"Uncle Peng." When Luo Luo saw Zhang Zhanpeng, he immediately rushed over.

Seeing that Luo Luo was fine, the pale Zhang Zhanpeng squeezed out a smile and said, "Luo Luo, just hope you're fine."

"Well, Luo Luo found his godfather." Luo Luo said.

Zhang Zhanpeng was stunned. He didn't expect that Ji Wufeng would really be Luo Luo's godfather. He was still so young.

"Uncle Peng, you need to take good care of your injuries and get well as soon as possible, you know? Come and sit down. You are not in good health now, so you need to get more rest."

Like a little adult, Luoluo pulled Zhang Zhanpeng to the bed and kept giving instructions.

"If nothing happens, I'll leave first. Zhang Zhanpeng, just take good care of yourself. Goodbye." Tingting pulled her man and wanted to leave.

"Aunt Tingting, aren't you Uncle Peng's girlfriend? He is injured now, you should take care of him."

Luoluo watched TV, and all the men were injured, and his girlfriend took good care of him. How come Uncle Peng's girlfriend not only didn't take care of him, but also hugged other men? ??

Tingting's face looked a little ugly, but the guy with oily hair and pink face was not happy and said: "Little girl, don't talk nonsense, she is my girlfriend now, why do you have to take care of others?"

Maybe he had watched too much TV. Luoluo immediately understood what was going on. Thinking of some scenes he had often seen, he seemed to have a sudden realization and said angrily: "Oh, I understand, you must have seen it." Uncle Peng is injured, so you have to fall in love with someone else, you are really bad."

Tingting's face turned livid and she yelled angrily: "Little girl Pianzi, what are you talking about?"

"Originally, Uncle Peng was so kind to you. He gave you all the delicious food and spent all the money on you. Now he is injured. Not only did you not take care of him, you also ran away with the wild man. You are a bad woman. If you have no conscience, you will definitely not end well!"

Luo Luo looked filled with indignation. Uncle Peng was so kind, how could he treat him like this?

"Little bitch, who do you think is a wild man? Believe it or not, I will beat you up!"

At this time, Wang Jianren was also angry and raised his hand as if to hit Luo Luo.

"Hmph, why don't you try touching him?" Ji Wufeng stepped forward and sneered.

"Who are you?" Wang Jianren said angrily.

"I am Ji Wufeng, who are you?"

"My name is Wang Jianren."


Ji Wufeng was stunned and said with a smile: "Damn, your name is so awesome. You are really cheap."

"Damn it, you're looking for death!"

Wang Jianren was furious and raised his hand to hit Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng sneered and kicked out. Wang Jianren squatted on the ground with his thighs covered, the veins on his forehead popped out, and he screamed in pain.

"Ajian, Ajian, how are you?"

Tingting quickly went to help Wang Jianren, pointed at Ji Wufeng and screamed: "Why are you hitting people?"

Ji Wufeng said in a cold voice with disdain: "If it were another place, I would still want to kill people."

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Chen Shuhuai walked in and saw the scene in front of him. He was immediately stunned and said, "What's going on?"

When Wang Jianren saw Chen Shuhuai, he was stunned and said, "Cousin, why are you here?"

They only knew that Zhang Zhanpeng was injured and hospitalized, but they did not know why Zhang Zhanpeng was hospitalized.

Wang Jian

Seeing Ji Wufeng's gloomy face, Ren's expression changed and he stepped forward and said, "Mr. Ji, what happened?"

Ji Wufeng gave Wang Jianren a cold look and said, "Do you know him?"

"Yes, he is a distant cousin of my girlfriend."

"Oh? So is he an employee of Tianfeng?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Yes, he is Tianfeng's new security guard."

Chen Shuhuai broke out in cold sweat. Damn it, why couldn't he withstand that woman's abuse? Wang Jianren was recruited into Tianfeng, and now he is fine. If he offends the big boss, he will also suffer.

"I don't want to see him again."

Ji Wufeng said coldly and stopped looking at Wang Jianren. He really had no interest in having more trouble with this kind of person.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng only said this, Chen Shuhuai let out a sigh of relief and said to Wang Jianren: "You don't have to go to Tianfeng to work anymore."

Wang Jianren almost cried and said, "Cousin, you can't do this. You promised my cousin."

"Then you go back and tell your cousin that if she is unhappy, let her find a man who makes her happy."

