"Boy, are you the one who can detoxify us?" Shangguan Zhong said to Ji Wufeng in a sullen voice, his tone clearly indicating that he didn't trust him.

Ji Wufeng frowned. He didn't like the tone in which Shangguan Zhong spoke to him. He gave Shangguan Zhong a cold look, looked at Can Feng and said, "How about it? Submit to me, and I will give you more power."

Can Feng sneered: "Just you? You may have some means to others, but in front of the master, you have only one way to die."

Snake Ku had already known Ji Wufeng clearly and knew that he was very strong, but in Snake Ku's eyes, their master was simply a god and invincible.

Ji Wufeng was not angry, and just said to Can Feng: "I'll give you another chance and think about it carefully."

After finishing speaking, he said to Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Zhong: "I will also give you a chance. I will help you resolve the civil strife and take back the Shangguan family and return it to you, but you must surrender to me."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Zhong were filled with anger, and even Shangguan Yao looked at Ji Wufeng with some anger.

Regardless of whether Ji Wufeng can really conquer the Snake Cave, even if he takes back the Shangguan family, wouldn't it mean that the Shangguan family has just emerged from the tiger's mouth and fallen into the wolf pack again?

Ji Wufeng ignored Shangguan Yao's anger and continued: "I will give you more strength, but I will not use poisoning to control you. What do you think?"

Although what the Shangguan family has done in recent years is due to the control of the mysterious man and not their intention, they cannot be called good people. How many good people can there be among people who make a living by killing people? Even if there are good people, they are all destroyed. The blood on my hands was assimilated.

Which person in the Snake Cave has never killed someone? Which one doesn’t have bloody hands? Ji Wufeng didn't need to be polite to them.

Shangguan Zhong said disdainfully: "Boy, are you too arrogant? If it weren't for the fact that you can help us detoxify, you would have turned into a corpse long ago."

Shangguan Yan looked at Ji Wufeng with cold eyes and said slowly: "Boy, I don't care what your relationship is with Yaoyao, but for the sake of your ability to detoxify us, I will spare you this time. ." After saying that, he looked at Shangguan Yao with extremely cold eyes.

"I'm really blind. How could I believe you in the first place?" Shangguan Yao said angrily.

She persuaded Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Zhong at first, but she didn't expect that Ji Wufeng also had wild ambitions and wanted to control the Shangguan family.

Now even if Ji Wufeng defeats the mysterious man, the Shangguan family has just changed its owner. If Ji Wufeng can't do it, then the Shangguan family will face a disaster. Thinking about the mysterious man's methods, Shangguan Yao starts to feel worried. cold.

Ji Wufeng knew that Shangguan Yao hated him now, but he had no choice. He had been trying to conquer the Shangguan family from the beginning. If he didn't become tough at this time, even if he helped everyone in the Shangguan family detoxify, It was impossible for these cold-blooded killers to convince him, which he could tell from the tone of Shangguan Zhong's words to him.

Now he can only harden his heart and take control of the Shangguan family in his hands.


Can Feng on the side suddenly laughed strangely and said: "You two idiots, you don't even know that you were tricked by others. Now I give you a chance to capture this kid. I will take what happened just now as a joke."

It has never happened, so I will not tell the master. Moreover, catching this kid is equivalent to a great achievement. The master may even reward you. What do you think? "

Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Zhong hesitated immediately, their thoughts whirling in their minds, they looked at each other, nodded slightly, Shangguan Yan said to Can Feng: "Are you really going to treat this as this never happened? "

Can Feng sneered: "Do you have any choice? Even if this kid helps you detoxify, he will still control you, and you just have a new master. Besides, can you guarantee that this kid can really detoxify you?" The poison on your body? Even if it can be cured, will he definitely be the master's opponent? I don't need to tell you more about the master's methods, right?"

Hearing this, Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Zhong's expressions changed slightly, and they suddenly shouted coldly: "Do it"

The three masters immediately pounced on Ji Wufeng. Since they had already taken action, they must capture Ji Wufeng in one fell swoop. They knew that the mysterious man had been secretly coveting Ji Wufeng. If Ji Wufeng was captured alive, the mysterious man would probably let them go. .

Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart. He had already thought of this outcome. After all, the time was still short. It would be good if Shangguan Yan and others could believe Shangguan Yao's words and cooperate with him to fight back against the mysterious man. Now that Ji Wufeng asked them to surrender, if they don't come to the battlefield It would be weird to rebel.

