Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 847 My godfather’s name is Ji Wufeng

At this moment, Peng Cheng was completely out of shape. In just half a month, he had become as skinny as a stick. Looking at his body, there were dense wounds all over his body.

However, these wounds did not bleed a drop of blood, as if something was crawling inside. If you look closely, you will see that there are countless small insects crawling and biting in the wounds.

The reason why Peng Cheng became so thin was because all his flesh and blood were swallowed up by these insects. The pain he endured can be imagined. The mysterious man said that killing him was a complete relief for him.

Seeing that Peng Cheng was still so stubborn, the mysterious man snorted coldly and said: "Continue, but don't let him die."

A man in black stepped forward and injected something into Peng Cheng. The bugs in his body immediately began to squirm crazily. The heart-gnawing pain caused Peng Cheng to scream inhumanly. ??

Unconsciously, the Spring Festival is not far away, and it is freezing everywhere. Even the bustling metropolis of Yuzhou is sparsely populated at night and cannot bear the biting cold.

A thin and short body was walking alone on the street. She was only five or six years old at most. She was a little girl. Her face was covered in dirt and her appearance was unclear. The clothes on her body were very thin. The cold wind blew through her and she was shaking all over.

When the little girl met a pedestrian, she stepped forward and asked, "Uncle, uncle, have you seen my dad?"

"I haven't seen it before. Go away."

He covered his nose and ran away with disgust on his face. There are too many street children now and they are so dirty. Who knows if there are any infectious diseases?

"Auntie, have you seen my dad?"

"I've never seen it before, get out of here, oh, little bastard, you soiled my clothes, you want to die."

A little girl grabbed the sleeve of a woman who was walking her dog. Some stains immediately appeared on her white clothes. She slapped her in anger.

The little girl was immediately slapped and fell to the ground. The corners of her mouth were bloodshot, but she did not cry. Instead, she got up from the ground, wiped the bloodshot eyes from the corners of her mouth, and apologized apologetically: "I'm sorry, auntie."

"I'm sorry and that's it! Do you know how much my clothes cost? I can't even afford to pay you if I sell them."

But the woman didn’t want to let the little girl go yet, and barked at the dog on her hand: “Wangcai, go up and bite her!”

The owner was a shrew, and the dog was also a vicious dog. He actually opened his mouth and pounced on her. The little girl was so frightened that she ran away, even losing her shoes.

Fortunately, the shrew didn't want to kill anyone, so she grabbed the dog's chain in time.

The little girl had no shoes, and walking on the icy surface felt like needles. She ran to a deserted corner and finally couldn't help crying: "Dad, where are you? Luoluo is so hungry, Luoluo." It's so cold in Luo, wuwu..."

This little girl is none other than Luo Luo.

Ji Wufeng had previously said that he would bring Luoluo to Yuzhou, but because things happened so suddenly in Yuzhou, Ji Wufeng left in a hurry and did not notify Peng Cheng.

Peng Cheng finally learned that he had returned to Yuzhou, so he had to bring Luo Luo to Yuzhou to find Ji Wufeng. But who knew that before Ji Wufeng was found, Peng Cheng and his daughter were targeted by a group of men in black.

But at the critical moment, Luoluo suddenly lost control, sucked the few people who caught her into mummies and escaped, while Peng Cheng was captured.

Luoluo, who was squatting in the corner, was probably too hungry. Suddenly he smelled the fragrance coming from the trash can not far away. It was the leftovers that others had just thrown away.

Luoluo couldn't bear the hunger and went to dig through the garbage.

But as soon as she got the food, a group of stray dogs suddenly came and stared at the leftover food in her hand.

"Dog, I'm so hungry, I'll eat these first, please don't bite me, okay?" The innocent Luoluo discussed with a group of dogs in a negotiating tone.


But how could a group of beasts discuss with her and rush over with their fangs spread wide.


Luoluo immediately turned around and ran, but at such a young age, how could she possibly outrun the dog? After running a few steps, a dog threw her to the ground, and the leftovers were scattered on the floor.

"Dog, don't bite me, I won't eat it, wuwu..."

Luoluo cried and shouted, but the dogs turned a blind eye to the food on the ground, but stared at Luoluo fiercely.

It is said that dogs are close relatives of wolves, with the same cruelty and animality in their blood. These dogs have been wandering for a long time and will eat anything. Naturally, they have tasted fresh flesh and blood, which is much more delicious than the leftovers.

