it. From time to time, he took out the green fruit wine and took a sip. Instantly, the room was filled with the alluring aroma of meat and wine.

"Why do you?" .??.

The bespectacled doctor narrowed his eyes at this time, and an invisible and colorless gas slowly escaped from his sleeves.

He was indeed a doctor before he came in, and he was a very good doctor, but in the end he actually liked developing poisons.

It's just a matter of developing poisons. The key is that he also likes to experiment on living people.

When he was first captured, countless pursuers died in his hands, and he even managed to escape. In the end, he had to use masters at the Grand Master level to catch him.

"Seduction, you put poison?"

At this time, the one-eyed beautiful boy used his nose that was a hundred times more sensitive than ordinary people to smell the faint smell of chemicals in the air, and immediately covered his nose and retreated away from the spread of the poison.

After being exposed by the one-eyed handsome boy, the doctor angrily looked at Wu Chang who covered his nose and retreated and said, "Wuchang! I don't seem to have offended you!"

He is not afraid of Ji Wufeng's attack now, because even a strong grandmaster will lose part of his combat effectiveness if he inhales such a heavy potion.

"It's useless, it's useless, poison has no effect on me."

In one breath, the poisonous gas floating in the air was blown to the ventilation vent, and it was slowly drawn out and discharged from the room.

The physique of a cultivator is not that of a warrior

Comparable, unless it is poison in the world of cultivation, it will not work for him at all.

"Huh, you won't know if it's useful until you use it."

The doctor is very confident in his poisonous gas. This is the confidence forged by countless people with corpses and blood. He relied on his own poisonous skills to assassinate all the pursuers, and was finally caught by a super powerful grand master. That's even if he didn't have the chance to poison him.

"It's useless, it's useless." Ji Wufeng disappeared from their eyes in an instant, and appeared in front of the doctor the next second, reaching out and "pushing" the doctor gently.


The doctor felt as if he was hit head-on by a speeding car. He flew backwards and hit the wall, making a big hole in the wall.


A mouthful of blood gushed out from his throat. As a doctor, the doctor knew the extent of his injuries. Three of his ribs were broken and he was bleeding heavily. If he did not receive treatment within three hours, he would definitely bleed to death.

"I'll give you a little lesson. I hope you won't make any small moves in the future."

Jumping back, Ji Wufeng landed gently on the sofa, picked up a fruit and gnawed it without peeling it.

"Everyone here will listen to me from now on. You two will integrate the forces of those two people."

Ji Wufeng gave the power of the short-haired middle-aged man and the fat man to Wu Chang and Gu Huhun in one fell swoop. It all depended on whose hands and feet were faster.

"You will benefit from following me. The most important thing for us now is to control the Black Prison."

When Ji Wufeng said this, he stretched out his left hand and shook it fiercely into the void, as if he had grabbed something.

"This is impossible!"

The doctor wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Ji Wufeng, as if he were looking at a madman. You must know that the Black Prison is not only full of masters, but more importantly, it has a defense that is not inferior to that of a military base. Even if it successfully captures everyone in the Black Prison, it will not be the same. Maybe escape from here.

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