"Haha, my name is Zhang Zhanpeng. You also know my profession. I am a taxi driver." Zhang Zhanpeng said with a simple smile.

"Well, your girlfriend is very beautiful."

Ji Wufeng's careless words caused Zhang Zhanpeng's expression to change. He thought that Ji Wufeng had fallen in love with his girlfriend. Thinking of Ji Wufeng's skills, if he really wanted to compete with him for Tingting, what would he do if he couldn't beat him?

Who knows what Ji Wufeng said next: "With such a beautiful girlfriend, do you earn enough money from driving to support her? If you want to get married, the bride price will be quite a lot, right?"

Mentioning this, Zhang Zhanpeng also said helplessly: "Yes, the gift money is a lot, but I will work hard to earn it." .??.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said with a smile on his face: "Having confidence is good, but how long can your confidence last? If you stay in this state all your life, in this world full of temptations, how long can she wait for you?"

"No, Tingting will definitely wait for me. She is sincere to me." Zhang Zhanpeng said.

Ji Wufeng shook his head again: "In my opinion, not necessarily. If she is really sincere to you, she will not embarrass you with the bride price. This world is too evil. Since she cares about money, if you have no money, one day She will leave."

Zhang Zhanpeng finally couldn't stand Ji Wufeng's repeated slander of his girlfriend, and said angrily: "What on earth do you want to do?"

This guy is really a weirdo. I planned to come here to thank him, but in the end, this guy kept talking about how bad his girlfriend was. If he kept talking, he became really angry. Even if he couldn't beat him, Zhang Zhanpeng couldn't help it anymore. I want to have a fight with him.

Ji Wufeng smiled lightly and said: "What do I want to do? I am very casual in doing things. I can do whatever I want. No one can stop me. I just want to give you a chance to change your current situation!"

"What opportunity?" Zhang Zhanpeng asked impatiently.

"Wealth, power, and power, which one do you want?" Ji Wufeng asked, picking up the wine glass on the table.

"What's the meaning?"

Zhang Zhanpeng felt that this guy's brain must be a little abnormal. If he wanted to return wealth and power, he could choose one of them, just like he had collected seven dragon balls and made a wish.

"With wealth, I can make you a rich man overnight. With power, I can also make you a focal point in Yuzhou overnight. As for power..."

Ji Wufeng didn't say any more, he just spread his hands, and the glass cup turned into a pile of glass slag.

Zhang Zhanpeng was simply frightened. This guy was either a madman or a magician.

Seeing Zhang Zhanpeng's dumbfounded expression, Ji Wufeng stood up and said, "You can think about it. Although Tianfeng Building has just started to be built, it is already recruiting new employees. You can try it and report my name when the time comes. My name is Ji Wufeng."

After Ji Wufeng walked away, Zhang Zhanpeng came back to his senses. But at this time, the food was also served. Zhang Zhanpeng couldn't help but cursed: "Master, why are you pretending to be so cool? You want me to pay the bill for you, what a fool!"

Ji Wufeng ordered a large table of dishes, but he ran away. Zhang Zhanpeng could only buy the order.

After everyone left, I had to buy it myself. I had no choice but to eat it myself. I called Tingting, and Tingting asked, "What did he tell you just now?"

Zhang Zhanpeng said angrily: "He is a lunatic. He told me to go

Tianfeng Group reported that when the time came to report his name, they also said that his name was Ji Wufeng, Ji Wufeng? Uh, he is Ji Wufeng! "

He suddenly remembered that the person Luoluo was looking for was Ji Wufeng, wasn't he? However, Luoluo said that Ji Wufeng was her godfather, and this Ji Wufeng was probably not even twenty years old, so he probably didn't look like someone else's godfather.

Construction of the Tianfeng Building started. Ji Wufeng felt that he should have a relaxing time, but trouble came the next day.

People from the city's civil engineering department actually ordered the work to stop, saying that Tianfeng Group's project was too huge and would likely affect Yuzhou's planning and construction in the next few years.

Ji Wufeng became angry when he heard this. All the documents had been completed before the construction started. Why did another one pop up that would affect future plans?

"Tell me, who's behind this?"

Ji Wufeng didn't believe that the formal department would come to trouble him, and there must be someone behind it.

Lu Zifeng said: "Do you know the Real Estate Association?"

"What real estate association?"

"To put it bluntly, the Real Estate Association is a private sector organized by a group of well-established real estate tycoons. They control more than 70% of local real estate construction. They have no clear authority, but they can influence relevant local departments."