They are no longer interested in those meals, but are eyeing the delicious food of Luoluo.

At this moment, a taxi drove over. When a young man saw this scene, he immediately got out of the car, opened the trunk, twisted a stick and rushed over, roaring: "Get out, get out, get out of here..."

A group of vicious dogs were beaten away with sticks, and Luoluo was saved.

This young man was none other than Pengzi. He knelt down and asked, "Little sister, who are you?"

"Hello uncle, I can't find my father. I'm so hungry." Luoluo said with tears on her little face.

Seeing Luo Luo like this, Pengzi felt extremely distressed.

"Then little sister, please go back with me first. It's too cold outside. Uncle will help you find your father tomorrow."

It was too cold outside, and Pengzi was afraid of freezing the child, so he carried her directly into the car without disliking the stains on Luoluo's body at all.

Back home, Pengzi made some random meals. After Luoluo had a full meal, Pengzi helped her take a hot bath and put on clean clothes. She couldn't help but be a little stunned.

This little girl is so beautiful, her whole body is pink, and her face is so delicate that she looks like a character in a cartoon.

"Luoluo, what's your father's name? How come you were separated from him?"

Pengzi realized that Luoluo must be a child of a rich family, and he must have been accidentally separated from his family.

"My father's name is Peng Cheng. My father and I came to Yuzhou to look for my godfather, but before he could find his godfather, my father was captured by the bad guys. Oh my, dad..."

After Luo Luo finished speaking, she burst into tears.

"Luoluo, don't cry. Uncle will take you to your father tomorrow, okay?" Pengzi said.

Luoluo shook his head and said: "Dad said that I must find my godfather first. Only my godfather can save us."

"Then what's your godfather's name?" Pengzi asked.

"My godfather's name is Ji Wufeng."

Ji Wufeng?

Pengzi thought he had heard this name somewhere, but couldn't remember it for a while, so he said, "It's very late now. Luoluo, you go to bed first. My uncle will take you to find your godfather tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, thank you uncle."

Luoluo was very well-behaved. After politely thanking him, he climbed into bed and fell asleep. He might have been cold and hungry, but now that he was full, he got into the warm bed and fell asleep quickly. At this moment, Peng Cheng was completely out of shape. In just half a month, he had become as skinny as a stick. Looking at his body, there were dense wounds all over his body.

However, these wounds did not bleed a drop of blood, as if something was crawling inside. If you look closely, you will see that there are countless small insects crawling and biting in the wounds.

The reason why Peng Cheng became so thin was because all his flesh and blood were swallowed up by these insects. The pain he endured can be imagined. The mysterious man said that killing him was a complete relief for him.

Seeing that Peng Cheng was still so stubborn, the mysterious man snorted coldly and said: "Continue, but don't let him die."

A man in black stepped forward and injected something into Peng Cheng. The bugs in his body immediately began to squirm crazily. The heart-gnawing pain caused Peng Cheng to scream inhumanly.

Unconsciously, the Spring Festival is not far away, and it is freezing everywhere. Even the bustling metropolis of Yuzhou is sparsely populated at night and cannot bear the biting cold.

A thin and short body was walking alone on the street. She was only five or six years old at most. She was a little girl. Her face was covered in dirt and her appearance was unclear. The clothes on her body were very thin. The cold wind blew through her and she was shaking all over.

When the little girl met a pedestrian, she stepped forward and asked, "Uncle, uncle, have you seen my dad?"

"I haven't seen it before. Go away."

He covered his nose and ran away with disgust on his face. There are too many street children now and they are so dirty. Who knows if there are any infectious diseases?

"Auntie, have you seen my dad?"

"I've never seen it before, get out of here, oh, little bastard, you soiled my clothes, you want to die."

A little girl grabbed the sleeve of a woman who was walking her dog. Some stains immediately appeared on her white clothes. She slapped her in anger.

The little girl was immediately slapped and fell to the ground. The corners of her mouth were bloodshot, but she did not cry. Instead, she got up from the ground, wiped the bloodshot eyes from the corners of her mouth, and apologized apologetically: "I'm sorry, auntie."

"I'm sorry and that's it! Do you know how much my clothes cost? I can't even afford to pay you if I sell them."

But the woman didn’t want to let the little girl go yet, and barked at the dog on her hand: “Wangcai, go up and bite her!”

