Pengzi looked at the lovely Luoluo and thought to herself that it would be great if she had such a lovely daughter. She must help her find her family tomorrow. It would be heartbreaking for such a well-behaved child to suffer.

Pengzi got up early the next morning. Every day he would make breakfast, wait for his girlfriend to come over and eat together, and then drive his car to take her to work.

Not long after, a fashionable girl came to the door. As soon as she walked in, she covered her nose and stared at the dirty clothes that Luo Luo had changed on the ground and said, "What is it? It smells so bad?"

Pengzi, who was wearing an apron, smiled and said, "It's a child who was separated from her family. I'll see if I can help her find her family today."

When the girl heard this, she immediately said angrily: "Tell me, how much do you earn a month as a taxi driver? You also adopt cats and dogs all day long. Now you even accept children. When can you make money?" Is it enough as a gift?"

"Tingting, don't worry, I will definitely make good money and earn enough of the gift money as soon as possible." Pengzi patted his chest and said.

The girl was still dissatisfied and said, "No, many of those wild children were thrown away by their families. They might have infectious diseases or something like that. Get her away quickly."

After saying that, she wanted to rush into the house. Pengzi immediately grabbed her and said: "Tingting, it's so cold outside now. If you drive her out, don't you want her to die? Don't worry, when I find her family, I will send her to her right away." She goes home."

"No, who knows what you are thinking about picking up a little bastard? Drive him away immediately!"

The girl insisted on entering the house and chasing Luo Luo away. When Pengzi heard her calling her a bastard, he immediately became angry and pulled her hard and said, "Don't go too far..."


The girl didn't pay attention and was pulled down by him and fell to the ground.

"Ah...Tingting, are you okay? I didn't mean it..." Pengzi hurriedly went to help her.

But the girl got up angrily, pointed at his nose and said angrily: "Okay, you still dare to hit me, just wait, we are not done with this!"

The girl angrily grabbed her bag and turned away, ignoring Pengzi's shouts from behind.

To be honest, sometimes he can't stand his girlfriend's temper, but as a poor taxi driver, he is content to have such a beautiful girlfriend, so it's not a big deal if he tolerates it.

After Pengzi returned to the house helplessly, he saw Luoluo standing there and saying pitifully: "Uncle, did I affect you?"

Pengzi, who was originally in a depressed mood, saw Luo Luo looking so sensible and said quickly: "It's okay, Luo Luo, be good, come and eat."

After finishing the meal, Pengzi said: "Luoluo, you can play at home by yourself in a moment. In the afternoon, uncle will take you to find your godfather, okay?"

Originally, he wanted to take Luo Luo out in the morning, but his girlfriend was already angry and left. He had to find a way to coax his girlfriend first, and let Luo Luo's matter go.

After Ji Wufeng returned, he immediately ordered an inventory around Yuzhou. It turned out that there was no small gang like Raksha Hall anymore. Ji Wufeng was so angry that he jumped to his feet and cursed: A group of turtle grandsons who only know how to shrink their heads have the guts to jump out and challenge me.

But since we can't be all wary and suspicious, Ji Wufeng has no choice but to order everyone to be on alert and be ready to deal with emergencies at any time. The focus of development should be on Tianfeng Group.

Tianfeng Group will be an important bargaining chip in the battle with the Gu family in the future. If he cannot

If he could come up with something that caught their eye, they would never allow him to touch a single hair of the Gu family.

Within half a month, Zhao Jiaolong and others, Hua Yutong had fully recovered, and Yu Guozhi was also alive and kicking. Only Lu Shuangshuang was still in a coma, but Ji Wufeng did not give up at all, because he knew that with the improvement of his cultivation, There must be a way to make Lu Shuangshuang wake up.

The next day, Ji Wufeng came to the site of Tianfeng Building again. The machines and a large number of staff had already arrived. Today was the day to break ground.

Tianfeng Group will definitely dominate the world, so he specially came to witness this historic moment today.

The sound of firecrackers sounded, and after the forklift shoveled the first shovelful of soil, Ji Wufeng left with satisfaction and found a food stall, intending to celebrate alone with a drink.

"Brother, is it really you?"

Just as Ji Wufeng sat down, a surprised voice suddenly came from behind him. He turned around and saw that it was the taxi driver he met yesterday, who seemed to be named Pengzi, and there was a girl next to him.