Yes, the real estate association does not have clear powers, but everyone in it is a real estate tycoon, and their cooperation with local departments can directly affect the local real estate economy.

In this way, if Tianfeng Group affects the real estate association, it will indirectly affect the future planning and construction of the local area.

No matter how your government department has a construction plan, I just won't cooperate. How can this not affect it?

"Tell me, who is the person behind this?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"It's Xia Kun from the Xia family."

"Xia Kun?"

"Didn't you beat him up last time? This kid was seriously injured. He has been staying in a hospital in Yuzhou to recuperate. He was just discharged yesterday."

When Ji Wufeng heard this, a sneer appeared on his face. He was sure that the local real estate tycoons would never have the guts to go against him. Someone must be supporting them. He didn't expect it to be this Xia Kun.

It was indeed Xia Kun. The last time he followed Gu Tianyang to Yuzhou, he was severely beaten by Ji Wufeng in Chunfeng Deyi Building. He had been staying in the hospital during this period.

I was discharged from the hospital yesterday and was about to leave for Huajing immediately, but I accidentally learned about the Tianfeng Group. I was dealt with so badly by Ji Wufeng. I felt hatred in my heart. Naturally, I wanted to give Ji Wufeng some trouble before leaving.

Yang Zisong from the Real Estate Association is very proud during this time. Why? Because the eldest young master of the Xia family in Tianjing actually took the initiative to show his favor to him. The Xia family itself is a super wealthy family, and is also related by marriage to the Ji family among the four major families. This status is like a nobleman to Yang Zisong.

If he can catch this line, maybe he can reach the sky in one step from now on.

Therefore, in order to curry favor with Xia Kun, he naturally agreed to all Xia Kun's requests, such as the Tianfeng Building. If Xia Kun said it couldn't be built, it couldn't be built, even if the relevant departments had documents. Yuzhou Real Estate had the final say.

At this time, Yang Zisong was banqueting guests, all of whom were the most powerful real estate tycoons in the real estate association. The phone suddenly rang. After Yang Zisong answered the call, he said: "Hello, who are you?"

"I'm Ji Wufeng." "Haha, my name is Zhang Zhanpeng. You also know my profession. I'm a taxi driver." Zhang Zhanpeng said with a simple smile.

"Well, your girlfriend is very beautiful."

Ji Wufeng's careless words caused Zhang Zhanpeng's expression to change. He thought that Ji Wufeng had fallen in love with his girlfriend. Thinking of Ji Wufeng's skills, if he really wanted to compete with him for Tingting, what would he do if he couldn't beat him?

Who knows what Ji Wufeng said next: "With such a beautiful girlfriend, do you earn enough money from driving to support her? If you want to get married, the bride price will be quite a lot, right?"

Mentioning this, Zhang Zhanpeng also said helplessly: "Yes, the gift money is a lot, but I will work hard to earn it."

Ji Wufeng shook his head and said with a smile on his face: "Having confidence is good, but how long can your confidence last? If you stay in this state all your life, in this world full of temptations, how long can she wait for you?"

"No, Tingting will definitely wait for me. She is sincere to me." Zhang Zhanpeng said.

Ji Wufeng shook his head again: "In my opinion, not necessarily. If she is really sincere to you, she will not embarrass you with the bride price. This world is too evil. Since she cares about money, if you have no money, one day She will leave."

Zhang Zhanpeng finally couldn't stand Ji Wufeng's repeated slander of his girlfriend, and said angrily: "What on earth do you want to do?" .??.

This guy is really a weirdo. I planned to come here to thank him, but in the end, this guy kept talking about how bad his girlfriend was. If he kept talking, he became really angry. Even if he couldn't beat him, Zhang Zhanpeng couldn't help it anymore. I want to have a fight with him.

Ji Wufeng smiled lightly and said: "What do I want to do? I am very casual in doing things. I can do whatever I want. No one can stop me. I just want to give you a chance to change your current situation!"

"What opportunity?" Zhang Zhanpeng asked impatiently.

"Wealth, power, and power, which one do you want?" Ji Wufeng asked, picking up the wine glass on the table.

"What's the meaning?"

Zhang Zhanpeng felt that this guy's brain must be a little abnormal. If he wanted to return wealth and power, he could choose one of them, just like he had collected seven dragon balls and made a wish.