The owner was a shrew, and the dog was also a vicious dog. He actually opened his mouth and pounced on her. The little girl was so frightened that she ran away, even losing her shoes.

Fortunately, the shrew didn't want to kill anyone, so she grabbed the dog's chain in time.

The little girl had no shoes, and walking on the icy surface felt like needles. She ran to a deserted corner and finally couldn't help crying: "Dad, where are you? Luoluo is so hungry, Luoluo." It's so cold in Luo, wuwu..."

This little girl is none other than Luo Luo.

Ji Wufeng had previously said that he would bring Luoluo to Yuzhou, but because things happened so suddenly in Yuzhou, Ji Wufeng left in a hurry and did not notify Peng Cheng.

Peng Cheng finally learned that he had returned to Yuzhou, so he had to bring Luo Luo to Yuzhou to find Ji Wufeng. But who knew that before Ji Wufeng was found, Peng Cheng and his daughter were targeted by a group of men in black.

But at the critical moment, Luoluo suddenly lost control, sucked the few people who caught her into mummies and escaped, while Peng Cheng was captured.

Luoluo, who was squatting in the corner, was probably too hungry. Suddenly he smelled the fragrance coming from the trash can not far away. It was the leftovers that others had just thrown away.

Luoluo couldn't bear the hunger and went to dig through the garbage.

But as soon as she got the food, a group of stray dogs suddenly came and stared at the leftover food in her hand.

"Dog, I'm so hungry, I'll eat these first, please don't bite me, okay?" The innocent Luoluo discussed with a group of dogs in a negotiating tone.


But how could a group of beasts discuss with her and rush over with their fangs spread wide.


Luoluo immediately turned around and ran, but at such a young age, how could she possibly outrun the dog? After running a few steps, she was knocked to the ground by a dog, and the leftovers were scattered on the ground.

"Dog, don't bite me, I won't eat it, wuwu..."

Luoluo cried and shouted, but the dogs turned a blind eye to the food on the ground, but stared at Luoluo fiercely.

It is said that dogs are close relatives of wolves, with the same cruelty and animality in their blood. These dogs have been wandering for a long time and will eat anything. Naturally, they have tasted fresh flesh and blood, which is much more delicious than the leftovers.

They are no longer interested in those meals, but are eyeing the delicious food of Luoluo.

At this moment, a taxi drove over. When a young man saw this scene, he immediately got out of the car, opened the trunk, twisted a stick and rushed over, roaring: "Get out, get out, get out of here..."

A group of vicious dogs were beaten away with sticks, and Luoluo was saved.

This young man was none other than Pengzi. He knelt down and asked, "Little sister, who are you?"

"Hello uncle, I can't find my father. I'm so hungry." Luoluo said with tears on her face.

Seeing Luo Luo like this, Pengzi felt extremely distressed.

"Then little sister, please go back with me first. It's too cold outside. Uncle will help you find your father tomorrow."

It was too cold outside, and Pengzi was afraid of freezing the child, so he carried her directly into the car without disliking the stains on Luoluo's body at all.

Back home, Pengzi made some random meals. After Luoluo had a full meal, Pengzi helped her take a hot bath and put on clean clothes. She couldn't help but be a little stunned.

This little girl is so beautiful, her whole body is pink, and her face is so delicate that she looks like a character in a cartoon.

"Luoluo, what's your father's name? How come you were separated from him?"

Pengzi realized that Luoluo must be a child from a rich family, and he must have been accidentally separated from his family.

"My father's name is Peng Cheng. My father and I came to Yuzhou to look for my godfather, but before he could find his godfather, my father was captured by the bad guys. Oh my, dad..."

After Luo Luo finished speaking, she burst into tears.

"Luoluo, don't cry. Uncle will take you to your father tomorrow, okay?" Pengzi said.

Luoluo shook his head and said: "Dad said that I must find my godfather first. Only my godfather can save us."

"Then what's your godfather's name?" Pengzi asked.

"My godfather's name is Ji Wufeng."

Ji Wufeng?

Pengzi thought he had heard this name somewhere, but couldn't remember it for a while, so he said, "It's very late now. Luoluo, you go to bed first. My uncle will take you to find your godfather tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, thank you uncle."

Luoluo was very well-behaved. After politely thanking him, he climbed into bed and fell asleep. He might have been cold and hungry, but now that he was full, he got into the warm bed and fell asleep quickly.

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