Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 856 I’ve broken up with you

Ji Wufeng was very satisfied when he saw a group of guys being so attentive to Luo Luo, and did not doubt that they were flattering. With Luo Luo's cuteness, he could definitely kill them instantly.

She put Luo Luo into clean clothes and gave her a good meal. A group of people were playing with her, making the little girl giggle.

But he was smiling and laughing and suddenly started to cry, which shocked a few guys, "Sister-in-law, why are you crying?" Haven't you seen that your godfather is about to kill someone?

"Godfather, I miss my dad. He was captured by bad guys, wuwu..."

Ji Wufeng then remembered that Peng Cheng was still in the hands of those bastards, and said coldly to Gouhun: "Notify him immediately, search Yuzhou with all his strength, and find Peng Cheng for me." .??.

Gouhun immediately said: "Don't worry, even if I have to dig three feet into the ground, I will find him."

"Master, let's take action too," Murong Wuji said.

Although they have just met, all these guys love Luo Luo from the bottom of their hearts. They are so cute, well-behaved and polite, no one would dislike her.

Even though the relationships held by these guys are nothing in Ji Wufeng's hands, to many people in Yuzhou, they are considered to be very knowledgeable.

Zhang Zhanpeng was lying in the hospital. After hearing the doctor's diagnosis, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

A severe blow to the head and intracranial hemorrhage require immediate surgery, which will not only cost huge fees, but may also leave sequelae.

Seeing his girlfriend Tingting sitting by the bed with a very ugly face, Zhang Zhanpeng gently held her hand and forced a smile and said: "Tingting, don't be sad, I will be fine."

Seeing the one he loved worried about him, Zhang Zhanpeng finally felt better, just like the song said: At least I still have you!

Unexpectedly, Tingting gently pulled out her hand, looked at Zhang Zhanpeng and said, "Pengzi, let's break up."


Zhang Zhanpeng didn't know whether he really didn't hear clearly or thought Tingting said something wrong.

"You heard me right, I'm really talking about breaking up."

Tingting's eyes were filled with indifference, and she said: "I think you should know very well that my parents have always had strong opinions on our company's relationship. You can't even come up with the money for the gift, so how can you ask me to follow you? "

"But I'm still young. One day I will earn enough money for gifts." Zhang Zhanpeng said.

"still young?"

A trace of sneer appeared on Tingting's face, and she said: "Yes, you are still young, but your surgery now will cost a lot of money. How long do I have to wait? Do I have to wait until no one wants me when I am old and yellow?" Even, I’m not sure whether I’ll be healthy or not in the future.”

The reason why she chose to be with Zhang Zhanpeng was simply because he wanted Zhang Zhanpeng to treat him well and not bully her. Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Zhanpeng still has a property in his family. After getting married, she can be regarded as a Yuzhou native.

But now the cost of Zhang Zhanpeng's surgery is too high, and she will probably have to sell the house, so she won't get anything. Wouldn't she be a fool if she still followed Zhang Zhanpeng?

Zhang Zhanpeng finally confirmed that Tingting was not joking, his face turned pale instantly, and said: "Tingting, I am sincere to you, and I will definitely make you happy."

"Will it definitely bring me happiness?"

Tingting sneered: "Don't look at what you are like now. After you have the operation, you will be a complete pauper.

What can you do to give me happiness? "

Zhang Zhanpeng had a look of disbelief. He struggled to climb out of bed, grabbed Tingting and said, "Tingting, believe me, I will definitely get better, and I will definitely make a lot of money."

"What are you doing? Let go!"

Tingting broke away from Zhang Zhanpeng's hand with disgust on her face. At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a guy with oily hair and powdery face walked in, pushed Zhang Zhanpeng away, pointed at Zhang Zhanpeng and said: "Boy, Didn't you hear clearly? Tingting has already broken up with you, you'd better not pester her in the future."

"Who is he?" Zhang Zhanpeng asked with a dull look on his face.

Tingting stepped forward and hugged the guy's waist, saying: "His name is Wang Jianren, he is my boyfriend."

This Wang Jianren has been pursuing her, but she has never agreed, but recently Tianfeng Group was recruiting people, and Wang Jianren didn't know what the relationship was, but he actually succeeded in applying.

Tianfeng Group's high salary has long been rumored in Yuzhou, but there were too few successful applicants. I didn't expect Wang Jianren to get in.

After Wang Jianren entered Tianfeng, he immediately showed off to Tingting. But something happened to Zhang Zhanpeng at this time, so Tingting immediately fell into Wang Jianren's arms.