Damn it, you almost killed me, but you still care about your cousin? It really pissed me off, even your cousin got divorced.

Ji Wufeng walked up to Zhang Zhanpeng and said with a smile: "How is it? It's not a big problem, right? Don't worry, I will find the best doctor to operate on you. There will be no side effects. I will cover all the medical expenses. Don't worry. Just recuperate."

Unexpectedly, Luoluo took Ji Wufeng's hand and said, "Godfather, Uncle Peng lost so much blood, should we pay for some soup and medicine?"

"Okay, how much do you want to give me?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Luoluo thought for a while and said: "Just ten million. Although it is a bit small, it is my heart."

After all, Luoluo is not a child of an ordinary family. A film company as big as Peng Cheng is worth a lot of money. Among the numbers that Luoluo is exposed to, ten million is indeed not too much.

"Okay, just 10 million!" Ji Wufeng readily agreed, even 100 million, as long as Luo Luo asked, he would give it.

"Thank you, godfather." Luoluo happily kissed Ji Wufeng on the cheek.

Zhang Zhanpeng was a little confused and stammered: "Is this...that...a bit too much? I can't ask for so much."

Who is this guy? Why is it ten million when you open your mouth? Is it true or false?

"It's not much at all. You saved Luo Luo. These are just small gestures. Don't go to work anymore. Come to Tianfeng and work with me."

Ji Wufeng turned to Chen Shuhuai and asked, "Old Chen, find him a manager Dangdang. You can decide for yourself which department he is more suitable for."

Zhang Zhanpeng was stunned. Although he didn't apply for the job, he had already heard about Tianfeng's salary conditions. A department manager seemed to have an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, not counting subsidies, benefits, and year-end bonuses.

Is this true?

Zhang Zhanpeng pinched his face hard. Just now, he was ruined. His wife ran away with him and he had nothing. In the blink of an eye, he climbed to the top again. Wasn't it too damn dramatic?

Zhang Zhanpeng was stunned, and Tingting was even more dumbfounded. Maybe she never dreamed that things would turn out like this. Ji Wufeng didn't believe that someone would really regret it, but now he finally believed it, because he saw Tingting Ting's face turned blue. "Uncle Peng." When Luo Luo saw Zhang Zhanpeng, he immediately rushed over.

Seeing that Luo Luo was fine, the pale Zhang Zhanpeng squeezed out a smile and said, "Luo Luo, just hope you're fine."

"Well, Luo Luo found his godfather." Luo Luo said.

Zhang Zhanpeng was stunned. He didn't expect that Ji Wufeng would really be Luo Luo's godfather. He was still so young.

"Uncle Peng, you need to take good care of your injuries and get well as soon as possible, you know? Come and sit down. You are not in good health now, so you need to get more rest."

Like a little adult, Luoluo pulled Zhang Zhanpeng to the bed and kept giving instructions.

"If nothing happens, I'll leave first. Zhang Zhanpeng, just take good care of yourself. Goodbye." Tingting pulled her man and wanted to leave.

"Aunt Tingting, aren't you Uncle Peng's girlfriend? He is injured now, you should take care of him."

Luoluo watched TV, and all the men were injured, and his girlfriend took good care of him. How come Uncle Peng's girlfriend not only didn't take care of him, but also hugged other men?

Tingting's face looked a little ugly, but the guy with oily hair and pink face was not happy and said: "Little girl, don't talk nonsense, she is my girlfriend now, why do you have to take care of others?"

Maybe he had watched too much TV. Luoluo immediately understood what was going on. Thinking of some scenes he had often seen, he seemed to have a sudden realization and said angrily: "Oh, I understand, you must have seen it." Uncle Peng is injured, so you have to fall in love with someone else, you are really bad."

Tingting's face turned livid and she yelled angrily: "Little girl Pianzi, what are you talking about?"

"Originally, Uncle Peng was so kind to you. He gave you all the delicious food and spent all the money on you. Now he is injured. Not only did you not take care of him, you also ran away with the wild man. You are a bad woman. If you have no conscience, you will definitely not end well!"

Luo Luo looked filled with indignation. Uncle Peng was so kind, how could he treat him like this?

"Little bitch, who do you think is a wild man? Believe it or not, I will beat you up!"

At this time, Wang Jianren was also angry and raised his hand as if to hit Luo Luo.