Any one of the three masters is a peerless powerhouse. If they do whatever they want, they are the masters who can stir up the situation. At the same time, they attack Ji Wufeng, but Shangguan Yao on the other side can't bear it.

Although she resented Ji Wufeng's ambition, she had unknowingly developed an inexplicable feeling for Ji Wufeng in her heart.

"No!" Shangguan Yao suddenly rushed towards Ji Wufeng and blocked him.

Shangguan Yan's face suddenly changed slightly, and he shouted loudly: "Yao Yao, go away quickly."

At the same time, the movements of his hands immediately stopped.

Can Feng and Shangguan Zhong's eyes flashed with cold light, and the offensive in their hands did not diminish, but intensified.

"Betray the master, then you will die too!" Shangguan Zhong's eyes loomed with murderous intent.

Looking at Shangguan Yao standing in front of him, Ji Wufeng was deeply moved. He held her in his arms and sneered: "You all have to pay the price if you dare to attack my horse."

A frightening aura suddenly rushed out of Ji Wufeng's body, and two identical figures suddenly jumped out of Ji Wufeng's body, facing Can Feng and Shangguan Zhong like lightning.

Boom boom

With two loud noises, the bodies of Can Feng and Shangguan Zhong flew out at the same time. After landing, they spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Ji Wufeng with fear on their faces.

Ji Wufeng caressed Shangguan Yao's cheek and said softly: "Fool, you have to believe me. How can I be willing to make you sad?"

Looking at the clear gaze in Ji Wufeng's eyes, Shangguan Yao suddenly seemed to understand something.

Suddenly, Ji Wufeng shouted coldly: "Want to leave?"

The figures of Can Feng and Shangguan Zhong suddenly disappeared, but suddenly appeared in mid-air. Ji Wufeng was seen holding Can Feng's neck in mid-air and said coldly: "I'll give you another chance to choose." , surrender to me, and I will give you stronger power."

Shangguan Zhong, who was severely injured, fell to the ground from mid-air, with fear on his face, and shouted to Ji Wufeng in mid-air: "I am willing to submit to you." "Boy, are you the one who can detoxify us?" Shangguan Zhong was depressed. He said to Ji Wufeng in a sullen tone, his tone clearly indicating that he didn't trust him very much.

Ji Wufeng frowned. He didn't like the tone in which Shangguan Zhong spoke to him. He gave Shangguan Zhong a cold look, looked at Can Feng and said, "How about it? Submit to me, and I will give you more power."

Can Feng sneered: "Just you? You may have some means to others, but in front of the master, you have only one way to die."

Snake Ku had already known Ji Wufeng clearly and knew that he was very strong, but in Snake Ku's eyes, their master was simply a god and invincible.

Ji Wufeng was not angry, and just said to Can Feng: "I'll give you another chance and think about it carefully."

After finishing speaking, he said to Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Zhong: "I will also give you a chance. I will help you resolve the civil strife and take back the Shangguan family and return it to you, but you must surrender to me."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Zhong were filled with anger, and even Shangguan Yao looked at Ji Wufeng with some anger.

Regardless of whether Ji Wufeng can really conquer the Snake Cave, even if he takes back the Shangguan family, wouldn't it mean that the Shangguan family has just emerged from the tiger's mouth and fallen into the wolf pack again?

Ji Wufeng ignored Shangguan Yao's anger and continued: "I will give you more strength, but I will not use poisoning to control you. What do you think?"

Although what the Shangguan family has done in recent years is due to the control of the mysterious man and not their intention, they cannot be called good people. How many good people can there be among people who make a living by killing people? Even if there are good people, they are all destroyed. The blood on my hands was assimilated.

Which person in the Snake Cave has never killed someone? Which one doesn’t have bloody hands? Ji Wufeng didn't need to be polite to them.

Shangguan Zhong said disdainfully: "Boy, are you too arrogant? If it weren't for the fact that you can help us detoxify, you would have turned into a corpse long ago."

Shangguan Yan looked at Ji Wufeng with cold eyes and said slowly: "Boy, I don't care what your relationship is with Yaoyao, but for the sake of your ability to detoxify us, I will spare you this time. ." After saying that, he looked at Shangguan Yao with extremely cold eyes.

"I'm really blind. How could I believe you in the first place?" Shangguan Yao said angrily.