Zhang Zhanpeng stumbled and almost fell to the ground. His face twitched and his voice trembled: "Tingting, why are you doing this to me?"

He didn't understand that a woman who kept saying she loved him would hurt him so much, and it was the time when he needed someone's company the most, so he was a little reluctant to accept this reality.

Ji Wufeng brought Luo Luo to the hospital. He did not expect that Zhang Zhanpeng had taken Luo Luo in these days and risked his own life to save Luo Luo. It seemed that he was not wrong about the person. There are not many good people nowadays.

When they arrived at the door of the hospital, Chen Shuhuai came up to him. Ji Wufeng asked, "How are you doing now? Is there any danger to your life?"

"Head trauma, intracranial hemorrhage, requiring surgery, there may be some sequelae. The doctors at this hospital are not absolutely sure. They may need to hire some well-known experts to ensure that everything is safe," Chen Shuhuai said.

Luo Luo became nervous immediately when he heard this. He pulled Chen Shuhuai and said, "Uncle, we must cure Uncle Peng. He was injured just to save Luo Luo."

"Don't worry, Luo Luo, your Uncle Peng will be fine." Ji Wufeng said.

As long as it's not life-threatening, it's not a problem. As for the operation, let Gouhun do it himself. If he can't even do this small operation, just send him to pick a stool.

After comforting Luo Luo, Ji Wufeng added: "I'll find the surgeon. For other medical conditions, use the best. Don't be afraid of spending money. I don't have much, I just have more money."

"Okay, I'll do it now."

After Chen Shuhuai left, Ji Wufeng took Luo Luo to the ward to see Zhang Zhanpeng.

When he opened the door, Ji Wufeng felt that the atmosphere inside was not right. He saw that Zhang Zhanpeng's girlfriend was also there, but she was holding someone else's waist, while Zhang Zhanpeng had a look of pain on his face.

Damn it, what is going on?

But without thinking too much, Ji Wufeng guessed it eight or nine times, and he couldn't help but feel disgusted with that Tingting. He knew how snobbish women are nowadays, but he didn't expect this woman to be so cruel.

Now that Zhang Zhanpeng was seriously injured and needed someone to take care of her, this woman was actually hugging another man. If she had been less able to bear it, she would probably go crazy. Ji Wufeng was very satisfied when he saw a group of guys being so attentive to Luo Luo, and did not doubt that they were flattering. With Luo Luo's cuteness, he could definitely kill them instantly.

She put Luo Luo into clean clothes and gave her a good meal. A group of people were playing with her, making the little girl giggle.

But he was smiling and laughing and suddenly started to cry, which shocked a few guys, "Sister-in-law, why are you crying?" Haven't you seen that your godfather is about to kill someone?

"Godfather, I miss my dad. He was captured by bad guys, wuwu..."

Ji Wufeng then remembered that Peng Cheng was still in the hands of those bastards, and said coldly to Gouhun: "Notify him immediately, search Yuzhou with all his strength, and find Peng Cheng for me."

Gouhun immediately said: "Don't worry, even if I have to dig three feet into the ground, I will find him."

"Master, let's take action too," Murong Wuji said.

Although they have just met, all these guys love Luo Luo from the bottom of their hearts. They are so cute, well-behaved and polite, no one would dislike her.

Even though the relationships held by these guys are nothing in Ji Wufeng's hands, to many people in Yuzhou, they are considered to be very knowledgeable.

Zhang Zhanpeng was lying in the hospital. After hearing the doctor's diagnosis, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

A severe blow to the head and intracranial hemorrhage require immediate surgery, which will not only cost huge fees, but may also leave sequelae.

Seeing his girlfriend Tingting sitting by the bed with a very ugly face, Zhang Zhanpeng gently held her hand and forced a smile and said: "Tingting, don't be sad, I will be fine."

Seeing the one he loved worried about him, Zhang Zhanpeng finally felt better, just like the song said: At least I still have you!

Unexpectedly, Tingting gently pulled out her hand, looked at Zhang Zhanpeng and said, "Pengzi, let's break up."


Zhang Zhanpeng didn't know whether he really didn't hear clearly or thought Tingting said something wrong.

"You heard me right, I'm really talking about breaking up."

Tingting's eyes were filled with indifference, and she said: "I think you should know very well that my parents have always had strong opinions on our company's relationship. You can't even come up with the money for the gift, so how can you ask me to follow you? "

"But I'm still young. One day I will earn enough money for gifts." Zhang Zhanpeng said.