"Hey, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Ji Wufeng walked over, pulled up a stool and sat down. After he said that if he met Pengzi again, he would give him a chance. Mr. Ji meant what he said, didn't he? But as soon as he sat down, Ji Wufeng regretted it. What the smell was, a smell of perfume hit his nostrils.

"Brother, this is my girlfriend, Tingting, Tingting, this is the brother I just told you about. He is very skilled. If it weren't for him, I would have been miserable yesterday."

When Pengzi saw Ji Wufeng sitting down, he immediately introduced him. Tingting nodded, accepting his introduction.

"Come to my table and let's have a nice chat."

The smell of the perfume was indeed too strong, a bit pungent, and Ji Wufeng really couldn't stand it.

As soon as Ji Wufeng's words came out, the woman next to Pengzi frowned, but immediately returned to her original state, feeling so heavy in her heart. Although it only happened for a moment, Pengzi didn't notice it, but Ji Wufeng did.

He had no choice but to add another sentence, saying: "I said that if we meet again, I will give you a chance. You can think about it yourself."

"Tingting? Look at this..."

When Pengzi heard Ji Wufeng's words, he scratched his head and looked at his girlfriend. It took him a whole morning to get rid of Tingting's anger, but Ji Wufeng saved him yesterday. Wouldn't it be too rude not to go?

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you here." Sun Tingting smiled sweetly, but her smile was a little stiff. If Pengzi hadn't just replaced her with the latest version of the Orange phone to calm her down, she wouldn't have So easy to talk to.

"Tingting, if you want to sit here and wait for me, have something to eat. I'll be here in a minute."

Pengzi and Ji Wufeng walked to Ji Wufeng's table. At this time, the waiter came over and asked, "Sir, what would you like to eat?"

"Just bring out all your signature dishes, and two dozen beers."

Ji Wufeng looked like he was wealthy and asked Pengzi, "You can order whatever you want to eat. You're welcome."

In fact, Ji Wufeng wanted to say, "I don't have much, I just have a lot of money." But he was afraid of offending Pengzi, so he only said the first half of the sentence but not the second half.

"Pengzi, I don't know your full name yet. Should you introduce it?" Ji Wufeng looked at Pengzi with a friendly smile. Pengzi looked at the lovely Luoluo and thought to herself that it would be great if she had such a lovely daughter. She must help her find her family tomorrow. It would be heartbreaking for such a well-behaved child to suffer.

Pengzi got up early the next morning. Every day he would make breakfast, wait for his girlfriend to come over and eat together, and then drive his car to take her to work.

Not long after, a fashionable girl came to the door. As soon as she walked in, she covered her nose and stared at the dirty clothes that Luo Luo had changed on the ground and said, "What is it? It smells so bad?"

Pengzi, who was wearing an apron, smiled and said, "It's a child who was separated from her family. I'll see if I can help her find her family today."

When the girl heard this, she immediately said angrily: "Tell me, how much do you earn a month as a taxi driver? You also adopt cats and dogs all day long. Now you even accept children. When can you make money?" Is it enough as a gift?”

"Tingting, don't worry, I will definitely make good money and earn enough of the gift money as soon as possible." Pengzi patted his chest and said.

The girl was still dissatisfied and said, "No, many of those wild children were thrown away by their families. They might have infectious diseases or something like that. Get her away quickly."

After saying that, she wanted to rush into the house. Pengzi immediately grabbed her and said: "Tingting, it's so cold outside now. If you drive her out, don't you want her to die? Don't worry, when I find her family, I will send her to her right away." She goes home."

"No, who knows what you are thinking about picking up a little bastard? Drive him away immediately!"

The girl insisted on entering the house and chasing Luo Luo away. When Pengzi heard her calling her a bastard, he immediately became angry and pulled her hard and said, "Don't go too far..."


The girl didn't pay attention and was pulled down by him and fell to the ground.

"Ah...Tingting, are you okay? I didn't mean it..." Pengzi hurriedly went to help her.

But the girl got up angrily, pointed at his nose and said angrily: "Okay, you still dare to hit me, just wait, we are not done with this!"

The girl angrily grabbed her bag and turned away, ignoring Pengzi's shouts from behind.

To be honest, sometimes he can't stand his girlfriend's temper, but as a poor taxi driver, he is content to have such a beautiful girlfriend, so it's not a big deal if he tolerates it.