"With wealth, I can make you a rich man overnight. With power, I can also make you a focal point in Yuzhou overnight. As for power..."

Ji Wufeng didn't say any more, he just spread his hands, and the glass cup turned into a pile of glass slag.

Zhang Zhanpeng was simply frightened. This guy was either a madman or a magician.

Seeing Zhang Zhanpeng's dumbfounded expression, Ji Wufeng stood up and said, "You can think about it. Although Tianfeng Building has just started to be built, it is already recruiting new employees. You can try it and report my name when the time comes. My name is Ji Wufeng."

After Ji Wufeng walked away, Zhang Zhanpeng came back to his senses. But at this time, the food was also served. Zhang Zhanpeng couldn't help but cursed: "Master, why are you pretending to be so cool? You want me to pay the bill for you, what a fool!"

Ji Wufeng ordered a large table of dishes, but he ran away. Zhang Zhanpeng could only buy the order.

After everyone left, I had to buy it myself. I had no choice but to eat it myself. I called Tingting, and Tingting asked, "What did he tell you just now?"

Zhang Zhanpeng said angrily: "He is a lunatic. He told me to go

Tianfeng Group reported that when the time came to report his name, they also said that his name was Ji Wufeng, Ji Wufeng? Uh, he is Ji Wufeng! "

He suddenly remembered that the person Luoluo was looking for was Ji Wufeng, wasn't he? However, Luoluo said that Ji Wufeng was her godfather, and this Ji Wufeng was probably not even twenty years old, so he probably didn't look like someone else's godfather.

Construction of the Tianfeng Building started. Ji Wufeng felt that he should have a relaxing time, but trouble came the next day.

People from the city's civil engineering department actually ordered the work to stop, saying that Tianfeng Group's project was too huge and would likely affect Yuzhou's planning and construction in the next few years.

Ji Wufeng became angry when he heard this. All the documents had been completed before the construction started. Why did another one pop up that would affect future plans?

"Tell me, who's behind this?"

Ji Wufeng didn't believe that the formal department would come to trouble him, and there must be someone behind it.

Lu Zifeng said: "Do you know the Real Estate Association?"

"What real estate association?"

"To put it bluntly, the Real Estate Association is a private sector organized by a group of well-established real estate tycoons. They control more than 70% of local real estate construction. They have no clear authority, but they can influence relevant local departments."

Yes, the real estate association does not have clear powers, but everyone in it is a real estate tycoon, and their cooperation with local departments can directly affect the local real estate economy.

In this way, if Tianfeng Group affects the real estate association, it will indirectly affect the future planning and construction of the local area.

No matter how your government department has a construction plan, I just won't cooperate. How can this not affect it?

"Tell me, who is the person behind this?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"It's Xia Kun from the Xia family."

"Xia Kun?"

"Didn't you beat him up last time? This kid was seriously injured. He has been staying in a hospital in Yuzhou to recuperate. He was just discharged yesterday."

When Ji Wufeng heard this, a sneer appeared on his face. He was sure that the local real estate tycoons would never have the guts to go against him. Someone must be supporting them. He didn't expect it to be this Xia Kun.

It was indeed Xia Kun. The last time he followed Gu Tianyang to Yuzhou, he was severely beaten by Ji Wufeng in Chunfeng Deyi Building. He had been staying in the hospital during this period.

I was discharged from the hospital yesterday and was about to leave for Huajing immediately, but I accidentally learned about the Tianfeng Group. I was dealt with so badly by Ji Wufeng. I felt hatred in my heart. Naturally, I wanted to give Ji Wufeng some trouble before leaving.

Yang Zisong from the Real Estate Association is very proud during this time. Why? Because the eldest young master of the Xia family in Tianjing actually took the initiative to show his favor to him. The Xia family itself is a super wealthy family, and is also related by marriage to the Ji family among the four major families. This status is like a nobleman to Yang Zisong.

If he can catch this line, maybe he can reach the sky in one step from now on.

Therefore, in order to curry favor with Xia Kun, he naturally agreed to all Xia Kun's requests, such as the Tianfeng Building. If Xia Kun said it couldn't be built, it couldn't be built, even if the relevant departments had documents. Yuzhou Real Estate had the final say.

At this time, Yang Zisong was banqueting guests, all of whom were the most powerful real estate tycoons in the real estate association. The phone suddenly rang. After Yang Zisong answered the call, he said: "Hello, who are you?"

"I'm Ji Wufeng."

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