"still young?"

A trace of sneer appeared on Tingting's face, and she said: "Yes, you are still young, but your surgery now will cost a lot of money. How long do I have to wait? Do I have to wait until no one wants me when I am old and yellow?" Even, I’m not sure whether I’ll be healthy or not in the future.”

The reason why she chose to be with Zhang Zhanpeng was simply because he wanted Zhang Zhanpeng to treat him well and not bully her. Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Zhanpeng still has a property in his family. After getting married, she can be regarded as a Yuzhou native.

But now the cost of Zhang Zhanpeng's surgery is too high, and she will probably have to sell the house, so she won't get anything. Wouldn't she be a fool if she still followed Zhang Zhanpeng?

Zhang Zhanpeng finally confirmed that Tingting was not joking, his face turned pale instantly, and said: "Tingting, I am sincere to you, and I will definitely make you happy."

"Will it definitely bring me happiness?"

Tingting sneered: "Don't look at what you are like now. After you have the operation, you will be a complete pauper.

What can you do to give me happiness? "

Zhang Zhanpeng had a look of disbelief. He struggled to climb out of bed, grabbed Tingting and said, "Tingting, believe me, I will definitely get better, and I will definitely make a lot of money."

"What are you doing? Let go!"

Tingting broke away from Zhang Zhanpeng's hand with disgust on her face. At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a guy with oily hair and powdery face walked in, pushed Zhang Zhanpeng away, pointed at Zhang Zhanpeng and said: "Boy, Didn't you hear clearly? Tingting has already broken up with you, you'd better not pester her in the future."

"Who is he?" Zhang Zhanpeng asked with a dull look on his face.

Tingting stepped forward and hugged the guy's waist, saying: "His name is Wang Jianren, he is my boyfriend."

This Wang Jianren has been pursuing her, but she has never agreed, but recently Tianfeng Group was recruiting people, and Wang Jianren didn't know what the relationship was, but he actually succeeded in applying.

Tianfeng Group's high salary has long been rumored in Yuzhou, but there were too few successful applicants. I didn't expect Wang Jianren to get in.

After Wang Jianren entered Tianfeng, he immediately showed off to Tingting. But something happened to Zhang Zhanpeng at this time, so Tingting immediately fell into Wang Jianren's arms.

Zhang Zhanpeng stumbled and almost fell to the ground. His face twitched and his voice trembled: "Tingting, why are you doing this to me?"

He didn't understand that a woman who kept saying she loved him would hurt him so much, and it was the time when he needed someone's company the most, so he was a little reluctant to accept this reality.

Ji Wufeng brought Luo Luo to the hospital. He did not expect that Zhang Zhanpeng had taken Luo Luo in these days and risked his own life to save Luo Luo. It seemed that he was not wrong about the person. There are not many good people nowadays.

When they arrived at the door of the hospital, Chen Shuhuai came up to him. Ji Wufeng asked, "How are you doing now? Is there any danger to your life?"

"Head trauma, intracranial hemorrhage, requiring surgery, there may be some sequelae. The doctors at this hospital are not absolutely sure. They may need to hire some well-known experts to ensure that everything is safe," Chen Shuhuai said.

Luo Luo immediately became nervous when he heard this. He pulled Chen Shuhuai and said, "Uncle, we must cure Uncle Peng. He was injured just to save Luo Luo."

"Don't worry, Luo Luo, your Uncle Peng will be fine." Ji Wufeng said.

As long as it's not life-threatening, it's not a problem. As for the operation, let Gouhun do it himself. If he can't even do this small operation, just send him to pick a stool.

After comforting Luo Luo, Ji Wufeng added: "I'll find the surgeon. For other medical conditions, use the best. Don't be afraid of spending money. I don't have much, I just have more money."

"Okay, I'll do it now."

After Chen Shuhuai left, Ji Wufeng took Luo Luo to the ward to see Zhang Zhanpeng.

When he opened the door, Ji Wufeng felt that the atmosphere inside was not right. He saw that Zhang Zhanpeng's girlfriend was also there, but she was holding someone else's waist, while Zhang Zhanpeng had a look of pain on his face.

Damn it, what is going on?

But without thinking too much, Ji Wufeng guessed it eight or nine times, and he couldn't help but feel disgusted with that Tingting. He knew how snobbish women are nowadays, but he didn't expect this woman to be so cruel.

Now that Zhang Zhanpeng was seriously injured and needed someone to take care of her, this woman was actually hugging another man. If she had been less able to bear it, she would probably go crazy.

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