After Pengzi returned to the house helplessly, he saw Luoluo standing there and saying pitifully: "Uncle, did I affect you?"

Pengzi, who was originally in a depressed mood, saw Luo Luo looking so sensible and said quickly: "It's okay, Luo Luo, be good, come and eat."

After finishing the meal, Pengzi said: "Luoluo, you can play at home by yourself in a moment. In the afternoon, uncle will take you to find your godfather, okay?"

Originally, he wanted to take Luoluo out in the morning, but his girlfriend was already angry and left. He had to find a way to coax his girlfriend first, and let Luoluo go.

After Ji Wufeng returned, he immediately ordered an inventory around Yuzhou. It turned out that there was no small gang like Raksha Hall anymore. Ji Wufeng was so angry that he jumped to his feet and cursed: A group of turtle grandsons who only know how to shrink their heads have the guts to jump out and challenge me.

But since we can't be all wary and suspicious, Ji Wufeng has no choice but to order everyone to be on alert and be ready to deal with emergencies at any time. The focus of development should be on Tianfeng Group.

Tianfeng Group will be an important bargaining chip in the battle with the Gu family in the future. If he cannot

If he could come up with something that caught their eye, they would never allow him to touch a single hair of the Gu family.

Within half a month, Zhao Jiaolong and others, Hua Yutong had fully recovered, and Yu Guozhi was also alive and kicking. Only Lu Shuangshuang was still in a coma, but Ji Wufeng did not give up at all, because he knew that with the improvement of his cultivation, There must be a way to make Lu Shuangshuang wake up.

The next day, Ji Wufeng came to the site of Tianfeng Building again. The machines and a large number of staff had already arrived. Today was the day to break ground.

Tianfeng Group will definitely dominate the world, so he specially came to witness this historic moment today.

The sound of firecrackers sounded, and after the forklift shoveled the first shovelful of soil, Ji Wufeng left with satisfaction and found a food stall, intending to celebrate alone with a drink.

"Brother, is it really you?"

Just as Ji Wufeng sat down, a surprised voice suddenly came from behind him. He turned around and saw that it was the taxi driver he met yesterday, who seemed to be named Pengzi, and there was a girl next to him.

"Hey, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Ji Wufeng walked over, pulled up a stool and sat down. After he said that if he met Pengzi again, he would give him a chance. Mr. Ji meant what he said, didn't he? But as soon as he sat down, Ji Wufeng regretted it. What the smell was, a smell of perfume hit his nostrils.

"Brother, this is my girlfriend, Tingting, Tingting, this is the brother I just told you about. He is very skilled. If it weren't for him, I would have been miserable yesterday."

When Pengzi saw Ji Wufeng sitting down, he immediately introduced him. Tingting nodded, accepting his introduction.

"Come to my table and let's have a nice chat."

The smell of the perfume was indeed too strong, a bit pungent, and Ji Wufeng really couldn't stand it.

As soon as Ji Wufeng's words came out, the woman next to Pengzi frowned, but immediately returned to her original state, feeling so heavy in her heart. Although it only happened for a moment, Pengzi didn't notice it, but Ji Wufeng did.

He had no choice but to add another sentence, saying: "I said that if we meet again, I will give you a chance. You can think about it yourself."

"Tingting? Look at this..."

When Pengzi heard Ji Wufeng's words, he scratched his head and looked at his girlfriend. It took him a whole morning to get rid of Tingting's anger, but Ji Wufeng saved him yesterday. Wouldn't it be too rude not to go?

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you here." Sun Tingting smiled sweetly, but her smile was a little stiff. If Pengzi hadn't just replaced her with the latest version of the Orange phone to calm her down, she wouldn't have So easy to talk to.

"Tingting, if you want to sit here and wait for me, have something to eat. I'll be here in a minute."

Pengzi and Ji Wufeng walked to Ji Wufeng's table. At this time, the waiter came over and asked, "Sir, what would you like to eat?"

"Just bring out all your signature dishes, and two dozen beers."

Ji Wufeng looked like he was wealthy and asked Pengzi, "You can order whatever you want to eat. You're welcome."

In fact, Ji Wufeng wanted to say, "I don't have much, I just have a lot of money." But he was afraid of offending Pengzi, so he only said the first half of the sentence but not the second half.

"Pengzi, I don't know your full name yet. Should you introduce it?" Ji Wufeng looked at Pengzi with a friendly smile.

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