She persuaded Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Zhong at first, but she didn't expect that Ji Wufeng also had wild ambitions and wanted to control the Shangguan family.

Now even if Ji Wufeng defeats the mysterious man, the Shangguan family has just changed its owner. If Ji Wufeng can't do it, then the Shangguan family will face a disaster. Thinking about the mysterious man's methods, Shangguan Yao starts to feel worried. cold.

Ji Wufeng knew that Shangguan Yao hated him now, but he had no choice. He had been trying to conquer the Shangguan family from the beginning. If he didn't become tough at this time, even if he helped everyone in the Shangguan family detoxify, It was impossible for these cold-blooded killers to convince him, which he could tell from the tone of Shangguan Zhong's words to him.

Now he can only harden his heart and take control of the Shangguan family in his hands.


Can Feng on the side suddenly laughed strangely and said: "You two idiots, you don't even know that you were tricked by others. Now I give you a chance to capture this kid. I will take what happened just now as a joke."

It has never happened, so I will not tell the master. Moreover, catching this kid is equivalent to a great achievement. The master may even reward you. What do you think? "

Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Zhong hesitated immediately, their thoughts whirling in their minds, they looked at each other, nodded slightly, Shangguan Yan said to Can Feng: "Are you really going to treat this as this never happened? "

Can Feng sneered: "Do you have any choice? Even if this kid helps you detoxify, he will still control you, and you just have a new master. Besides, can you guarantee that this kid can really detoxify you?" The poison on your body? Even if it can be cured, will he definitely be the master's opponent? I don't need to tell you more about the master's methods, right?"

Hearing this, Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Zhong's expressions changed slightly, and they suddenly shouted coldly: "Do it"

The three masters immediately pounced on Ji Wufeng. Since they had already taken action, they must capture Ji Wufeng in one fell swoop. They knew that the mysterious man had been secretly coveting Ji Wufeng. If Ji Wufeng was captured alive, the mysterious man would probably let them go. .

Ji Wufeng sneered in his heart. He had already thought of this outcome. After all, the time was still short. It would be good if Shangguan Yan and others could believe Shangguan Yao's words and cooperate with him to fight back against the mysterious man. Now that Ji Wufeng asked them to surrender, if they don't come to the battlefield It would be weird to rebel.

Any one of the three masters is a peerless powerhouse. If they do whatever they want, they are the masters who can stir up the situation. At the same time, they attack Ji Wufeng, but Shangguan Yao on the other side can't bear it.

Although she resented Ji Wufeng's ambition, she had unknowingly developed an inexplicable feeling for Ji Wufeng in her heart.

"No!" Shangguan Yao suddenly rushed towards Ji Wufeng and blocked him.

Shangguan Yan's face suddenly changed slightly, and he shouted loudly: "Yao Yao, go away quickly."

At the same time, the movements of his hands immediately stopped.

Can Feng and Shangguan Zhong's eyes flashed with cold light, and the offensive in their hands did not diminish, but intensified.

"Betray the master, then you will die too!" Shangguan Zhong's eyes loomed with murderous intent.

Looking at Shangguan Yao standing in front of him, Ji Wufeng was deeply moved. He held her in his arms and sneered: "You all have to pay the price if you dare to attack my horse."

A frightening aura suddenly rushed out of Ji Wufeng's body, and two identical figures suddenly jumped out of Ji Wufeng's body, facing Can Feng and Shangguan Zhong like lightning.

Boom boom

With two loud noises, the bodies of Can Feng and Shangguan Zhong flew out at the same time. After landing, they spat out a mouthful of blood and looked at Ji Wufeng with fear on their faces.

Ji Wufeng caressed Shangguan Yao's cheek and said softly: "Fool, you have to believe me. How can I be willing to make you sad?"

Looking at the clear gaze in Ji Wufeng's eyes, Shangguan Yao suddenly seemed to understand something.

Suddenly, Ji Wufeng shouted coldly: "Want to leave?"

The figures of Can Feng and Shangguan Zhong suddenly disappeared, but suddenly appeared in mid-air. Ji Wufeng was seen holding Can Feng's neck in mid-air and said coldly: "I'll give you another chance to choose." , surrender to me, and I will give you stronger power."

Shangguan Zhong, who was severely injured, fell to the ground from mid-air, with fear on his face, and shouted to Ji Wufeng in mid-air: "I am willing to submit to you."

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