As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed up to the middle-aged man, twisted his neck, and shouted coldly to Shangguan Yao: "Notify your troops to take action immediately."

Shangguan Yao immediately shouted loudly: "Grandpa, do it!"

She used her full strength to shout, and her voice spread throughout the underground castle. Suddenly, countless killing and bloody auras burst out, and the first scream sounded, which showed that someone had died.

Shangguan Yao also joined the battle group, but Ji Wufeng sneaked away. Since there were people serving as cannon fodder, there was no need for him to contribute. He would wait until the Shangguan family had enough to fight first.

Ji Wufeng was walking alone in the underground fortress. When he saw a closed stone door, he smashed the entire stone door to pieces with one palm and walked in.

Although it is underground, this stone room is still very large and modern. It is divided into two parts. One side is full of medical equipment and experimental equipment. The room is filled with the pungent smell of formalin. There is also a bed. There was a person lying there, but this person had been disemboweled, and a bloody scalpel was thrown next to him.

On the other side, there was a huge medicine cabinet, filled with the smell of chemicals. In a large water tank, a man was sitting in it, with his head exposed, his eyes closed, and his complexion frighteningly pale.

"Peng Cheng!"

No wonder he couldn't find it no matter how hard he searched. It turned out that Peng Cheng was hidden here.

Ji Wufeng quickly took the naked Peng Cheng out of the water tank and found that Peng Cheng was already weak to some point and his vitality was already overdrawn, but he still had breath at last.

But when he took a look at Peng Cheng's body, Ji Wufeng almost ran away.

I saw that Peng Cheng's body was covered with wounds, and the wounds were full of bugs. As soon as he left the water tank, the bugs seemed to wake up and squirmed crazily in the wounds. Peng Cheng immediately let out a tragic howl. .

"Kill me, kill me quickly!"

Peng Cheng was in extreme pain, with blood dripping from both eyes, and shouted crazily that death was a kind of relief for him now.

Sen Leng's murderous aura surged out of his body like a tornado. The large water tank on one side could not withstand the invasion of the murderous aura at first, and exploded with a bang. Then the entire stone chamber seemed to be attacked by high-explosive bombs, with repeated explosions. With a loud sound, the entire stone chamber had turned into ruins.

He knocked Peng Cheng unconscious with one palm, and then sat him down on the open ground. Ji Wufeng slapped Peng Cheng on the back, and his true energy was continuously input into it.


The insects hidden in Peng Cheng's wounds suddenly became restless, making harsh chirping sounds and frantically crawling out of Peng Cheng's body.

After all the bugs were cleared away, Peng Cheng's body was in terrible shape. Only a piece of skin and skeleton were left on his body. His flesh and blood had been eaten up by those bugs. If it weren't for Ji Wufeng's true energy that kept him alive, he would have been alive by now. He was already dead.

At this time, Shangguan Yao, who was covered in blood, walked in and said with a stern look: "The situation outside is a bit out of control. I guess you have to show up to prove that you can really remove the poisonous insects from their bodies."

The reason why Shangguan Yao was able to persuade some masters from the Snake Cave to turn against them was because Ji Wufeng could dissolve the poisonous insects in their bodies. If he had not seen it with his own eyes, the people Shangguan Yao could persuade must be very limited, and almost all of them were direct descendants of the Shangguan family.

At this time, most people are still loyal to the mysterious man under the threat of death from poisonous insects. If Ji Wufeng cannot prove that he can detoxify and frighten these people, it is estimated that these people will fight to the end. When the time comes, there will be many casualties, which is not what Ji Wufeng wants to see. Arrived, Bi

After all, he was still very covetous of Snake Cave's strength.

"let's go!"

When he came in, Ji Wufeng carefully observed the terrain here and found that there were four floors in total, and Ji Wufeng was on the bottom floor now.

As soon as they reached the third floor, the strong smell of blood rushed towards them. A strong man covered in black robes came at a lightning speed, and a short knife with a cold light in his hand struck Shangguan Yao directly. Throat.

"Hmph, you're looking for death." Ji Wufeng's eyes flashed with cold light.

He opened his big hand, grabbed it, grabbed the dagger directly in his hand, squeezed it hard, and the tough dagger suddenly turned into a handful of iron powder.

The black-robed strong man's eyes suddenly flashed with fear, and he quickly retreated. Ji Wufeng said coldly: "Want to leave? Leave your life behind."

The body of the black-robed master who retreated rapidly suddenly came to a halt, and Ji Wufeng's palm had already penetrated his chest, and blood flowed all over the floor, and he died unexpectedly.

Now the entire underground castle is filled with loud killing sounds and blood is flowing all over the ground. The two sides are inextricably killing each other. On one side are the Shangguan family, most of whom are direct subordinates of the former Snake Cave veteran, and on the other side are the minions trained by the mysterious man. The number of people was not very large, but all of them were extremely powerful. The rest were those who had great awe of the mysterious man and did not dare to rebel.

Ji Wufeng took a casual look and secretly thought that the Snake Cave had indeed a profound background, and it actually had strength that was not inferior to what he currently controlled.

The strength of both sides was evenly matched, and they were inextricably killed for a while. If Ji Wufeng wanted to take control of the Snake Cave, he had to stop their fight, otherwise there would be too many casualties in the end, and it would be his loss.

At this time, on the third floor, three masters were fighting together. One of them was as strong as Yuan Tianzong, and the other two masters were also at the Grandmaster level.

The fight is indistinguishable.

"Hmph, you betrayed the young master, and you will only die. When the young master comes back, no one can save you." The stronger master slapped a palm, and after being dodged, he snorted coldly.

The two weaker masters are both old men who are over seventy years old. They said with a stern expression: "Can Feng, for so many years, haven't you been controlled by the young master like us? I think you are a master of the generation, you should be Are you really willing to be a high-ranking person and now you can only be someone else's lackey?"

That man's name is Can Feng, and he is the strongest minion of the mysterious man. One of the other two is Shangguan Yan, who is Shangguan Yao's grandfather and the current head of the Shangguan family, and the other is Shangguan Zhong, a master of the Shangguan family.

Can Feng sneered and said: "You said such treacherous words. If the young master were here, you would have died a hundred times. The young master gave me strength and I worked for him. There is nothing to be ashamed of."

"If I give you more strength, will you sacrifice your life for me?" A cold voice sounded.

Ji Wufeng followed Guan Yao and walked slowly over. He planned to start with Can Feng first. He could also use bloody methods to subdue everyone, but in that case, too many people would be killed, which was not in line with the purpose of coming here. If Can Feng is defeated, at least 90% of the remaining people can be subdued without a fight.

Seeing the appearance of Ji Wufeng and the other two, Can Feng and the other three immediately stopped fighting, retreated violently, and stared at Ji Wufeng with full vigilance. With their strength, even if they closed their eyes, every move in the entire underground castle would be hard for them to escape. Eyes, but Ji Wufeng was able to approach them silently without attracting their attention at all.

In addition, they could not feel any strong aura from Ji Wufeng's body. There were two possibilities for this. One was that Ji Wufeng had a way to hide his cultivation, and the other was that his strength was far beyond theirs.

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