"Hmph, why don't you try touching him?" Ji Wufeng stepped forward and sneered.

"Who are you?" Wang Jianren said angrily.

"I am Ji Wufeng, who are you?"

"My name is Wang Jianren."


Ji Wufeng was stunned and said with a smile: "Damn, your name is so awesome. You are really cheap."

"Damn it, you're looking for death!"

Wang Jianren was furious and raised his hand to hit Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng sneered and kicked out. Wang Jianren squatted on the ground with his thighs covered, the veins on his forehead popped out, and he screamed in pain.

"Ajian, Ajian, how are you?"

Tingting quickly went to help Wang Jianren, pointed at Ji Wufeng and screamed: "Why are you hitting people?"

Ji Wufeng said in a cold voice with disdain: "If it were another place, I would still want to kill people."

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Chen Shuhuai walked in and saw the scene in front of him. He was immediately stunned and said, "What's going on?"

When Wang Jianren saw Chen Shuhuai, he was stunned and said, "Cousin, why are you here?"

They only knew that Zhang Zhanpeng was injured and hospitalized, but they did not know why Zhang Zhanpeng was hospitalized.

Wang Jian

Seeing Ji Wufeng's gloomy face, Ren's expression changed and he stepped forward and said, "Mr. Ji, what happened?"

Ji Wufeng gave Wang Jianren a cold look and said, "Do you know him?"

"Yes, he is a distant cousin of my girlfriend."

"Oh? So is he an employee of Tianfeng?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Yes, he is Tianfeng's new security guard."

Chen Shuhuai broke out in cold sweat. Damn it, why couldn't he withstand that woman's abuse? Wang Jianren was recruited into Tianfeng, and now he is fine. If he offends the big boss, he will also suffer.

"I don't want to see him again."

Ji Wufeng said coldly and stopped looking at Wang Jianren. He really had no interest in getting into trouble with this kind of person.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng only said this, Chen Shuhuai let out a sigh of relief and said to Wang Jianren: "You don't have to go to Tianfeng to work anymore."

Wang Jianren almost cried and said, "Cousin, you can't do this. You promised my cousin."

"Then you go back and tell your cousin that if she is unhappy, let her find a man who makes her happy."

Damn it, you almost killed me, but you still care about your cousin? It really pissed me off, even your cousin got divorced.

Ji Wufeng walked up to Zhang Zhanpeng and said with a smile: "How is it? It's not a big problem, right? Don't worry, I will find the best doctor to operate on you. There will be no side effects. I will cover all the medical expenses. Don't worry. Just recuperate."

Unexpectedly, Luoluo took Ji Wufeng's hand and said, "Godfather, Uncle Peng lost so much blood, should we pay for some soup and medicine?"

"Okay, how much do you want to give me?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Luoluo thought for a while and said: "Just ten million. Although it is a bit small, it is my heart."

After all, Luoluo is not a child of an ordinary family. A film company as big as Peng Cheng is worth a lot of money. Among the numbers that Luoluo is exposed to, ten million is indeed not too much.

"Okay, just 10 million!" Ji Wufeng readily agreed, even 100 million, as long as Luo Luo asked, he would give it.

"Thank you, godfather." Luoluo happily kissed Ji Wufeng on the cheek.

Zhang Zhanpeng was a little confused and stammered: "Is this...that...a bit too much? I can't ask for so much."

Who is this guy? Why is it ten million when you open your mouth? Is it true or false?

"It's not much at all. You saved Luo Luo. These are just small gestures. Don't go to work anymore. Come to Tianfeng and work with me."

Ji Wufeng turned to Chen Shuhuai and asked, "Old Chen, find him a manager Dangdang. You can decide for yourself which department he is more suitable for."

Zhang Zhanpeng was stunned. Although he didn't apply for the job, he had already heard about Tianfeng's salary conditions. A department manager seemed to have an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, not counting subsidies, benefits, and year-end bonuses.

Is this true?

Zhang Zhanpeng pinched his face hard. Just now, he was ruined. His wife ran away with him and he had nothing. In the blink of an eye, he climbed to the top again. Wasn't it too damn dramatic?

Zhang Zhanpeng was stunned, and Tingting was even more dumbfounded. Maybe she never dreamed that things would turn out like this. Ji Wufeng didn't believe that someone would really regret it, but now he finally believed it, because he saw Tingting Ting's face turned blue.

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